Ejemplo n.º 1
// Return max colours we load from, or 0 if no colours
uint32_t file_filter_from_ncols_calc(const FileFilter *fltr)
  uint32_t i, max = 0;
  for(i = 0; i < file_filter_num(fltr); i++)
    max = MAX2(max, file_filter_fromcol(fltr,i)+1);
  return max;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Returns true if each colour is loaded directly into the same colour
// 0->0, ... N->N where N is filencols
bool file_filter_is_direct(const FileFilter *fltr)
  size_t i = 0;
  if(file_filter_num(fltr) != fltr->filencols) return false;
  while(i < file_filter_num(fltr) &&
        file_filter_fromcol(fltr, i) == file_filter_intocol(fltr,i)) i++;
  return (i == file_filter_num(fltr));
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Print file filter description
void file_filter_status(const FileFilter *fltr)
  size_t i;

  message("[FileFilter] Loading file %s [%u colour%s]", file_filter_path(fltr),
          fltr->filencols, util_plural_str(fltr->filencols));

    message(" with filter: %u->%u", file_filter_fromcol(fltr, 0),
                                    file_filter_intocol(fltr, 0));

    for(i = 1; i < file_filter_num(fltr); i++)
      message(",%u->%u", file_filter_fromcol(fltr,i), file_filter_intocol(fltr,i));
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Read a kmer from the file
// returns true on success, false otherwise
// prints warnings if dirty kmers in file
// be sure to zero covgs, edges before reading in
bool graph_file_read(const GraphFileReader *file,
                     BinaryKmer *bkmer, Covg *covgs, Edges *edges)
  // status("Header colours: %u", file->hdr.num_of_cols);
  Covg kmercovgs[file->hdr.num_of_cols];
  Edges kmeredges[file->hdr.num_of_cols];
  size_t i, from, into;
  const FileFilter *fltr = &file->fltr;

  if(!graph_file_read_kmer(file->fh, &file->hdr, fltr->path.b,
                           bkmer, kmercovgs, kmeredges)) return false;

  for(i = 0; i < file_filter_num(fltr); i++) {
    from = file_filter_fromcol(fltr, i);
    into = file_filter_intocol(fltr, i);
    covgs[into] = SAFE_ADD_COVG(covgs[into], kmercovgs[from]);
    edges[into] |= kmeredges[from];

  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int ctx_clean(int argc, char **argv)
  size_t nthreads = 0, use_ncols = 0;
  struct MemArgs memargs = MEM_ARGS_INIT;
  const char *out_ctx_path = NULL;
  bool tip_cleaning = false, supernode_cleaning = false;
  size_t min_keep_tip = 0;
  Covg threshold = 0, fallback_thresh = 0;
  const char *len_before_path = NULL, *len_after_path = NULL;
  const char *covg_before_path = NULL, *covg_after_path = NULL;

  // Arg parsing
  char cmd[100];
  char shortopts[300];
  cmd_long_opts_to_short(longopts, shortopts, sizeof(shortopts));
  int c;

  // silence error messages from getopt_long
  // opterr = 0;

  while((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL)) != -1) {
    cmd_get_longopt_str(longopts, c, cmd, sizeof(cmd));
    switch(c) {
      case 0: /* flag set */ break;
      case 'h': cmd_print_usage(NULL); break;
      case 'f': cmd_check(!futil_get_force(), cmd); futil_set_force(true); break;
      case 'o':
        if(out_ctx_path != NULL) cmd_print_usage(NULL);
        out_ctx_path = optarg;
      case 'm': cmd_mem_args_set_memory(&memargs, optarg); break;
      case 'n': cmd_mem_args_set_nkmers(&memargs, optarg); break;
      case 'N': use_ncols = cmd_uint32_nonzero(cmd, optarg); break;
      case 't': cmd_check(!nthreads, cmd); nthreads = cmd_uint32_nonzero(cmd, optarg); break;
      case 'T':
        cmd_check(!tip_cleaning, cmd);
        min_keep_tip = cmd_uint32_nonzero(cmd, optarg);
        tip_cleaning = true;
      case 'S':
        cmd_check(!supernode_cleaning, cmd);
        if(optarg != NULL) threshold = cmd_uint32_nonzero(cmd, optarg);
        supernode_cleaning = true;
      case 'B': cmd_check(!fallback_thresh, cmd); fallback_thresh = cmd_uint32_nonzero(cmd, optarg); break;
      case 'l': cmd_check(!len_before_path, cmd); len_before_path = optarg; break;
      case 'L': cmd_check(!len_after_path, cmd); len_after_path = optarg; break;
      case 'c': cmd_check(!covg_before_path, cmd); covg_before_path = optarg; break;
      case 'C': cmd_check(!covg_after_path, cmd); covg_after_path = optarg; break;
      case ':': /* BADARG */
      case '?': /* BADCH getopt_long has already printed error */
        // cmd_print_usage(NULL);
        die("`"CMD" clean -h` for help. Bad option: %s", argv[optind-1]);
      default: abort();

  if(nthreads == 0) nthreads = DEFAULT_NTHREADS;

  if(optind >= argc) cmd_print_usage("Please give input graph files");

  // Default behaviour
  if(!tip_cleaning && !supernode_cleaning) {
    if(out_ctx_path != NULL)
      supernode_cleaning = tip_cleaning = true; // do both
      warn("No cleaning being done: you did not specify --out <out.ctx>");

  bool doing_cleaning = (supernode_cleaning || tip_cleaning);

  if(doing_cleaning && out_ctx_path == NULL) {
    cmd_print_usage("Please specify --out <out.ctx> for cleaned graph");

  if(!doing_cleaning && (covg_after_path || len_after_path)) {
    cmd_print_usage("You gave --len-after <out> / --covg-after <out> without "
                    "any cleaning (set -s, --supernodes or -t, --tips)");

  if(doing_cleaning && strcmp(out_ctx_path,"-") != 0 &&
     !futil_get_force() && futil_file_exists(out_ctx_path))
    cmd_print_usage("Output file already exists: %s", out_ctx_path);

  if(fallback_thresh && !supernode_cleaning)
    cmd_print_usage("-B, --fallback <T> without --supernodes");

