Ejemplo n.º 1
/* process_cite()
static int
process_cite( fields *bibin, char *p, char *filename, long nref )
	int fstatus, status = BIBL_OK;
	newstr tag, data;

	newstrs_init( &tag, &data, NULL );

	p = process_bibtextype( p, &data );
	if ( data.len ) {
		fstatus = fields_add( bibin, "INTERNAL_TYPE", data.data, 0 );
		if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) { status = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR; goto out; }

	p = process_bibtexid( p, &data );
	if ( data.len ) {
		fstatus = fields_add( bibin, "REFNUM", data.data, 0 );
		if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) { status = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR; goto out; }

	while ( *p ) {
		p = process_bibtexline( p, &tag, &data, 1, bibin );
		if ( p==NULL ) { status = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR; goto out; }
		/* no anonymous or empty fields allowed */
		if ( tag.len && data.len ) {
			fstatus = fields_add( bibin, tag.data, data.data, 0 );
			if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) { status = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR; goto out; }
		newstrs_empty( &tag, &data, NULL );
	newstrs_free( &tag, &data, NULL );
	return status;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static int
medin_doconvert( xml *node, fields *info, xml_convert *c, int nc, int *found )
	int i, fstatus;
	char *d;
	*found = 0;
	if ( !xml_hasdata( node ) ) return BIBL_OK;
	d = xml_data( node );
	for ( i=0; i<nc && *found==0; ++i ) {
		if ( c[i].a==NULL ) {
			if ( xml_tagexact( node, c[i].in ) ) {
				*found = 1;
				fstatus = fields_add( info, c[i].out, d, c[i].level );
				if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
		} else {
			if ( xml_tag_attrib( node, c[i].in, c[i].a, c[i].aval)){
				*found = 1;
				fstatus = fields_add( info, c[i].out, d, c[i].level );
				if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
	return BIBL_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static int
medin_assembleref( xml *node, fields *info )
	int status = BIBL_OK;
	if ( node->down ) {
		if ( xml_tagexact( node, "PubmedArticle" ) )
			status = medin_pubmedarticle( node->down, info );
		else if ( xml_tagexact( node, "MedlineCitation" ) )
			status = medin_medlinecitation( node->down, info );
			status = medin_assembleref( node->down, info );
	if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;

	if ( node->next ) {
		status = medin_assembleref( node->next, info );
		if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) return status;

	/* assume everything is a journal article */
	if ( fields_num( info ) ) {
		status = fields_add( info, "RESOURCE", "text", 0 );
		if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
		status = fields_add( info, "ISSUANCE", "continuing", 1 );
		if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
		status = fields_add( info, "GENRE", "periodical", 1 );
		if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
		status = fields_add( info, "GENRE", "academic journal", 1 );
		if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
		status = BIBL_OK;

	return status;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/*            <MedlineDate>2003 Jan-Feb</MedlineDate> */
static int
medin_medlinedate( fields *info, char *p, int level )
	int fstatus;
	newstr tmp;

	newstr_init( &tmp );

	p = newstr_cpytodelim( &tmp, skip_ws( p ), " \t\n\r", 0 );
	if ( newstr_memerr( &tmp ) ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
	if ( tmp.len > 0 ) {
		fstatus = fields_add( info, "PARTYEAR", tmp.data, level );
		if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;

	p = newstr_cpytodelim( &tmp, skip_ws( p ), " \t\n\r", 0 );
	if ( newstr_memerr( &tmp ) ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
	if ( tmp.len > 0 ) {
		newstr_findreplace( &tmp, "-", "/" );
		fstatus = fields_add( info, "PARTMONTH", tmp.data, level );
		if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;

	p = newstr_cpytodelim( &tmp, skip_ws( p ), " \t\n\r", 0 );
	if ( newstr_memerr( &tmp ) ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
	if ( tmp.len > 0 ) {
		fstatus = fields_add( info, "PARTDAY", tmp.data, level );
		if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;

	newstr_free( &tmp );

	return BIBL_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void
process_pages( fields *info, newstr *s, int level )
	char *p, *q;
	newstr sp, ep;

	newstr_init( &sp );
	newstr_init( &ep );

	newstr_findreplace( s, " ", "" );

	p = q = s->data;
	while ( isdigit( *q ) ) q++;
	newstr_segcpy( &sp, p, q );
	if ( sp.len>0 )
		fields_add( info, "PAGESTART", sp.data, level );

	p = q;
	while ( *p && !isdigit(*p) ) p++;
	q = p;
	while ( isdigit( *q ) ) q++;
	newstr_segcpy( &ep, p, q );
	if ( ep.len>0 )
		fields_add( info, "PAGEEND", ep.data, level );

