Ejemplo n.º 1
 * The actual installation of the content handler
 * @return <code>JSR211_OK</code> if the installation completes successfully.
static jsr211_result installHandler(int n) {
    JSR211_content_handler ch = JSR211_CONTENT_HANDLER_INITIALIZER;
    char *ptr = rowHandlers[n];
    jsr211_result status = JSR211_FAILED;
    int anm_num;    // buffer for actionname map length

 *  Fill up CH data:
 *         ID from handlerIds.
 *  Others from rowHandlers:
 *         <suite_ID> -- if this line is empty, the handler's flag is NATIVE
 *         <classname> -- if the handler's flag is NATIVE here is executive path
 *         <type1 type2 type3 ...> -- array of types devided by whitespases
 *         <suffix1 suffix2 suffix3 ...> -- suffixes (see types)
 *         <locale1 locale2 locale3 ...> -- locales (see types)
 *         <actionName11 actionName21 ...> -- action_name_i_j is for
 *                                                  action_i and locale_j
 *         <access1 access2 access3 ...> -- accesses (see types)
    if (PCSL_STRING_OK == pcsl_string_dup(handlerIds[n], &(ch.id)) &&
        fillString(&ptr, &ch.class_name) &&
        fillArray(&ptr, &ch.type_num, &ch.types) &&
        fillArray(&ptr, &ch.suff_num, &ch.suffixes) &&
        fillArray(&ptr, &ch.act_num, &ch.actions) &&
        fillArray(&ptr, &ch.locale_num, &ch.locales) &&
        fillArray(&ptr, &anm_num, &ch.action_map) &&
        fillArray(&ptr, &ch.access_num, &ch.accesses) &&
        anm_num == (ch.act_num * ch.locale_num)) {
            ch.suite_id = INTERNAL_SUITE_ID;
            ch.flag = JSR211_FLAG_COMMON;
            status = jsr211_register_handler(&ch);
    } else {
    REPORT_CRIT(LC_NONE, "jsr211_deploy.c: handler data parsing failed");

    // clean up handler's memory

    return status;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// main() is the entry point of the program.
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  // Create a new array capable of storing 10 elements
  // and fill it with values using the function declared
  // above. Arrays declared in this manner are located on
  // the stack, which is where statically allocated (as
  // in not at runtime) memory is stored.
  int array[10];
  // The "array" that we pass here is actually a pointer
  // to a block of memory capable of storing 10 integers.
  // array[0] is the first integer in this block of
  // memory, array[1] is the second, and so on. Since
  // C does not track array lengths, we have to specify
  // how many elements the array contains.
  // TODO(1): What happens if the second argument is set
  // to 11 instead? How about 100? 1000? Make sure to set
  // the second argument back to 10 when you are done
  // testing.
  // Answer:Buffer Overflow will occur.The values will be written to locations from (array) to (array+(10*sizeof(int)).
  // For Value -100 - Buffer over flow error occurs.The values will be written from locations (array) to (array+(100*sizeof(int)).
  // for value - n && (n > 10) - Buffer over flow occurs.The values will be written from locations (array) to (array+(n*sizeof(int)).

  fillArray(array, 10);

  int value;
  // In C, we can take the address of something using the
  // & operator. &value is of the type int*, meaning that
  // it is a pointer to an integer (as in it stores the
  // address in memory of where the actual int is located).
  // TODO(2): We can actually use the address of the value
  // declared here as if it were an array of a single
  // element; why is this possible?
  // Answer:The machine interprets both in similar manner.A single integer and an int array with single element
  // has same size (= size of int).In C it checks type of argument passed to the function. In the above mentioned scenario
  // both (&value - pointer to Integer and (considering array - int array with single element) array[0] - pointer to intger) 
  // are same.
  fillArray(&value, 1);
  // fillArray should set value to 0 * 3 + 2 = 2.
  assert(value == 2);

  // The following creates an instance of FourInts on the
  // stack. FourInts is really just an array of four ints,
  // although we can refer to the ints stored in it by
  // name as well.
  FourInts four_ints;
  // Set the first int to have a value of 0 and verify
  // that the value changed.
  four_ints.a = 0;
  assert(four_ints.a == 0);

  // Depending on whether or not you like to live
  // dangerously, the following is either exciting or
  // terrifying. Though &four_ints is of type FourInts*
  // (as in a pointer to a FourInts struct), we can
  // use a cast to pretend that it is actually an array
  // of integers instead.
  fillArray((int*) &four_ints, 4);
  // We can confirm that fillArray updated the values
  // in the FourInts struct:
  assert(four_ints.a == 2);
  assert(four_ints.b == 5);
  assert(four_ints.c == 8);
  assert(four_ints.d == 11);

  // In the case that the size of an array is not known
  // until runtime, the malloc() function can be used to
  // allocate memory dynamically. Memory that is
  // allocated dynamically is stored on the heap, which
  // is separate from the stack. C is unlike Java,
  // however, in that dynamically-allocated memory must
  // be freed explicitly when the program is done using
  // it via the free() function. malloc() takes a single
  // argument, which is the number of bytes to allocate.
  // sizeof(int) gives how many bytes an int contains
  // (which is four), so sizeof(int) * 5 is 20.
  int* heap_array = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * 5);
  fillArray(heap_array, 5);
  // Now that we have finished with the heap-allocated
  // array, free() the memory associated with it.
  // TODO(3): What happens if we remove the free()
  // statement below? Try running "valgrind ./arrays"
  // after compiling the program both with and without
  // it. valgrind is a tool for analyzing how programs
  // use memory, which is often invaluable for C and
  // C++ programming.
  // Answer: If we remove the following free statement then the memory allocated for heap_array(20 bytes)
  // will be lost and that memory cannot be used for further use.If dynamically allocate memory withou freeing it after use will
  // lead to dangerous consequenses(Application will crash).	

  // TODO(4): Now it's your turn to write some code.
  // Using malloc(), allocate a FourInts struct
  // dynamically (on the heap) and use fillArray to
  // populate it with values. Make sure to free the
  // memory when you are done, and use the valgrind
  // tool mentioned above to check that there aren't
  // any errors. As a "sanity check," add four assert
  // statements to verify that the a, b, c, and d
  // fields of the FourInts struct are set to what
  // you would expect. (Hint, you'll need to use the
  // -> operator to access fields of a FourInts*
  // variable instead of the . operator).
  int* heap_four_struct = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * 4);
  fillArray(heap_four_struct, 4);
  // heap_four_struct type casted from (int *) to (FourInts *)
  assert(((FourInts*)heap_four_struct)->a == 2);
  assert(((FourInts*)heap_four_struct)->b == 5);
  assert(((FourInts*)heap_four_struct)->c == 8);
  assert(((FourInts*)heap_four_struct)->d == 11);
  // free the heap
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// main() is the entry point of the program.
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  // Create a new array capable of storing 10 elements
  // and fill it with values using the function declared
  // above. Arrays declared in this manner are located on
  // the stack, which is where statically allocated (as
  // in not at runtime) memory is stored.
  int array[10];
  // The "array" that we pass here is actually a pointer
  // to a block of memory capable of storing 10 integers.
  // array[0] is the first integer in this block of
  // memory, array[1] is the second, and so on. Since
  // C does not track array lengths, we have to specify
  // how many elements the array contains.
  // TODO(1): What happens if the second argument is set
  // to 11 instead? How about 100? 1000? Make sure to set
  // the second argument back to 10 when you are done
  // testing.
  // Answer:
  fillArray(array, 10);

  int value;
  // In C, we can take the address of something using the
  // & operator. &value is of the type int*, meaning that
  // it is a pointer to an integer (as in it stores the
  // address in memory of where the actual int is located).
  // TODO(2): We can actually use the address of the value
  // declared here as if it were an array of a single
  // element; why is this possible?
  // Answer: fill array takes a pointer as input variable and
  // the pointer to single element &value satisfies the function
  // arguments. It operates on the single element as one element
  // array and performs the required computations.
  fillArray(&value, 1);
  // fillArray should set value to 0 * 3 + 2 = 2.
  assert(value == 2);

