Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: fd.c Proyecto: rbowden91/fp261
// Finds the smallest index from 0 to NFD-1 that doesn't have
// its fd page mapped.
// Sets *fd_store to the corresponding fd page virtual address.
// Does NOT actually allocate an fd page.
// It is up to the caller to allocate the page somehow.
// This means that if someone calls fd_find_unused twice in a row
// without allocating the first page we return, we'll return the same
// page the second time.
// Returns 0 on success, < 0 on error.  Errors are:
//	-E_MAX_FD: no more file descriptors
// On error, *fd_store is set to 0.
fd_find_unused(struct Fd **fd_store)
	int i;
	struct Fd *fd;

	for (i = 0; i < NFD; i++) {
		(void) fd_lookup(i, &fd, false);
		if (!fd_isopen(fd)) {
			*fd_store = fd;
			return 0;
	*fd_store = 0;
	return -E_MAX_OPEN;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: fd.c Proyecto: rbowden91/fp261
write(int fdnum, const void *buf, size_t n)
	int r;
	struct Dev *dev;
	struct Fd *fd;

	if ((r = fd_lookup(fdnum, &fd, true)) < 0
	    || (r = dev_lookup(fd->fd_dev_id, &dev)) < 0)
		return r;
	if ((fd->fd_omode & O_ACCMODE) == O_RDONLY)
		return -E_INVAL;
	if (!dev->dev_write)
		return -E_NOT_SUPP;
	return (*dev->dev_write)(fd, buf, n);
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: fd.c Proyecto: reesun/guavaos
// Frees file descriptor 'fd' by closing the corresponding file
// and unmapping the file descriptor page.
// If 'must_exist' is 0, then fd can be a closed or nonexistent file
// descriptor; the function will return 0 and have no other effect.
// If 'must_exist' is 1, then fd_close returns -E_INVAL when passed a
// closed or nonexistent file descriptor.
// Returns 0 on success, < 0 on error.
fd_close(struct Fd *fd, bool must_exist)
	struct Fd *fd2;
	struct Dev *dev;
	int r;
	if ((r = fd_lookup(fd2num(fd), &fd2)) < 0
	    || fd != fd2)
		return (must_exist ? r : 0);
	if ((r = dev_lookup(fd->fd_dev_id, &dev)) >= 0)
		r = (*dev->dev_close)(fd);
	// Make sure fd is unmapped.  Might be a no-op if
	// (*dev->dev_close)(fd) already unmapped it.
	(void) sys_page_unmap(0, fd);
	return r;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: fd.c Proyecto: mainboy/xv6
fstat(int fdnum, struct Stat *stat)
	int r;
	struct Dev *dev;
	struct Fd *fd;

	if ((r = fd_lookup(fdnum, &fd)) < 0
	    || (r = dev_lookup(fd->fd_dev_id, &dev)) < 0)
		return r;
	stat->st_name[0] = 0;
	stat->st_size = 0;
	stat->st_isdir = 0;
	stat->st_dev = dev;
	return (*dev->dev_stat)(fd, stat);
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: fd.c Proyecto: mainboy/xv6
ftruncate(int fdnum, off_t newsize)
	int r;
	struct Dev *dev;
	struct Fd *fd;
	if ((r = fd_lookup(fdnum, &fd)) < 0
	    || (r = dev_lookup(fd->fd_dev_id, &dev)) < 0)
		return r;
	if ((fd->fd_omode & O_ACCMODE) == O_RDONLY) {
		cprintf("[%08x] ftruncate %d -- bad mode\n",
			env->env_id, fdnum); 
		return -E_INVAL;
	return (*dev->dev_trunc)(fd, newsize);
Ejemplo n.º 6
close(int fdnum)
	int r;
	struct Dev *dev;
	struct Fd *fd;

	if ((r = fd_lookup(fdnum, &fd)) < 0
		||  (r = dev_lookup(fd->fd_dev_id, &dev)) < 0) {
		return r;

	r = (*dev->dev_close)(fd);
	return r;
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: v_api.c Proyecto: pqhwan/TCP
1. shutdown read :
	a) added read_lock to sturct socket (bool)
	b) v_socket will initialize the read_lock to 0
	c) whenever v_shutdown is called with read_lock only, the followiing happens :
		i) set the read_lock = 1
		ii) When v_read() reads the data from the buffer, CB_WRIE nbytes (read) 0's 
		So the pointer is fine and adwin is shrinking constantly
int v_shutdown(socket_t *socket, int shut_type) {

	printf("IN SHUTDOWN\n");

	//1. get the socket by id
	socket_t *so = fd_lookup(socket);
	if(so == NULL) return 0; //no such socket

	if (shut_type == SHUTDOWN_READ) {
		printf("\t Request for shutdown read\n");
		so->read_lock = 1; 


	/******************* CLOSING RECIVING WINDOW ***************
	* Send FIN
	* 1. if current state == Established
	*	-> change to FIN_WAIT_1
	* 2. if current state == CLOSE_WAIT (peer already closed down)
	*	-> change to LAST_ACK

	else if (shut_type == SHUTDOWN_WRITE) {
		printf("\t Request for shutdown write\n");
		if (so->state == ESTABLISHED) {
			tcp_send_handshake(FIN_WAIT_1, so);

		else if (so->state == CLOSE_WAIT) {
			set_socketstate(so, LAST_ACK);
			tcp_send_handshake(LAST_ACK, so);
	else if (shut_type == SHUTDOWN_BOTH) {
		printf("Request for shutdown read and write\n");		
		v_shutdown(so->id, SHUTDOWN_READ); //recursion huh?
		v_shutdown(so->id, SHUTDOWN_WRITE);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: v_api.c Proyecto: pqhwan/TCP
int v_listen(int socket){

	socket_t *so = fd_lookup(socket);
	if(so == NULL) {
		printf(" v_listen() error : malloc failed\n");
		return -1; 
	sockets_on_port *sop = get_sockets_on_port(so->myport);

	if(sop->listening_socket) return -1; //"already listening on this port"

	sop->listening_socket = so;
	set_socketstate(so, LISTENING);

	return 0;

Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: v_api.c Proyecto: pqhwan/TCP
int v_bind(int socket, struct in_addr *nothing, uint16_t port) {

	//find the socket, set port, add it to its port list
	socket_t *so = fd_lookup(socket);

	if(so == NULL) {
		printf(" v_bind() error : malloc failed\n");
		return -1; 

	so->myport = port;
	sockets_on_port *sop = get_sockets_on_port(port);
	list_append(sop->list, so);

	return 0;

Ejemplo n.º 10
dup(int oldfdnum, int newfdnum)
	int i, r;
	u_int ova, nva, pte;
	struct Fd *oldfd, *newfd;

	if ((r = fd_lookup(oldfdnum, &oldfd)) < 0) {
		return r;

	newfd = (struct Fd *)INDEX2FD(newfdnum);
	ova = fd2data(oldfd);
	nva = fd2data(newfd);

	if ((r = syscall_mem_map(0, (u_int)oldfd, 0, (u_int)newfd,
							 ((*vpt)[VPN(oldfd)]) & (PTE_V | PTE_R | PTE_LIBRARY))) < 0) {
		goto err;

	if ((* vpd)[PDX(ova)]) {
		for (i = 0; i < PDMAP; i += BY2PG) {
			pte = (* vpt)[VPN(ova + i)];

			if (pte & PTE_V) {
				// should be no error here -- pd is already allocated
				if ((r = syscall_mem_map(0, ova + i, 0, nva + i,
										 pte & (PTE_V | PTE_R | PTE_LIBRARY))) < 0) {
					goto err;

	return newfdnum;

	syscall_mem_unmap(0, (u_int)newfd);

	for (i = 0; i < PDMAP; i += BY2PG) {
		syscall_mem_unmap(0, nva + i);

	return r;
int add_edge_detect(unsigned int gpio, unsigned int edge)
// return values:
// 0 - Success
// 1 - Edge detection already added
// 2 - Other error
    int fd = fd_lookup(gpio);
    pthread_t threads;
    struct epoll_event ev;
    long t = 0;

    // check to see if this gpio has been added already
    if (gpio_event_add(gpio) != 0)
        return 1;

    // export /sys/class/gpio interface
    gpio_set_direction(gpio, 1); // 1=input
    gpio_set_edge(gpio, edge);

    if (!fd)
        if ((fd = open_value_file(gpio)) == -1)
            return 2;

    // create epfd if not already open
    if ((epfd == -1) && ((epfd = epoll_create(1)) == -1))
        return 2;

    // add to epoll fd
    ev.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET | EPOLLPRI;
    ev.data.fd = fd;
    if (epoll_ctl(epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &ev) == -1)
        return 2;

    // start poll thread if it is not already running
    if (!thread_running)
        if (pthread_create(&threads, NULL, poll_thread, (void *)t) != 0)
            return 2;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: fd.c Proyecto: rbowden91/fp261
fstat(int fdnum, struct Stat *stat)
	int r;
	struct Dev *dev;
	struct Fd *fd;

	if ((r = fd_lookup(fdnum, &fd, true)) < 0
	    || (r = dev_lookup(fd->fd_dev_id, &dev)) < 0)
		return r;
	if (!dev->dev_stat)
		return -E_NOT_SUPP;
	stat->st_name[0] = 0;
	stat->st_size = 0;
	stat->st_ftype = 0;
	stat->st_dev = dev;
	return (*dev->dev_stat)(fd, stat);
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: fd.c Proyecto: Hisham-A/JOS
read(int fdnum, void *buf, size_t n)
	int r;
	struct Dev *dev;
	struct Fd *fd;

	if ((r = fd_lookup(fdnum, &fd)) < 0
	    || (r = dev_lookup(fd->fd_dev_id, &dev)) < 0)
		return r;
	if ((fd->fd_omode & O_ACCMODE) == O_WRONLY) {
		cprintf("[%08x] read %d -- bad mode\n", env->env_id, fdnum); 
		return -E_INVAL;
	if (!dev->dev_read)
		return -E_NOT_SUPP;
	return (*dev->dev_read)(fd, buf, n);
Ejemplo n.º 14
Archivo: file.c Proyecto: ren85/jos2006
// Find the page that maps the file block starting at 'offset',
// and store its address in '*blk'.
read_map(int fdnum, off_t offset, void **blk)
	int r;
	char *va;
	struct Fd *fd;

	if ((r = fd_lookup(fdnum, &fd)) < 0)
		return r;
	if (fd->fd_dev_id != devfile.dev_id)
		return -E_INVAL;
	va = fd2data(fd) + offset;
	if (offset >= MAXFILESIZE)
		return -E_NO_DISK;
	if (!(vpd[PDX(va)] & PTE_P) || !(vpt[VPN(va)] & PTE_P))
		return -E_NO_DISK;
	*blk = (void*) va;
	return 0;
void remove_edge_detect(unsigned int gpio)
    struct epoll_event ev;
    int fd = fd_lookup(gpio);

    // delete callbacks for gpio

    // delete epoll of fd
    epoll_ctl(epfd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, fd, &ev);

    // set edge to none
    gpio_set_edge(gpio, NO_EDGE);

