Ejemplo n.º 1
void IrTypeClass::addBaseClassData(
    std::vector<llvm::Type *> & defaultTypes,
    ClassDeclaration * base,
    size_t & offset,
    size_t & field_index)
    if (base->baseClass)
        addBaseClassData(defaultTypes, base->baseClass, offset, field_index);

    // FIXME: merge code with structs in IrTypeAggr

    // mirror the sd->fields array but only fill in contributors
    size_t n = base->fields.dim;
    LLSmallVector<VarDeclaration*, 16> data(n, NULL);

    // first fill in the fields with explicit initializers
    VarDeclarationIter field_it(base->fields);
    for (; field_it.more(); field_it.next())
        // init is !null for explicit inits
        if (field_it->init != NULL)
            IF_LOG Logger::println("adding explicit initializer for struct field %s",

            data[field_it.index] = *field_it;

            size_t f_begin = field_it->offset;
            size_t f_end = f_begin + field_it->type->size();

            // make sure there is no overlap
            for (size_t i = 0; i < field_it.index; i++)
                if (data[i] != NULL)
                    VarDeclaration* vd = data[i];
                    size_t v_begin = vd->offset;
                    size_t v_end = v_begin + vd->type->size();

                    if (v_begin >= f_end || v_end <= f_begin)

                    base->error(vd->loc, "has overlapping initialization for %s and %s",
                        field_it->toChars(), vd->toChars());

    if (global.errors)

    // fill in default initializers
    field_it = VarDeclarationIter(base->fields);
    for (;field_it.more(); field_it.next())
        if (data[field_it.index])

        size_t f_begin = field_it->offset;
        size_t f_end = f_begin + field_it->type->size();

        // make sure it doesn't overlap anything explicit
        bool overlaps = false;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
            if (data[i])
                size_t v_begin = data[i]->offset;
                size_t v_end = v_begin + data[i]->type->size();

                if (v_begin >= f_end || v_end <= f_begin)

                overlaps = true;

        // if no overlap was found, add the default initializer
        if (!overlaps)
            IF_LOG Logger::println("adding default initializer for struct field %s",
            data[field_it.index] = *field_it;

    // ok. now we can build a list of llvm types. and make sure zeros are inserted if necessary.

    // first we sort the list by offset
    std::sort(data.begin(), data.end(), var_offset_sort_cb);

    // add types to list
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
        VarDeclaration* vd = data[i];

        if (vd == NULL)

        assert(vd->offset >= offset && "it's a bug... most likely DMD bug 2481");

        // add to default field list
        if (cd == base)

        // get next aligned offset for this type
        size_t alignedoffset = realignOffset(offset, vd->type);

        // insert explicit padding?
        if (alignedoffset < vd->offset)
            field_index += add_zeros(defaultTypes, vd->offset - alignedoffset);

        // add default type

        // advance offset to right past this field
        offset = vd->offset + vd->type->size();

        // create ir field
        vd->aggrIndex = (unsigned)field_index;

    // any interface implementations?
    if (base->vtblInterfaces && base->vtblInterfaces->dim > 0)
        bool new_instances = (base == cd);

        ArrayIter<BaseClass> it2(*base->vtblInterfaces);

        VarDeclarationIter interfaces_idx(ClassDeclaration::classinfo->fields, 3);
	Type* first = interfaces_idx->type->nextOf()->pointerTo();

        // align offset
        offset = (offset + PTRSIZE - 1) & ~(PTRSIZE - 1);

        for (; !it2.done(); it2.next())
            BaseClass* b = it2.get();
            IF_LOG Logger::println("Adding interface vtbl for %s", b->base->toPrettyChars());

            FuncDeclarations arr;
            b->fillVtbl(cd, &arr, new_instances);

            llvm::Type* ivtbl_type = llvm::StructType::get(gIR->context(), buildVtblType(first, &arr));
            defaultTypes.push_back(llvm::PointerType::get(ivtbl_type, 0));

            offset += PTRSIZE;

            // add to the interface map
            addInterfaceToMap(b->base, field_index);