  // The following creates an instance of FourInts on the
  // stack. FourInts is really just an array of four ints,
  // although we can refer to the ints stored in it by
  // name as well.
  FourInts four_ints;
  // Set the first int to have a value of 0 and verify
  // that the value changed.
  four_ints.a = 0;
  assert(four_ints.a == 0);

  // Depending on whether or not you like to live
  // dangerously, the following is either exciting or
  // terrifying. Though &four_ints is of type FourInts*
  // (as in a pointer to a FourInts struct), we can
  // use a cast to pretend that it is actually an array
  // of integers instead.
  fillArray((int*) &four_ints, 4);
  // We can confirm that fillArray updated the values
  // in the FourInts struct:
  assert(four_ints.a == 2);
  assert(four_ints.b == 5);
  assert(four_ints.c == 8);
  assert(four_ints.d == 11);

  // In the case that the size of an array is not known
  // until runtime, the malloc() function can be used to
  // allocate memory dynamically. Memory that is
  // allocated dynamically is stored on the heap, which
  // is separate from the stack. C is unlike Java,
  // however, in that dynamically-allocated memory must
  // be freed explicitly when the program is done using
  // it via the free() function. malloc() takes a single
  // argument, which is the number of bytes to allocate.
  // sizeof(int) gives how many bytes an int contains
  // (which is four), so sizeof(int) * 5 is 20.
  int* heap_array = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * 5);
  fillArray(heap_array, 5);
  // Now that we have finished with the heap-allocated
  // array, free() the memory associated with it.
  // TODO(3): What happens if we remove the free()
  // statement below? Try running "valgrind ./arrays"
  // after compiling the program both with and without
  // it. valgrind is a tool for analyzing how programs
  // use memory, which is often invaluable for C and
  // C++ programming.
  // Answer: on removing/ commenting the free() function
  // below, valgrind shows a memory leak. Though there is
  // 1 alloc shown it is not freed up resulting in 0 frees.
  // However, using the free command avoids this possible
  // memory leak that can occur.

  // TODO(4): Now it's your turn to write some code.
  // Using malloc(), allocate a FourInts struct
  // dynamically (on the heap) and use fillArray to
  // populate it with values. Make sure to free the
  // memory when you are done, and use the valgrind
  // tool mentioned above to check that there aren't
  // any errors. As a "sanity check," add four assert
  // statements to verify that the a, b, c, and d
  // fields of the FourInts struct are set to what
  // you would expect. (Hint, you'll need to use the
  // -> operator to access fields of a FourInts*
  // variable instead of the . operator).
  FourInts* struct_arary =  malloc(sizeof(FourInts));
  fillArray((int*) struct_arary,4);
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Array1d::Array1d(int n){
Ejemplo n.º 5
// main() is the entry point of the program.
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  // Create a new array capable of storing 10 elements
  // and fill it with values using the function declared
  // above. Arrays declared in this manner are located on
  // the stack, which is where statically allocated (as
  // in not at runtime) memory is stored.
  int array[10];
  // The "array" that we pass here is actually a pointer
  // to a block of memory capable of storing 10 integers.
  // array[0] is the first integer in this block of
  // memory, array[1] is the second, and so on. Since
  // C does not track array lengths, we have to specify
  // how many elements the array contains.
  // TODO(1): What happens if the second argument is set
  // to 11 instead? How about 100? 1000? Make sure to set
  // the second argument back to 10 when you are done
  // testing.
  // Answer: When sec. arg is set to 11, then we have 11-th address value inside array,
  //  else if set to 100 we get "Segmentation fault", 
 //we get en error with permission to get more memory 
 //than declared when array was created, as above but,
  // we want to many not used memory to read.
  //  -1000 in this case we getting out from program 
 //reserved memory so jobs after that fill won't be execute!
 // last two situations get fault but firt will be still correct for 
 // gcc until already used memory with next index id won't be read.
  fillArray(array, 10);

  int value;
  // In C, we can take the address of something using the
  // & operator. &value is of the type int*, meaning that
  // it is a pointer to an integer (as in it stores the
  // address in memory of where the actual int is located).
  // TODO(2): We can actually use the address of the value
  // declared here as if it were an array of a single
  // element; why is this possible?
  // Answer: Because address of e.g. int value is like first value from array where
  // address to first element is similarly address for another int value.
  fillArray(&value, 1);
  // fillArray should set value to 0 * 3 + 2 = 2.
  assert(value == 2);

  // The following creates an instance of FourInts on the
  // stack. FourInts is really just an array of four ints,
  // although we can refer to the ints stored in it by
  // name as well.
  FourInts four_ints;
  // Set the first int to have a value of 0 and verify
  // that the value changed.
  four_ints.a = 0;
  assert(four_ints.a == 0);

  // Depending on whether or not you like to live
  // dangerously, the following is either exciting or
  // terrifying. Though &four_ints is of type FourInts*
  // (as in a pointer to a FourInts struct), we can
  // use a cast to pretend that it is actually an array
  // of integers instead.
  fillArray((int*) &four_ints, 4);
  // We can confirm that fillArray updated the values
  // in the FourInts struct:
  assert(four_ints.a == 2);
  assert(four_ints.b == 5);
  assert(four_ints.c == 8);
  assert(four_ints.d == 11);

  // In the case that the size of an array is not known
  // until runtime, the malloc() function can be used to
  // allocate memory dynamically. Memory that is
  // allocated dynamically is stored on the heap, which
  // is separate from the stack. C is unlike Java,
  // however, in that dynamically-allocated memory must
  // be freed explicitly when the program is done using
  // it via the free() function. malloc() takes a single
  // argument, which is the number of bytes to allocate.
  // sizeof(int) gives how many bytes an int contains
  // (which is four), so sizeof(int) * 5 is 20.
  int* heap_array = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * 5);
  fillArray(heap_array, 5);
  // Now that we have finished with the heap-allocated
  // array, free() the memory associated with it.
  // TODO(3): What happens if we remove the free()
  // statement below? Try running "valgrind ./arrays"
  // after compiling the program both with and without
  // it. valgrind is a tool for analyzing how programs
  // use memory, which is often invaluable for C and
  // C++ programming.
  // Answer: When method free on heap_array is not used,
  //  then program lost some of the memory, especially 20 bytes
  //  (struct memory -> 5 times 4 bytes as int size in this example) in 1 block.
  //  This causing memory leaks, which is bad experience when the program ends.