    // unexport gpio

    // clear detected flag
    event_occurred[gpio] = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 16
write(int fdnum, const void *buf, size_t n)
	int r;
	struct Dev *dev;
	struct Fd *fd;

	if ((r = fd_lookup(fdnum, &fd)) < 0
	    || (r = dev_lookup(fd->fd_dev_id, &dev)) < 0)
		return r;
	if ((fd->fd_omode & O_ACCMODE) == O_RDONLY) {
		cprintf("[%08x] write %d -- bad mode\n", thisenv->env_id, fdnum);
		return -E_INVAL;
	if (debug)
		cprintf("write %d %p %d via dev %s\n",
			fdnum, buf, n, dev->dev_name);
	if (!dev->dev_write)
		return -E_NOT_SUPP;
	return (*dev->dev_write)(fd, buf, n);
int gpio_get_direction(unsigned int gpio, unsigned int *value)
    int fd = fd_lookup(gpio);
    char direction[4];

    if (!fd)
        if ((fd = open_value_file(gpio)) == -1)
            return -1;        
    lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
    read(fd, &direction, 4);

    if (strcmp(direction, "out") == 0) {
        *value = OUTPUT;
    } else {
        *value = INPUT;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 18
Archivo: fd.c Proyecto: mainboy/xv6
// Make file descriptor 'newfdnum' a duplicate of file descriptor 'oldfdnum'.
// For instance, writing onto either file descriptor will affect the
// file and the file offset of the other.
// Closes any previously open file descriptor at 'newfdnum'.
// This is implemented using virtual memory tricks (of course!).
dup(int oldfdnum, int newfdnum)
	int i, r;
	char *ova, *nva;
	pte_t pte;
	struct Fd *oldfd, *newfd;

	if ((r = fd_lookup(oldfdnum, &oldfd)) < 0)
		return r;

	newfd = INDEX2FD(newfdnum);
	ova = fd2data(oldfd);
	nva = fd2data(newfd);

//	if ((r = sys_page_map(0, oldfd, 0, newfd, vpt[VPN(oldfd)] & PTE_USER)) < 0)
//		goto err;
	if (vpd[PDX(ova)]) {
		for (i = 0; i < PTSIZE; i += PGSIZE) {
			pte = vpt[VPN(ova + i)];
			if (pte&PTE_P) {
				// should be no error here -- pd is already allocated
				if ((r = sys_page_map(0, ova + i, 0, nva + i, pte & PTE_USER)) < 0)
					goto err;

        if ((r = sys_page_map(0, oldfd, 0, newfd, vpt[VPN(oldfd)] & PTE_USER)) < 0)
               goto err;

	return newfdnum;

	sys_page_unmap(0, newfd);
	for (i = 0; i < PTSIZE; i += PGSIZE)
		sys_page_unmap(0, nva + i);
	return r;
int gpio_get_value(unsigned int gpio, unsigned int *value)
    int fd = fd_lookup(gpio);
    char ch;

    if (!fd)
        if ((fd = open_value_file(gpio)) == -1)
            return -1;

    lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
    read(fd, &ch, 1);

    if (ch != '0') {
        *value = 1;
    } else {
        *value = 0;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 20
static int
do_accept4(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen, int flags)
    int rval = -1;
    fdinfo_t *info = NULL;

    if( sockfd < 0 )
        errno = EINVAL;
        return -1;

    DEBUG("do_accept4(%d, ...) ...", sockfd);
    info = fd_lookup(sockfd);
    if( info == NULL || (info->type != BOUND && info->type != DUMMY) )
        /* Should return an error. */
        rval = libc.accept4(sockfd, addr, addrlen, flags);
        DEBUG("do_accept4(%d, ...) => %d (no info)", sockfd, rval);
        return rval;

    /* Check that they've called listen. */
    if( info->type == BOUND && !info->bound.stub_listened )
        DEBUG("do_accept4(%d, ...) => -1 (not listened)", sockfd);
        errno = EINVAL;
        return -1;

    /* Check if this is a dummy.
     * There's no way that they should be calling accept().
     * The dummy FD will never trigger a poll, select, epoll,
     * etc. So we just act as a socket with no clients does --
     * either return immediately or block forever. NOTE: We
     * still return in case of EINTR or other suitable errors. */
    if( info->type == DUMMY && info->dummy.client >= 0 )
        rval = info->dummy.client;
        info->dummy.client = -1;
        DEBUG("do_accept4(%d, ...) => %d (dummy client)", sockfd, rval);
        return rval;


    if( !(flags & SOCK_NONBLOCK) )
        /* Wait for activity on the socket. */
        struct pollfd poll_info;
        poll_info.fd = sockfd;
        poll_info.events = POLLIN;
        poll_info.revents = 0;
        if( poll(&poll_info, 1, -1) < 0 )
            return -1;


    /* Check our status. */
    if( is_exiting == TRUE )
        /* We've transitioned from not exiting
         * to exiting in this period. This will
         * circle around a return a dummy descriptor. */
        DEBUG("do_accept4(%d, ...) => -1 (interrupted)", sockfd);
        errno = flags & SOCK_NONBLOCK ? EAGAIN : EINTR;
        return -1;

    /* Do the accept for real. */
    fdinfo_t *new_info = alloc_info(TRACKED);
    if( new_info == NULL )
        DEBUG("do_accept4(%d, ...) => -1 (alloc error?)", sockfd);
        return -1;
    new_info->tracked.bound = info;
    rval = libc.accept4(sockfd, addr, addrlen, flags);

    if( rval >= 0 )
        /* Save the reference to the socket. */
        fd_save(rval, new_info);
        /* An error occured, nothing to track. */

    DEBUG("do_accept4(%d, ...) => %d (tracked %d) %s",
        sockfd, rval, total_tracked,
        rval == -1 ? strerror(errno) : "");
    return rval;
Ejemplo n.º 21
static int
do_listen(int sockfd, int backlog)
    int rval = -1;
    fdinfo_t *info = NULL;

    if( sockfd < 0 )
        errno = EINVAL;
        return -1;

