Ejemplo n.º 1
void quilt(Image *target, Image *target_crsp, int rows, int cols, Image *source, Image *source_crsp) {
	for (int n = 0; n < numIterations; n++) {
		//alpha = 0.8 * (n / float(numIterations)) + .1;
		alpha = .1;
		const int numTrials = sqrt((source->width - blockWidth) * (source->height - blockHeight));
		std::cout << "quilting with " << numTrials << " trials" << std::endl; // %%%
		for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
				int x, y;
				findOverlap(&x, &y, target, target_crsp, i, j, source, source_crsp, numTrials);
				int vertCut[blockHeight];
				int horizCut[blockWidth];
				findErrorSurface(vertCut, horizCut, target, i, j, source, x, y);
				pasteBlock(target, i, j, vertCut, horizCut, source, x, y);
		blockHeight /= 3; //hmmmmm
Ejemplo n.º 2
static int ssConnectCost(struct cBlock *a, struct cBlock *b, void *data)
/* Calculate connection cost - including gap score
 * and overlap adjustments if any. */
struct ffAli *aFf = a->data, *bFf = b->data;
int overlapAdjustment = 0;
int overlap = findOverlap(a, b);
int dq = b->qStart - a->qEnd;
int dt = b->tStart - a->tEnd;

if (overlap > 0)
    int aSize = aFf->hEnd - aFf->hStart;
    int bSize = bFf->hEnd - bFf->hStart;
    if (overlap >= bSize || overlap >= aSize)
	/* Give stiff overlap adjustment for case where
	 * one block completely enclosed in the other on
	 * either sequence. This will make it never happen. */
	overlapAdjustment = a->score + b->score;
	/* More normal case - partial overlap on one or both strands. */
	int crossover = findCrossover(aFf, bFf, overlap, ssIsProt);
	int remain = overlap - crossover;
	overlapAdjustment =
	    bioScoreMatch(ssIsProt, aFf->nEnd - remain, aFf->hEnd - remain, 
	  + bioScoreMatch(ssIsProt, bFf->nStart, bFf->hStart, 
	dq -= overlap;
	dt -= overlap;
return overlapAdjustment + ssGapCost(dq, dt, data);
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void ssFindBestBig(struct ffAli *ffList, bioSeq *qSeq, bioSeq *tSeq,
	enum ffStringency stringency, boolean isProt, struct trans3 *t3List,
	struct ffAli **retBestAli, int *retScore, struct ffAli **retLeftovers)
/* Go set up things to call chainBlocks to find best way to string together
 * blocks in alignment. */
struct cBlock *boxList = NULL, *box, *prevBox;
struct ffAli *ff, *farRight = NULL;
struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
int boxSize;
DNA *firstH = tSeq->dna;
struct chain *chainList, *chain, *bestChain;
int tMin = BIGNUM, tMax = -BIGNUM;

/* Make up box list for chainer. */
for (ff = ffList; ff != NULL; ff = ff->right)
    lmAllocVar(lm, box);
    boxSize = ff->nEnd - ff->nStart;
    box->qStart = ff->nStart - qSeq->dna;
    box->qEnd = box->qStart + boxSize;
    if (t3List)
	trans3Offsets(t3List, ff->hStart, ff->hEnd, &box->tStart, &box->tEnd);
	box->tStart = ff->hStart - firstH;
	box->tEnd = box->tStart + boxSize;
    box->data = ff;
    box->score = bioScoreMatch(isProt, ff->nStart, ff->hStart, boxSize);
    if (tMin > box->tStart) tMin = box->tStart;
    if (tMax < box->tEnd) tMax = box->tEnd;
    slAddHead(&boxList, box);

/* Adjust boxes so that tMin is always 0. */
for (box = boxList; box != NULL; box = box->next)
    box->tStart -= tMin;
    box->tEnd -= tMin;
tMax -= tMin;

ssStringency = stringency;
ssIsProt = isProt;
chainList = chainBlocks(qSeq->name, qSeq->size, '+', "tSeq", tMax, &boxList,
	ssConnectCost, ssGapCost, NULL, NULL);

/* Fixup crossovers on best (first) chain. */
bestChain = chainList;
prevBox = bestChain->blockList;
for (box = prevBox->next; box != NULL; box = box->next)
    int overlap = findOverlap(prevBox, box);
    if (overlap > 0)
	struct ffAli *left = prevBox->data;
	struct ffAli *right = box->data;
	int crossover = findCrossover(left, right, overlap, isProt);
        int remain = overlap - crossover;
	left->nEnd -= remain;
	left->hEnd -= remain;
	right->nStart += crossover;
	right->hStart += crossover;
    prevBox = box;

/* Copy stuff from first chain to bestAli. */
farRight = NULL;
for (box = chainList->blockList; box != NULL; box = box->next)
    ff = box->data;
    ff->left = farRight;
    farRight = ff;
*retBestAli = ffMakeRightLinks(farRight);

/* Copy stuff from other chains to leftovers. */
farRight = NULL;
for (chain = chainList->next; chain != NULL; chain = chain->next)
    for (box = chain->blockList; box != NULL; box = box->next)
        ff = box->data;
	ff->left = farRight;
	farRight = ff;
*retLeftovers = ffMakeRightLinks(farRight);

*retScore = bestChain->score;
for (chain = chainList; chain != NULL; chain = chain->next)
    chain->blockList = NULL;	/* Don't want to free this, it's local. */