  // TODO(4): Now it's your turn to write some code.
  // Using malloc(), allocate a FourInts struct
  // dynamically (on the heap) and use fillArray to
  // populate it with values. Make sure to free the
  // memory when you are done, and use the valgrind
  // tool mentioned above to check that there aren't
  // any errors. As a "sanity check," add four assert
  // statements to verify that the a, b, c, and d
  // fields of the FourInts struct are set to what
  // -> operator to access fields of a FourInts*
  // variable instead of the . operator).

	int* my_malloc = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * 14);
	fillArray(my_malloc, 14);
	my_malloc[3] = 678;	
	assert(my_malloc[3] == 678);
	int bb = 4;
	four_ints.b = bb;
	assert( four_ints.b == 4);

	FourInts* struct_pointer = &four_ints;
	int* temp_pointer = (int*) &struct_pointer -> b ;
	printf("fi.b: %p tp: %p  sp.b : %p \n", &four_ints.b, temp_pointer, (int*) &struct_pointer -> b);
	int b = 9;
	*temp_pointer = b;
	assert( four_ints.b == 9 );

	FourInts other_struct;
	//printf("size of other_struct : %lu \n", sizeof(other_struct));
	int* mal = (int*) malloc(sizeof(other_struct));
	fillArray(mal, 4);

	for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
		int temp = i * 3 + 2;
		assert( mal[i] == temp);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
int main(int args, char **argv)
    int num_args_req = 3;

    if (args != num_args_req)

    int n = atoi(argv[1]); // leading size of matrix
    char filename[30]; // name of the file
    strcpy(filename, &argv[2][0]);
    // Create Arrays to hold matrices
    double **A = createArray(n, n);
    double **B = createArray(n, n);
    double **C = createArray(n, n);

    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    int k = 0;

    //set time structs
    struct timeval tv1, tv2;
    struct timezone tz;
    // open a file to write to
    FILE *f = createFile(filename);

    // Fill matrices A and B
    fillArray(A, n, 1.);
    fillArray(B, n, 1.);
    fillArray(C, n, 0.);




    //get starting time
    gettimeofday(&tv1, &tz);

    #pragma omp parallel 

        Multiply(n, A, B, C);  


    double max_sum = 0.0;

    double *c = C[0];

    double col_sum = 0.0;

    #pragma omp parallel for shared(max_sum,n,i,j,c)
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
        col_sum = 0.0;
        #pragma omp parallel for private(col_sum)
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                printf("Adding %f to sum of col %d\n\n", c[i*n+j],j);
                col_sum += c[i*n+j];
                #pragma omp critical
        //printf("col_sum for: c[%d] is: %f \n",j,col_sum);

    //complete time measurement
    gettimeofday(&tv2, &tz);
    double elapsed = (double) (tv2.tv_sec - tv1.tv_sec) + (double) (tv2.tv_usec - tv1.tv_usec) * 1.e-6;
    fprintf(f, "%d %f\n", n, elapsed);

    printf("Max col norm is: %f\n\n", max_sum);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void hang() {

	// engage the winch
	digitalWrite(winchPiston, 1);

	// give it a chance to engage

	int leftTicks = analogRead(potLiftLeft);
	int rightTicks = analogRead(potLiftRight);

	int changesArrayLength = STALL_TIME/HANG_DT;
	int changes[changesArrayLength]; // -1 indicates no data
	fillArray(changes, changesArrayLength, -1);

	int stallTicks = 0;

	while (true) {
		if (joystickGetDigital(1, 8, JOY_DOWN)) {

		int newLeftTicks = analogRead(potLiftLeft);
		int newRightTicks = analogRead(potLiftRight);

		if (newLeftTicks < HANG_HEIGHT && newRightTicks < HANG_HEIGHT) {
			// we're at the right height, stop

		if ((stallTicks * HANG_DT) > STALL_DELAY) {
			// do stall detection
			int change = abs(leftTicks - newLeftTicks) + abs(rightTicks - newRightTicks);
			pushArrayValue(changes, changesArrayLength, change);

			int totalChanges = sumStallChanges(changes, changesArrayLength);

			// if changes has data (>= 0) and it's stalled, stop motors
			if (totalChanges >= 0 && totalChanges < STALL_THRESHOLD) {
				// stalled, wait 3 seconds
				// clear changes
				fillArray(changes, changesArrayLength, -1);


		leftTicks = newLeftTicks;
		rightTicks = newRightTicks;




Ejemplo n.º 8
bool BinTreeNodeReader::readString(int token, QByteArray& s)
    if (token == -1) {
        throw ProtocolException("-1 token in readString.");

    if (token > 0 && token < 0xf5)
        return getToken(token, s);

    QByteArray user,server;
    bool usr, srv;

    //no default value.
    switch (token)
        case 0:
            return false;

        case 0xfc:
            quint8 size8;
            if (!readInt8(size8))
                return false;
            return fillArray(s,size8);

        case 0xfd:
            qint32 size24;
            if (!readInt24(size24))
                return false;
            return fillArray(s,size24);

        case 0xfe:
            quint8 token8;
            if (!readInt8(token8))
                return false;
            return getToken(0xf5 + token8, s);

        case 0xfa:
            usr = readString(user);
            srv = readString(server);
            if (usr & srv)
                s = user + "@" + server;
                return true;
            if (srv)
                s = server;
                return true;
            throw ProtocolException("readString couldn't reconstruct jid.");
        case 0xff: {
            quint8 nbyte;
            if (!readInt8(nbyte))
                return false;
            int size = nbyte & 0x7f;
            int numnibbles = size * 2 - ((nbyte & 0x80) ? 1 : 0);

            QByteArray res;
            if (!fillArray(res, size))
                return false;
            res = res.toHex().left(numnibbles);
            res = res.replace('a', '-').replace('b', '.');
            s = res;
            return true;
    throw ProtocolException("readString invalid token " + QString::number(token));

Ejemplo n.º 9
int main()
    //variable declrations
    int myArray[50], myArray2[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, myArray3[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    int index, searchResults, key;

    //testing fillArray
    fillArray(myArray, 50, 1000);
    //testing printNperline()
    printf("Before sort printing 10 per line\n");
    printNperline(myArray, 50, 10);

    printf("Before sort printing 4 per line\n");
    printNperline(myArray, 50, 4);

    printf("Before sort printing 6 per line\n");
    printNperline(myArray, 50, 6);

    //testing bubble sort on myArray
    bubbleSort(myArray, 50);

    //printing myArray after sort
    printf("After sort printing 6 per line\n");
    printNperline(myArray, 50, 6);

    printf("After sort printing 15 per line\n");
    printNperline(myArray, 50, 15);

    printf("After sort printing 11 per line\n");
    printNperline(myArray, 50, 11);