  // Use remaining args as graph files
  char **gfile_paths = argv + optind;
  size_t i, j, num_gfiles = (size_t)(argc - optind);

  // Open graph files
  GraphFileReader *gfiles = ctx_calloc(num_gfiles, sizeof(GraphFileReader));
  size_t ncols, ctx_max_kmers = 0, ctx_sum_kmers = 0;

  ncols = graph_files_open(gfile_paths, gfiles, num_gfiles,
                           &ctx_max_kmers, &ctx_sum_kmers);

  size_t kmer_size = gfiles[0].hdr.kmer_size;

  // default to one colour for now
  if(use_ncols == 0) use_ncols = 1;

  // Flatten if we don't have to remember colours / output a graph
    ncols = use_ncols = 1;
    for(i = 0; i < num_gfiles; i++)
      file_filter_flatten(&gfiles[i].fltr, 0);

  if(ncols < use_ncols) {
    warn("I only need %zu colour%s ('--ncols %zu' ignored)",
         ncols, util_plural_str(ncols), use_ncols);
    use_ncols = ncols;

  char max_kmers_str[100];
  ulong_to_str(ctx_max_kmers, max_kmers_str);
  status("%zu input graph%s, max kmers: %s, using %zu colours",
         num_gfiles, util_plural_str(num_gfiles), max_kmers_str, use_ncols);

  // If no arguments given we default to removing tips < 2*kmer_size
  if(tip_cleaning && min_keep_tip == 0)
    min_keep_tip = 2 * kmer_size;

  // Warn if any graph files already cleaned
  size_t fromcol, intocol;
  ErrorCleaning *cleaning;

  for(i = 0; i < num_gfiles; i++) {
    for(j = 0; j < file_filter_num(&gfiles[i].fltr); j++) {
      fromcol = file_filter_fromcol(&gfiles[i].fltr, j);
      cleaning = &gfiles[i].hdr.ginfo[fromcol].cleaning;
      if(cleaning->cleaned_snodes && supernode_cleaning) {
        warn("%s:%zu already has supernode cleaning with threshold: <%zu",
             file_filter_path(&gfiles[i].fltr), fromcol,
      if(cleaning->cleaned_tips && tip_cleaning) {
        warn("%s:%zu already has had tip cleaned",
             file_filter_path(&gfiles[i].fltr), fromcol);

  // Print steps
  size_t step = 0;
  if(covg_before_path != NULL)
    status("%zu. Saving kmer coverage distribution to: %s", step++, covg_before_path);
  if(len_before_path != NULL)
    status("%zu. Saving supernode length distribution to: %s", step++, len_before_path);
    status("%zu. Cleaning tips shorter than %zu nodes", step++, min_keep_tip);
  if(supernode_cleaning && threshold > 0)
    status("%zu. Cleaning supernodes with coverage < %u", step++, threshold);
  if(supernode_cleaning && threshold <= 0)
    status("%zu. Cleaning supernodes with auto-detected threshold", step++);
  if(covg_after_path != NULL)
    status("%zu. Saving kmer coverage distribution to: %s", step++, covg_after_path);
  if(len_after_path != NULL)
    status("%zu. Saving supernode length distribution to: %s", step++, len_after_path);

  // Decide memory usage
  bool all_colours_loaded = (ncols <= use_ncols);
  bool use_mem_limit = (memargs.mem_to_use_set && num_gfiles > 1) || !ctx_max_kmers;

  size_t kmers_in_hash, bits_per_kmer, graph_mem;
  size_t per_kmer_per_col_bits = (sizeof(BinaryKmer)+sizeof(Covg)+sizeof(Edges)) * 8;
  size_t pop_edges_per_kmer_bits = (all_colours_loaded ? 0 : sizeof(Edges) * 8);

  bits_per_kmer = per_kmer_per_col_bits * use_ncols + pop_edges_per_kmer_bits;

  kmers_in_hash = cmd_get_kmers_in_hash(memargs.mem_to_use,
                                        ctx_max_kmers, ctx_sum_kmers,
                                        use_mem_limit, &graph_mem);

  // Maximise the number of colours we load to fill the mem
  size_t max_usencols = (memargs.mem_to_use*8 - pop_edges_per_kmer_bits * kmers_in_hash) /
                        (per_kmer_per_col_bits * kmers_in_hash);
  use_ncols = MIN2(max_usencols, ncols);

  cmd_check_mem_limit(memargs.mem_to_use, graph_mem);

  // Check output files are writable

  // Does nothing if arg is NULL

  // Create db_graph
  // Load as many colours as possible
  // Use an extra set of edge to take intersections
  dBGraph db_graph;
  db_graph_alloc(&db_graph, gfiles[0].hdr.kmer_size, use_ncols, use_ncols,
                 kmers_in_hash, DBG_ALLOC_COVGS);

  // Edges is a special case
  size_t num_edges = db_graph.ht.capacity * (use_ncols + !all_colours_loaded);
  db_graph.col_edges = ctx_calloc(num_edges, sizeof(Edges));

  // Load graph into a single colour
  LoadingStats stats = LOAD_STATS_INIT_MACRO;

  GraphLoadingPrefs gprefs = {.db_graph = &db_graph,
                              .boolean_covgs = false,
                              .must_exist_in_graph = false,
                              .must_exist_in_edges = NULL,
                              .empty_colours = false};

  // Construct cleaned graph header
  GraphFileHeader outhdr;
  memset(&outhdr, 0, sizeof(GraphFileHeader));
  outhdr.version = CTX_GRAPH_FILEFORMAT;
  outhdr.kmer_size = db_graph.kmer_size;
  outhdr.num_of_cols = ncols;
  outhdr.num_of_bitfields = (db_graph.kmer_size*2+63)/64;
  graph_header_alloc(&outhdr, ncols);

