Ejemplo n.º 1
bool RobotModel::setJointPos(std::string jointName, double jointVal)
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> node = findNamedNode(jointName, original_root_);
        return false;

    osg::ref_ptr<OSGSegment> jnt = dynamic_cast<OSGSegment*>(node->getUserData());
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
osg::ShapeDrawable* OsgObjectHandler::findShapeDrawable()

	osg::ShapeDrawable* shpdraw = NULL;
		osg::Node* node = findNamedNode("Colorable",  _OsgObject);
			osg::Geode* geode = node->asGeode();
				osg::Drawable* drawable = geode->getDrawable(0);
				shpdraw = dynamic_cast<osg::ShapeDrawable*>(drawable);

			osg::Node* node = findNamedNode("Colorable",  _OsgObjectNoLight);
				osg::Geode* geode = node->asGeode();
					osg::Drawable* drawable = geode->getDrawable(0);
					shpdraw = dynamic_cast<osg::ShapeDrawable*>(drawable);

	return shpdraw;
Ejemplo n.º 3
osg::ref_ptr<OSGSegment> RobotModel::getSegment(std::string name)
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> node = findNamedNode(name, original_root_);
        std::cerr << "Could not find segment with name: " << name << std::endl;
        return 0;

    osg::ref_ptr<OSGSegment> jnt = dynamic_cast<OSGSegment*>(node->getUserData());
        std::cerr << "Could not retrieve user data from node "<<name<<std::endl;
    return jnt;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static  osg::Node* findNamedNode(const std::string& searchName,  osg::Node* currNode)
   osg::Group* currGroup;
   osg::Node* foundNode;

   // check to see if we have a valid (non-NULL) node.
   // if we do have a null node, return NULL.
   if ( !currNode)
      return NULL;

   // We have a valid node, check to see if this is the node we 
   // are looking for. If so, return the current node.
   if (currNode->getName() == searchName)
      return currNode;

   // We have a valid node, but not the one we are looking for.
   // Check to see if it has children (non-leaf node). If the node
   // has children, check each of the child nodes by recursive call.
   // If one of the recursive calls returns a non-null value we have
   // found the correct node, so return this node.
   // If we check all of the children and have not found the node,
   // return NULL
   currGroup = currNode->asGroup(); // returns NULL if not a group.
   if ( currGroup ) 
      for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < currGroup->getNumChildren(); i ++)
         foundNode = findNamedNode(searchName, currGroup->getChild(i));
         if (foundNode)
            return foundNode; // found a match!
      return NULL; // We have checked each child node - no match found.
      return NULL; // leaf node, no match 
Ejemplo n.º 5
 *  \brief Locate a named SSG node in a branch.
 *  This method locates a named node in an SSG scenegraph branch. The
 *  node name usually corresponds to the name of an object in the 3D model.
 *  This method was taken from SimGear, credits go to the original
 *  authors.
 *  \param  node    Pointer to the scenegraph branch
 *  \param  name    Name of the object to search for
 *  \return Pointer to the node or NULL if no node with this name was found
ssgEntity* SSGUtil::findNamedNode (ssgEntity* node, const char* name)
  std::string NodeName = SSGUtil::getPureNodeName(node);
  if (NodeName == name)
    return node;
  else if (node->isAKindOf(ssgTypeBranch()))
    int nKids = node->getNumKids();
    for (int i = 0; i < nKids; i++)
      ssgEntity * result =
        findNamedNode(((ssgBranch*)node)->getKid(i), name);
      if (result != 0)
        return result;
  return NULL;