    //testing linear search
    printf("Testing linear search for 82\n");
    key = 82;
    searchResults = linearSearch(myArray, 50, key);

    if(searchResults >= 0)
        printf("The key value %d was found in myArray at position %d\n", key, searchResults);
        printf("The key value %d was not found in myArray\n", key);

    printf("Testing linear search for %d which is the last element in the array\n", myArray[49]);
    key = myArray[49];
    searchResults = linearSearch(myArray, 50, key);

    if(searchResults >= 0)
        printf("The key value %d was found in myArray at position %d\n", key, searchResults);
        printf("The key value %d was not found in myArray\n", key);

    printf("Testing linear search for %d which is the first element in the array\n", myArray[0]);
    key = myArray[0];
    searchResults = linearSearch(myArray, 50, key);

    if(searchResults >= 0)
        printf("The key value %d was found in myArray at position %d\n", key, searchResults);
        printf("The key value %d was not found in myArray\n", key);

    //testing shiftElements
    printf("Shifting the elements in the array right 6 elements\n");
    shiftElements(myArray, 50, 6);
    printNperline(myArray, 50, 10);

    printf("Shifting the elements in the array left 4 elements\n");
    shiftElements(myArray, 50, -4);
    printNperline(myArray, 50, 10);

double C_measure::error_fiber_tilde(CtlStruct* phi)
    //compute the length of the fiber
    //compute Reimann integrale (approximation)
    unsigned long N=0;
    double S = 0.0, phiX, phiY, phiZ, sumDelta=0.0, phiXdev, phiYdev, phiZdev, tmpS, tmpL;
    double** D = new double*[3];
    D[0] = new double[3];
    D[1] = new double[3];
    D[2] = new double[3];

    for(unsigned long i=0 ; i<(phi->N_element-1) ; i++)
        //calculate speed vector
        phiX = phi->elts[3*(i+1)]-phi->elts[3*i];
        phiY = phi->elts[3*(i+1)+1]-phi->elts[3*i+1];
        phiZ = phi->elts[3*(i+1)+2]-phi->elts[3*i+2];

        tmpL = sqrt(SQR(phiX) + SQR(phiY) + SQR(phiZ));

        ///check norm of speed vector///
        if(!(isnan(tmpL) || isinf(tmpL) || (tmpL<SMALL_NUM)))

            //get tensor at point (phi->elts[3*i], phi->elts[3*i+2], phi->elts[3*i+2])
            fillArray(phi->elts[3*i], phi->elts[3*i+1], phi->elts[3*i+2], D);//must check what is in D

            //calculates tensor product
            phiXdev = D[0][0]*phiX + D[0][1]*phiY + D[0][2]*phiZ;
            phiYdev = D[1][0]*phiX + D[1][1]*phiY + D[1][2]*phiZ;
            phiZdev = D[2][0]*phiX + D[2][1]*phiY + D[2][2]*phiZ;

            //calculates eigen values
            C_toolbox_eigen_sym v((double**) D, 3, false);
            tmpS = sqrt(SQR(phiXdev) + SQR(phiYdev) + SQR(phiZdev))/v.d[0];
            if(!isnan(tmpS) && !isinf(tmpS))
                S += tmpS;

                //sum the length
                sumDelta +=tmpL;
                cout << "tmpS nan or inf " << tmpS << endl;
            cout << "tmpL nan or inf " << tmpL << endl;

    delete D[2];
    delete D[1];
    delete D[0];
    delete D;

    if(N<(phi->N_element-1)) return (sumDelta-S)/SQR(sumDelta);
    else return -1.0;

Ejemplo n.º 11
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int size=10000;
    if (argc>1)
    double **array;
    int nthreads;
    //The following block should be executed in parallel, use barriers where necessary
	#pragma omp parallel 
       timeval t_start,t_end;
       int i=omp_get_thread_num();
    #pragma omp master 
       // The top level of the array should be allocated by the master thread 
       printf("Started %i threads\n",nthreads);
	#pragma omp barrier 
       //Each thread allocates the internal memory
    #pragma omp barrier   
       //Each thread fills its own array (10 iterations for better timing)
       for (int j=0;j<10;j++)
       double time=((t_end.tv_usec+t_end.tv_sec*1e6)-(t_start.tv_usec +t_start.tv_sec*1e6))/1e6/10;
       printf("Fill Array: %i: %f\n",i,time);
     #pragma omp barrier   
       //Each thread i should do the following summation of the array of thread i+1 (again 10 iterations for better timing)
       double sum;
       for (int j=0;j<10;j++)
          for (int k=0;k<size;k++)
       printf("%i: Sum %f! Time: %f [accessed array %i]\n",i,sum,time,(i+1)%nthreads);
	#pragma omp barrier 
       //Each thread frees its internal array
	#pragma omp barrier 
	#pragma omp master
       //now free the toplevel array

    return 0;
double C_measure::error_fiber(CtlStruct* phi)
    unsigned long N = phi->N_element;
    //Point* p = G->getPoints();
    double TphiPrime;
    double** a = new double*[3];
    a[0] = new double[3];
    a[1] = new double[3];
    a[2] = new double[3];

    C_toolbox_eigen_sym* v;

    double phiPrimeX, phiPrimeY, phiPrimeZ, Z;
    double E = 0;
    double dLength=0.0;
    unsigned long dN=0;

    for(unsigned long i=1 ; i<N-1 ; i++)
        fillArray(phi->elts[3*i], phi->elts[3*i+1], phi->elts[3*i+2], a);
        phiPrimeX = phi->elts[3*(i+1)] - phi->elts[3*(i-1)];
        phiPrimeY = phi->elts[3*(i+1)+1] - phi->elts[3*(i-1)+1];
        phiPrimeZ = phi->elts[3*(i+1)+2] - phi->elts[3*(i-1)+2];
        Z = sqrt(SQR(phiPrimeX) + SQR(phiPrimeY) + SQR(phiPrimeZ));
        phiPrimeX /= Z;
        phiPrimeY /= Z;
        phiPrimeZ /= Z;
        if(isnan(phiPrimeX) || isnan(phiPrimeY) || isnan(phiPrimeZ) || isinf(phiPrimeX) || isinf(phiPrimeY) || isinf(phiPrimeZ))
            E = -1.0;
            i = N;
            //cout << "phiPrime" << endl;
            TphiPrime = TphiPrimeNorm2(phi->elts[3*i], phi->elts[3*i+1], phi->elts[3*i+2], phiPrimeX, phiPrimeY, phiPrimeZ);
                dLength += 0.5*Z;//sqrt(SQR(phi->elts[3*(i+1)] - phi->elts[3*(i-1)]) + SQR(phi->elts[3*(i+1)+1] - phi->elts[3*(i-1)+1]) + SQR(phi->elts[3*(i+1)+2] - phi->elts[3*(i-1)+2]));
                //dLength += sqrt(SQR(phi->elts[3*(i)] - phi->elts[3*(i-1)]) + SQR(phi->elts[3*(i)+1] - phi->elts[3*(i-1)+1]) + SQR(phi->elts[3*(i)+2] - phi->elts[3*(i-1)+2]));
                //cout << "TphiPrime" << endl;
                v = new C_toolbox_eigen_sym((/**const*/ double**) a, 3, false);
                if(isnan(1-(TphiPrime/(v->d[0]))) || isinf(1-(TphiPrime/(v->d[0]))))
                    dLength += 0.5*Z;//sqrt(SQR(phi->elts[3*(i+1)] - phi->elts[3*(i-1)]) + SQR(phi->elts[3*(i+1)+1] - phi->elts[3*(i-1)+1]) + SQR(phi->elts[3*(i+1)+2] - phi->elts[3*(i-1)+2]));
                    //dLength += sqrt(SQR(phi->elts[3*(i)] - phi->elts[3*(i-1)]) + SQR(phi->elts[3*(i)+1] - phi->elts[3*(i-1)+1]) + SQR(phi->elts[3*(i)+2] - phi->elts[3*(i-1)+2]));
                    //cout << "some nan" << endl;
                        E += (1-(TphiPrime/(v->d[0]))); /// because ||phi'||=1
                        dLength += 0.5*Z;//sqrt(SQR(phi->elts[3*(i+1)] - phi->elts[3*(i-1)]) + SQR(phi->elts[3*(i+1)+1] - phi->elts[3*(i-1)+1]) + SQR(phi->elts[3*(i+1)+2] - phi->elts[3*(i-1)+2]));
                        //dLength += sqrt(SQR(phi->elts[3*(i)] - phi->elts[3*(i-1)]) + SQR(phi->elts[3*(i)+1] - phi->elts[3*(i-1)+1]) + SQR(phi->elts[3*(i)+2] - phi->elts[3*(i-1)+2]));