Ejemplo n.º 6
isiin_processf( fields *isiin, char *p, char *filename, long nref )
	newstr tag, data;
	int n;
	newstr_init( &tag );
	newstr_init( &data );
	while ( *p ) {
		newstr_empty( &tag );
		newstr_empty( &data );
		p = process_isiline( &tag, &data, p );
		if ( !data.len ) continue;
		if ( (tag.len>1) && isiin_istag( tag.data ) ) {
			fields_add( isiin, tag.data, data.data, 0 );
		} else {
			n = isiin->nfields;
			if ( n>0 ) {
				/* only one AU or AF for list of authors */
				if ( !strcmp( isiin->tag[n-1].data,"AU") ){
					fields_add( isiin, "AU", data.data, 0);
				} else if ( !strcmp( isiin->tag[n-1].data,"AF") ){
					fields_add( isiin, "AF", data.data, 0);
				/* otherwise append multiline data */
				else {
					newstr_addchar( &(isiin->data[n-1]),' ');
					newstr_strcat( &(isiin->data[n-1]), data.data );
	newstr_free( &data );
	newstr_free( &tag );
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 7
endin_processf( fields *endin, char *p, char *filename, long nref )
	newstr tag, data;
	int n;
	newstr_init( &tag );
	newstr_init( &data );
	while ( *p ) {
		if ( endin_istag( p ) ) {
			p = process_endline( &tag, &data, p );
			/* no empty fields allowed */
			if ( data.len ) {
				fields_add( endin, tag.data, data.data, 0 );
		} else {
			p = process_endline2( &tag, &data, p );
			/* endnote puts %K only on 1st line of keywords */
			n = endin->nfields;
			if ( n>0 && data.len ) {
			if ( !strncmp( endin->tag[n-1].data, "%K", 2 ) ) {
				fields_add( endin, "%K", data.data, 0 );
			} else {
				newstr_addchar( &(endin->data[n-1]), ' ' );
				newstr_strcat( &(endin->data[n-1]), data.data );
		newstr_empty( &tag );
		newstr_empty( &data );
	newstr_free( &tag );
	newstr_free( &data );
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 8
pages_add( fields *bibout, char *outtag, newstr *invalue, int level )
	int fstatus, status = 1;
	newstr start, stop;

	newstr_init( &start );
	newstr_init( &stop );

	extract_range( invalue, &start, &stop );

	if ( newstr_memerr( &start ) || newstr_memerr( &stop ) ) {
		status = 0;
		goto out;

	if ( start.len>0 ) {
		fstatus = fields_add( bibout, "PAGES:START", start.data, level );
		if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) {
			status = 0;
			goto out;

	if ( stop.len>0 ) {
		fstatus = fields_add( bibout, "PAGES:STOP", stop.data, level );
		if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) status = 0;

	newstr_free( &start );
	newstr_free( &stop );
	return status;
Ejemplo n.º 9
static int
risin_linkedfile( fields *bibin, newstr *intag, newstr *invalue, int level, param *pm, char *outtag, fields *bibout )
	int fstatus, n;
	char *p;

	/* if URL is file:///path/to/xyz.pdf, only store "///path/to/xyz.pdf" */
	n = is_uri_file_scheme( invalue->data );
	if ( n ) {
		/* skip past "file:" and store only actual path */
		p = invalue->data + n;
		fstatus = fields_add( bibout, outtag, p, level );
		if ( fstatus==FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_OK;
		else return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;

	/* if URL is http:, ftp:, etc. store as a URL */
	n = is_uri_remote_scheme( invalue->data );
	if ( n!=-1 ) {
		fstatus = fields_add( bibout, "URL", invalue->data, level );
		if ( fstatus==FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_OK;
		else return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;