    DEBUG("do_listen(%d, ...) ...", sockfd);
    info = fd_lookup(sockfd);
    if( info == NULL || info->type != BOUND )
        DEBUG("do_listen(%d, %d) => -1 (not BOUND)", sockfd, backlog);
        errno = EINVAL;
        return -1;

    /* Check if we can short-circuit this. */
    if( info->bound.real_listened )
        info->bound.stub_listened = 1;
        DEBUG("do_listen(%d, %d) => 0 (stub)", sockfd, backlog);
        return 0;

    /* Can we really call listen() ? */
    if( is_exiting == TRUE )
        info->bound.stub_listened = 1;
        DEBUG("do_listen(%d, %d) => 0 (is_exiting)", sockfd, backlog);
        return 0;

    /* We largely ignore the backlog parameter. People 
     * don't really use sensible values here for the most
     * part. Hopefully (as is default on some systems),
     * tcp syn cookies are enabled, and there's no real
     * limit for this queue and this parameter is silently
     * ignored. If not, then we use the largest value we 
     * can sensibly use. */
    rval = libc.listen(sockfd, SOMAXCONN);
    if( rval < 0 )
        DEBUG("do_listen(%d, %d) => %d", sockfd, backlog, rval);
        return rval;

    /* We're done. */
    info->bound.real_listened = 1;
    info->bound.stub_listened = 1;
    DEBUG("do_listen(%d, %d) => %d", sockfd, backlog, rval);
    return rval;
Ejemplo n.º 22
	int p[2], r, pid, i, max;
	void *va;
	struct Fd *fd;
	volatile struct Env *kid;

	cprintf("testing for dup race...\n");
	if ((r = pipe(p)) < 0)
		panic("pipe: %e", r);
	max = 200;
	if ((r = fork()) < 0)
		panic("fork: %e", r);
	if (r == 0) {
		// Now the ref count for p[0] will toggle between 2 and 3
		// as the parent dups and closes it (there's a close implicit in dup).
		// The ref count for p[1] is 1.
		// Thus the ref count for the underlying pipe structure
		// will toggle between 3 and 4.
		// If a clock interrupt catches close between unmapping
		// the pipe structure and unmapping the fd, we'll have
		// a ref count for p[0] of 3, a ref count for p[1] of 1,
		// and a ref count for the pipe structure of 3, which is
		// a no-no.
		// If a clock interrupt catches dup between mapping the
		// fd and mapping the pipe structure, we'll have the same
		// ref counts, still a no-no.
		for (i=0; i<max; i++) {
				cprintf("RACE: pipe appears closed\n");
		// do something to be not runnable besides exiting
	pid = r;
	cprintf("pid is %d\n", pid);
	va = 0;
	kid = &envs[ENVX(pid)];
	cprintf("kid is %d\n", kid-envs);
	dup(p[0], 10);
	while (kid->env_status == ENV_RUNNABLE)
		dup(p[0], 10);

	cprintf("child done with loop\n");
	if (pipeisclosed(p[0]))
		panic("somehow the other end of p[0] got closed!");
	if ((r = fd_lookup(p[0], &fd)) < 0)
		panic("cannot look up p[0]: %e", r);
	va = fd2data(fd);
	if (pageref(va) != 3+1)
		cprintf("\nchild detected race\n");
		cprintf("\nrace didn't happen\n", max);
Ejemplo n.º 23
    int p[2], r, i;
    struct Fd *fd;
    volatile struct Env *kid;

    cprintf("testing for pipeisclosed race...\n");
    if ((r = pipe(p)) < 0)
        panic("pipe: %e", r);
    if ((r = fork()) < 0)
        panic("fork: %e", r);
    if (r == 0) {
        // child just dups and closes repeatedly,
        // yielding so the parent can see
        // the fd state between the two.
        for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
            if (i % 10 == 0)
                cprintf("%d.", i);
            // dup, then close.  yield so that other guy will
            // see us while we're between them.
            dup(p[0], 10);

    // We hold both p[0] and p[1] open, so pipeisclosed should
    // never return false.
    // Now the ref count for p[0] will toggle between 2 and 3
    // as the child dups and closes it.
    // The ref count for p[1] is 1.
    // Thus the ref count for the underlying pipe structure
    // will toggle between 3 and 4.
    // If pipeisclosed checks pageref(p[0]) and gets 3, and
    // then the child closes, and then pipeisclosed checks
    // pageref(pipe structure) and gets 3, then it will return true
    // when it shouldn't.
    // If pipeisclosed checks pageref(pipe structure) and gets 3,
    // and then the child dups, and then pipeisclosed checks
    // pageref(p[0]) and gets 3, then it will return true when
    // it shouldn't.
    // So either way, pipeisclosed is going give a wrong answer.
    kid = &envs[ENVX(r)];
    while (kid->env_status == ENV_RUNNABLE)
        if (pipeisclosed(p[0]) != 0) {
            cprintf("\nRACE: pipe appears closed\n");
    cprintf("child done with loop\n");
    if (pipeisclosed(p[0]))
        panic("somehow the other end of p[0] got closed!");
    if ((r = fd_lookup(p[0], &fd)) < 0)
        panic("cannot look up p[0]: %e", r);
    (void) fd2data(fd);
    cprintf("race didn't happen\n");
Ejemplo n.º 24
    const char* mode_env = getenv("HUPTIME_MODE");
    const char* multi_env = getenv("HUPTIME_MULTI");
    const char* revive_env = getenv("HUPTIME_REVIVE");
    const char* debug_env = getenv("HUPTIME_DEBUG");
    const char* pipe_env = getenv("HUPTIME_PIPE");
    const char* wait_env = getenv("HUPTIME_WAIT");

    if( debug_env != NULL && strlen(debug_env) > 0 )
        debug_enabled = !strcasecmp(debug_env, "true") ? TRUE: FALSE;


