void pointpickingEventOccurred (const pcl::visualization::PointPickingEvent &event, void* viewer_void)
 	int indx;
 	float x,y,z;
    indx = event.getPointIndex();
 	if(indx == -1)
 	std::cout << indx << " " << std::endl;

    first.x = x;
 	first.y = y;
 	first.z = z;
 	std::cout<<"First point "<<first.x<<" , "<<first.y<<" , "<<first.z<<std::endl;

 	// Green region detection
 	pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr final_cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>);
 	final_cloud->width    = cloud->width;
 	final_cloud->height   = cloud->height;
 	final_cloud->resize (cloud->width * cloud->height);

Ejemplo n.º 2
	int CloudStitcher::stitchPCDFiles( const std::string directory_path )
		//do some basic error handling first and make sure the user gave us an output path to work with
		if( this->output_path == "" )
			this->sendOutput( "Error: No output path has been specified yet.\n" , true );
			return -1;

		//lets open up the directory and see how many files are in there
		int result = this->setPCDDirectory( directory_path );
		if( result != 0 )
			return -1;

		unsigned int file_count = this->getNumberofFilesRead();

		//if there is only one file in the given directory, then stitching is not really necessary.
		if( file_count == 1 )
			this->sendOutput( "Error: Only 1 .pcd file was found in the directory. Stitching is not necessary.\n" , true );
			return -1;

		//get all our threads setup with work they need to do
		switch( this->num_threads )
		case THREAD_1:
			this->setupWorkerThreads( 1 , this->getNumberofFilesRead() );

		case THREAD_2:
			this->setupWorkerThreads( 2 , this->getNumberofFilesRead() );

		case THREAD_4:
			this->setupWorkerThreads( 4 , this->getNumberofFilesRead() );

		case THREAD_8:
			this->setupWorkerThreads( 8 , this->getNumberofFilesRead() );

			this->setupWorkerThreads( 1 , this->getNumberofFilesRead() );

		//just printing some info to the user
		std::stringstream output;
		output << "Read in " << this->pcd_filenames->size() << " files.\n";
		this->sendOutput( output.str() , false );

		output << "Spinning up " << this->worker_threads->size() << " threads.\n";
		this->sendOutput( output.str() , false );
        const clock_t begin_time = std::clock();

		//spin up all the allocated threads
		for( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < this->worker_threads->size() ; ++i )
			CloudStitchingThread* temp = this->worker_threads->at( i );

		unsigned int active_thread_count = this->worker_threads->size();

		//We spin in this while loop until all threads have reported they have finished work.
		while( active_thread_count > 0 )
			active_thread_count = this->worker_threads->size();

			for( std::vector< CloudStitchingThread* >::iterator itr = this->worker_threads->begin() ; itr != this->worker_threads->end() ; ++itr )
				CloudStitchingThread* temp = *itr;
				if( temp->isFinished() )


		this->sendOutput( "-------All threads finished--------\n" , false );

		PointCloud global_cloud;
		PointCloud current_cloud;
		Eigen::Matrix4f current_transform = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
		Eigen::Matrix4f global_transform = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
		CloudStitchingThread* current_thread;

		current_thread = this->worker_threads->at( 0 );
		current_cloud = current_thread->getStitchedPointCloud();
		current_transform = current_thread->getFinalCloudTransform();

		global_cloud += current_cloud;
		global_transform *= current_transform;

		for( unsigned int i = 1; i < this->worker_threads->size() ; i++ )
			current_thread = this->worker_threads->at( i );

			current_cloud = current_thread->getStitchedPointCloud();
			pcl::transformPointCloud( current_cloud , current_cloud , global_transform );
			global_cloud += current_cloud;
			current_transform = current_thread->getFinalCloudTransform();
			global_transform *= current_transform;


		PointCloud::Ptr final_cloud( new PointCloud( global_cloud ));
		vba::voxelGridFilter( final_cloud , final_cloud , this->filter_leaf_size );
		vba::statisticalOutlierFilter( final_cloud , final_cloud , 1.0 , 30 );

		std::string pcd_output_path = this->output_path;
		pcd_output_path.append( ".pcd" );

		if( pcl::io::savePCDFile( pcd_output_path , *final_cloud , true ) == -1 )
			this->sendOutput( "Error: Could not save final stitched cloud to specified output path.\n" , true );
			return -1;

        std::string ply_output_path = this->output_path;
        ply_output_path.append( ".ply" );

		if( pcl::io::savePLYFileASCII( ply_output_path , *final_cloud ) == -1 )
			this->sendOutput( "Error: Could not save final stitched cloud to specified output path.\n" , true );

		float elapsed_time = float( std::clock() - begin_time ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
		output << "Finished in " << elapsed_time << " seconds.\n";
		this->sendOutput( output.str() , false );

		return 0;