                    //if((1-(TphiPrime/(v->d[0])))<0.0) cout << (1-(TphiPrime/(v->d[0]))) << endl;
                delete v;


    delete a[2];
    delete a[1];
    delete a[0];
    delete a;

        //return E/(((double) N));
        return E/(((double) N) * len_fib(phi));
        //cout << N << " " << dN << endl;
            //cout << "error N" << N << endl;
            return -1.0;
                //return E/( (((double) N)-((double) dN)) );
                return E/( (((double) N)-((double) dN)) * (len_fib(phi) - dLength));
                //cout << "returning -1.0: error length " << len_fib(phi) << " " << dLength << endl;
                //cout << len_fib(phi) << " " << dLength << endl;
                return -1.0;

    //compute the length of the fiber
    //compute Reimann integrale (approximation)
    unsigned long N=0;
    double S = 0.0, phiX, phiY, phiZ, sumDelta=0.0, phiXdev, phiYdev, phiZdev, tmpS, tmpL;
    double** D = new double*[3];
    D[0] = new double[3];
    D[1] = new double[3];
    D[2] = new double[3];

    for(unsigned long i=0 ; i<(phi->N_element-1) ; i++)
        //calculate speed vector
        phiX = phi->elts[3*(i+1)]-phi->elts[3*i];
        phiY = phi->elts[3*(i+1)+1]-phi->elts[3*i+1];
        phiZ = phi->elts[3*(i+1)+2]-phi->elts[3*i+2];

        tmpL = sqrt(SQR(phiX) + SQR(phiY) + SQR(phiZ));

        ///check norm of speed vector///
        if(!(isnan(tmpL) || isinf(tmpL) || (tmpL<SMALL_NUM)))

            //get tensor at point (phi->elts[3*i], phi->elts[3*i+2], phi->elts[3*i+2])
            fillArray(phi->elts[3*i], phi->elts[3*i+1], phi->elts[3*i+2], D);//must check what is in D

            //calculates tensor product
            phiXdev = D[0][0]*phiX + D[0][1]*phiY + D[0][2]*phiZ;
            phiYdev = D[1][0]*phiX + D[1][1]*phiY + D[1][2]*phiZ;
            phiZdev = D[2][0]*phiX + D[2][1]*phiY + D[2][2]*phiZ;

            //calculates eigen values
            C_toolbox_eigen_sym v((double**) D, 3, false);
            tmpS = sqrt(SQR(phiXdev) + SQR(phiYdev) + SQR(phiZdev))/v.d[0];
            if(!isnan(tmpS) && !isinf(tmpS))
                S += tmpS;

                //sum the length
                sumDelta +=tmpL;
                cout << "tmpS nan or inf " << tmpS << endl;
            cout << "tmpL nan or inf " << tmpL << endl;

    delete D[2];
    delete D[1];
    delete D[0];
    delete D;

    if(N<(phi->N_element-1)) return S/sumDelta;
    else return -1.0;


Ejemplo n.º 13
int main()
    FILE * fin = NULL;
    char fn[MAX], input[MAX], word[MAX];
    int choice = 0;
    int sentSize = 5;
    int aSize, nSize, vSize, pSize;
    char ** articles = NULL;
    char ** nouns = NULL;
    char ** verbs = NULL;
    char ** preps = NULL;
    char ** sentence = NULL;


    openFile(fn, fin, &aSize, &nSize, &vSize, &pSize);
    articles = fillArray(fn,"article", articles, aSize, fin);
    nouns = fillArray(fn,"noun", nouns, aSize, fin);
    verbs = fillArray(fn,"verb", verbs, aSize, fin);
    preps = fillArray(fn,"preposition", preps, aSize, fin);
    displayAmounts(aSize, nSize, vSize, pSize);

    sortStringArray(articles, aSize);
    sortStringArray(nouns, nSize);
    sortStringArray(verbs, vSize);
    sortStringArray(preps, pSize);

		choice = menu();

		if(choice == 1)
			sentence = createSentence(articles, nouns, verbs, preps, aSize, nSize, vSize, pSize);

		}// end choice == 1

		else if(choice == 2)
			displayAllWords(articles, nouns, verbs, preps, aSize, nSize, vSize, pSize);
		}// end choice == 2

		else if(choice == 3)
		    if(strcmp(input,"ARTICLES") == 0)
                addWord(articles, word, &aSize);
            else if(strcmp(input,"NOUNS") == 0)
                addWord(nouns, word, &nSize);
            else if(strcmp(input,"VERBS") == 0)
                addWord(verbs, word, &vSize);
            else if(strcmp(input,"PREPOSITIONS") == 0)
                addWord(preps, word, &pSize);
		}// end choice == 3

		else if(choice == 4)
            if(strcmp(input,"ARTICLES") == 0)
                removeWord(articles, word, &aSize);
            else if(strcmp(input,"NOUNS") == 0)
                removeWord(nouns, word, &nSize);
            else if(strcmp(input,"VERBS") == 0)
                removeWord(verbs, word, &vSize);
            else if(strcmp(input,"PREPOSITIONS") == 0)
                removeWord(preps, word, &pSize);

		}// end choice == 4

		else if(choice == 5)
            displayTogetherSorted(articles, nouns, verbs, preps, aSize, nSize, vSize, pSize);
		}// end choice == 5