    /* Initialize our lock. */

    /* Save this pid as our master pid.
     * This is done to handle processes that use
     * process pools. We remember the master pid and
     * will do the full fork()/exec() only when we are
     * the master. Otherwise, we will simply shutdown
     * gracefully, and all the master to restart. */
    master_pid = getpid();

    /* Grab our exit strategy. */
    if( mode_env != NULL && strlen(mode_env) > 0 )
        if( !strcasecmp(mode_env, "fork") )
            exit_strategy = FORK;
            DEBUG("Exit strategy is fork.");
        else if( !strcasecmp(mode_env, "exec") )
            exit_strategy = EXEC;
            DEBUG("Exit strategy is exec.");
            fprintf(stderr, "Unknown exit strategy.");

    /* Check if we have something to unlink. */
    to_unlink = getenv("HUPTIME_UNLINK");
    if( to_unlink != NULL && strlen(to_unlink) > 0 )
        DEBUG("Unlink is '%s'.", to_unlink);

    /* Clear up any outstanding child processes.
     * Because we may have exited before the process
     * could do appropriate waitpid()'s, we try to
     * clean up children here. Note that we may have
     * some zombies that hang around during the life
     * of the program, but at every restart they will
     * be cleaned up (so at least they won't grow
     * without bound). */
    int status = 0;
    while( waitpid((pid_t)-1, &status, WNOHANG) > 0 );

    /* Check if we're in multi mode. */
    if( multi_env != NULL && strlen(multi_env) > 0 )
        multi_mode = !strcasecmp(multi_env, "true") ? TRUE: FALSE;
    if( multi_mode == TRUE )
        fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Multi mode not supported.\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "(Requires at least Linux 3.9 and recent headers).\n");

    /* Check if we're in revive mode. */
    if( revive_env != NULL && strlen(revive_env) > 0 )
        revive_mode = !strcasecmp(revive_env, "true") ? TRUE : FALSE;

    /* Check if we are in wait mode. */
    if( wait_env != NULL && strlen(wait_env) > 0 )
        wait_mode = !strcasecmp(wait_env, "true") ? TRUE : FALSE;

    /* Check if we're a respawn. */
    if( pipe_env != NULL && strlen(pipe_env) > 0 )
        int fd = -1;
        fdinfo_t *info = NULL;
        int pipefd = strtol(pipe_env, NULL, 10);

        DEBUG("Loading all file descriptors.");

        /* Decode all passed information. */
        while( !info_decode(pipefd, &fd, &info) )
            fd_save(fd, info);
            DEBUG("Decoded fd %d (type %d).", fd, info->type);
            info = NULL;
        if( info != NULL )

        /* Finished with the pipe. */
        DEBUG("Finished decoding.");

        /* Close all non-encoded descriptors. */
        for( fd = 0; fd < fd_max(); fd += 1 )
            info = fd_lookup(fd);
            if( info == NULL )
                DEBUG("Closing fd %d.", fd);

        /* Restore all given file descriptors. */
        for( fd = 0; fd < fd_limit(); fd += 1 )
            info = fd_lookup(fd);
            if( info != NULL && info->type == SAVED )
                fdinfo_t *orig_info = fd_lookup(info->saved.fd);
                if( orig_info != NULL )
                    /* Uh-oh, conflict. Move the original (best effort). */

                /* Return the offset (ignore failure). */
                if( info->saved.offset != (off_t)-1 )
                    lseek(fd, info->saved.offset, SEEK_SET);

                /* Move the SAVED fd back. */
                libc.dup2(fd, info->saved.fd);
                DEBUG("Restored fd %d.", info->saved.fd);
        DEBUG("Saving all initial file descriptors.");

        /* Save all of our initial files. These are used
         * for re-execing the process. These are persisted
         * effectively forever, and on restarts we close
         * everything that is not a BOUND socket or a SAVED
         * file descriptor. */
        for( int fd = 0; fd < fd_max(); fd += 1 )
            fdinfo_t *info = fd_lookup(fd);
            if( info != NULL )
                /* Encoded earlier. */

            /* Make a new SAVED FD. */
            int newfd = libc.dup(fd);
            if( newfd >= 0 )
                fdinfo_t *saved_info = alloc_info(SAVED);

                if( saved_info != NULL )
                    saved_info->saved.fd = fd;
                    saved_info->saved.offset = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
                    fd_save(newfd, saved_info);
                    DEBUG("Saved fd %d (offset %lld).",
                        fd, (long long int)saved_info->saved.offset);

    /* Save the environment.
     * NOTE: We reserve extra space in the environment
     * for our special start-up parameters, which will be added
     * in impl_exec() below. (The encoded BOUND/SAVED sockets).
     * We also filter out the special variables above that were
     * used to pass in information about sockets that were bound. */
    environ_copy = (char**)read_nul_sep("/proc/self/environ");
    DEBUG("Saved environment.");

    /* Save the arguments. */
    args_copy = (char**)read_nul_sep("/proc/self/cmdline");
    DEBUG("Saved args.");
    for( int i = 0; args_copy[i] != NULL; i += 1 )
        DEBUG(" arg%d=%s", i, args_copy[i]);

    /* Save the cwd & exe. */
    cwd_copy = (char*)read_link("/proc/self/cwd");
    DEBUG("Saved cwd.");
    exe_copy = (char*)read_link("/proc/self/exe");
    DEBUG("Saved exe.");

    /* Install our signal handlers. */

    /* Initialize our thread. */

    /* Unblock our signals.
     * Note that we have specifically masked the
     * signals prior to the exec() below, to cover
     * the race between program start and having
     * installed the appropriate handlers. */
    sigset_t set;
    sigaddset(&set, SIGHUP);
    sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &set, NULL);