  // Merge info into header
  size_t gcol = 0;
  for(i = 0; i < num_gfiles; i++) {
    for(j = 0; j < file_filter_num(&gfiles[i].fltr); j++, gcol++) {
      fromcol = file_filter_fromcol(&gfiles[i].fltr, j);
      intocol = file_filter_intocol(&gfiles[i].fltr, j);
      graph_info_merge(&outhdr.ginfo[intocol], &gfiles[i].hdr.ginfo[fromcol]);

  if(ncols > use_ncols) {
    graph_files_load_flat(gfiles, num_gfiles, gprefs, &stats);
  } else {
    for(i = 0; i < num_gfiles; i++)
      graph_load(&gfiles[i], gprefs, &stats);

  char num_kmers_str[100];
  ulong_to_str(db_graph.ht.num_kmers, num_kmers_str);
  status("Total kmers loaded: %s\n", num_kmers_str);

  size_t initial_nkmers = db_graph.ht.num_kmers;

  uint8_t *visited = ctx_calloc(roundup_bits2bytes(db_graph.ht.capacity), 1);
  uint8_t *keep = ctx_calloc(roundup_bits2bytes(db_graph.ht.capacity), 1);

  if((supernode_cleaning && threshold <= 0) || covg_before_path || len_before_path)
    // Get coverage distribution and estimate cleaning threshold
    int est_threshold = cleaning_get_threshold(nthreads,
                                               visited, &db_graph);

    if(est_threshold < 0) status("Cannot find recommended cleaning threshold");
    else status("Recommended cleaning threshold is: %i", est_threshold);

    // Use estimated threshold if threshold not set
    if(threshold <= 0) {
      if(fallback_thresh > 0 && est_threshold < (int)fallback_thresh) {
        status("Using fallback threshold: %i", fallback_thresh);
        threshold = fallback_thresh;
      else if(est_threshold >= 0) threshold = est_threshold;

  // Die if we failed to find suitable cleaning threshold
  if(supernode_cleaning && threshold <= 0)
    die("Need cleaning threshold (--supernodes=<D> or --fallback <D>)");

  if(doing_cleaning) {
    // Clean graph of tips (if min_keep_tip > 0) and supernodes (if threshold > 0)
    clean_graph(nthreads, threshold, min_keep_tip,
                covg_after_path, len_after_path,
                visited, keep, &db_graph);


    // Output graph file
    Edges *intersect_edges = NULL;
    bool kmers_loaded = true;
    size_t col, thresh;

    // Set output header ginfo cleaned
    for(col = 0; col < ncols; col++)
      cleaning = &outhdr.ginfo[col].cleaning;
      cleaning->cleaned_snodes |= supernode_cleaning;
      cleaning->cleaned_tips |= tip_cleaning;

      // if(tip_cleaning) {
      //   strbuf_append_str(&outhdr.ginfo[col].sample_name, ".tipclean");
      // }

      if(supernode_cleaning) {
        thresh = cleaning->clean_snodes_thresh;
        thresh = cleaning->cleaned_snodes ? MAX2(thresh, (uint32_t)threshold)
                                          : (uint32_t)threshold;
        cleaning->clean_snodes_thresh = thresh;

        // char name_append[200];
        // sprintf(name_append, ".supclean%zu", thresh);
        // strbuf_append_str(&outhdr.ginfo[col].sample_name, name_append);

      // We haven't loaded all the colours
      // intersect_edges are edges to mask with
      // resets graph edges
      intersect_edges = db_graph.col_edges;
      db_graph.col_edges += db_graph.ht.capacity;

    // Print stats on removed kmers
    size_t removed_nkmers = initial_nkmers - db_graph.ht.num_kmers;
    double removed_pct = (100.0 * removed_nkmers) / initial_nkmers;
    char removed_str[100], init_str[100];
    ulong_to_str(removed_nkmers, removed_str);
    ulong_to_str(initial_nkmers, init_str);
    status("Removed %s of %s (%.2f%%) kmers", removed_str, init_str, removed_pct);

    graph_files_merge(out_ctx_path, gfiles, num_gfiles,
                      kmers_loaded, all_colours_loaded,
                      intersect_edges, &outhdr, &db_graph);

    // Swap back
      db_graph.col_edges = intersect_edges;

  ctx_check(db_graph.ht.num_kmers == hash_table_count_kmers(&db_graph.ht));


  for(i = 0; i < num_gfiles; i++) graph_file_close(&gfiles[i]);


  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 6
int ctx_thread(int argc, char **argv)
  struct ReadThreadCmdArgs args;
  read_thread_args_parse(&args, argc, argv, longopts, false);

  GraphFileReader *gfile = &args.gfile;
  GPathFileBuffer *gpfiles = &args.gpfiles;
  CorrectAlnInputBuffer *inputs = &args.inputs;
  size_t i;

  if(args.zero_link_counts && gpfiles->len == 0)
    cmd_print_usage("-0,--zero-paths without -p,--paths <in.ctp> has no meaning");

  // Check each path file only loads one colour
  gpaths_only_for_colour(gpfiles->b, gpfiles->len, 0);

  // Decide on memory
  size_t bits_per_kmer, kmers_in_hash, graph_mem, total_mem;
  size_t path_hash_mem, path_store_mem, path_mem;
  bool sep_path_list = (!args.use_new_paths && gpfiles->len > 0);

  bits_per_kmer = sizeof(BinaryKmer)*8 + sizeof(Edges)*8 + sizeof(GPath*)*8 +
                  2 * args.nthreads; // Have traversed

  // false -> don't use mem_to_use to decide how many kmers to store in hash
  // since we need some of that memory for storing paths
  kmers_in_hash = cmd_get_kmers_in_hash(args.memargs.mem_to_use,
                                        false, &graph_mem);

