int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *fp; int blocklist[MAX_JOBS]; int number; int i = 0; if (argc == 2){ fp = fopen(argv[1], "r"); } else { fp = stdin; } while( fscanf(fp, "%d", &number) > 0) { blocklist[i] = number; i++; } printf("Assignment 6: Block Access Algorithm"); printf("\nBy: Nikki Talley, Chad Rasmussen and Josh Chevrier"); printf("\n"); fcfs(blocklist, i); sstf(blocklist, i); look(blocklist, i); cLook(blocklist, i); return 0; }
int main() { pptr head=NULL; pptr tail=NULL; int i=0; int tpid,tarr_time,tburst_time; pptr tprocess; FILE *read; read=fopen("input","r"); write=fopen("write","w"); trace=fopen("trace","w"); for(i=1;i<=3;i++) { //fscanf(read,"%d",&tpid); tpid=++g_pid; fscanf(read,"%d",&tarr_time); fscanf(read,"%d",&tburst_time); tprocess=create_process(tpid,tarr_time,tburst_time); add_to_queue(&head,&tail,tprocess); } fclose(read); fcfs(head,tail); return 0; }
void choice() { clrscr(); i=nor; movt=0; int ch; cout<<"1.FCFS\n2.SSTF\n3.SCAN\n4.LOOK\n5.CSCAN\n6.CLOOK\n7.Exit\nEnter Choice : "; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1:fcfs(); break; case 2:sstf(); break; case 3:scan(); break; case 4:look(); break; case 5:cscan(); break; case 6:clook(); break; default:exit(1); } }
static auto bindSimulator(EAlgorithms algorithm) { switch (algorithm) { case EAlgorithms::FCFS: { AlgorithmSimulator fcfs(std::bind(&Algorithms::FCFS, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); return fcfs; } case EAlgorithms::RR: { AlgorithmSimulator rr(std::bind(&Algorithms::RR, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); return rr; } case EAlgorithms::PQ: { AlgorithmSimulator pq(std::bind(&Algorithms::PriorityQueue, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); return pq; } case EAlgorithms::SJK: { AlgorithmSimulator sjk(std::bind(&Algorithms::SJK, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); return sjk; } default: throw std::logic_error("Invalid algorithm..."); } }
void main() { clrscr(); cout << "Enter the Number of Process : "; cin >> n; cout << "\n\n1) FCFS 2) SJF 3) SRTF 4) RR\n\n"; cout << "Enter Your Choice : "; cin >> choice; cout << "\n"; int i; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cout << "Arrival Time & Service Time for Process " << i+1 << " : "; tab[i][0]=i+1; cin >> tab[i][1]; cin >> tab[i][2]; } ttt=totaltime(); switch(choice) { case '1': fcfs();break; case '2': sjf();break; case '3': srtf();break; case '4': rr();break; default : exit(0); } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { float totale; int MoT; menu(); printf("[1]Totale\t[2]Media\t[0]Exit\n"); scanf("%d",&MoT); if (!MoT) exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); totale = fcfs(MoT); if (totale >= 0) printf("Il tempo di attesa è: %5.2f\n",totale); else if (totale == -2) printf("Error!Incorrect number of processes"); else if (totale == -1) printf("Error! Invalid MoT\n"); else if (totale == -3) printf("Error! Invalid execution time value"); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int Program::exec() { std::vector<unsigned int> positions; Random rand; for (unsigned long r = ReadsCount_; r > 0; r--) positions.push_back(, Config_.getInt("Head", "MaxPos", 1) - 1)); DS_.add(positions); Disk fcfs(Config_.getInt("Head", "InitPos", 1)); Disk sstf(Config_.getInt("Head", "InitPos", 1)); Disk scan(Config_.getInt("Head", "InitPos", 1)); CSCANDisk cscan(Config_.getInt("Head", "InitPos", 1), Config_.getInt("Head", "MaxPos", 1)); std::cout << "FCFS \t\t SSTF \t\t SCAN \t\t CSCAN" << std::endl; do { fcfs.setNextPosition(DS_.popFCFS()); sstf.setNextPosition(DS_.popSSTF()); scan.setNextPosition(DS_.popSCAN()); cscan.setNextPosition(DS_.popCSCAN()); std::string str = ""; str += fcfs.toString() + " \t "; str += sstf.toString() + " \t "; str += scan.toString() + " \t "; str += cscan.toString(); std::cout << str << std::endl; Log_.out(str); } while (!DS_.done()); std::cin.get(); return 0; }
int main(){ mythread_init(); struct mythread_t t1, t2; mythread_create(&t1, test, 0); mythread_create(&t2, test2, 0); fcfs(); printf("all threads completed\n"); }
void main() { int ch,n,i; struct process p[20]; printf("\nEnter number of processes: "); scanf("%d",&n); accept(p,n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) p[i].flag=0; fcfs(p,n); }