    /* Done. */
    DEBUG("Initialization complete.");
Ejemplo n.º 25
// Handle an environment's block cache request.
// BCREQ_FLUSH and BCREQ_MAP can be satisified right away.
// BCREQ_MAP_RLOCK, BCREQ_MAP_WLOCK, and BCREQ_UNLOCK manipulate the queue
//   of waiting environments.
// At most 8 IPC requests per block are queued and will be handled in the
//   order they arrive (for fairness).
// The 9th and furhter concurrent requests are ignored; a -E_AGAIN error asks
//   the sending environment to try again later.
static void
handle_breq(envid_t envid, int32_t breq)
	struct BlockInfo *bip;
	int r;

	// Extract block number and request type from request.
	blocknum_t blocknum = BCREQ_BLOCKNUM(breq);
	int reqtype = BCREQ_TYPE(breq);
	// Check request type.
	if (reqtype < BCREQ_MAP || reqtype > BCREQ_FLUSH_PIPE) {
		ipc_send(envid, -E_NOT_SUPP, 0, 0);

	if (reqtype == BCREQ_FLUSH_PIPE) {
		ipc_send(envid, 0, 0, 0);
	if (reqtype == BCREQ_PIPE_ATTACH) {
		struct Fd *writer;
		if ((r = fd_lookup(p[1], &writer, true)) < 0)
			ipc_send(envid, r, 0, 0);
			ipc_send(envid, 0, fd2data(writer), PTE_P | PTE_W | PTE_U | PTE_SHARE);

	// Handle simple requests.
	if (reqtype == BCREQ_FLUSH) {
	} else if (reqtype == BCREQ_MAP) {
		r = get_block_info(blocknum, &bip, 0);
		send_block(envid, blocknum, r >= 0 ? bip->bi_initialized : 0);

	// More complex requests need the block_info pointer.
	if ((r = get_block_info(blocknum, &bip, 1)) < 0) {
		ipc_send(envid, r, 0, 0);

	if (reqtype == BCREQ_INITIALIZE) {
		int old_initialized = bip->bi_initialized;
		bip->bi_initialized = 1;
		ipc_send(envid, old_initialized, 0, 0);

	// Warn about one particularly simple deadlock.
	if (reqtype == BCREQ_MAP_WLOCK && bip->bi_nlocked > 0
	    && BI_REQTYPE(bip, 0) == BCREQ_MAP_WLOCK
	    && BI_ENVID(bip, 0) == envid)
		cprintf("bufcache: DEADLOCK: env [%08x] re-requests write lock on block %d!\n", envid, blocknum);

	if (reqtype == BCREQ_UNLOCK || reqtype == BCREQ_UNLOCK_FLUSH) {
		// Ensure that envid is one of the environments
		// currently locking the block
		int n = 0;
		while (n < bip->bi_nlocked && BI_ENVID(bip, n) != envid)
		if (n == bip->bi_nlocked) {
			ipc_send(envid, -E_NOT_LOCKED, 0, 0);

		BI_ENVID(bip, n) = BI_ENVID(bip, 0);
		BI_REQTYPE(bip, n) = BI_REQTYPE(bip, 0);

		r = (reqtype == BCREQ_UNLOCK ? 0 : flush_block(blocknum));
		ipc_send(envid, r, 0, 0);
		// Continue on to clear the request queue: perhaps this
		// environment's unlock reqtype lets the next environment lock

	} else if (bip->bi_count == BI_QSIZE) {
		// The queue is full; ask the environment to try again later
		ipc_send(envid, -E_AGAIN, 0, 0);

	} else {
		BI_ENVID(bip, bip->bi_count) = envid;
		BI_REQTYPE(bip, bip->bi_count) = reqtype;

	// Process the request queue
	while (bip->bi_nlocked < bip->bi_count) {
		// If trying to write lock, must be first attempt
		if (BI_REQTYPE(bip, bip->bi_nlocked) == BCREQ_MAP_WLOCK
		    && bip->bi_nlocked > 0)
		// If trying to read lock, any existing lock must be read
		if (BI_REQTYPE(bip, bip->bi_nlocked) == BCREQ_MAP_RLOCK
		    && bip->bi_nlocked > 0
		    && BI_REQTYPE(bip, 0) != BCREQ_MAP_RLOCK)
		// If we get here, we can grant the page to this queue element
		send_block(BI_ENVID(bip, bip->bi_nlocked), blocknum,
Ejemplo n.º 26
Archivo: v_api.c Proyecto: pqhwan/TCP
int v_connect(int socket, struct in_addr *addr, uint16_t port){

#ifdef DEBUG
	printf(" v_connect() Trying to connect\n");

	//bind the socket to a random port
	int ret;
	struct in_addr any_addr;
	any_addr.s_addr = 0;

	ret = v_bind(socket, &any_addr, rand()%MAXPORT);

	//something went wrong at v_bind (no socket, not valid pnum)
	if(ret < 0) {	
#ifdef DEBUG
	printf(" v_connect() error : v_bind() failed\n");
		return -1; 


#ifdef DEBUG
	printf(" v_connect() : v_bind() success\n");

	socket_t *so = fd_lookup(socket);
	if (so == NULL) {

#ifdef DEBUG
		printf(" v_connect() error : fd_lookup() failed\n");
		set_socketstate(so, CLOSE);
		return -1;

#ifdef DEBUG
	printf(" v_connect() : fd_lookup() success\n");
	//store it in the lookup table (urport, myport, uraddr) + init windows
	//populate socket with info	
	so->urport = port;
	so->uraddr = addr->s_addr;
	//my addr is the interface IP address we will be sending request out to
	interface_t *i = get_nexthop(so->uraddr);
	if (i == NULL) {
		set_socketstate(so, CLOSE);

	so->myaddr = i->sourcevip;
	so->myseq = rand() % MAXSEQ;
	so->myseq = 0;