  // Paths memory
  size_t min_path_mem = 0;
  gpath_reader_sum_mem(gpfiles->b, gpfiles->len, 1, true, true, &min_path_mem);

  if(graph_mem + min_path_mem > args.memargs.mem_to_use) {
    char buf[50];
    die("Require at least %s memory", bytes_to_str(graph_mem+min_path_mem, 1, buf));

  path_mem = args.memargs.mem_to_use - graph_mem;
  size_t pentry_hash_mem = sizeof(GPEntry)/0.7;
  size_t pentry_store_mem = sizeof(GPath) + 8 + // struct + sequence
                            1 + // in colour
                            sizeof(uint8_t) + // counts
                            sizeof(uint32_t); // kmer length

  size_t max_paths = path_mem / (pentry_store_mem + pentry_hash_mem);
  path_store_mem = max_paths * pentry_store_mem;
  path_hash_mem = max_paths * pentry_hash_mem;
  cmd_print_mem(path_hash_mem, "paths hash");
  cmd_print_mem(path_store_mem, "paths store");

  total_mem = graph_mem + path_mem;
  cmd_check_mem_limit(args.memargs.mem_to_use, total_mem);

  // Open output file
  gzFile gzout = futil_gzopen_create(args.out_ctp_path, "w");

  status("Creating paths file: %s", futil_outpath_str(args.out_ctp_path));

  // Allocate memory
  dBGraph db_graph;
  size_t kmer_size = gfile->hdr.kmer_size;
  db_graph_alloc(&db_graph, kmer_size, 1, 1, kmers_in_hash,

  // Split path memory 2:1 between store and hash
  // Create a path store that tracks path counts
                    db_graph.num_of_cols, db_graph.ht.capacity,
                    0, path_store_mem, true, sep_path_list);

  // Create path hash table for fast lookup
  gpath_hash_alloc(&db_graph.gphash, &db_graph.gpstore, path_hash_mem);

  if(args.use_new_paths) {
    status("Using paths as they are added (risky)");
  } else {
    status("Not using new paths as they are added (safe)");

  // Start up workers to add paths to the graph
  GenPathWorker *workers;
  workers = gen_paths_workers_alloc(args.nthreads, &db_graph);

  // Setup for loading graphs graph
  LoadingStats gstats;

  // Path statistics
  LoadingStats *load_stats = gen_paths_get_stats(workers);
  CorrectAlnStats *aln_stats = gen_paths_get_aln_stats(workers);

  // Load contig hist distribution
  for(i = 0; i < gpfiles->len; i++) {
                                  file_filter_fromcol(&gpfiles->b[i].fltr, 0),

  GraphLoadingPrefs gprefs = {.db_graph = &db_graph,
                              .boolean_covgs = false,
                              .must_exist_in_graph = false,
                              .must_exist_in_edges = NULL,
                              .empty_colours = false}; // already loaded paths

  // Load graph, print stats, close file
  graph_load(gfile, gprefs, &gstats);

  // Load existing paths
  for(i = 0; i < gpfiles->len; i++)
    gpath_reader_load(&gpfiles->b[i], GPATH_DIE_MISSING_KMERS, &db_graph);

  // zero link counts of already loaded links
  if(args.zero_link_counts) {
    status("Zeroing link counts for loaded links");


  // Deal with a set of files at once
  // Can have different numbers of inputs vs threads
  size_t start, end;
  for(start = 0; start < inputs->len; start += MAX_IO_THREADS)
    end = MIN2(inputs->len, start+MAX_IO_THREADS);
    generate_paths(inputs->b+start, end-start, workers, args.nthreads);

  // Print memory statistics

  correct_aln_dump_stats(aln_stats, load_stats,

  // Don't need GPathHash anymore

  cJSON **hdrs = ctx_malloc(gpfiles->len * sizeof(cJSON*));
  for(i = 0; i < gpfiles->len; i++) hdrs[i] = gpfiles->b[i].json;

  size_t output_threads = MIN2(args.nthreads, MAX_IO_THREADS);

  // Generate a cJSON header for all inputs
  cJSON *thread_hdr = cJSON_CreateObject();
  cJSON *inputs_hdr = cJSON_CreateArray();
  cJSON_AddItemToObject(thread_hdr, "inputs", inputs_hdr);
  for(i = 0; i < inputs->len; i++)
    cJSON_AddItemToArray(inputs_hdr, correct_aln_input_json_hdr(&inputs->b[i]));

  // Write output file
  gpath_save(gzout, args.out_ctp_path, output_threads, true,
             "thread", thread_hdr, hdrs, gpfiles->len,
             &aln_stats->contig_histgrm, 1,


  // Optionally run path checks for debugging
  // gpath_checks_all_paths(&db_graph, args.nthreads);

  // ins_gap, err_gap no longer allocated after this line
  gen_paths_workers_dealloc(workers, args.nthreads);

  // Close and free input files etc.

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 7
int ctx_clean(int argc, char **argv)
  size_t nthreads = 0, use_ncols = 0;
  struct MemArgs memargs = MEM_ARGS_INIT;
  const char *out_ctx_path = NULL;
  int min_keep_tip = -1, unitig_min = -1; // <0 => default, 0 => noclean
  uint32_t fallback_thresh = 0;
  const char *len_before_path = NULL, *len_after_path = NULL;
  const char *covg_before_path = NULL, *covg_after_path = NULL;

  // Arg parsing
  char cmd[100];
  char shortopts[300];
  cmd_long_opts_to_short(longopts, shortopts, sizeof(shortopts));
  int c;

