Ejemplo n.º 1
    int appendRodsEnv( char *appendText ) {
        FILE *fptr;
        char *getVar = NULL;
printf( "XXXX - appendRodsEnv :: FIXME!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n" );
        getVar = getenv( irods::to_env( irods::CFG_IRODS_ENVIRONMENT_FILE_KW ).c_str() );
        if ( getVar != NULL && *getVar != '\0' ) {
            rstrcpy( configFileName, findNextTokenAndTerm( getVar ), LONG_NAME_LEN );
        fptr = fopen( configFileName, "a" );
        if ( fptr == NULL ) {
            rodsLog( LOG_ERROR,
                     "appendRodsEnv: cannot create file %s",
                     configFileName );
            return 0;
        fputs( appendText, fptr );
        fclose( fptr );
        return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Read LEGACY_SERVER_CONFIG_FILE and fill server_properties::properties
    void server_properties::capture_legacy() {
        error result = SUCCESS();
        std::string property; // property setting

        FILE *fptr;
        char buf[BUF_LEN];
        char *fchar;
        int len;
        char *key;

        memset( &DBKey, '\0', MAX_PASSWORD_LEN );
        memset( &DBPassword, '\0', MAX_PASSWORD_LEN );

        std::string cfg_file;
        error ret = irods::get_full_path_for_config_file(
                        cfg_file );
        if ( !ret.ok() ) {
            THROW( ret.code(), ret.result() );

        if ( !fs::exists( cfg_file ) ) {

            "server_properties::capture_legacy - use of legacy configuration is deprecated" );

        fptr = fopen( cfg_file.c_str(), "r" );

        if ( fptr == NULL ) {
            rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG,
                     "Cannot open LEGACY_SERVER_CONFIG_FILE file %s. errno = %d\n",
                     cfg_file.c_str(), errno );
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << LEGACY_SERVER_CONFIG_FILE << " file error";
            THROW( SYS_CONFIG_FILE_ERR, msg.str().c_str() );

        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // PAM configuration - init PAM values
        result = config_props_.set<bool>( PAM_NO_EXTEND_KW, false );
        result = config_props_.set<size_t>( PAM_PW_LEN_KW, 20 );

        property.assign( "121" );
        result = config_props_.set<std::string>( PAM_PW_MIN_TIME_KW, property );

        property.assign( "1209600" );
        result = config_props_.set<std::string>( PAM_PW_MAX_TIME_KW, property );
        // init PAM values

        std::string initializer[] = {
            LOCAL_ZONE_SID_KW };
        std::vector<std::string> keys( initializer, initializer + sizeof( initializer ) / sizeof( std::string ) );

        buf[BUF_LEN - 1] = '\0';
        fchar = fgets( buf, BUF_LEN - 1, fptr );
        while ( fchar ) {
            if ( buf[0] == '#' || buf[0] == '/' ) {
                buf[0] = '\0'; /* Comment line, ignore */

             * Parsing of server configuration settings
            key = strstr( buf, DB_PASSWORD_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( DB_PASSWORD_KW );

                // Store password in temporary string
                snprintf( DBPassword, sizeof( DBPassword ), "%s", findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

            } // DB_PASSWORD_KW

            key = strstr( buf, DB_KEY_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( DB_KEY_KW );

                // Store key in temporary string
                snprintf( DBKey, sizeof( DBKey ), "%s", findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

            } // DB_KEY_KW

            for ( std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); it++ ) {
                char * pos = strstr( buf, it->c_str() );
                if ( pos != NULL ) {

                    // Set property
                    property.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( pos + it->size() ) );

                    // Update properties table
                    result = config_props_.set<std::string>( *it, property );
                    rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG1, "%s=%s", it->c_str(), property.c_str() );

            key = strstr( buf, PAM_PW_LEN_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( PAM_PW_LEN_KW );

                // Set property
                property.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

                // Update properties table
                result = config_props_.set<size_t>( PAM_PW_LEN_KW, atoi( property.c_str() ) );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", PAM_PW_LEN_KW, property.c_str() );
            } // PAM_PW_LEN_KW

            key = strstr( buf, PAM_NO_EXTEND_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( PAM_NO_EXTEND_KW );