#ifdef DEBUG
	printf(" v_connect() : so->* success\n");

#ifdef DEBUG
			printf(" v_connect: Added socket %d to socket_table"_NORMAL_"\n", so->id);

	HASH_ADD(hh2, socket_table, urport, keylen, so);

	set_socketstate(so, SYN_SENT);

#ifdef DEBUG
	printf(" v_connect() : socket %d moved into state SYN_SENT\n", so->id);

	tcp_send_handshake(1, so);
#ifdef DEBUG
			printf(_RED_" v_connect: send syn"_NORMAL_"\n");
			printf(_BLUE_" v_connect: timed out"_NORMAL_"\n");

	time_t now = time(NULL);
	time_t next = now;
	time_t diff = 0;
	int count = 0;

	//send a connection request (first grip)
	while ((count < MAX_SYN_REQ)) {

		if (so->state == ESTABLISHED) {
		next = time(NULL);
		diff = next-now;

		if (diff == 1) {
			tcp_send_handshake(1, so);

#ifdef DEBUG
			printf(_RED_" v_connect: send syn"_NORMAL_"\n");
			printf(_BLUE_" v_connect: timed out"_NORMAL_"\n");

			now = next;

	// Could not connect
	if (so->state == SYN_SENT || so->state == CLOSE) {
		set_socketstate(so, CLOSED);
		return -ENOTCONN;

	//commence buffer management
    int s = (int)socket;
    pthread_attr_t thr_attr;
    pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&thr_attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
    pthread_create(&so->th, &thr_attr, buf_mgmt, (void *) s);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 27
static int
do_bind(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen)
    fdinfo_t *info = NULL;
    int rval = -1;

    if( sockfd < 0 )
        errno = EINVAL;
        return -1;

    /* At this point, we can reasonably assume
     * the program has started up and has installed
     * whatever signal handlers it wants. We check
     * that our own signal handler is installed.
     * If the user doesn't want us to override the
     * built-in signal handlers, they shouldn't use
     * huptime. */

    DEBUG("do_bind(%d, ...) ...", sockfd);

    /* See if this socket already exists. */
    for( int fd = 0; fd < fd_limit(); fd += 1 )
        fdinfo_t *info = fd_lookup(fd);
        if( info != NULL && 
            info->type == BOUND &&
            info->bound.addrlen == addrlen &&
            !memcmp(addr, (void*)info->bound.addr, addrlen) )
            DEBUG("Found ghost %d, cloning...", fd);

            /* Give back a duplicate of this one. */
            int rval = do_dup2(fd, sockfd);
            if( rval < 0 )
                /* Dup2 failed? */
            if( info->bound.is_ghost )
                /* Close the original (not needed). */
                info->bound.is_ghost = 0;

            /* Success. */
            DEBUG("do_bind(%d, ...) => 0 (ghosted)", sockfd);
            return 0;

    /* Multi mode? Set socket options. */
    if( multi_mode == TRUE )
        int optval = 1;
        if( setsockopt(sockfd,
                       sizeof(optval)) < 0 )
            DEBUG("do_bind(%d, ...) => -1 (no multi?)", sockfd);
            return -1;

        DEBUG("Multi mode enabled.");

    /* Try a real bind. */
    info = alloc_info(BOUND);
    if( info == NULL )
        DEBUG("do_bind(%d, ...) => -1 (alloc error?)", sockfd);
        return -1;
    rval = libc.bind(sockfd, addr, addrlen);
    if( rval < 0 )
        DEBUG("do_bind(%d, ...) => %d (error)", sockfd, rval);
        return rval;

    /* Ensure that this socket is non-blocking,
     * this is because we override the behavior
     * for accept() and we require non-blocking
     * behavior. We deal with the consequences. */
    rval = fcntl(sockfd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
    if( rval < 0 )
        DEBUG("do_bind(%d, ...) => %d (fcntl error)", sockfd, rval);
        return -1;

    /* Save a refresh bound socket info. */
    info->bound.stub_listened = 0;
    info->bound.real_listened = 0;
    info->bound.addr = (struct sockaddr*)malloc(addrlen);
    info->bound.addrlen = addrlen;
    memcpy((void*)info->bound.addr, (void*)addr, addrlen);
    fd_save(sockfd, info);

    /* Success. */
    DEBUG("do_bind(%d, ...) => %d", sockfd, rval);
    return rval;
Ejemplo n.º 28
    if( is_exiting == TRUE )

    /* We are now exiting.
     * After this point, all calls to various sockets,
     * (i.e. accept(), listen(), etc. will result in stalls.
     * We are just waiting until existing connections have 
     * finished and then we will be either exec()'ing a new
     * version or exiting this process. */
    is_exiting = TRUE;

    /* Get ready to restart.
     * We only proceed with actual restart actions
     * if we are the master process, otherwise we will
     * simply prepare to shutdown cleanly once all the
     * current active connections have finished. */
    if( master_pid == getpid() )
        pid_t child;
        DEBUG("Exit started -- this is the master.");

        /* Unlink files (e.g. pidfile). */
        if( to_unlink != NULL && strlen(to_unlink) > 0 )
            DEBUG("Unlinking '%s'...", to_unlink);