	}while(choice != 6);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 14
ReadData* BinTreeNodeReader::readString(int token)
	if (token == -1)
		throw WAException("-1 token in readString", WAException::CORRUPT_STREAM_EX, -1);

	int bSize;
	ReadData *ret = new ReadData();

	if (token > 2 && token <= 236) {
		if (token != 236)
			ret->data = new std::string(dictionary[token]);
		else {
			token = readInt8(this->in);
			ret->data = new std::string(extended_dict[token]);

		ret->type = STRING;
		return ret;

	switch (token) {
	case 0:
		delete ret;
		return NULL;

	case 252:
		bSize = readInt8(this->in);
			std::vector<unsigned char>* buf8 = new std::vector<unsigned char>(bSize);
			fillArray(*buf8, bSize, this->in);
			ret->type = ARRAY;
			ret->data = buf8;
		return ret;

	case 253:
		bSize = readInt24(this->in);
			std::vector<unsigned char>* buf24 = new std::vector<unsigned char>(bSize);
			fillArray(*buf24, bSize, this->in);
			ret->type = ARRAY;
			ret->data = buf24;
		return ret;

	case 255:
		bSize = readInt8(this->in);
			int size = bSize & 0x7f;
			int numnibbles = size * 2 - ((bSize & 0x80) ? 1 : 0);

			std::vector<unsigned char> tmp(size);
			fillArray(tmp, size, this->in);
			std::string s;
			for (int i = 0; i < numnibbles; i++) {
				char c = (tmp[i / 2] >> (4 - ((i & 1) << 2))) & 0xF;
				if (c < 10) s += (c + '0');
				else s += (c - 10 + '-');

			ret->type = STRING;
			ret->data = new std::string(s);
		return ret;

	case 250:
		std::string* user = readStringAsString();
		std::string* server = readStringAsString();
		if ((user != NULL) && (server != NULL)) {
			std::string* result = new std::string(*user + "@" + *server);
			delete user;
			delete server;
			ret->type = STRING;
			ret->data = result;
			return ret;
		if (server != NULL) {
			ret->type = STRING;
			ret->data = server;
			return ret;
		throw WAException("readString couldn't reconstruct jid", WAException::CORRUPT_STREAM_EX, -1);
	throw WAException("readString couldn't match token" + (int)token, WAException::CORRUPT_STREAM_EX, -1);
Ejemplo n.º 15
Archivo: test.c Proyecto: 8l/beri
int main(void)
	int i;
	int j;
	int data;
	int data2=0;
	char in = 0;
	i = 0x0000000004000500;
	int numBad = 1;
	int count;
	long long cpi;
	volatile void *wptr;
	short leds = 0;
	char capInit = 0;

	//mv1kC1(0x9800000040000000, 0x9800000000001000);
	//__writeStringLoopback("Stack TLB entry setup.\n");
	__writeString("Hello World! Have a BERI nice day!\n");
//	causeTrap();
//	__writeString("Came back from trap and still alive :)\n");

//	sysCtrlTest();
//	data = rdtscl(5);

	//int coreid = getCoreID();
	if (coreid == 0)

	while(in != 'Q') 
		if (in != '\n') {
			//if (coreid == 0)
			globalReset = 0;
			coreFlag = 0;
			__writeString("\n Number of Cores in Use : ");

			__writeString("\n Menu:\n");
			__writeString("   \"F\" for floating point co-processor test.\n");
			__writeString("   \"L\" for load-linked and store-conditional test.\n");
			__writeString("   \"A\" for arithmetic test result.\n");
			__writeString("   \"B\" array bounds checking benchmark.\n");
			__writeString("   \"D\" for multiply and divide test.\n");
			__writeString("   \"C\" for Count register test.\n");
			__writeString("   \"M\" for eternal memory test.\n");
			//__writeString("   \"N\" for networking test.\n");
			__writeString("   \"V\" for framebuffer test.\n");
			__writeString("   \"K\" for Capability initialization.\n");
			__writeString("   \"l\" to invert LEDs.\n");
			__writeString("   \"T\" for touchscreen test.\n");
			__writeString("   \"q\" for quicksort boundschecking test.\n");
			__writeString("   \"d\" for domain crossing benchmark.\n");
			__writeString("   \"G\" for compositor test.\n");
			__writeString("   \"Q\" to quit.\n");

		in = __readUARTChar();
		if (in == 'F') {
			__writeString("Floating Point co-processor test\n");
		if (in == 'L') {
			__writeString("Load-linked and store-conditional test:\n");
			data = 13;
			data = ll(&data);
			data = sc(&data, 14);
			__writeString(" < load-linked and store-conditional result (0)\n");
			data = testNset(&data, 14);
			__writeString(" < test and set result (1)\n");
		if (in == 'A') {
			__writeString("Arithmetic test:\n");
			data = 0;
			data = arithmaticTest();
			__writeString(" < arithmetic test result (0)\n");
		if (in == 'T') {
			int * tX= (int *)0x9000000005000000;
			int * tY= (int *)0x9000000005000004;
			int * tDown= (int *)0x9000000005000008;
			data = *tX;
			__writeString("   Y:");
			data = *tY;
			__writeString("   Down:");
			data = *tDown;
		if (in == 'G') {
			__writeString("Compositor test:\n");
		if (in == 'D') {
			numBad = 1;
			__writeString("Multiply and divide test.\n");
			for (i = -10; i < 10; i++) {
				data = numBad * i;
				__writeString(" * ");
				__writeString(" = ");
				if (i!=0) data2 = data / i;
				__writeString(" / ");
				__writeString(" = ");
				if (data == 0) data = 1;
				numBad = data;
		if (in == 'M') {
			__writeString("Memory test:\n");
			i = 0;
			while(1) 	{
				count = getCount();
				int idx = 0;
				for (j=0; j<0x4000; j++) {
					idx = i+j;
					((volatile int *)DRAM_BASE)[idx] = DRAM_BASE + (idx<<2);
				for (j=0; j<0x4000; j++) {
					idx = i+j;
					data = ((volatile int *)DRAM_BASE)[idx];
					if (data != (int)(DRAM_BASE + (idx<<2))) {
						//__writeHex((int)(DRAM_BASE + (idx<<2))); 
						//__writeString(" = ");
				cpi = getCount() - count;
        //__writeString("newCount - count:");
				__writeHex((int)(DRAM_BASE + (idx<<2))); 
				__writeString(" = ");
				if (numBad == 0) {
					__writeString("All good! \n");
				} else {
					__writeString(" were bad :(\n");
					numBad = 0;
				cpi = (cpi*1000);
        // 8 instructions in the first loop, 12 in the second.
				cpi = cpi/((8+12)*0x4000);
				__writeString("CPI of ");
				if (i > 0x07000000) i = 0;
		if (in == 'C') {
			__writeString("Count Register Test:\n");
			for(i=0;i<10;i++) 	{
				data = ((volatile int *)MIPS_PHYS_TO_UNCACHED(CHERI_COUNT))[0];
				__writeString(", ");
		if (in == 'K') {
			if (capInit==0) {
				long length = FBGetLeng();
				length = length - 800*600*2;
				capInit = 1;
			__writeString("C4.base=    ");__writeHex(FBGetBase());__writeString("\n");
			__writeString("C4.length=  ");__writeHex(FBGetLeng());__writeString("\n");

		if (in == 'V') {
			int color = 0x8888;
			int x = 50;
			int y = 50;
			int length = 75;
			int height = 50;
			long frameBuff = 0x9000000004000000;

