Ejemplo n.º 1
static void startTransmit(unsigned epNum, struct transmitRequest_t *tx)
	unsigned total = fillOutput(epNum,tx);
	if( 0 == ( UDP->UDP_CSR[epNum] & AT91C_UDP_TXPKTRDY ) ){
		connections[epNum].txState = EPTX_WAITCOMP ;
		if( USBEP_BULKIN == epNum )
			total += fillOutput(epNum,tx);
if( 0 )// != epNum )
	NODEBUGMSG( "extra 0x" ); NODEBUGHEX( total ); NODEBUGMSG( "\r\n" );
	else {
		write( DEFUART, "PKTRDY already set for ep 0x" ); writeHexChar( DEFUART, epNum ); write( DEFUART, "\r\n" );

	DEBUGMSG( "~txPacket: 0x" ); DEBUGHEX(tx->txNext->length-tx->txNext->offset); DEBUGMSG( "\r\n" );
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

  if(argc != 2) {
    std::cerr << "Usage : " << argv[0] << "<0,1>" <<std::endl;
    std::cerr << "with : " << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "0 : quadratic loss" << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "1 : cross entropy loss" << std::endl;
    return -1;

  bool quadratic_loss = (atoi(argv[1]) == 0);


  // We compare our computation of the gradient to 
  // a finite difference approximation
  // The loss is also involved
  std::cout << "---------------------------------" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Comparing the analytical gradient and numerical approximation " << std::endl;
  auto input = gaml::mlp::input<X>(INPUT_DIM, fillInput);
  auto l1 = gaml::mlp::layer(input, HIDDEN_LAYER_SIZE, gaml::mlp::mlp_sigmoid(), gaml::mlp::mlp_dsigmoid());
  auto l2 = gaml::mlp::layer(l1, HIDDEN_LAYER_SIZE, gaml::mlp::mlp_identity(), gaml::mlp::mlp_didentity());
  auto l3 = gaml::mlp::layer(l2, HIDDEN_LAYER_SIZE, gaml::mlp::mlp_tanh(), gaml::mlp::mlp_dtanh());
  auto l4 = gaml::mlp::layer(l3, OUTPUT_DIM, gaml::mlp::mlp_sigmoid(), gaml::mlp::mlp_dsigmoid());
  auto mlp = gaml::mlp::perceptron(l4, output_of);

  std::cout << "We use the following architecture : " << std::endl;
  std::cout << mlp << std::endl;
  std::cout << "which has a total of " << mlp.psize() << " parameters"<< std::endl;

  gaml::mlp::parameters_type params(mlp.psize());
  gaml::mlp::parameters_type paramsph(mlp.psize());
  gaml::mlp::values_type derivatives(mlp.psize());
  gaml::mlp::values_type forward_sweep(mlp.size());
  X x;

  auto loss_ce = gaml::mlp::loss::CrossEntropy();
  auto loss_quadratic = gaml::mlp::loss::Quadratic();

  auto f = [&mlp, &params] (const typename decltype(mlp)::input_type& x) -> gaml::mlp::values_type {
    auto output = mlp(x, params);
    gaml::mlp::values_type voutput(mlp.output_size());
    fillOutput(voutput.begin(), output);
    return voutput;
  auto df = [&mlp, &forward_sweep, &params] (const typename decltype(mlp)::input_type& x, unsigned int parameter_dim) -> gaml::mlp::values_type {
    return mlp.deriv(x, params, forward_sweep, parameter_dim);

  unsigned int nbtrials = 100;
  unsigned int nbfails = 0;
  std::cout << "I will compare " << nbtrials << " times a numerical approximation and the analytical gradient we compute" << std::endl;

  for(unsigned int t = 0 ; t < nbtrials ; ++t) {
    randomize_data(params, -1.0, 1.0);
    randomize_data(x, -1.0, 1.0);

    // Compute the output at params
    auto output = mlp(x, params);
    gaml::mlp::values_type raw_output(OUTPUT_DIM);
    fillOutput(raw_output.begin(), output);
    gaml::mlp::values_type raw_outputph(OUTPUT_DIM);