        /* Neuter this process. */
        for( int fd = 0; fd < fd_limit(); fd += 1 )
            fdinfo_t* info = fd_lookup(fd);
            if( exit_strategy == FORK &&
                info != NULL && info->type == SAVED )
                /* Close initial files. Since these
                 * are now passed on to the child, we
                 * ensure that the parent won't mess 
                 * with them anymore. Note that we still
                 * have a copy as all SAVED descriptors. */
                if( info->saved.fd == 2 )
                    /* We treat stderr special.
                     * Assuming logging will go here, we
                     * allow the parent process to continue
                     * writing to this file (and hope that
                     * it's open in APPEND mode, etc.). */
                int nullfd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR);
                do_dup2(nullfd, info->saved.fd);
            if( info != NULL &&
                info->type == BOUND && !info->bound.is_ghost )
                /* Change BOUND sockets to dummy sockets.
                 * This will allow select() and poll() to
                 * operate as you expect, and never give
                 * back new clients. */
                int newfd = do_dup(fd);
                if( newfd >= 0 )
                    int dummy_server = impl_dummy_server();
                    if( dummy_server >= 0 )
                        /* Remove the descriptor in any epoll FDs. */
                        for( int efd = 0; efd < fd_limit(); efd += 1 )
                            fdinfo_t* einfo = fd_lookup(efd);
                            if( einfo != NULL && einfo->type == EPOLL )
                                struct epoll_event no_event;
                                epoll_ctl(efd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, fd, &no_event);

                        info->bound.is_ghost = 1;
                        do_dup2(dummy_server, fd);
                        DEBUG("Replaced FD %d with dummy.", fd);

        switch( exit_strategy )
            case FORK:
                /* Start the child process.
                 * We will exit gracefully when the tracked
                 * connection count reaches zero. */
                DEBUG("Exit strategy is fork.");
                child = libc.fork();
                if( child == 0 )
                    DEBUG("I'm the child.");
                    DEBUG("I'm the parent.");

            case EXEC:
                /* Nothing necessary beyond the above. */
                DEBUG("Exit strategy is exec.");
        /* Force our strategy to fork, though we haven't forked.
         * This will basically just have this process exit cleanly
         * once all the current active connections have finished. */
        DEBUG("Exit started -- this is the child.");
        exit_strategy = FORK;
int blocking_wait_for_edge(unsigned int gpio, unsigned int edge)
// standalone from all the event functions above
    int fd = fd_lookup(gpio);
    int epfd, n, i;
    struct epoll_event events, ev;
    char buf;

    if ((epfd = epoll_create(1)) == -1)
        return 1;

    // check to see if this gpio has been added already, if not, mark as added
    if (gpio_event_add(gpio) != 0)
        return 2;

    // export /sys/class/gpio interface
    gpio_set_direction(gpio, 1); // 1=input
    gpio_set_edge(gpio, edge);

    if (!fd)
        if ((fd = open_value_file(gpio)) == -1)
            return 3;

    // add to epoll fd
    ev.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET | EPOLLPRI;
    ev.data.fd = fd;
    if (epoll_ctl(epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &ev) == -1)
        return 4;

    // epoll for event
    for (i = 0; i<2; i++) // first time triggers with current state, so ignore
       if ((n = epoll_wait(epfd, &events, 1, -1)) == -1)
           return 5;

    if (n > 0)
        lseek(events.data.fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
        if (read(events.data.fd, &buf, 1) != 1)
            return 6;
        if (events.data.fd != fd)
            return 7;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 30
    DEBUG("Preparing for exec...");

    /* Reset our signal masks.
     * We intentionally mask SIGHUP here so that
     * it can't be called prior to us installing
     * our signal handlers. */
    sigset_t set;
    sigaddset(&set, SIGHUP);
    sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL);

    /* Encode extra information.
     * This includes information about sockets which
     * are in the BOUND or SAVED state. Note that we
     * can't really do anything with these *now* as
     * there are real threads running rampant -- so
     * we encode things for the exec() and take care 
     * of it post-exec(), where we know we're solo.
     * This information is encoded into a pipe which
     * is passed as an extra environment variable into
     * the next child. Although there is a limit on the
     * amount of data that can be stuffed into a pipe,
     * past Linux 2.6.11 (IIRC) this is 65K. */
    int pipes[2];
    if( pipe(pipes) < 0 )
        DEBUG("Unable to create pipes?");

    /* Stuff information into the pipe. */
    for( int fd = 0; fd < fd_limit(); fd += 1 )
        fdinfo_t *info = fd_lookup(fd);

        int to_be_saved = (info != NULL &&
            (info->type == BOUND || info->type == SAVED));

        if( fd == 2 || to_be_saved )
            /* I can't believe this is necessary.
             * When node.js starts up, it seems to run over
             * an arbitrary number of file descriptors and
             * mark them all CLO_EXEC. That is so messed up.
             * That's some seriously broken behaviour. */
            fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, 0);
        if( to_be_saved )
            if( info_encode(pipes[1], fd, info) < 0 )
                DEBUG("Error encoding fd %d: %s",
                      fd, strerror(errno));
                DEBUG("Encoded fd %d (type %d).", fd, info->type);
    DEBUG("Finished encoding.");

    /* Prepare our environment variable. */
    char pipe_env[32];
    snprintf(pipe_env, 32, "HUPTIME_PIPE=%d", pipes[0]);

    /* Mask the existing environment variable. */
    char **environ = environ_copy;
    int environ_len = 0;

    for( environ_len = 0;
         environ[environ_len] != NULL;
         environ_len += 1 )
        if( !strncmp("HUPTIME_PIPE=",
                     strlen("HUPTIME_PIPE=")) )
            environ[environ_len] = pipe_env;

    /* Do we need to extend the environment? */
    if( environ[environ_len] == NULL )
        char** new_environ = malloc(sizeof(char*) * (environ_len + 2));
        memcpy(new_environ, environ, sizeof(char*) * (environ_len));
        new_environ[environ_len] = pipe_env;
        new_environ[environ_len + 1] = NULL;
        environ = new_environ;

    /* Execute in the same environment, etc. */
    DEBUG("Doing exec()... bye!");
    execve(exe_copy, args_copy, environ);

    /* Bail. Should never reach here. */
    DEBUG("Things went horribly wrong!");