Ejemplo n.º 1
int calculateGenericTriangleNormals(float * coords , unsigned int coordLength)
   //fprintf(stderr,"float xNormals[]={ //X  Y  Z  W\n");
    float outputNormal[4]={0};
    unsigned int i=0,z=0,z1=0,z2=0,z3=0;
      for (i=0; i<coordLength/3; i++)
          z=(i*3)*3;  z1=z;  outputNormal[0]=coords[z1+0];  outputNormal[1]=coords[z1+1]; outputNormal[2]=coords[z1+2];  outputNormal[3]=1.0f;
          z+=3;       z2=z;
          z+=3;       z3=z;

          findNormal(&outputNormal[0], &outputNormal[1], &outputNormal[2] ,
                     coords[z2+0]   , coords[z2+1]   , coords[z2+2],
                     coords[z3+0]   , coords[z3+1]   , coords[z3+2]

          //fprintf(stderr,"                      %0.4ff,%0.4ff,%0.4ff,\n",outputNormal[0],outputNormal[1],outputNormal[2]);
          //fprintf(stderr,"                      %0.4ff,%0.4ff,%0.4ff,\n",outputNormal[0],outputNormal[1],outputNormal[2]);
          //fprintf(stderr,"                      %0.4ff,%0.4ff,%0.4ff,\n",outputNormal[0],outputNormal[1],outputNormal[2]);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CharacterController::checkCollision(MeshCollider* collider)
  Vector3 pos = getGameObject()->getTransform()->getPosition();

  Mesh* mesh = collider->getMesh();
  std::vector<Vector3>* vertices = mesh->getVertices();

  // We basically want to set the mesh to the origin, including its rotation.
  // If we rotate the mesh, then we need to make sure we rotate the characters bounds too
  // so that the angle between the mesh and character remains the same.
  // If we set position to 0, 0, then we need to make the characters bounds box move the same way
  // (minus the mesh's position) so that it doesn't get closer.

  Matrix4x4 mat = Matrix4x4::getTrs(collider->getGameObject()->getTransform()->getPosition(),
                          Vector3(1, 1, 1));
  mat = mat.inverse();

  Vector3 relPos = mat * pos;
  Vector3 extents = bounds.extents;
  extents.y = extents.y / 2.0f; // Set to 20.0f for a large step

  Collision collision;
  //collision.relativeVelocity = frameMoveSpeed;

  for(int v = 0; v < vertices->size(); v+=3)
    Vector3 a = vertices->at(v);
    Vector3 b = vertices->at(v+1);
    Vector3 c = vertices->at(v+2);

    if(colliding(relPos, extents, a, b, c) == true)
      ContactPoint contact;

      contact.normal = findNormal(a, b, c);
      contact.thisCollider = this;
      contact.otherCollider = collider;
      contact.a = a;
      contact.b = b;
      contact.c = c;


  Matrix4x4 rotMat = Matrix4x4::getIdentity();
  rotMat = rotMat.rotate(collider->getGameObject()->getTransform()->getRotation() * -1.0f);

  if(collision.contacts.size() > 0)
    //relPos = handleCollision(collision, relPos, extents);
    //relPos = relPos + (rotMat * handleCollision(collision, relPos, extents));
    relPos = relPos + handleCollision(collision, relPos, extents);

  Collision stepCollision;
  Vector3 stepExtents = bounds.extents;
  stepExtents.x = stepExtents.x / 2.0f;
  stepExtents.z = stepExtents.z / 2.0f;
  stepExtents.y = stepExtents.y + 0.01f;

  for(int v = 0; v < vertices->size(); v+=3)
    Vector3 a = vertices->at(v);
    Vector3 b = vertices->at(v+1);
    Vector3 c = vertices->at(v+2);

    if(colliding(relPos, stepExtents, a, b, c) == true)
      ContactPoint contact;

      contact.normal = findNormal(a, b, c);
      contact.thisCollider = this;
      contact.otherCollider = collider;
      contact.a = a;
      contact.b = b;
      contact.c = c;


  stepExtents.y = stepExtents.y - 0.01f;

  if(stepCollision.contacts.size() > 0)
    grounded = true;
    relPos = relPos + (rotMat * handleStep(stepCollision, relPos, stepExtents));
    //grounded = false;

  mat = mat.inverse();
  getGameObject()->getTransform()->setPosition(mat * relPos);
void drawMounts() {
   GLfloat x1, x2, z, norm[3], vertInc = 1.0 / arraySize;
   // temporary verticy storage (for calculating normals)
   GLfloat lastx1Vert[3], lastx2Vert[3], newx1Vert[3], newx2Vert[3];