                // Set property
                property.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

                std::transform( property.begin(), property.end(), property.begin(), ::tolower );
                if ( property == "true" ) {
                    result = config_props_.set<bool>( PAM_NO_EXTEND_KW, true );
                else {
                    result = config_props_.set<bool>( PAM_NO_EXTEND_KW, false );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", PAM_NO_EXTEND_KW, property.c_str() );
            } // PAM_NO_EXTEND_KW

            key = strstr( buf, DEF_DIR_MODE_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( DEF_DIR_MODE_KW );

                // Set property
                property.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

                // Update properties table
                result = config_props_.set<int>( DEF_DIR_MODE_KW, strtol( property.c_str(), 0, 0 ) );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", DEF_DIR_MODE_KW, property.c_str() );
            } // DEF_DIR_MODE_KW

            key = strstr( buf, DEF_FILE_MODE_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( DEF_FILE_MODE_KW );

                // Set property
                property.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

                // Update properties table
                result = config_props_.set<int>( DEF_FILE_MODE_KW, strtol( property.c_str(), 0, 0 ) );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", DEF_FILE_MODE_KW, property.c_str() );
            } // DEF_FILE_MODE_KW

            key = strstr( buf, KERBEROS_KEYTAB_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( KERBEROS_KEYTAB_KW );
                // Set property
                property.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );
                // Update properties table
                result = config_props_.set<std::string>( KERBEROS_KEYTAB_KW, property );
                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", KERBEROS_KEYTAB_KW, property.c_str() );

                // Now set the appropriate kerberos environment variable
                setenv( "KRB5_KTNAME", property.c_str(), 1 );

            } // KERBEROS_KEYTAB_KW

            key = strstr( buf, DEFAULT_HASH_SCHEME_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( DEFAULT_HASH_SCHEME_KW );

                // Set property
                property.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );
                    ::tolower );

                // Update properties table
                result = config_props_.set<std::string>( DEFAULT_HASH_SCHEME_KW, property );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", DEFAULT_HASH_SCHEME_KW, property.c_str() );
            } // DEFAULT_HASH_SCHEME_KW

            key = strstr( buf, MATCH_HASH_POLICY_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( MATCH_HASH_POLICY_KW );

                // Set property
                property.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );
                    ::tolower );

                // Update properties table
                result = config_props_.set<std::string>( MATCH_HASH_POLICY_KW, property );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", MATCH_HASH_POLICY_KW, property.c_str() );
            } // MATCH_HASH_POLICY_KW

            key = strstr( buf, REMOTE_ZONE_SID_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( REMOTE_ZONE_SID_KW );

                // Set property
                property.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

                // Update properties table
                std::vector<std::string>           rem_sids;
                std::vector<std::string>::iterator sid_itr;
                if ( config_props_.has_entry( REMOTE_ZONE_SID_KW ) ) {
                    result = config_props_.get< std::vector< std::string > >( REMOTE_ZONE_SID_KW, rem_sids );

                    // do not want duplicate entries
                    sid_itr = std::find(
                                  property );


                if ( sid_itr == rem_sids.end() ) {
                    rem_sids.push_back( property );
                    result = config_props_.set< std::vector< std::string > >( REMOTE_ZONE_SID_KW, rem_sids );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", REMOTE_ZONE_SID_KW, property.c_str() );

            } // REMOTE_ZONE_SID_KW

            key = strstr( buf, AGENT_KEY_KW.c_str() );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( AGENT_KEY_KW.c_str() );
                // Set property
                property.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

                if ( 32 != property.size() ) {
                    rodsLog( LOG_ERROR,
                             "%s field in %s must be 32 characters in length (currently %d characters in length).",
                             AGENT_KEY_KW.c_str(), LEGACY_SERVER_CONFIG_FILE, property.size() );
                    fclose( fptr );
                    std::stringstream msg;
                    msg << LEGACY_SERVER_CONFIG_FILE << " file error";
                    THROW( SYS_CONFIG_FILE_ERR, msg.str().c_str() );

                // Update properties table
                result = config_props_.set<std::string>( AGENT_KEY_KW, property );

            } // AGENT_KEY_KW

            fchar = fgets( buf, BUF_LEN - 1, fptr );

        } // for ( ; fchar != '\0'; )

        fclose( fptr );