	/* badly formed, RIS wants URI, but store value anyway */
	fstatus = fields_add( bibout, outtag, invalue->data, level );
	if ( fstatus==FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_OK;
	else return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
Ejemplo n.º 10
static void
process_url( fields *info, char *p, int level )
	if ( !strncasecmp( p, "\\urllink", 8 ) )
		fields_add( info, "URL", p+8, level );
	else if ( !strncasecmp( p, "\\url", 4 ) )
		fields_add( info, "URL", p+4, level );
	else fields_add( info, "URL", p, level );
Ejemplo n.º 11
/* oxfordjournals hide the DOI in the NOTES N1 field */
static void
notes_add( fields *info, char *tag, newstr *s, int level )
	int doi = is_doi( s->data );
	if ( doi!=-1 )
		fields_add( info, "DOI", &(s->data[doi]), level );
		fields_add( info, tag, s->data, level );
Ejemplo n.º 12
/* Wiley EndNote download has DOI's in "%1" tag */
static void
addnotes( fields *info, char *tag, char *data, int level )
	int doi = is_doi( data );
	if ( doi!=-1 )
		fields_add( info, "DOI", &(data[doi]), level );
		fields_add( info, tag, data, level );
Ejemplo n.º 13
/* Wiley's EndNote download has DOI's in "%1" tag */
static int
endin_addnotes( fields *info, char *tag, char *data, int level )
	int doi = is_doi( data );
	if ( doi!=-1 )
		return fields_add( info, "DOI", &(data[doi]), level );
		return fields_add( info, tag, data, level );
Ejemplo n.º 14
 * BibTeX uses 'organization' in lieu of publisher if that field is missing.
 * Otherwise output as
 * <name type="corporate">
 *    <namePart>The organization</namePart>
 *    <role>
 *       <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="text">organizer of meeting</roleTerm>
 *    </role>
 * </name>
static int
process_organization( fields *bibin, fields *info, newstr *d, int level )
	int n, fstatus;
	n = fields_find( bibin, "publisher", LEVEL_ANY );
	if ( n==-1 )
		fstatus = fields_add( info, "PUBLISHER", d->data, level );
		fstatus = fields_add( info, "ORGANIZER:CORP", d->data, level );
	if ( fstatus==FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_OK;
	else return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
Ejemplo n.º 15
endin_convertf( fields *endin, fields *info, int reftype, param *p, variants *all, int nall )
	newstr *d;
	int  i, level, n, process;
	char *newtag, *t;
	for ( i=0; i<endin->nfields; ++i ) {
		/* Ensure that data exists */
		d = &( endin->data[i] );
		if ( !(d->data) || d->len==0 ) continue;
		 * All refer format tags start with '%'.  If we have one
		 * that doesn't, assume that it comes from endx2xml
		 * and just copy and paste to output
		t = endin->tag[i].data;
		if ( t[0]!='%' ) {
			fields_add( info, t, d->data, endin->level[i] );
		n = process_findoldtag( t, reftype, all, nall );
		if ( n==-1 ) {
			endin_notag( p, t, d->data );
		process = ((all[reftype]).tags[n]).processingtype;
		if ( process == ALWAYS ) continue; /* add these later */
		level = ((all[reftype]).tags[n]).level;
		newtag = ((all[reftype]).tags[n]).newstr;
		if ( process==SIMPLE )
			fields_add( info, newtag, d->data, level );
		else if ( process==TYPE )
			addtype( info, d->data, level );
		else if ( process==TITLE )
			title_process( info, newtag, d->data, level );
		else if ( process==PERSON )
			name_add( info, newtag, d->data, level, &(p->asis), 
					&(p->corps) );
		else if ( process==DATE )
			adddate( info, t, newtag,d->data,level);
		else if ( process==PAGES )
			addpage( info, d->data, level );
		else if ( process==SERIALNO )
			addsn( info, d->data, level );
		else if ( process==NOTES )
			addnotes( info, newtag, d->data, level );
		else {
/*				fprintf(stderr,"%s: internal error -- illegal process %d\n", r->progname, process );
Ejemplo n.º 16
static int
wordin_pages( xml *node, fields *info )
	int i, status, ret = BIBL_OK;
	newstr sp, ep;
	char *p;

