Ejemplo n.º 1
void MainWindow::loadImagePath(QString imagePath)
   if (imagePath.isEmpty())
       qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "called with an empty string directory";

    theImagePath = imagePath;

   QStringList filters;
   filters << "*.jpg" << "*.jpeg" << "*.png" << "*.bmp" << "*.ppm" << "*.xbm" << "*.xpm";
   QDir fileListing(imagePath);

   if (!fileListing.exists())
      QMessageBox::critical(this, "Directory Does Not Exist", QString("Path %1 does not exist").arg(imagePath));

   theImageFiles = fileListing.entryList(filters, QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot,QDir::Name);

   qDebug() << "Scanning the direcotry " << fileListing.absolutePath() << " for files";
   qDebug() << "Found the follwoing files: " << theImageFiles;

   if (fileListing.count() == 0)
      QMessageBox::critical(this, "No images found", QString("Path %1 does not have any images").arg(imagePath));

   theCurImageIndex = 0;

   ui->theImagesFoundLabel->setText(QString("Images Found: %1").arg(theImageFiles.count()));
Ejemplo n.º 2
* GetFtpDirectory
* Description: 1) Conect to ftp server, change directory. 
*	2) Get dir listing.
*	3) Read existing listing file, 
*	4) If listing has changed, write new dir listing file.
* Parameters:	CConnection - describes ftp connection info, user, host etc.
*				dir - ftp remote directory
*				ftpClient - optional ftpclient. if null, will create, connect and close.
* Return:
*				bool - success
* ??? was it updated?
bool CFtpManager::GetFtpDirectory(CConnection * con, CString &directory, CRealFtpClient * ftpClient)
	bool result = false;
	//TRACE1(" con %s \n ", con->name);

	//Connect(con, m_ftpClient);
	//if(!m_ftpClient.IsConnected()) // Not connected
	//	return;
	bool closeConnection = false;
		ftpClient = new CRealFtpClient();
		closeConnection = true;
	if(!ftpClient->IsConnected()) // Not connected
		int retcode = 11;
		retcode = ftpClient->FTPConnect(con->host, con->user, con->password, _T(""));
		if(retcode == UTE_SUCCESS)


	CString localStorePath;
	GetLocalStorePath(con, localStorePath);
	localStorePath = localStorePath + directory + CString(_T(""));
	localStorePath.Replace('/', '\\');

	CString dirContentListing(_T(""));
	CString fileListing(_T(""));
	CString folderListing(_T(""));

	int valRet;
		valRet = ftpClient->ChDir( directory );
		if (valRet != UTE_SUCCESS){
			//m_history.AddLine(CUT_ERR::GetErrorString (valRet));
			TRACE1(" chdir failed: %s \n ", CUT_ERR::GetErrorString(valRet) );
			int dirInfo = ftpClient->GetDirInfo();

			int count = ftpClient->GetDirInfoCount();
			for(int t=0;t<count;t++){
				ftpClient->GetDirEntry(t, &di);
				// v4.2 dir info now has _TCHAR
				// Format: Name,size,time, time display
					_T("<n>%s</n><s>%ld</s><d>%2.2d/%2.2d/%2.2d %2.2d:%2.2d</d><p>%d</p><o>%s</o><g>%s</g>"),
					di.fileName, di.fileSize,
					di.year, di.month, di.day, di.hour, di.minute, di.permissions, di.owner, di.group);

					CString folderPath(localStorePath + _T("") + di.fileName );
					if(GetFileAttributes(folderPath) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES){
						CreateDirectory(folderPath, NULL);

					CString fileInfo(_T(""));
					fileInfo = fileInfo + CString(_T("<t>d</t>")) + CString(entry) + _T("\n");
					folderListing = folderListing + fileInfo;
				} else {
					// File
					CString fileInfo(_T(""));
					fileInfo = fileInfo + CString(_T("<t>f</t>")) + CString(entry) + _T("\n");
					fileListing = fileListing + fileInfo;
			dirContentListing = CString(folderListing + fileListing);

			// write dir descriptor
			// dirContentListing
			CString dirContentFile(localStorePath + _T(".files.rftp"));

			// Check existing files.rftp. Don't rewrite if its the same. SSD safety.
			CString existingListing(_T(""));
			CFileStatus status;
			if(CFile::GetStatus(dirContentFile, status))
				CStdioFile file (dirContentFile, CStdioFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyNone);
				CString buffer;
				while (file.ReadString(buffer))
					existingListing = existingListing + buffer + _T("\n");

			if(existingListing.Compare(dirContentListing) != 0)
				CFile theFile(dirContentFile, CFile::modeReadWrite | CFile::modeCreate);
				char buffer[200000];
				sprintf(buffer, "%S", dirContentListing); // CString to char *
				int len = strlen(buffer);
				//theFile.Write( (LPCTSTR) dirContentListing, dirContentListing.GetLength() * sizeof(TCHAR));
				// Error here ***********
				CString buffy(dirContentFile);
				if(buffy.Find(CString(_T("newsletter-form"))) != 1){
					int i  = 0;

				theFile.Write(buffer, len);

				TRACE0(" GetFtpDirectory Updated \n");
				m_directoryUpdated = true;  
			} else {
				//TRACE0(" GetFtpDirectory Allready up to date \n");
				m_directoryUpdated = false;

			//TRACE1(" file: %s \n", entry);
			result = true;
		} // chdir success		
		delete ftpClient;
	return result;