			for (x=200; x<500; x+=100) {
				for (y=300; y<500; y+=75) {
					draw3DRect(color, x, y, length, height);
			for (i=0; i<(800*600/4); i++) {
			int offset = y*800 + x;
			int addOff;
			int totOff;
			for (i=0; i<(800*600); i++) {
				((volatile short*)frameBuff)[i] = i;
			for (i=0; i<height; i++) {
				for (j=0; j<length; j++) {
					addOff = (800*i) + j;
					totOff = (offset+addOff);
					((volatile short*)frameBuff)[totOff] = color;
		if (in == 'l') {
			leds = ~leds;
		if (in == 'N') {
			wptr = (void *)CHERI_NET_RX;
			i = *(volatile int *)wptr;
			__writeString("After accessing CHERI_NET_RX, read:\n");

			i = 0xabcd;
			wptr = (void *)CHERI_NET_TX;
			__writeString("Before writing 123 to CHERI_NET_TX\n");
			*((volatile int *)CHERI_NET_TX) = i;
			__writeString("After writing 123 to CHERI_NET_TX\n");
		if (in == 'B') {
		if (in == 'q') {
		if (in == 'd') {
// ADDED >>
                if (in == 'X') {
			int A[SORT_SIZE];

			writeString("Branch Exercise:\n");
			fillArray(A, SORT_SIZE/2, 1000);
			bubbleSort(A, SORT_SIZE/2);
			writeString("Finished Bubble Sort!\n");
			for (i = 0; i<SORT_SIZE/2; i+= SORT_SIZE/2/32) {
				writeString(" = ");
			fillArray(A, SORT_SIZE, 1234);
			quickSort(A, 0, SORT_SIZE);
			writeString("Finished Quick Sort!\n");
			for (i = 0; i<SORT_SIZE; i+= SORT_SIZE/32) {
				writeString(" = ");
			writeString("Searching for each element...\n");
			for (j = 0; j<4; j++) {
				for (i = 0; i<SORT_SIZE; i++) {
					binarySearch(A, A[i], 0, SORT_SIZE);
			writeString("Searching Done.\n");
			writeString("Starting Modular Eponentiation\n");
			for (i = 0; i<SORT_SIZE/4; i++) {
// ADDED <<

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 16
void BinTreeNodeReader::fillBuffer(quint32 stanzaSize)
    fillArray(readBuffer, stanzaSize);
Ejemplo n.º 17
int main()
    int loop = 0, loopMax = 5;
    double values[5][loopMax], increment[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}, averages[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}, spreads[5] = {0,0,0,0,0};
        long startTime, endTime;
        unsigned int x = arrayLength;
        int arrayA[x], arrayB[x], arrayC[x], arrayD[x], arrayE[x];
        fillArray(arrayA, x, 1);
		fillArray(arrayB, x, 2);
		fillArray(arrayC, x, 3);
		fillArray(arrayD, x, 4);
		fillArray(arrayE, x, 5);
		printArray(arrayA, x);
        printArray(arrayB, x);
        printArray(arrayC, x);
        printArray(arrayD, x);
        printArray(arrayE, x);
        printf("Starting QuickSort: Random\n");
        startTime = GetTickCount();
        quickSort(arrayA, 0, x);
        endTime = GetTickCount();
        increment[0] += (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000;
        values[0][loop] = (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000;
        printf("Done! Took %.2f s\n\n", (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000);
        printf("Starting QuickSort: In order\n");
        startTime = GetTickCount();
        quickSort(arrayB, 0, x);
        endTime = GetTickCount();
        increment[1] += (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000;
        values[1][loop] = (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000;
        printf("Done! Took %.2f s\n\n", (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000);
        printf("Starting QuickSort: Reversed\n");
        startTime = GetTickCount();
        quickSort(arrayC, 0, x);
        endTime = GetTickCount();
        increment[2] += (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000;
        values[2][loop] = (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000;
        printf("Done! Took %.2f s\n\n", (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000);
        printf("Starting QuickSort: 1,100,2,99...\n");
        startTime = GetTickCount();
        quickSort(arrayD, 0, x);
        endTime = GetTickCount();
        increment[3] += (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000;
        values[3][loop] = (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000;
        printf("Done! Took %.2f s\n\n", (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000);
        printf("Starting QuickSort: 100,1,99,2\n");
        startTime = GetTickCount();
        quickSort(arrayE, 0, x);
        endTime = GetTickCount();
        increment[4] += (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000;
        values[4][loop] = (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000;
        printf("Done! Took %.2f s\n\n", (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000);
        printf("Checking arrays...\n\n");
        printf("\n\nChecking QuickSort: Random\n");
        checkArray(arrayA, x);
        printf("\n\nChecking QuickSort: Sorted\n");
        checkArray(arrayB, x);
        printf("\n\nChecking QuickSort: Reversed\n\n");
        checkArray(arrayC, x);
        printf("\n\nChecking QuickSort: 1,100,2,99...\n");
        checkArray(arrayD, x);
        printf("\n\nChecking QuickSort: 100,1,99,2\n");
        checkArray(arrayE, x);

    }while(loop < loopMax);
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < 5;i++){
          averages[i] = increment[i]/loopMax;
    for(i = 0; i < 5;i++){
          spreads[i] = calculateSpread(values[i], loopMax, i, averages);
    printf("Random \n");
    printf("Average: %.2f \n", averages[0]);
    printf("Spread: %.2lf \n\n", spreads[0]);
    printf("Sorted \n");
    printf("Average: %.2f \n", averages[1]);
    printf("Spread: %.2lf \n\n", spreads[1]);
    printf("Reversed \n");
    printf("Average: %.2f \n", averages[2]);
    printf("Spread: %.2lf \n\n", spreads[2]);
    printf("1,100,2,99... \n");
    printf("Average: %.2f \n", averages[3]);
    printf("Spread: %.2lf \n\n", spreads[3]);
    printf("100,1,99,2... \n");
    printf("Average: %.2f \n", averages[4]);
    printf("Spread: %.2lf \n\n", spreads[4]);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 18
int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
	cl_uint platform_count;
	cl_platform_id platforms[5];

	cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS;
	unsigned int i, p;

	cl_device_type dev_type = CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL;

	void * ptrs[BLOCKS];
	cl_command_queue cqs[BLOCKS];
	cl_mem d_A[BLOCKS];
	cl_mem d_C[BLOCKS];
	cl_mem d_B[BLOCKS];

	cl_event GPUDone[BLOCKS];
	cl_event GPUExecution[BLOCKS];
	struct timeval start, end;

	int workOffset[BLOCKS];
	int workSize[BLOCKS];

	unsigned int sizePerGPU = HC / BLOCKS;
	unsigned int sizeMod = HC % BLOCKS;

	size_t A_size = WA * HA;
	size_t A_mem_size = sizeof(TYPE) * A_size;
	TYPE* A_data;

	size_t B_size = WB * HB;
	size_t B_mem_size = sizeof(TYPE) * B_size;
	TYPE* B_data;

	size_t C_size = WC * HC;
	size_t C_mem_size = sizeof(TYPE) * C_size;
	TYPE* C_data;

	parse_args(argc, argv);

	check(clGetPlatformIDs(5, platforms, &platform_count));
	if (platform_count == 0) {
		printf("No platform found\n");