	newstrs_init( &sp, &ep, NULL );

	p = xml_data( node );
	while ( *p && *p!='-' )
		newstr_addchar( &sp, *p++ );
	if ( newstr_memerr( &sp ) ) {
		goto out;

	if ( *p=='-' ) p++;
	while ( *p )
		newstr_addchar( &ep, *p++ );
	if ( newstr_memerr( &ep ) ) {
		goto out;

	if ( sp.len ) {
		status = fields_add( info, "PAGES:START", sp.data, 1 );
		if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) {
			goto out;

	if ( ep.len ) {
		if ( sp.len > ep.len ) {
			for ( i=sp.len-ep.len; i<sp.len; ++i )
				sp.data[i] = ep.data[i-sp.len+ep.len];
			status = fields_add( info, "PAGES:STOP", sp.data, 1 );
		} else
			status = fields_add( info, "PAGES:STOP", ep.data, 1 );
		if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) {
			goto out;

	newstrs_free( &sp, &ep, NULL );
	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 17
/* <Langauge>eng</Language>
static int
medin_language( xml *node, fields *info, int level )
	char *code, *language;
	int fstatus;
	code = xml_data( node );
	if ( !code ) return BIBL_OK;
	language = iso639_2_from_code( code );
	if ( language )
		fstatus = fields_add( info, "LANGUAGE", language, level );
		fstatus = fields_add( info, "LANGUAGE", code, level );
	if ( fstatus==FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_OK;
	else return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
Ejemplo n.º 18
static int
endin_addtype( fields *info, char *data, int level )
	lookups types[] = {
		{ "BOOK", "BOOK" }, 
		{ "REPORT", "REPORT" },
		{ "ARTWORK", "BOOK" },
		{ "PATENT", "BOOK" },
		{ "BILL", "BILL" },
		{ "CASE", "CASE" },
		{ "EDITED BOOK", "BOOK" },
		{ "MAP", "MAP" },
		{ "WEB PAGE", "WEBPAGE" },
	int  ntypes = sizeof( types ) / sizeof( lookups );
	int  i, ok, found=0;
	for ( i=0; i<ntypes; ++i ) {
		if ( !strcasecmp( types[i].oldstr, data ) ) {
			found = 1;
			ok = fields_add( info, "INTERNAL_TYPE", types[i].newstr, level );
			if ( !ok ) return 0;
	if ( !found ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "Did not identify reference type '%s'\n",
			data );
		fprintf( stderr, "Defaulting to journal article type\n");
		ok = fields_add( info, "INTERNAL_TYPE", types[0].newstr, level );
		if ( !ok ) return 0;
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 19
static int
bibtexin_crossref_oneref( fields *bibref, fields *bibcross )
	int j, n, nl, ntype, fstatus, status = BIBL_OK;
	char *type, *nt, *nv;

	ntype = fields_find( bibref, "INTERNAL_TYPE", -1 );
	type = ( char * ) fields_value( bibref, ntype, FIELDS_CHRP_NOUSE );

	n = fields_num( bibcross );
	for ( j=0; j<n; ++j ) {
		nt = ( char * ) fields_tag( bibcross, j, FIELDS_CHRP_NOUSE );
		if ( !strcasecmp( nt, "INTERNAL_TYPE" ) ) continue;
		if ( !strcasecmp( nt, "REFNUM" ) ) continue;
		if ( !strcasecmp( nt, "TITLE" ) ) {
			if ( !strcasecmp( type, "Inproceedings" ) ||
			     !strcasecmp( type, "Incollection" ) )
				nt = "booktitle";
		nv = ( char * ) fields_value( bibcross, j, FIELDS_CHRP_NOUSE );
		nl = fields_level( bibcross, j ) + 1;
		fstatus = fields_add( bibref, nt, nv, nl );
		if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) {
			status = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
			goto out;
	return status;
Ejemplo n.º 20
risin_processf( fields *risin, char *p, char *filename, long nref )
	newstr tag, data;
	newstr_init( &tag );
	newstr_init( &data );