int main() { input(); printf("%d\n\n\n",clook()); printf("%d\n\n\n",cscan()); printf("%d\n\n\n",fcfs()); printf("%d\n\n\n",look()); printf("%d\n\n\n",scan()); printf("%d\n\n\n",sstf()); return 0; }
int main() { static int size; printf("Enter the total number of processes: "); scanf("%d", &size); if(size == 0) goto empty_queue; fcfs(size); /* first come first serve */ return 0; empty_queue: printf("\nProcess queue is empty. End of run.\n"); }
int main(void) { int frameSize, i = 0; char file[32], *requests = NULL, ch; FILE *fp; initscr(); werase(stdscr); getmaxyx(stdscr, maxy, maxx); mvprintw(maxy/2 - 1, (maxx - 40)/2, "Enter the name of file to be read: "); scanw("%s", file); if((fp = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) { mvprintw(maxy/2 + 1, (maxx - 20) / 2, "Error opening file!!!"); getch(); endwin(); return -1; } ch = getc(fp); while(ch != EOF) { i++; requests = (char *) realloc(requests, sizeof(char) * i); requests[i - 1] = ch; ch = getc(fp); }; requests = (char *) realloc(requests, sizeof(char) * (i+1)); requests[i] = '\0'; fclose(fp); mvprintw(maxy/2 + 1, (maxx - 30) / 2, "Enter the number of frames: "); scanw("%d", &frameSize); while(1) { switch(menu()) { case 1: fcfs(requests, frameSize); break; case 2: lru(requests, frameSize); break; case 3: optimal(requests, frameSize); break; case 4: endwin(); return 0; } } return 0; }
bankers(int t) { int count1 = 0, count2 = 0,i , j,k, n=0; int safe[15]; printf("\n"); printf("\nSafe Sequence is:- \t"); while(count1!=process) { count2=count1; for(i=0;i<process;i++) { for(j=0;j<resource;j++) { if(need[i][j]<=avail[j]) { k++; } } if(k==resource && completed[i]==0 ) { safe[n] = i; n++; printf("P[%d]\t",p[i]); completed[i]=1; for(j=0;j<resource;j++) { avail[j]=avail[j]+allot[i][j]; } count1++; } k=0; } if(count1==count2) { printf("\t\t Stop ..After this.....Deadlock \n"); break; } } printf("\n"); for(i=0;i<3;i++) { for(j=0;j<process;j++) printf("%d\t",ans[i][j]); printf("\n"); } if(count1!=count2) fcfs(safe); }
int setup_scheduler(const char* input_file, const char* scheduler, int sec_to_sec_seek, int end_to_end_seek){ char** tokens = read_input(input_file); int len = array_len(tokens); access_data* data[len]; char* tok; char* line; int i = 0; while (i < len){ line = tokens[i]; tok = strtok(line," "); int arrival_time = atoi((const char*)tok); tok = strtok(NULL," "); int sector = atoi((const char*)tok); access_data* a = malloc(sizeof(access_data)); new_data(a, arrival_time, sector); data[i] = a; i++; } //show_data(data, len); if (strcmp(scheduler, "FCFS") == 0){ fcfs(data, len, sec_to_sec_seek); } else if (strcmp(scheduler, "SSTN") == 0){ sstn(data, len, sec_to_sec_seek); } else if (strcmp(scheduler, "SCAN") == 0){ scan(data, len, sec_to_sec_seek); } else if (strcmp(scheduler, "CSCAN") == 0){ cscan(data, len, sec_to_sec_seek); } else{ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n","Invalid scheduling algorithm."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } free_access_data(data, len); free(tokens); return 0; }
int main (void ) { int valor; printf ("Digite um escalonamento: \n\n"); printf ("1) FCFS \n"); printf ("2) SJF \n"); printf ("3) SRTF \n"); printf ("4) ROUND ROBIN \n"); printf ("5) MULTINIVEL \n"); printf ("6) SAIR \n\n"); scanf("%d", &valor); switch ( valor ) { case 1 : fcfs(); break; case 2 : sjf();; break; case 3 : srtf();; break; case 4 : roundrobin(); break; case 5 : multinivel(); break; case 6 : printf ("\nFim.\n"); break; default : printf ("Valor invalido!\n"); } return 0; }
