Ejemplo n.º 1
void SkyPoint::nutate(const KSNumbers *num) {
    double cosRA, sinRA, cosDec, sinDec, tanDec;
    double cosOb, sinOb;

    RA.SinCos( sinRA, cosRA );
    Dec.SinCos( sinDec, cosDec );

    num->obliquity()->SinCos( sinOb, cosOb );

    //Step 2: Nutation
    if ( fabs( Dec.Degrees() ) < 80.0 ) { //approximate method
        tanDec = sinDec/cosDec;

        double dRA  = num->dEcLong()*( cosOb + sinOb*sinRA*tanDec ) - num->dObliq()*cosRA*tanDec;
        double dDec = num->dEcLong()*( sinOb*cosRA ) + num->dObliq()*sinRA;

        RA.setD( RA.Degrees() + dRA );
        Dec.setD( Dec.Degrees() + dDec );
    } else { //exact method
        dms EcLong, EcLat;
        findEcliptic( num->obliquity(), EcLong, EcLat );

        //Add dEcLong to the Ecliptic Longitude
        dms newLong( EcLong.Degrees() + num->dEcLong() );
        setFromEcliptic( num->obliquity(), newLong, EcLat );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void KSPlanetBase::EquatorialToEcliptic( const dms *Obliquity ) {
	findEcliptic( Obliquity, ep.longitude, ep.latitude );