        // unscramble password
        if ( strlen( DBKey ) > 0 && strlen( DBPassword ) > 0 ) {
            char sPassword[MAX_PASSWORD_LEN + 10];
            strncpy( sPassword, DBPassword, MAX_PASSWORD_LEN );
            obfDecodeByKey( sPassword, DBKey, DBPassword );
            memset( sPassword, 0, MAX_PASSWORD_LEN );

        // store password and key in server properties
        property.assign( DBPassword );
        result = config_props_.set<std::string>( DB_PASSWORD_KW, property );
        rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG1, "%s=%s", DB_PASSWORD_KW, property.c_str() );

        property.assign( DBKey );
        result = config_props_.set<std::string>( DB_KEY_KW, property );
        rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG1, "%s=%s", DB_KEY_KW, property.c_str() );

        // add expected zone_name, zone_user, zone_port, zone_auth_scheme
        // as these are now read from server_properties
        rodsEnv env;
        int status = getRodsEnv( &env );
        if ( status < 0 ) {
            THROW( status, "failure in getRodsEnv" );
        result = config_props_.set<std::string>(
                     env.rodsZone );
        if ( !result.ok() ) {
            irods::log( PASS( result ) );


        result = config_props_.set<std::string>(
                     env.rodsUserName );
        if ( !result.ok() ) {
            irods::log( PASS( result ) );


        result = config_props_.set<std::string>(
                     env.rodsAuthScheme );
        if ( !result.ok() ) {
            irods::log( PASS( result ) );


        result = config_props_.set<int>(
                     env.rodsPort );
        if ( !result.ok() ) {
            irods::log( PASS( result ) );


        if ( 0 != env.xmsgPort ) {
            result = config_props_.set<int>(
                         env.xmsgPort );
            if ( !result.ok() ) {
                irods::log( PASS( result ) );


    } // server_properties::capture()
    // Read server.config and fill server_properties::properties
    error server_properties::capture() {
        error result = SUCCESS();
        std::string prop_name, prop_setting; // property name and setting

        FILE *fptr;
        char buf[BUF_LEN];
        char *fchar;
        int len;
        char *key;

        memset( &DBKey, '\0', MAX_PASSWORD_LEN );
        memset( &DBPassword, '\0', MAX_PASSWORD_LEN );

        std::string cfg_file;
        error ret = irods::get_full_path_for_config_file( SERVER_CONFIG_FILE, cfg_file );
        if ( !ret.ok() ) {
            return PASS( ret );

        fptr = fopen( cfg_file.c_str(), "r" );

        if ( fptr == NULL ) {
            rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG,
                     "Cannot open SERVER_CONFIG_FILE file %s. errno = %d\n",
                     cfg_file.c_str(), errno );
            return ERROR( SYS_CONFIG_FILE_ERR, "server.config file error" );

        buf[BUF_LEN - 1] = '\0';
        fchar = fgets( buf, BUF_LEN - 1, fptr );
        for ( ; fchar != '\0'; ) {
            if ( buf[0] == '#' || buf[0] == '/' ) {
                buf[0] = '\0'; /* Comment line, ignore */

             * Parsing of server configuration settings
            key = strstr( buf, DB_PASSWORD_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( DB_PASSWORD_KW );

                // Store password in temporary string
                strncpy( DBPassword, findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ), MAX_PASSWORD_LEN );

            } // DB_PASSWORD_KW

            key = strstr( buf, DB_KEY_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( DB_KEY_KW );

                // Store key in temporary string
                strncpy( DBKey, findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ), MAX_PASSWORD_LEN );

            } // DB_KEY_KW

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // PAM configuration - init PAM values
            result = properties.set<bool>( PAM_NO_EXTEND_KW, false );
            result = properties.set<size_t>( PAM_PW_LEN_KW, 20 );

            key = strstr( buf, DB_USERNAME_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( DB_USERNAME_KW );

                // Set property name and setting
                prop_name.assign( DB_USERNAME_KW );
                prop_setting.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

                // Update properties table
                result = properties.set<std::string>( prop_name, prop_setting );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG1, "%s=%s", prop_name.c_str(), prop_setting.c_str() );
            } // DB_USERNAME_KW

            // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
            // PAM configuration - init PAM values
            result = properties.set<bool>( PAM_NO_EXTEND_KW, false );
            result = properties.set<size_t>( PAM_PW_LEN_KW, 20 );

            prop_setting.assign( "121" );
            result = properties.set<std::string>( PAM_PW_MIN_TIME_KW, prop_setting );

            prop_setting.assign( "1209600" );
            result = properties.set<std::string>( PAM_PW_MAX_TIME_KW, prop_setting );
            // init PAM values

            key = strstr( buf, PAM_PW_LEN_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( PAM_PW_LEN_KW );

                // Set property name and setting
                prop_name.assign( PAM_PW_LEN_KW );
                prop_setting.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

                // Update properties table
                result = properties.set<size_t>( prop_name, atoi( prop_setting.c_str() ) );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", prop_name.c_str(), prop_setting.c_str() );
            } // PAM_PW_LEN_KW

            key = strstr( buf, PAM_NO_EXTEND_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( PAM_NO_EXTEND_KW );

                // Set property name and setting
                prop_name.assign( PAM_NO_EXTEND_KW );
                prop_setting.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

                std::transform( prop_setting.begin(), prop_setting.end(), prop_setting.begin(), ::tolower );
                if ( prop_setting == "true" ) {
                    result = properties.set<bool>( PAM_NO_EXTEND_KW, true );
                else {
                    result = properties.set<bool>( PAM_NO_EXTEND_KW, false );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", prop_name.c_str(), prop_setting.c_str() );
            } // PAM_NO_EXTEND_KW

            key = strstr( buf, PAM_PW_MIN_TIME_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( PAM_PW_MIN_TIME_KW );

                // Set property name and setting
                prop_name.assign( PAM_PW_MIN_TIME_KW );
                prop_setting.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

                // Update properties table
                result = properties.set<std::string>( prop_name, prop_setting );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", prop_name.c_str(), prop_setting.c_str() );
            } // PAM_PW_MIN_TIME_KW

            key = strstr( buf, PAM_PW_MAX_TIME_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( PAM_PW_MAX_TIME_KW );

                // Set property name and setting
                prop_name.assign( PAM_PW_MAX_TIME_KW );
                prop_setting.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

                // Update properties table
                result = properties.set<std::string>( prop_name, prop_setting );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", prop_name.c_str(), prop_setting.c_str() );
            } // PAM_PW_MAX_TIME_KW

            key = strstr( buf, RUN_SERVER_AS_ROOT_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( RUN_SERVER_AS_ROOT_KW );

                // Set property name and setting
                prop_name.assign( RUN_SERVER_AS_ROOT_KW );
                prop_setting.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

                std::transform( prop_setting.begin(), prop_setting.end(), prop_setting.begin(), ::tolower );
                if ( prop_setting == "true" ) {
                    result = properties.set<bool>( RUN_SERVER_AS_ROOT_KW, true );
                else {
                    result = properties.set<bool>( RUN_SERVER_AS_ROOT_KW, false );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", prop_name.c_str(), prop_setting.c_str() );
            } // RUN_SERVER_AS_ROOT_KW

            key = strstr( buf, DEF_DIR_MODE_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( DEF_DIR_MODE_KW );

                // Set property name and setting
                prop_name.assign( DEF_DIR_MODE_KW );
                prop_setting.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

                // Update properties table
                result = properties.set<int>( prop_name, strtol( prop_setting.c_str(), 0, 0 ) );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", prop_name.c_str(), prop_setting.c_str() );
            } // DEF_DIR_MODE_KW

            key = strstr( buf, DEF_FILE_MODE_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( DEF_FILE_MODE_KW );

                // Set property name and setting
                prop_name.assign( DEF_FILE_MODE_KW );
                prop_setting.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

                // Update properties table
                result = properties.set<int>( prop_name, strtol( prop_setting.c_str(), 0, 0 ) );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", prop_name.c_str(), prop_setting.c_str() );
            } // DEF_FILE_MODE_KW

            key = strstr( buf, CATALOG_DATABASE_TYPE_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( CATALOG_DATABASE_TYPE_KW );

                // Set property name and setting
                prop_name.assign( CATALOG_DATABASE_TYPE_KW );
                prop_setting.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