  // silence error messages from getopt_long
  // opterr = 0;

  while((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL)) != -1) {
    cmd_get_longopt_str(longopts, c, cmd, sizeof(cmd));
    switch(c) {
      case 0: /* flag set */ break;
      case 'h': cmd_print_usage(NULL); break;
      case 'f': cmd_check(!futil_get_force(), cmd); futil_set_force(true); break;
      case 'o':
        if(out_ctx_path != NULL) cmd_print_usage(NULL);
        out_ctx_path = optarg;
      case 'm': cmd_mem_args_set_memory(&memargs, optarg); break;
      case 'n': cmd_mem_args_set_nkmers(&memargs, optarg); break;
      case 'N': use_ncols = cmd_uint32_nonzero(cmd, optarg); break;
      case 't': cmd_check(!nthreads, cmd); nthreads = cmd_uint32_nonzero(cmd, optarg); break;
      case 'T':
        cmd_check(min_keep_tip<0, cmd);
        min_keep_tip = (optarg != NULL ? (int)cmd_uint32(cmd, optarg) : -1);
      case 'S':
      case 'U':
        cmd_check(unitig_min<0, cmd);
        unitig_min = (optarg != NULL ? cmd_uint32(cmd, optarg) : -1);
      case 'B': cmd_check(!fallback_thresh, cmd); fallback_thresh = cmd_uint32_nonzero(cmd, optarg); break;
      case 'l': cmd_check(!len_before_path, cmd); len_before_path = optarg; break;
      case 'L': cmd_check(!len_after_path, cmd); len_after_path = optarg; break;
      case 'c': cmd_check(!covg_before_path, cmd); covg_before_path = optarg; break;
      case 'C': cmd_check(!covg_after_path, cmd); covg_after_path = optarg; break;
      case ':': /* BADARG */
      case '?': /* BADCH getopt_long has already printed error */
        // cmd_print_usage(NULL);
        die("`"CMD" clean -h` for help. Bad option: %s", argv[optind-1]);
      default: abort();

  if(nthreads == 0) nthreads = DEFAULT_NTHREADS;

  if(optind >= argc) cmd_print_usage("Please give input graph files");

  bool unitig_cleaning = (unitig_min != 0);
  bool tip_cleaning = (min_keep_tip != 0);
  bool doing_cleaning = (unitig_cleaning || tip_cleaning);

  // If you ever want to estimate cleaning threshold without outputting
  // a graph, change this to a warning
  if(doing_cleaning && out_ctx_path == NULL) {
    cmd_print_usage("Please specify --out <out.ctx> for cleaned graph");
    // warn("No cleaning being done: you did not specify --out <out.ctx>");

  if(!doing_cleaning && (covg_after_path || len_after_path)) {
    warn("You gave --len-after <out> / --covg-after <out> without "
         "any cleaning (set -U, --unitigs or -t, --tips)");

  if(doing_cleaning && strcmp(out_ctx_path,"-") != 0 &&
     !futil_get_force() && futil_file_exists(out_ctx_path))
    cmd_print_usage("Output file already exists: %s", out_ctx_path);

  if(fallback_thresh && !unitig_cleaning)
    warn("-B, --fallback <T> without --unitigs");

  // Use remaining args as graph files
  char **gfile_paths = argv + optind;
  size_t i, j, num_gfiles = (size_t)(argc - optind);

  // Open graph files
  GraphFileReader *gfiles = ctx_calloc(num_gfiles, sizeof(GraphFileReader));
  size_t col, ncols, ctx_max_kmers = 0, ctx_sum_kmers = 0;

  ncols = graph_files_open(gfile_paths, gfiles, num_gfiles,
                           &ctx_max_kmers, &ctx_sum_kmers);

  size_t kmer_size = gfiles[0].hdr.kmer_size;

  // default to one colour for now
  if(use_ncols == 0) use_ncols = 1;

  // Flatten if we don't have to remember colours / output a graph
  if(out_ctx_path == NULL)
    ncols = use_ncols = 1;
    for(i = 0; i < num_gfiles; i++)
      file_filter_flatten(&gfiles[i].fltr, 0);

  if(ncols < use_ncols) {
    warn("I only need %zu colour%s ('--ncols %zu' ignored)",
         ncols, util_plural_str(ncols), use_ncols);
    use_ncols = ncols;

  char max_kmers_str[100];
  ulong_to_str(ctx_max_kmers, max_kmers_str);
  status("%zu input graph%s, max kmers: %s, using %zu colours",
         num_gfiles, util_plural_str(num_gfiles), max_kmers_str, use_ncols);

  // If no arguments given we default to removing tips < 2*kmer_size
  if(min_keep_tip < 0)
    min_keep_tip = 2 * kmer_size;

  // Warn if any graph files already cleaned
  size_t fromcol;
  ErrorCleaning *cleaning;

  for(i = 0; i < num_gfiles; i++) {
    for(j = 0; j < file_filter_num(&gfiles[i].fltr); j++) {
      fromcol = file_filter_fromcol(&gfiles[i].fltr, j);
      cleaning = &gfiles[i].hdr.ginfo[fromcol].cleaning;
      if(cleaning->cleaned_snodes && unitig_cleaning) {
        warn("%s:%zu already has unitig cleaning with threshold: <%zu",
             file_filter_path(&gfiles[i].fltr), fromcol,
      if(cleaning->cleaned_tips && tip_cleaning) {
        warn("%s:%zu already has had tip cleaned",
             file_filter_path(&gfiles[i].fltr), fromcol);

  // Print steps
  size_t step = 0;
  if(covg_before_path != NULL)
    status("%zu. Saving kmer coverage distribution to: %s", step++, covg_before_path);
  if(len_before_path != NULL)
    status("%zu. Saving unitig length distribution to: %s", step++, len_before_path);
  if(min_keep_tip > 0)
    status("%zu. Cleaning tips shorter than %i nodes", step++, min_keep_tip);
  if(unitig_min > 0)
    status("%zu. Cleaning unitigs with coverage < %i", step++, unitig_min);
  if(unitig_min < 0)
    status("%zu. Cleaning unitigs with auto-detected threshold", step++);
  if(covg_after_path != NULL)
    status("%zu. Saving kmer coverage distribution to: %s", step++, covg_after_path);
  if(len_after_path != NULL)
    status("%zu. Saving unitig length distribution to: %s", step++, len_after_path);

  // Decide memory usage
  bool all_colours_loaded = (ncols <= use_ncols);
  bool use_mem_limit = (memargs.mem_to_use_set && num_gfiles > 1) || !ctx_max_kmers;

  size_t kmers_in_hash, bits_per_kmer, graph_mem;
  size_t per_col_bits = (sizeof(Covg)+sizeof(Edges)) * 8;
  size_t extra_edge_bits = (all_colours_loaded ? 0 : sizeof(Edges) * 8);

  bits_per_kmer = sizeof(BinaryKmer)*8 +
                  per_col_bits * use_ncols +

  kmers_in_hash = cmd_get_kmers_in_hash(memargs.mem_to_use,
                                        ctx_max_kmers, ctx_sum_kmers,
                                        use_mem_limit, &graph_mem);