	while ( *p ) {
		if ( risin_istag( p ) ) {
		p = process_line( &tag, &data, p );
		/* no anonymous fields allowed */
/*		if ( tag.len && data.len )*/
		if ( tag.len )
			fields_add( risin, tag.data, data.data, 0 );
		} else {
			p = process_line2( &tag, &data, p );
			if ( data.len && risin->nfields>0 ) {
				newstr *od;
				od = &(risin->data[risin->nfields-1] );
				newstr_addchar( od, ' ' );
				newstr_strcat( od, data.data );
		newstr_empty( &tag );
		newstr_empty( &data );

	newstr_free( &tag );
	newstr_free( &data );
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 21
static void
addpage( fields *info, char *p, int level )
	newstr page;
	newstr_init( &page );
	p = skip_ws( p );
	while ( *p && !is_ws(*p) && *p!='-' && *p!='\r' && *p!='\n' ) 
		newstr_addchar( &page, *p++ );
	if ( page.len>0 ) fields_add( info, "PAGESTART", page.data, level );
	newstr_empty( &page );
	while ( *p && (is_ws(*p) || *p=='-' ) ) p++;
	while ( *p && !is_ws(*p) && *p!='-' && *p!='\r' && *p!='\n' ) 
		newstr_addchar( &page, *p++ );
	if ( page.len>0 ) fields_add( info, "PAGEEND", page.data, level );
	newstr_free( &page );
Ejemplo n.º 22
static void
bibtexin_crossref( bibl *bin, param *p )
	char booktitle[] = "booktitle";
	long i, j, ncross;
	char *nt, *nd, *type;
	int n, ntype, nl;
        for ( i=0; i<bin->nrefs; ++i ) {
		n = fields_find( bin->ref[i], "CROSSREF", -1 );
		if ( n==-1 ) continue;
		ncross = bibtexin_findref( bin, bin->ref[i]->data[n].data );
		if ( ncross==-1 ) {
			bibtexin_nocrossref( bin, i, n, p );
		ntype = fields_find( bin->ref[i], "TYPE", -1 );
		type = bin->ref[i]->data[ntype].data;
		fields_setused( bin->ref[i], n );
/*		bin->ref[i]->used[n] = 1; */
		for ( j=0; j<bin->ref[ncross]->nfields; ++j ) {
			nt = bin->ref[ncross]->tag[j].data;
			if ( !strcasecmp( nt, "TYPE" ) ) continue;
			if ( !strcasecmp( nt, "REFNUM" ) ) continue;
			if ( !strcasecmp( nt, "TITLE" ) ) {
				if ( !strcasecmp( type, "Inproceedings" ) ||
				     !strcasecmp( type, "Incollection" ) )
					nt = booktitle;
			nd = bin->ref[ncross]->data[j].data;
			nl = bin->ref[ncross]->level[j] + 1;
			fields_add( bin->ref[i], nt, nd, nl );

Ejemplo n.º 23
copacin_processf( fields *copacin, char *p, char *filename, long nref )
	newstr tag, data;
	int status;
	newstr_init( &tag );
	newstr_init( &data );
	while ( *p ) {
		p = skip_ws( p );
		if ( copacin_istag( p ) ) {
			p = copacin_addtag2( p, &tag, &data );
			/* don't add empty strings */
			if ( tag.len && data.len ) {
				status = fields_add( copacin, tag.data, data.data, 0 );
				if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) return 0;
			newstr_empty( &tag );
			newstr_empty( &data );
		else p = copacin_nextline( p );
	newstr_free( &tag );
	newstr_free( &data );
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 24
static int
medin_authorlist( xml *node, fields *info )
	int fstatus, status;
	newstr name;
	char *tag;
	newstr_init( &name );
	node = node->down;
	while ( node ) {
		if ( xml_tagexact( node, "Author" ) && node->down ) {
			status = medin_author( node->down, &name );
			tag = "AUTHOR";
			if ( !name.len ) {
				status = medin_corpauthor( node->down, &name );
				tag = "AUTHOR:CORP";
			if ( newstr_memerr( &name ) || status!=BIBL_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
			if ( name.len ) {
				fstatus = fields_add(info,tag,name.data,0);
				if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
			newstr_empty( &name );
		node = node->next;
	newstr_free( &name );
	return BIBL_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 25
static int
copacin_simple( fields *out, char *tag, char *value, int level )
	int fstatus = fields_add( out, tag, value, level );
	if ( fstatus==FIELDS_OK ) return BIBL_OK;
	else return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
Ejemplo n.º 26
/* Split keywords="" with semicolons.
 * Commas are also frequently used, but will break
 * entries like:
 *       keywords="Microscopy, Confocal"
static int
process_keywords( fields *info, newstr *d, int level )
	int fstatus, status = BIBL_OK;
	newstr keyword;
	char *p;