   // colors for drawing
   GLfloat color[] = {0.8,0.4,0,1.0};
   GLfloat lakeColor[] = {0, 0.2, 0.8, 1.0};
   GLfloat snowColor[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
   glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, color);

   // find highest Y value generated, base snow caps on this value
   highestY = 0.6*highestY;

   // replace any negative y values with 0 for lakes
   for (int h = 0; h < totArraySize; h++) if (yVals[h] < 0) yVals[h] = 0;

   // generate quad strips along z axis
   for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++){
      x1 = i*vertInc;
      x2 = (i+1)*vertInc;
      z = 0.0;

      lastx1Vert[0]=x1; lastx1Vert[1]=yVals[i*(arraySize+1)]; lastx1Vert[2]=z;
      lastx2Vert[0]=x2; lastx2Vert[1]=yVals[(i+1)*(arraySize+1)]; lastx2Vert[2]=z;

      for (int j = 0; j <= arraySize; j++) {
         z += vertInc;
         newx1Vert[0]=x1; newx1Vert[1]=yVals[i*(arraySize+1)+j]; newx1Vert[2]=z;
         newx2Vert[0]=x2; newx2Vert[1]=yVals[(i+1)*(arraySize+1)+j]; newx2Vert[2]=z;

         // if the y value is zero, color the verticy like a lake         
         if (lastx1Vert[1] <= 0) {
            glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, lakeColor);
         // if the y value is above a calculated threshhold, color white
         else if (lastx1Vert[1] >= highestY)
            glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, snowColor);
         // otherwise color as rocks
         else glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, color);
         findNormal(lastx1Vert, newx1Vert, lastx2Vert, norm);

         // repeat for other verticy
         if (lastx2Vert[1] <= 0) {
            glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, lakeColor);
         else if (lastx2Vert[1] >= highestY)
            glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, snowColor);
         else glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, color);
         findNormal(lastx2Vert, lastx1Vert, newx2Vert, norm);

         lastx1Vert[0]=newx1Vert[0]; lastx1Vert[1]=newx1Vert[1]; lastx1Vert[2]=newx1Vert[2];
         lastx2Vert[0]=newx2Vert[0]; lastx2Vert[1]=newx2Vert[1]; lastx2Vert[2]=newx2Vert[2];

Ejemplo n.º 4
void Ribbon::draw() {

    ofDrawBitmapString(ofToString(segments.size()), 10, 10);

    vector<ofVec3f> middleLine;
    vector<ofFloatColor> colours;


    ofVec3f lastLeftPoint, lastRightPoint;

    for(int i = 0; i < segments.size(); i++) {
        ofNode thisNode = *(segments[i]);
        ofNode nextNode = (i == segments.size()-1) ? head : *(segments[i+1]);

        //the further away each node is the thinner the line
        float thickness = ofMap(thisNode.getPosition().distance( nextNode.getPosition() ),
                                10, 100,
                                maxThickness, minThickness, true);

        //attenuate thickness if we are near the tails
        int tailTaper = 100;
        thickness *= ofMap(i, segments.size() - MIN(frontTaper,segments.size()), segments.size(), 1.0, 0.0, true);
        thickness *= ofMap(i, 0, MAX(backTaper,segments.size()), 0.0, 1.0, true);

        ofVec3f bottomPoint  = thisNode.getPosition() + ofVec3f(0, 1, 0) * thickness / 2.0;
        ofVec3f topPoint = thisNode.getPosition() + ofVec3f(0, -1, 0) * thickness / 2.0;

        if (fadeInZ) {
            topPoint.z = i;
            bottomPoint.z = i;

#ifdef NORMALS
        ofVec3f bottomPoint2  = nextNode.getPosition() + ofVec3f(0, 1, 0) * thickness / 2.0;
        ofVec3f topPoint2 = nextNode.getPosition() + ofVec3f(0, -1, 0) * thickness / 2.0;
        if (fadeInZ) {
            topPoint2.z = i+1;
            bottomPoint2.z = i+1;

        float alpha = ((float) i ) /segments.size();

        mesh.addColor(ofFloatColor(1, 1, 1, alpha));
        mesh.addColor(ofFloatColor(1, 1, 1, alpha));

#ifdef NORMALS
        mesh.addNormal(findNormal(bottomPoint2, topPoint, bottomPoint));
        mesh.addNormal(findNormal(bottomPoint, topPoint2, topPoint));

        middleLine.push_back((bottomPoint + topPoint) * 0.5);
        colours.push_back(ofFloatColor(1.0, 0, 0.8, ((float) i ) /segments.size()));

//		ofSetHexColor(0x0);
//		ofDrawBitmapString(ofToString(i), bottomPoint.x, bottomPoint.y);


    if (drawPink) {
        ofMesh tmesh;