	cl_uint device_count;
	cl_uint devs[platform_count];
	cl_device_id * devices[platform_count];
	cl_context ctx[platform_count];
	cl_command_queue * commandQueue[platform_count];

	device_count = 0;
	for (p=0; p<platform_count; p++) {
		cl_platform_id platform = platforms[p];

		err = clGetDeviceIDs(platform, dev_type, 0, NULL, &devs[p]);
		if (err == CL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND) {
			devs[p] = 0;
		if (devs[p] == 0) {
		     printf("No OpenCL device found\n");
		if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
			fprintf(stderr, "OpenCL Error (%d) in clGetDeviceIDs()\n", err);
		if (devs[p] == 0)

		devices[p] = (cl_device_id*)malloc(sizeof(cl_device_id) * devs[p]);
		commandQueue[p] = (cl_command_queue*)malloc(sizeof(cl_command_queue) * devs[p]);

		check(clGetDeviceIDs(platform, dev_type, devs[p], devices[p], NULL));

		cl_context_properties properties[] = {CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM, (cl_context_properties)platform, 0};
		check2(ctx[p] = clCreateContext(properties, devs[p], devices[p], NULL, NULL, &err));

		for(i = 0; i < devs[p]; ++i)
			cl_device_id device = devices[p][i];
			char name[2048];
			name[0] = '\0';
			clGetDeviceInfo(device, CL_DEVICE_NAME, 2048, name, NULL);
			printf("Device %d: %s\n", i, name);

			check2(commandQueue[p][i] = clCreateCommandQueue(ctx[p], device, CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE | CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE, &err));

		device_count += devs[p];

	if (device_count == 0)
		error("No device found\n");

	cl_kernel multiplicationKernel[platform_count];

	printf("\nUsing Matrix Sizes: A(%lu x %lu), B(%lu x %lu), C(%lu x %lu)\n",
			(unsigned long)WA, (unsigned long)HA, (unsigned long)WB, (unsigned long)HB, (unsigned long)WC, (unsigned long)HC);

	// allocate host memory for matrices A, B and C
	A_data = (TYPE*)malloc(A_mem_size);
	if (A_data == NULL) {

	B_data = (TYPE*)malloc(B_mem_size);
	if (B_data == NULL) {

	C_data = (TYPE*) malloc(C_mem_size);
	if (C_data == NULL) {

	cl_program program[platform_count];

	for (p=0; p<platform_count; p++) {
		if (devs[p] == 0)

		check2(program[p] = clCreateProgramWithSource(ctx[p], 1, (const char **)&code, NULL, &err));

		check(clBuildProgram(program[p], 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL));

		check2(multiplicationKernel[p] = clCreateKernel(program[p], "sgemmNN", &err));

	printf("Initializing data...\n");
	fillArray(A_data, A_size);
	fillArray(B_data, B_size);
	memset(C_data, 0, C_size);

	workOffset[0] = 0;
	gettimeofday(&start, NULL);

	size_t localWorkSize[] = {BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE};
	int c = 0;
	for (p=0; p<platform_count;p++) {
		for (i=0; i<devs[p]; i++) {
			check2(d_B[c] = clCreateBuffer(ctx[p], CL_MEM_READ_ONLY  | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR, HB * WB * sizeof(TYPE), B_data, &err));

	for(i=0; i < BLOCKS; ++i)
		int d = i % device_count;
		cl_uint platform = 0;

		// determine device platform
		int dev = d;
		for (platform = 0; platform < platform_count; platform++) {
			if ((cl_int)(dev - devs[platform]) < 0)
			dev -= devs[platform];

		workSize[i] = (i < sizeMod) ? sizePerGPU+1 : sizePerGPU;

		check2(d_A[i] = clCreateBuffer(ctx[platform], CL_MEM_READ_ONLY  | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR, workSize[i] * WA * sizeof(TYPE), &A_data[workOffset[i] * WA], &err));
		check2(d_C[i] = clCreateBuffer(ctx[platform], CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR, workSize[i] * WC * sizeof(TYPE), &C_data[workOffset[i] * WC], &err));

		check(clSetKernelArg(multiplicationKernel[platform], 0, sizeof(cl_int), &workSize[i]));
		check(clSetKernelArg(multiplicationKernel[platform], 1, sizeof(cl_int), &workSize[i]));
		check(clSetKernelArg(multiplicationKernel[platform], 2, sizeof(cl_int), &workSize[i]));
		check(clSetKernelArg(multiplicationKernel[platform], 3, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *) &d_A[i]));
		check(clSetKernelArg(multiplicationKernel[platform], 4, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *) &d_B[d]));
		check(clSetKernelArg(multiplicationKernel[platform], 5, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *) &d_C[i]));

		size_t globalWorkSize[] = {roundUp(BLOCK_SIZE,WC), roundUp(BLOCK_SIZE,workSize[i])};

		check(clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(commandQueue[platform][dev], multiplicationKernel[platform], 2, NULL, globalWorkSize, localWorkSize, 0, NULL, &GPUExecution[i]));

		// Non-blocking copy of result from device to host
		cqs[i] = commandQueue[platform][dev];
		check2(ptrs[i] = clEnqueueMapBuffer(cqs[i], d_C[i], CL_FALSE, CL_MAP_READ, 0, WC * sizeof(TYPE) * workSize[i], 1, &GPUExecution[i], &GPUDone[i], &err));

		if(i+1 < BLOCKS)
			workOffset[i + 1] = workOffset[i] + workSize[i];

	// CPU sync with GPU
	for (p=0; p<platform_count;p++) {
		cl_uint dev;
		for (dev=0; dev<devs[p]; dev++) {

	gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
	double timing = (double)((end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)*1000000 + (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec));

	double dSeconds = timing/1000/1000;
	double dNumOps = 2.0 * (double)WA * (double)HA * (double)WB;
	double gflops = 1.0e-9 * dNumOps/dSeconds;

	printf("Throughput = %.4f GFlops/s, Time = %.5f s, Size = %.0f, NumDevsUsed = %d, Blocks = %ld, Workgroup = %zu\n",
			gflops, dSeconds, dNumOps, device_count, BLOCKS, localWorkSize[0] * localWorkSize[1]);

	// compute reference solution
	if (check) {
		printf("Comparing results with CPU computation... ");
		TYPE* reference = (TYPE*)malloc(C_mem_size);
		computeReference(reference, A_data, B_data, HA, WA, WB);

		// check result
		int res = shrCompareL2fe(reference, C_data, C_size, 1.0e-6f);
		if (res == 0) {
			printDiff(reference, C_data, WC, HC, 100, 1.0e-5f);
		else printf("PASSED\n\n");

	for(i = 0; i < BLOCKS; i++)
		clEnqueueUnmapMemObject(cqs[i], d_C[i], ptrs[i], 0, NULL, NULL);

	for(i = 0; i < BLOCKS; i++)

	for (i=0; i<device_count; i++) {

	for(i = 0; i < BLOCKS; i++)

	for (p=0; p<platform_count;p++) {
		if (devs[p] == 0)

		cl_uint k;
		for(k = 0; k < devs[p]; ++k)


	return 0;