	if ( !d || d->len==0 ) return BIBL_OK;

	p = d->data;
	newstr_init( &keyword );

	while ( *p ) {
		p = newstr_cpytodelim( &keyword, skip_ws( p ), ";", 1 );
		newstr_trimendingws( &keyword );
		if ( newstr_memerr( &keyword ) ) {
			status = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
			goto out;
		if ( keyword.len ) {
			fstatus = fields_add( info, "KEYWORD", keyword.data, level );
			if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) {
				status = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
				goto out;
	newstr_free( &keyword );
	return status;
Ejemplo n.º 27
/* bibl_copy()
 * returns 1 on success, 0 on failure (memory error)
bibl_copy( bibl *bout, bibl *bin )
	fields *refin, *refout;
	int i, j, n, status, ok, level;
	char *tag, *value;
	for ( i=0; i<bin->nrefs; ++i ) {
		refin = bin->ref[i];
		refout = fields_new();
		if ( !refout ) return 0;
		n = fields_num( refin );
		for ( j=0; j<n; ++j ) {
			tag   = fields_tag( refin, j, FIELDS_CHRP );
			value = fields_value( refin, j, FIELDS_CHRP );
			level = fields_level( refin, j );
			if ( tag && value ) {
				status = fields_add( refout, tag, value, level );
				if ( status!=FIELDS_OK ) return 0;
		ok = bibl_addref( bout, refout );
		if ( !ok ) return 0;
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 28
static int
wordin_person( xml *node, fields *info, char *type )
	int status, ret = BIBL_OK;
	newstr name;

	newstr_init( &name );

	status = wordin_person_last( node, &name );
	if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) {
		ret = status;
		goto out;

	status = wordin_person_first( node, &name );
	if ( status!=BIBL_OK ) {
		ret = status;
		goto out;

	status = fields_add( info, type, name.data, 0 );
	if ( status != FIELDS_OK ) ret = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
	newstr_free( &name );
	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 29
static int
bibtex_addtitleurl( fields *info, newstr *in )
	int fstatus, status = BIBL_OK;
	newstr s;
	char *p;

	newstr_init( &s );

	/* ...skip past "\href{" and copy to "}" */
	p = newstr_cpytodelim( &s, in->data + 6, "}", 1 );
	if ( newstr_memerr( &s ) ) { status = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR; goto out; }

	/* ...add to URL */
	fstatus = fields_add( info, "URL", s.data, 0 );
	if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) { status = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR; goto out; }

	/* ...return deleted fragment to newstr in */
	p = newstr_cpytodelim( &s, p, "", 0 );
	if ( newstr_memerr( &s ) ) { status = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR; goto out; }
	newstr_swapstrings( &s, in );

	newstr_free( &s );
	return status;
Ejemplo n.º 30
static int
bibtex_matches_list( fields *info, char *tag, char *suffix, newstr *data, int level,
		list *names, int *match )
	int i, fstatus, status = BIBL_OK;
	newstr newtag;

	*match = 0;
	if ( names->n==0 ) return status;

	newstr_init( &newtag );

	for ( i=0; i<names->n; ++i ) {
		if ( strcmp( data->data, list_getc( names, i ) ) ) continue;
		newstr_initstr( &newtag, tag );
		newstr_strcat( &newtag, suffix );
		fstatus = fields_add( info, newtag.data, data->data, level );
		if ( fstatus!=FIELDS_OK ) {
			status = BIBL_ERR_MEMERR;
			goto out;
		*match = 1;
		goto out;

	newstr_free( &newtag );
	return status;