                // Update properties table
                result = properties.set<std::string>( prop_name, prop_setting );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", prop_name.c_str(), prop_setting.c_str() );

            key = strstr( buf, KERBEROS_NAME_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( KERBEROS_NAME_KW );
                // Set property name and setting
                prop_name.assign( KERBEROS_NAME_KW );
                prop_setting.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );
                // Update properties table
                result = properties.set<std::string>( prop_name, prop_setting );
                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", prop_name.c_str(), prop_setting.c_str() );
            } // KERBEROS_NAME_KW

            key = strstr( buf, KERBEROS_KEYTAB_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( KERBEROS_KEYTAB_KW );
                // Set property name and setting
                prop_name.assign( KERBEROS_KEYTAB_KW );
                prop_setting.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );
                // Update properties table
                result = properties.set<std::string>( prop_name, prop_setting );
                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", prop_name.c_str(), prop_setting.c_str() );

                // Now set the appropriate kerberos environment variable
                setenv( "KRB5_KTNAME", prop_setting.c_str(), 1 );

            } // KERBEROS_KEYTAB_KW

            key = strstr( buf, DEFAULT_HASH_SCHEME_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( DEFAULT_HASH_SCHEME_KW );

                // Set property name and setting
                prop_name.assign( DEFAULT_HASH_SCHEME_KW );
                prop_setting.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );
                    ::tolower );

                // Update properties table
                result = properties.set<std::string>( prop_name, prop_setting );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", prop_name.c_str(), prop_setting.c_str() );
            } // DEFAULT_HASH_SCHEME_KW

            key = strstr( buf, MATCH_HASH_POLICY_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( MATCH_HASH_POLICY_KW );

                // Set property name and setting
                prop_name.assign( MATCH_HASH_POLICY_KW );
                prop_setting.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );
                    ::tolower );

                // Update properties table
                result = properties.set<std::string>( prop_name, prop_setting );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", prop_name.c_str(), prop_setting.c_str() );
            } // MATCH_HASH_POLICY_KW

            key = strstr( buf, LOCAL_ZONE_SID_KW );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( LOCAL_ZONE_SID_KW );

                // Set property name and setting
                prop_name.assign( LOCAL_ZONE_SID_KW );
                prop_setting.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

                // Update properties table
                result = properties.set<std::string>( prop_name, prop_setting );

                rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG, "%s=%s", prop_name.c_str(), prop_setting.c_str() );
            } // LOCAL_ZONE_SID_KW

            key = strstr( buf, AGENT_KEY_KW.c_str() );
            if ( key != NULL ) {
                len = strlen( AGENT_KEY_KW.c_str() );
                // Set property name and setting
                prop_name.assign( AGENT_KEY_KW );
                prop_setting.assign( findNextTokenAndTerm( key + len ) );

                if ( 32 != prop_setting.size() )
                    rodsLog( LOG_ERROR,
                            "%s field in server.config must be 32 characters in length (currently %d characters in length).",
                            prop_name.c_str(), prop_setting.size() );
                    fclose( fptr );
                    return ERROR( SYS_CONFIG_FILE_ERR, "server.config file error" );

                // Update properties table
                result = properties.set<std::string>( prop_name, prop_setting );

            } // AGENT_KEY_KW

            fchar = fgets( buf, BUF_LEN - 1, fptr );

        } // for ( ; fchar != '\0'; )

        fclose( fptr );

        // unscramble password
        if ( strlen( DBKey ) > 0 && strlen( DBPassword ) > 0 ) {
            char sPassword[MAX_PASSWORD_LEN + 10];
            strncpy( sPassword, DBPassword, MAX_PASSWORD_LEN );
            obfDecodeByKey( sPassword, DBKey, DBPassword );
            memset( sPassword, 0, MAX_PASSWORD_LEN );

        // store password and key in server properties
        prop_name.assign( DB_PASSWORD_KW );
        prop_setting.assign( DBPassword );
        result = properties.set<std::string>( prop_name, prop_setting );
        rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG1, "%s=%s", prop_name.c_str(), prop_setting.c_str() );

        prop_name.assign( DB_KEY_KW );
        prop_setting.assign( DBKey );
        result = properties.set<std::string>( prop_name, prop_setting );
        rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG1, "%s=%s", prop_name.c_str(), prop_setting.c_str() );

        // set the captured flag so we no its already been captured
        captured_ = true;

        return result;

    } // server_properties::capture()