  // Maximise the number of colours we load to fill the mem
  size_t max_usencols = (memargs.mem_to_use*8 -
                         sizeof(BinaryKmer)*8*kmers_in_hash +
                         extra_edge_bits*kmers_in_hash) /
  use_ncols = MIN2(max_usencols, ncols);

  cmd_check_mem_limit(memargs.mem_to_use, graph_mem);

  // Check output files are writable

  // Does nothing if arg is NULL

  // Create db_graph
  // Load as many colours as possible
  // Use an extra set of edge to take intersections
  dBGraph db_graph;
  db_graph_alloc(&db_graph, gfiles[0].hdr.kmer_size, use_ncols, use_ncols,
                 kmers_in_hash, DBG_ALLOC_EDGES | DBG_ALLOC_COVGS);

  // Extra edges required to hold union of kept edges
  Edges *edges_union = NULL;
  if(use_ncols < ncols)
    edges_union = ctx_calloc(db_graph.ht.capacity, sizeof(Edges));

  // Load graph into a single colour
  GraphLoadingPrefs gprefs = graph_loading_prefs(&db_graph);

  // Construct cleaned graph header
  GraphFileHeader outhdr;
  memset(&outhdr, 0, sizeof(GraphFileHeader));
  for(i = 0; i < num_gfiles; i++)
    graph_file_merge_header(&outhdr, &gfiles[i]);

  if(ncols > use_ncols)
    db_graph.num_of_cols = db_graph.num_edge_cols = 1;
    SWAP(edges_union, db_graph.col_edges);
    graphs_load_files_flat(gfiles, num_gfiles, gprefs, NULL);
    SWAP(edges_union, db_graph.col_edges);
    db_graph.num_of_cols = db_graph.num_edge_cols = use_ncols;
  else {
    for(i = 0; i < num_gfiles; i++)
      graph_load(&gfiles[i], gprefs, NULL);

  char num_kmers_str[100];
  ulong_to_str(db_graph.ht.num_kmers, num_kmers_str);
  status("Total kmers loaded: %s\n", num_kmers_str);

  size_t initial_nkmers = db_graph.ht.num_kmers;

  uint8_t *visited = ctx_calloc(roundup_bits2bytes(db_graph.ht.capacity), 1);
  uint8_t *keep = ctx_calloc(roundup_bits2bytes(db_graph.ht.capacity), 1);

  // Always estimate cleaning threshold
  // if(unitig_min <= 0 || covg_before_path || len_before_path)
  // {
    // Get coverage distribution and estimate cleaning threshold
    int est_min_covg = cleaning_get_threshold(nthreads,
                                              visited, &db_graph);

    if(est_min_covg < 0) status("Cannot find recommended cleaning threshold");
    else status("Recommended cleaning threshold is: %i", est_min_covg);

    // Use estimated threshold if threshold not set
    if(unitig_min < 0) {
      if(fallback_thresh > 0 && est_min_covg < (int)fallback_thresh) {
        status("Using fallback threshold: %i", fallback_thresh);
        unitig_min = fallback_thresh;
      else if(est_min_covg >= 0) unitig_min = est_min_covg;
  // }

  // Die if we failed to find suitable cleaning threshold
  if(unitig_min < 0)
    die("Need cleaning threshold (--unitigs=<D> or --fallback <D>)");

  // Cleaning parameters should now be set (>0) or turned off (==0)
  ctx_assert(unitig_min >= 0);
  ctx_assert(min_keep_tip >= 0);

  if(unitig_min || min_keep_tip)
    // Clean graph of tips (if min_keep_tip > 0) and unitigs (if threshold > 0)
    clean_graph(nthreads, unitig_min, min_keep_tip,
                covg_after_path, len_after_path,
                visited, keep, &db_graph);


  if(out_ctx_path != NULL)
    // Set output header ginfo cleaned
    for(col = 0; col < ncols; col++)
      cleaning = &outhdr.ginfo[col].cleaning;
      cleaning->cleaned_snodes |= unitig_cleaning;
      cleaning->cleaned_tips |= tip_cleaning;

      // if(tip_cleaning) {
      //   strbuf_append_str(&outhdr.ginfo[col].sample_name, ".tipclean");
      // }

      if(unitig_cleaning) {
        size_t thresh = cleaning->clean_snodes_thresh;
        thresh = cleaning->cleaned_snodes ? MAX2(thresh, (uint32_t)unitig_min)
                                          : (uint32_t)unitig_min;
        cleaning->clean_snodes_thresh = thresh;

        // char name_append[200];
        // sprintf(name_append, ".supclean%zu", thresh);
        // strbuf_append_str(&outhdr.ginfo[col].sample_name, name_append);

    // Print stats on removed kmers
    size_t removed_nkmers = initial_nkmers - db_graph.ht.num_kmers;
    double removed_pct = (100.0 * removed_nkmers) / initial_nkmers;
    char removed_str[100], init_str[100];
    ulong_to_str(removed_nkmers, removed_str);
    ulong_to_str(initial_nkmers, init_str);
    status("Removed %s of %s (%.2f%%) kmers", removed_str, init_str, removed_pct);

    // kmers_loaded=true
    graph_writer_merge(out_ctx_path, gfiles, num_gfiles,
                      true, all_colours_loaded,
                      edges_union, &outhdr, &db_graph);

  ctx_check(db_graph.ht.num_kmers == hash_table_count_kmers(&db_graph.ht));

  // TODO: report kmer coverage for each sample


  for(i = 0; i < num_gfiles; i++) graph_file_close(&gfiles[i]);