/* **policy_handler select the corresponding function to handle the request sequence **@ncylinder is the total number of cylinders **@ipolicy is the index if policy **@ifile is the file pointer to the input_file **@result is a pointer to dynamic array for store execute sequence and their travel_num **@travel is the total travel number */ void policy_handler(int ncylinder, int ipolicy, FILE *ifile, int **result, int *travel) { int *list = NULL; init_sequence(ncylinder, ifile, &list); init_result(result); item *sorted = NULL; int first = list[0]; //sort the request according to there distance to the head of disk if (ipolicy == 2 || ipolicy == 3 || ipolicy == 4) sorted = sort(ncylinder, list); if (ipolicy == 1) *travel = fcfs(ncylinder, list, *result); else if (ipolicy == 2) *travel = sstf(first, sorted, *result); else if (ipolicy == 3) *travel = cscan(ncylinder, first, sorted, *result); else if (ipolicy == 4) *travel = look(ncylinder, first, sorted, *result); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int choice; if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: [%s] + num_process\n", argv[0]); } while (true) { menu_show(); scanf("%d", &choice); switch(choice) { case 1: priority_create(atoi(argv[1])); priority(); break; case 2: fcfs_create(atoi(argv[1])); fcfs(); break; case 3: sjf_create(atoi(argv[1])); sjf(); break; case 0: printf("退出程序...\n"); break; default: printf("选择错误,请重新选择!\n"); break; } if (choice == 0) break; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main() { //init the root node of the Process list struct Process* rootProcess = 0; //init the Process pointer which will traverse the list struct Process* current = 0; //init variables to hold information about process list char policy[15]; int quantum; //init the file stream FILE *fp; fp = fopen("input.txt", "r"); // Read the input file and create the list of Process nodes char *policyLine = readLineFromFile(fp); sscanf(policyLine, "%s %d", policy, &quantum); free(policyLine); policyLine = 0; // Read the list of processes until we see a newline or eof char *nextProcessLine = readLineFromFile(fp); while(strcmp(nextProcessLine, "\n") != 0) { int id, arrive, duration, priority; if(sscanf(nextProcessLine, "%d %d %d %d", &id, &arrive, &duration, &priority) != 4) { // If sscanf returned something other than 4, we didn't get a complete line - skip this process fprintf(stderr, "Error: process line incomplete, skipping it.\n"); } else { // We got a complete line - build a Process struct and add it to the list if(current == 0) // this is the root node { rootProcess = malloc(sizeof(struct Process)); current = rootProcess; } else { current->next = malloc(sizeof(struct Process)); current = current->next; } current->id = id; current->arrive = arrive; current->duration = duration; current->priority = priority; current->next = 0; } // Read the next line free(nextProcessLine); nextProcessLine = 0; if(feof(fp) || ferror(fp)) break; nextProcessLine = readLineFromFile(fp); } if(nextProcessLine) free(nextProcessLine); nextProcessLine = 0; // If there were no processes in the file, proceed no further. if(current == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "No processes specified - exiting.\n"); exit(1); } // Print out the list of processes -- for debugging // (Uncomment from here to the end of the while-loop if you want a little more verbose output.) /*printf("\nThe schedule policy is as follows: %s \n", policy); printf("The quantum for the policy is: %d \n", quantum); printf("The input file has provided these processes:\n"); current = rootProcess; while (current != 0) { printf("P%d: ", current->id); printf( "id: %d ", current->id); printf( "arrive: %d ", current->arrive); printf( "duration: %d ", current->duration); printf( "priority: %d \n", current->priority); current = current->next; }*/ int wait = 0; int turnaround = 0; int downTime = 0; struct cpuSlot *slots; if (strcmp(policy, "fcfs") == 0) { slots = fcfs(rootProcess, quantum, &downTime); printf("%d ", totalTime(slots)); printf("%d \n", totalTime(slots) + downTime); int count = 0; while (slots != 0) { printf("%d ", slots->procId); printf( "%d ", slots->startTime); printf( "%d ", slots->end); printf( "%d ", slots->turnaround); turnaround += slots->turnaround; printf( "%d \n", slots->wait); wait += slots->wait; slots = slots->next; count++; } printf("%f ", (float)turnaround/(float)count); printf("%f \n", (float)wait/(float)count); } else if (strcmp(policy, "rr") == 0) { slots = rr(rootProcess, quantum, &downTime); printf("%d ", totalTime(slots)); printf("%d \n", totalTime(slots) + downTime); int count = 0; while (slots != 0) { printf("%d ", slots->procId); printf("%d ", slots->startTime); printf("%d ", slots->end); printf("%d ", slots->turnaround); turnaround += slots->turnaround; printf( "%d \n", slots->wait); wait += slots->wait; slots = slots->next; count++; } printf("%f ", (float)turnaround/(float)count); printf("%f \n", (float)wait/(float)count); } else if (strcmp(policy, "priority_non") == 0) { slots = priority_non(rootProcess, quantum, &downTime); printf("%d ", totalTime(slots)); printf("%d \n", totalTime(slots) + downTime); int count = 0; while (slots != 0) { printf("%d ", slots->procId); printf( "%d ", slots->startTime); printf( "%d ", slots->end); printf( "%d ", slots->turnaround); turnaround += slots->turnaround; printf( "%d \n", slots->wait); wait += slots->wait; slots = slots->next; count++; } printf("%f ", (float)turnaround/(float)count); printf("%f \n", (float)wait/(float)count); } else if (strcmp(policy, "priority") == 0) { slots = priority(rootProcess, quantum, &downTime); printf("%d ", totalTime(slots)); printf("%d \n", totalTime(slots) + downTime); int count = 0; while (slots != 0) { printf("%d ", slots->procId); printf( "%d ", slots->startTime); printf( "%d ", slots->end); printf( "%d ", slots->turnaround); turnaround += slots->turnaround; printf( "%d \n", slots->wait); wait += slots->wait; slots = slots->next; count++; } printf("%f ", (float)turnaround/(float)count); printf("%f \n", (float)wait/(float)count); } else { printf("The schedule policy in the input file is invalid\n"); } // Deallocate the process and CPU-slot lists for(struct Process *p = rootProcess; p != 0; ) { struct Process *toDelete = p; p = p->next; free(toDelete); } rootProcess = 0; for(struct cpuSlot *p = slots; p != 0; ) { struct cpuSlot *toDelete = p; p = p->next; free(toDelete); } slots = 0; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE * inputf; if (argc == 3) { verbose = 1; inputf = fopen(argv[2], "r"); } else if (argc == 2) { verbose = 0; inputf = fopen(argv[1], "r"); } random_ints = fopen(RANDOM_INTS, "r"); int pool_sz; int a; int b; int c; int io; fscanf(inputf, "%d", &pool_sz); int p_ind; process pool[pool_sz]; process pool_copy[pool_sz]; process sorted_pool[pool_sz]; process sorted_copy[pool_sz]; process proc; int state[pool_sz]; char * list_output; char * process_format = " ( %d %d %d %d )"; printf("The original input was: %d", pool_sz); for (p_ind = 0; p_ind < pool_sz; p_ind ++) { fscanf(inputf, process_format, &a, &b, &c, &io); asprintf(&list_output, process_format, a, b, c, io); printf(list_output); proc = init_process(p_ind, a, b, c, io); pool[p_ind] = proc; sorted_pool[p_ind] = proc; state[p_ind] = UNSTARTED; } printf("\n"); qsort(sorted_pool, pool_sz, sizeof(process), process_cmp); printf("The (sorted) input is: %d", pool_sz); for (p_ind = 0; p_ind < pool_sz; p_ind ++) { proc = sorted_pool[p_ind]; asprintf(&list_output, process_format, proc.arrival_time, proc.cpu_burst_gen, proc.cpu_time_left, proc.io_burst_gen); printf(list_output); } printf("\n\n"); list_output = NULL; process_format = NULL; memcpy(pool_copy, pool, sizeof(process) * pool_sz); memcpy(sorted_copy, sorted_pool, sizeof(process) * pool_sz); uni(state, pool_copy, sorted_copy, pool_sz); fclose(random_ints); random_ints = fopen(RANDOM_INTS, "r"); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < pool_sz; i ++) { state[i] = UNSTARTED; } memcpy(pool_copy, pool, sizeof(process) * pool_sz); fcfs(state, pool_copy, pool_sz); fclose(random_ints); random_ints = fopen(RANDOM_INTS, "r"); for (i = 0; i < pool_sz; i ++) { state[i] = UNSTARTED; } memcpy(pool_copy, pool, sizeof(process) * pool_sz); sjf(state, pool_copy, pool_sz); fclose(random_ints); random_ints = fopen(RANDOM_INTS, "r"); for (i = 0; i < pool_sz; i ++) { state[i] = UNSTARTED; } memcpy(pool_copy, pool, sizeof(process) * pool_sz); roundrobin(2, state, pool_copy, pool_sz); fclose(random_ints); return 0; }
int main() { int ch,i,n; printf("enter the number of processes\n"); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { printf("enter process id\n"); scanf("%d",&p[i].pid); printf("enter the arrival time\n"); scanf("%d",&p[i].at); printf("enter the service time\n"); scanf("%d",&p[i].bt); } do { printf("1.fcfs \n2.sjf non-premptive\n3.sjf premptive\n"); printf("enter choice\n"); scanf("%d",&ch); if(ch==1) { fcfs(n); gantt(p,n); display(p,n); } if(ch==2) { nsjf(n); gantt(p,n); display(p,n); } if(ch==3) { psjf(n); } }while(ch!=4); return 0; }