            // inc count

#if 0
    // tail padding?
    if (offset < base->structsize)
        field_index += add_zeros(defaultTypes, base->structsize - offset);
        offset = base->structsize;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static Variant HHVM_FUNCTION(dbase_create, const String& filename, const Variant& fields) {
  if (!fields.isArray()) {
    raise_warning("Expected array as second parameter");
    return false;

  //if (php_check_open_basedir(Z_STRVAL_PP(filename) TSRMLS_CC)) {

  int fd;
  if ((fd = open(filename.c_str(), O_BINARY|O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644)) < 0) {
    raise_warning("Unable to create database (%d): %s", errno, strerror(errno));
    return false;

  Array arr_fields = fields.toArray();
  ssize_t num_fields = arr_fields.size();
  if (num_fields <= 0) {
    raise_warning("Unable to create database without fields");
    return false;

  // have to use regular malloc() because this gets free()'d by
  // code in the dbase library.
  dbhead_t* dbh = (dbhead_t*)malloc(sizeof(dbhead_t));
  dbfield_t* dbf = (dbfield_t*)malloc(sizeof(dbfield_t) * num_fields);
  if ((dbh == nullptr) || (dbf == nullptr)) {
    raise_warning("Unable to allocate memory for header info");
    if (dbh != nullptr) {
    if (dbf != nullptr) {
    return false;

  // This will ensure close(fd) and free_dbf_head(dbh) on "return false".
  DBaseConnection dbc(dbh);

  // initialize the header structure
  dbh->db_fields = dbf;
  dbh->db_fd = fd;
  dbh->db_dbt = DBH_TYPE_NORMAL;
  strcpy(dbh->db_date, "19930818");
  dbh->db_records = 0;
  dbh->db_nfields = num_fields;
  dbh->db_hlen = sizeof(struct dbf_dhead) + 1 + num_fields * sizeof(struct dbf_dfield);

  int rlen = 1;
  // make sure that the db_format entries for all fields are set to NULL to ensure we
  // don't seg fault if there's and error and we need to call free_dbf_head() before all
  // fields have been defined.
  dbfield_t* cur_f = dbf;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_fields; i++, cur_f++) {
    cur_f->db_format = nullptr;

  cur_f = dbf;
  int i = 0;
  for (ArrayIter arr_it(arr_fields); arr_it; ++arr_it, cur_f++, i++) {
    Array& field = arr_it.second().toArrRef();
    ArrayIter field_it(field);

    // field name
    if (!field_it) {
      raise_warning("expected field name as first element of list in field %d", i);
      return false;
    const String& field_name = field_it.second().toCStrRef();
    if ((field_name.size() > 10) || (field_name.size() == 0)) {
      raise_warning("invalid field name '%s' (must be non-empty and less than or equal to 10 characters)", field_name.c_str());
      return false;
    strncpy(cur_f->db_fname, field_name.c_str(), field_name.size()+1);

    // field type
    if (!field_it) {
      raise_warning("expected field type as second element of list in field %d", i);
      return false;
    cur_f->db_type = toupper(field_it.second().toCStrRef().c_str()[0]);

    cur_f->db_fdc = 0;

    // verify the field length
    switch (cur_f->db_type) {
    case 'L':
      cur_f->db_flen = 1;
    case 'M':
      cur_f->db_flen = 10;
      dbh->db_dbt = DBH_TYPE_MEMO;
      // should create the memo file here, probably
    case 'D':
      cur_f->db_flen = 8;
    case 'F':
      cur_f->db_flen = 20;
    case 'N':
    case 'C':
      // field length
      if (!field_it) {
        raise_warning("expected field length as third element of list in field %d", i);
        return false;
      cur_f->db_flen = field_it.second().toInt32();

      if (cur_f->db_type == 'N') {
        if (!field_it) {
          raise_warning("expected field precision as fourth element of list in field %d", i);
          return false;
      raise_warning("unknown field type '%c'", cur_f->db_type);
      return false;
    cur_f->db_foffset = rlen;
    rlen += cur_f->db_flen;

    cur_f->db_format = get_dbf_f_fmt(cur_f);

  dbh->db_rlen = rlen;

  // We need a copy of dbc here, because return will destroy original.
  open_dbases->insert(std::make_pair(dbh->db_fd, std::shared_ptr<DBaseConnection>(new DBaseConnection(dbc))));
  return Variant(dbh->db_fd);