  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 8
// If there is no 'into' filter (e.g. 0,1:in.ctx 0,1 is 'into filter'),
// load into `into_offset..into_offset+N-1`
void file_filter_set_cols(FileFilter *fltr, size_t filencols, size_t into_offset)
  size_t i;
  const char *path_start_c, *path_end_c;
  file_filter_deconstruct_path(fltr->input.b, &path_start_c, &path_end_c);

  // This is a hack to get non-const pointer
  size_t offset_start = path_start_c - fltr->input.b;
  size_t offset_end = path_end_c - fltr->input.b;
  char *path_start = fltr->input.b + offset_start;
  char *path_end = fltr->input.b + offset_end;

  char *from_fltr = (*path_end == ':' ? path_end+1 : NULL);
  char *into_fltr = (path_start > fltr->input.b ? fltr->input.b : NULL);

  size_t ncols;

  if(from_fltr) {
    int s = range_get_num(from_fltr, filencols-1);
    if(s < 0)
      die("Invalid filter path: %s (file cols: %zu)", fltr->input.b, filencols);
    ncols = s;
  } else {
    ncols = filencols;

  if(into_fltr) {
    *(path_start-1) = '\0';
    int s = range_get_num(into_fltr, SIZE_MAX);
    *(path_start-1) = ':';
    if(s < 0 || (s != 1 && (size_t)s != ncols))
      die("Invalid filter path: %s (s:%i ncols:%zu)", fltr->input.b, s, ncols);

  fltr->filencols = filencols;
  filter_buf_capacity(&fltr->filter, ncols);
  file_filter_num(fltr) = ncols;

  size_t *tmp = ctx_calloc(ncols, sizeof(size_t));

    if(range_parse_array(from_fltr, tmp, filencols-1) == -1)
      die("Invalid filter path: %s", fltr->input.b);
    for(i = 0; i < ncols; i++)
      file_filter_fromcol(fltr, i) = tmp[i];
  else {
    for(i = 0; i < ncols; i++)
      file_filter_fromcol(fltr, i) = i;

    *(path_start-1) = '\0';
    int s = range_parse_array_fill(into_fltr, tmp, SIZE_MAX, ncols);
    *(path_start-1) = ':';
    if(s < 0 || (size_t)s != ncols)
      die("Invalid filter path: %s (s:%i ncols:%zu)", fltr->input.b, s, ncols);
    for(i = 0; i < ncols; i++)
      file_filter_intocol(fltr, i) = tmp[i];
  else {
    for(i = 0; i < ncols; i++)
      file_filter_intocol(fltr, i) = into_offset + i;



  // for(i = 0; i < file_filter_num(fltr); i++)
  //   status("%u -> %u", file_filter_fromcol(fltr,i), file_filter_intocol(fltr,i));
Ejemplo n.º 9
int ctx_contigs(int argc, char **argv)
  size_t nthreads = 0;
  struct MemArgs memargs = MEM_ARGS_INIT;
  const char *out_path = NULL;
  size_t i, contig_limit = 0, colour = 0;
  bool cmd_reseed = false, cmd_no_reseed = false; // -r, -R
  const char *conf_table_path = NULL; // save confidence table to here
  bool use_missing_info_check = true, seed_with_unused_paths = false;
  double min_step_confid = -1.0, min_cumul_confid = -1.0; // < 0 => no min

  // Read length and expected depth for calculating confidences
  size_t genome_size = 0;

  seq_file_t *tmp_seed_file = NULL;
  SeqFilePtrBuffer seed_buf;
  seq_file_ptr_buf_alloc(&seed_buf, 16);

  GPathReader tmp_gpfile;
  GPathFileBuffer gpfiles;
  gpfile_buf_alloc(&gpfiles, 8);

  // Arg parsing
  char cmd[100], shortopts[300];
  cmd_long_opts_to_short(longopts, shortopts, sizeof(shortopts));
  int c;

  // silence error messages from getopt_long
  // opterr = 0;

  while((c = getopt_long_only(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL)) != -1) {
    cmd_get_longopt_str(longopts, c, cmd, sizeof(cmd));
    switch(c) {
      case 0: /* flag set */ break;
      case 'h': cmd_print_usage(NULL); break;
      case 'f': cmd_check(!futil_get_force(), cmd); futil_set_force(true); break;
      case 'o': cmd_check(!out_path,cmd); out_path = optarg; break;
      case 't': cmd_check(!nthreads,cmd); nthreads = cmd_uint32_nonzero(cmd, optarg); break;
      case 'm': cmd_mem_args_set_memory(&memargs, optarg); break;
      case 'n': cmd_mem_args_set_nkmers(&memargs, optarg); break;
      case 'p':
        memset(&tmp_gpfile, 0, sizeof(GPathReader));
        gpath_reader_open(&tmp_gpfile, optarg);
        gpfile_buf_push(&gpfiles, &tmp_gpfile, 1);
      case '1':
      case 's': // --seed <in.fa>
        if((tmp_seed_file = seq_open(optarg)) == NULL)
          die("Cannot read --seed file: %s", optarg);
        seq_file_ptr_buf_add(&seed_buf, tmp_seed_file);
      case 'r': cmd_check(!cmd_reseed,cmd); cmd_reseed = true; break;
      case 'R': cmd_check(!cmd_no_reseed,cmd); cmd_no_reseed = true; break;
      case 'N':
        contig_limit = cmd_uint32_nonzero(cmd, optarg);
      case 'c': cmd_check(!colour,cmd); colour = cmd_uint32(cmd, optarg); break;
      case 'G': cmd_check(!genome_size,cmd); genome_size = cmd_bases(cmd, optarg); break;
      case 'S': cmd_check(!conf_table_path,cmd); conf_table_path = optarg; break;
      case 'M': cmd_check(use_missing_info_check,cmd); use_missing_info_check = false; break;
      case 'P': cmd_check(!seed_with_unused_paths,cmd); seed_with_unused_paths = true; break;
      case 'C':
        cmd_check(min_cumul_confid < 0,cmd);
        min_cumul_confid = cmd_udouble(cmd,optarg);
        if(min_cumul_confid > 1) die("%s must be 0 <= x <= 1", cmd);
      case 'T':
        cmd_check(min_step_confid < 0,cmd);
        min_step_confid = cmd_udouble(cmd,optarg);
        if(min_step_confid > 1) die("%s must be 0 <= x <= 1", cmd);
      case ':': /* BADARG */
      case '?': /* BADCH getopt_long has already printed error */
        die("`"CMD" contigs -h` for help. Bad option: %s", argv[optind-1]);
      default: abort();

  if(cmd_no_reseed && cmd_reseed)
    cmd_print_usage("Cannot specify both -r and -R");

  if(contig_limit && seed_with_unused_paths)
    cmd_print_usage("Cannot combine --ncontigs with --use-seed-paths");

  bool sample_with_replacement = cmd_reseed;

