Ejemplo n.º 1
// Prepares a sample Bible.
// The output of this is supposed to be manually put into the source tree, folder "samples".
// This will be used to quickly create a sample Bible, that is fast, even on mobile devices.
void demo_prepare_sample_bible ()
  Database_Bibles database_bibles;
  // Remove the Bible to remove all stuff that might have been in it.
  database_bibles.deleteBible (demo_sample_bible_name ());
  search_logic_delete_bible (demo_sample_bible_name ());
  // Create a new one.
  database_bibles.createBible (demo_sample_bible_name ());
  // Location of the USFM files for the sample Bible.
  string directory = filter_url_create_root_path ("demo");
  vector <string> files = filter_url_scandir (directory);
  for (auto file : files) {
    // Only process the USFM files.
    if (filter_url_get_extension (file) == "usfm") {
      cout << file << endl;
      // Read the USFM.
      file = filter_url_create_path (directory, file);
      string usfm = filter_url_file_get_contents (file);
      usfm = filter_string_str_replace ("  ", " ", usfm);
      // Import the USFM into the Bible.
      vector <BookChapterData> book_chapter_data = usfm_import (usfm, styles_logic_standard_sheet ());
      for (auto data : book_chapter_data) {
        Bible_Logic::storeChapter (demo_sample_bible_name (), data.book, data.chapter, data.data);
  // Clean the destination location for the Bible.
  string destination = sample_bible_bible_path ();
  filter_url_rmdir (destination);
  // Copy the Bible data to the destination.
  string source = database_bibles.bibleFolder (demo_sample_bible_name ());
  filter_url_dir_cp (source, destination);
  // Clean the destination location for the Bible search index.
  destination = sample_bible_index_path ();
  filter_url_rmdir (destination);
  // Create destination location.
  filter_url_mkdir (destination);
  // Copy the index files over to the destination.
  source = search_logic_index_folder ();
  files = filter_url_scandir (source);
  for (auto file : files) {
    if (file.find (demo_sample_bible_name ()) != string::npos) {
      string source_file = filter_url_create_path (source, file);
      string destination_file = filter_url_create_path (destination, file);
      filter_url_file_cp (source_file, destination_file);
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Copies the search index of Bible $original to Bible $destination.
void search_logic_copy_bible (string original, string destination)
  string original_fragment = search_logic_bible_fragment (original);
  original_fragment = filter_url_basename (original_fragment);
  string destination_fragment = search_logic_bible_fragment (destination);
  destination_fragment = filter_url_basename (destination_fragment);
  vector <string> files = filter_url_scandir (search_logic_index_folder ());
  for (auto & file : files) {
    if (file.find (original_fragment) == 0) {
      string original_path = filter_url_create_path (search_logic_index_folder (), file);
      string destination_file = destination_fragment + file.substr (original_fragment.length ());
      string destination_path = filter_url_create_path (search_logic_index_folder (), destination_file);
      filter_url_file_cp (original_path, destination_path);
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Copies the entire directory $input to a directory named $output.
// It will recursively copy the inner directories also.
void filter_url_dir_cp (const string & input, const string & output)
  // Create the output directory.
  filter_url_mkdir (output);
  // Check on all files in the input directory.
  vector <string> files = filter_url_scandir (input);
  for (auto & file : files) {
    string input_path = filter_url_create_path (input, file);
    string output_path = filter_url_create_path (output, file);
    if (filter_url_is_dir (input_path)) {
      // Create output directory.
      filter_url_mkdir (output_path);
      // Handle the new input directory.
      filter_url_dir_cp (input_path, output_path);
    } else {
      // Copy input file to output.
      filter_url_file_cp (input_path, output_path);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void export_quickbible (string bible, bool log)
  string directory = filter_url_create_path (Export_Logic::bibleDirectory (bible), "quickbible");
  if (!file_or_dir_exists (directory)) filter_url_mkdir (directory);

  Database_Bibles database_bibles;
  string stylesheet = Database_Config_Bible::getExportStylesheet (bible);

  string yet_contents;
  yet_contents.append (export_quickbible_tabify ("info", "shortName", bible));
  yet_contents.append (export_quickbible_tabify ("info", "longName", bible));
  yet_contents.append (export_quickbible_tabify ("info", "description", bible));
  yet_contents.append (export_quickbible_tabify ("info", "locale", "en"));
  vector <int> books = database_bibles.getBooks (bible);

  for (auto book : books) {
    string bookname = Database_Books::getEnglishFromId (book);
    yet_contents.append (export_quickbible_tabify ("book_name", convert_to_string (book), bookname, ""));
  for (auto book : books) {
    // The .yet to .yes converter only handles books > 0.
    if (book) {
      vector <int> chapters = database_bibles.getChapters (bible, book);
      for (auto chapter : chapters) {
        // The .yet to .yes converter only handles chapters > 0.
        if (chapter) {
          Filter_Text filter_text = Filter_Text (bible);
          filter_text.initializeHeadingsAndTextPerVerse (true);
          string usfm = database_bibles.getChapter (bible, book, chapter);
          filter_text.addUsfmCode (usfm);
          filter_text.run (stylesheet);
          map <int, string> text = filter_text.getVersesText ();
          for (auto & element : text) {
            int verse = element.first;
            // The .yet to .yes converter only handles verses > 0.
            if (verse) {
              string bk = convert_to_string (book);
              string ch = convert_to_string (chapter);
              string vs = convert_to_string (element.first);
              string tx = element.second;
              if (tx.empty ()) tx = "empty";
              yet_contents.append (export_quickbible_tabify ("verse", bk, ch, vs, tx));
  string bible_yet = filter_url_create_path (directory, "bible.yet");
  filter_url_file_put_contents (bible_yet, yet_contents);
  string yet2yes_jar = filter_url_create_root_path ("export", "YetToYes2.jar");
  string bible_yes = filter_url_create_path (directory, "bible.yes");
  filter_shell_run ("", "java", { "-jar", yet2yes_jar, bible_yet, bible_yes }, NULL, NULL);
  string quickbible_html_source = filter_url_create_root_path ("export", "quickbible.html");
  string quickbible_html_destination = filter_url_create_path (directory, "quickbible.html");
  filter_url_file_cp (quickbible_html_source, quickbible_html_destination);
  Database_State::clearExport (bible, 0, Export_Logic::export_quick_bible);
  if (log) Database_Logs::log (translate("Exported to Quick Bible") + " " + bible, Filter_Roles::translator ());