    // For computing the loss, we need a target
    gaml::mlp::values_type raw_target(OUTPUT_DIM);

    double norm_dh = 0.0;

    for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < mlp.psize() ; ++i) {
      // Let us compute params + h*[0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0], the 1 at the ith position
      std::copy(params.begin(), params.end(), paramsph.begin());
      double dh = (sqrt(DBL_EPSILON) * paramsph[i]);
      paramsph[i] += dh;
      norm_dh += dh*dh;
      // Compute the output at params + h
      auto outputph = mlp(x, paramsph);
      fillOutput(raw_outputph.begin(), outputph);
      // We now compute the approximation of the derivative
	derivatives[i] = (loss_quadratic(raw_target, raw_outputph) - loss_quadratic(raw_target, raw_output))/dh;
	derivatives[i] = (loss_ce(raw_target, raw_outputph) - loss_ce(raw_target, raw_output))/dh;
    // We now compute the analytical derivatives
    mlp(x, params);
    std::copy(mlp.begin(), mlp.end(), forward_sweep.begin());

    gaml::mlp::values_type our_derivatives(mlp.psize());
    for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < mlp.psize() ; ++i) {
	our_derivatives[i] = loss_quadratic.deriv(x, raw_target, forward_sweep, f, df, i);
	our_derivatives[i] = loss_ce.deriv(x, raw_target, forward_sweep, f, df, i);
    // We finally compute the norm of the difference
    double error = 0.0;
    auto diter = derivatives.begin();
    for(auto& ourdi : our_derivatives) {
      error = (ourdi - *diter) * (ourdi - *diter);
    error = sqrt(error);
    std::cout << "Error between the analytical and numerical gradients " << error << " with a step size of " << sqrt(norm_dh) << " in norm" << std::endl;
    if(error > 1e-7) 

    std::cout << "numerical " << std::endl;
    for(auto & di : derivatives)
      std::cout << di << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << "our :" << std::endl;
    for(auto& di : our_derivatives)
      std::cout << di << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;


  std::cout << nbfails << " / " << nbtrials << " with an error higher than 1e-7" << std::endl;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    size_t BitmapEncoding::Bitmap::compress(void* dst, const ConstChunk& chunk, size_t chunkSize)
        char const* dataSrc = (char const*)chunk.getData();
        TypeId type = chunk.getAttributeDesc().getType();
        _elementSize = TypeLibrary::getType(type).byteSize();

        /* No more immutable arrays, to keep consistent with old code, always treat data as string
        _bitmapElements = chunkSize;
        _elementSize = 1;

        if(!_bitmapElements) { return chunkSize; }

        char *readPos = const_cast<char *>(dataSrc);
        ByteOutputItr out((uint8_t *) dst, chunkSize-1);
        uint32_t i;
        uint32_t bucketSize = (_bitmapElements + 7) >> 3;
        uint32_t bucketCount = 0;
        std::string key;


        // make the key of our hash a string so that
        // we can compare variable-length element sizes

        size_t bitmapEntryLength = bucketSize + _elementSize;
        uint32_t maxBuckets = floor(chunkSize / bitmapEntryLength);
        if(maxBuckets * bitmapEntryLength == chunkSize)
            // we want to beat the uncompressed case

        for(i = 0; i < _bitmapElements; ++i)

            for(uint32_t j = 0; j < _elementSize; ++j)

            uint8_t *bucket = NULL;
            // check to see if a bucket exists, if so grab and pass on
            std::map<std::string, uint8_t*>::iterator iter  =

            if(iter == _bitmaps.end() ) {
                if(bucketCount > maxBuckets)
                    return chunkSize;

                // create a new one
                bucket = new uint8_t[bucketSize];
                _bitmaps[key] = bucket;
                for(uint32_t k = 0; k < bucketSize; ++k) { *(bucket+k) = 0;}

            } else {
                bucket = iter->second;
            setBit(bucket, i);
        // drop all of bitmaps to dst

        size_t compressedSize = out.close();
        return compressedSize;