  // Defaults
  if(nthreads == 0) nthreads = DEFAULT_NTHREADS;

  if(!seed_buf.len && !contig_limit && sample_with_replacement) {
    cmd_print_usage("Please specify one or more of: "
                    "--no-reseed | --ncontigs | --seed <in.fa>");

  if(optind >= argc) cmd_print_usage("Require input graph files (.ctx)");

  // Open graph files
  const size_t num_gfiles = argc - optind;
  char **graph_paths = argv + optind;
  ctx_assert(num_gfiles > 0);

  GraphFileReader *gfiles = ctx_calloc(num_gfiles, sizeof(GraphFileReader));
  size_t ncols, ctx_max_kmers = 0, ctx_sum_kmers = 0;

  graph_files_open(graph_paths, gfiles, num_gfiles,
                   &ctx_max_kmers, &ctx_sum_kmers);

  // char *ctx_path = argv[optind];

  // Open Graph file
  // GraphFileReader gfile;
  // memset(&gfile, 0, sizeof(GraphFileReader));
  // graph_file_open(&gfile, ctx_path);

  // Update colours in graph file - sample in 0, all others in 1
  // never need more than two colours
  ncols = gpath_load_sample_pop(gfiles, num_gfiles,
                                gpfiles.b, gpfiles.len, colour);

  // Check for compatibility between graph files and path files
  // pop_colour is colour 1
  graphs_gpaths_compatible(gfiles, num_gfiles, gpfiles.b, gpfiles.len, 1);

    char nk_str[50];
    if(ctx_max_kmers <= 0) die("Please pass --genome <G> if streaming");
    genome_size = ctx_max_kmers;
    ulong_to_str(genome_size, nk_str);
    status("Taking number of kmers as genome size: %s", nk_str);

  // Decide on memory
  size_t bits_per_kmer, kmers_in_hash, graph_mem, path_mem, total_mem;

  // 1 bit needed per kmer if we need to keep track of kmer usage
  bits_per_kmer = sizeof(BinaryKmer)*8 + sizeof(Edges)*8 + sizeof(GPath*)*8 +
                  ncols + !sample_with_replacement;

  kmers_in_hash = cmd_get_kmers_in_hash(memargs.mem_to_use,
                                        ctx_max_kmers, ctx_sum_kmers,
                                        false, &graph_mem);

  // Paths memory
  size_t rem_mem = memargs.mem_to_use - MIN2(memargs.mem_to_use, graph_mem);
  path_mem = gpath_reader_mem_req(gpfiles.b, gpfiles.len, ncols, rem_mem, false);

  // Shift path store memory from graphs->paths
  graph_mem -= sizeof(GPath*)*kmers_in_hash;
  path_mem  += sizeof(GPath*)*kmers_in_hash;
  cmd_print_mem(path_mem, "paths");

  // Total memory
  total_mem = graph_mem + path_mem;
  cmd_check_mem_limit(memargs.mem_to_use, total_mem);

  // Load contig hist distribution from ctp files
  ZeroSizeBuffer contig_hist;
  memset(&contig_hist, 0, sizeof(contig_hist));

  for(i = 0; i < gpfiles.len; i++) {
                                  file_filter_fromcol(&gpfiles.b[i].fltr, 0),

  // Calculate confidences, only for one colour
  ContigConfidenceTable conf_table;
  conf_table_alloc(&conf_table, 1);
  conf_table_update_hist(&conf_table, 0, genome_size,
                         contig_hist.b, contig_hist.len);

  if(conf_table_path != NULL) {
    conf_table_save(&conf_table, conf_table_path);


  // Output file if printing
  FILE *fout = out_path ? futil_fopen_create(out_path, "w") : NULL;

  // Allocate
  dBGraph db_graph;
  db_graph_alloc(&db_graph, gfiles[0].hdr.kmer_size, ncols, 1, kmers_in_hash,

  // Paths
  gpath_reader_alloc_gpstore(gpfiles.b, gpfiles.len, path_mem,
                             false, &db_graph);

  uint8_t *visited = NULL;

    visited = ctx_calloc(roundup_bits2bytes(db_graph.ht.capacity), 1);

  // Load graph
  LoadingStats stats = LOAD_STATS_INIT_MACRO;

  GraphLoadingPrefs gprefs = {.db_graph = &db_graph,
                              .boolean_covgs = false,
                              .must_exist_in_graph = false,
                              .empty_colours = true};

  for(i = 0; i < num_gfiles; i++) {
    graph_load(&gfiles[i], gprefs, &stats);
    gprefs.empty_colours = false;


  // Load path files
  for(i = 0; i < gpfiles.len; i++) {
    gpath_reader_load(&gpfiles.b[i], GPATH_DIE_MISSING_KMERS, &db_graph);

  AssembleContigStats assem_stats;

  assemble_contigs(nthreads, seed_buf.b, seed_buf.len,
                   contig_limit, visited,
                   use_missing_info_check, seed_with_unused_paths,
                   min_step_confid, min_cumul_confid,
                   fout, out_path, &assem_stats, &conf_table,
                   &db_graph, 0); // Sample always loaded into colour zero

  if(fout && fout != stdout) fclose(fout);



  for(i = 0; i < seed_buf.len; i++)



  return EXIT_SUCCESS;