Ejemplo n.º 1
/** Handle a local user's attempt to get or set a channel topic.
 * \a parv has the following elements:
 * \li \a parv[1] is the channel name
 * \li \a parv[\a parc - 1] is the topic (if \a parc > 2)
 * See @ref m_functions for discussion of the arguments.
 * @param[in] cptr Client that sent us the message.
 * @param[in] sptr Original source of message.
 * @param[in] parc Number of arguments.
 * @param[in] parv Argument vector.
int m_topic(struct Client* cptr, struct Client* sptr, int parc, char* parv[])
  struct Channel *chptr;
  char *topic = 0, *name, *p = 0;

  if (parc < 2)
    return need_more_params(sptr, "TOPIC");

  if (parc > 2)
    topic = parv[parc - 1];

  for (; (name = ircd_strtok(&p, parv[1], ",")); parv[1] = 0)
    chptr = 0;
    /* Does the channel exist */
    if (!IsChannelName(name) || !(chptr = FindChannel(name)))
    /* Trying to check a topic outside a secret channel */
    if ((topic || SecretChannel(chptr)) && !find_channel_member(sptr, chptr))
      send_reply(sptr, ERR_NOTONCHANNEL, chptr->chname);

    /* only asking for topic */
    if (!topic)
      if (chptr->topic[0] == '\0')
	send_reply(sptr, RPL_NOTOPIC, chptr->chname);
	send_reply(sptr, RPL_TOPIC, chptr->chname, chptr->topic);
	send_reply(sptr, RPL_TOPICWHOTIME, chptr->chname, chptr->topic_nick,
#if defined(DDB) || defined(SERVICES)
    else if ((chptr->mode.mode & MODE_TOPICLIMIT) &&
             !(is_chan_owner(sptr, chptr) || is_chan_op(sptr, chptr)))
    else if ((chptr->mode.mode & MODE_TOPICLIMIT) && !is_chan_op(sptr, chptr))
      send_reply(sptr, ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED, chptr->chname);
    else if (!client_can_send_to_channel(sptr, chptr, 1))
      send_reply(sptr, ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN, chptr->chname);
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/** Set a channel topic or report an error.
 * @param[in] sptr Original topic setter.
 * @param[in] cptr Neighbor that sent the topic message.
 * @param[in] chptr Channel to set topic on.
 * @param[in] topic New topic.
 * @param[in] ts Timestamp that topic was set (0 for current time).
static void do_settopic(struct Client *sptr, struct Client *cptr,
		        struct Channel *chptr, char *topic, time_t ts)
   struct Client *from;
   int newtopic;

   if (feature_bool(FEAT_HIS_BANWHO) && IsServer(sptr))
       from = &his;
       from = sptr;
   /* Note if this is just a refresh of an old topic, and don't
    * send it to all the clients to save bandwidth.  We still send
    * it to other servers as they may have split and lost the topic.
   /* setting a topic */
   ircd_strncpy(chptr->topic, topic, TOPICLEN);
   ircd_strncpy(chptr->topic_nick, cli_name(from), NICKLEN);
   chptr->topic_time = ts ? ts : TStime();
   /* Fixed in 2.10.11: Don't propagate local topics */
   if (!IsLocalChannel(chptr->chname))
     sendcmdto_serv(sptr, CMD_TOPIC, cptr, "%H %Tu %Tu :%s", chptr,
                    chptr->creationtime, chptr->topic_time, chptr->topic);
   if (newtopic)
     struct Membership *member;

     /* If the member is delayed-join, show them. */
     member = find_channel_member(sptr, chptr);
     if (member && IsDelayedJoin(member))

     sendcmdto_channel(from, CMD_TOPIC, chptr, NULL, SKIP_SERVERS,
                       "%H :%s", chptr, chptr->topic);
      /* if this is the same topic as before we send it to the person that
       * set it (so they knew it went through ok), but don't bother sending
       * it to everyone else on the channel to save bandwidth
    else if (MyUser(sptr))
      sendcmdto_one(sptr, CMD_TOPIC, sptr, "%H :%s", chptr, chptr->topic);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * ms_invite - server message handler
 *   parv[0] - sender prefix
 *   parv[1] - user to invite
 *   parv[2] - channel name
 *   parv[3] - (optional) channel timestamp
 * - INVITE now is accepted only if who does it is chanop (this of course
 *   implies that channel must exist and he must be on it).
 * - On the other side it IS processed even if channel is NOT invite only
 *   leaving room for other enhancements like inviting banned ppl.  -- Nemesi
 * - Invite with no parameters now lists the channels you are invited to.
 *                                                         - Isomer 23 Oct 99
 * - Invite with too-late timestamp, or with no timestamp from a bursting
 *   server, is silently discarded.                   - Entrope 19 Jan 05
int ms_invite(struct Client* cptr, struct Client* sptr, int parc, char* parv[])
  struct Client *acptr;
  struct Channel *chptr;
  time_t invite_ts;
  if (IsServer(sptr)) {
     * this will blow up if we get an invite from a server
     * we look for channel membership in sptr below. 
    return protocol_violation(sptr,"Server attempting to invite");
  if (parc < 3 || EmptyString(parv[2])) {
     * should have been handled upstream, ignore it.
    protocol_violation(sptr,"Too few arguments to invite");
    return need_more_params(sptr,"INVITE");
  if (!IsGlobalChannel(parv[2])) {
     * should not be sent
    return protocol_violation(sptr, "Invite to a non-standard channel %s",parv[2]);
  if (!(acptr = FindUser(parv[1]))) {
    send_reply(sptr, ERR_NOSUCHNICK, parv[1]);
    return 0;

  if (!(chptr = FindChannel(parv[2]))) {
     * allow invites to non existent channels, bleah
     * avoid JOIN, INVITE, PART abuse
    sendcmdto_one(sptr, CMD_INVITE, acptr, "%C :%s", acptr, parv[2]);
    return 0;

  if (parc > 3) {
    invite_ts = atoi(parv[3]);
    if (invite_ts > chptr->creationtime)
      return 0;
  } else if (IsBurstOrBurstAck(cptr))
    return 0;

  if (!IsChannelService(sptr) && !find_channel_member(sptr, chptr)) {
    send_reply(sptr, ERR_NOTONCHANNEL, chptr->chname);
    return 0;

  if (find_channel_member(acptr, chptr)) {
    send_reply(sptr, ERR_USERONCHANNEL, cli_name(acptr), chptr->chname);
    return 0;

  if (is_silenced(sptr, acptr))
    return 0;

  if (MyConnect(acptr)) {
    add_invite(acptr, chptr);
    sendcmdto_one(sptr, CMD_INVITE, acptr, "%s %H", cli_name(acptr), chptr);
  } else {
    sendcmdto_one(sptr, CMD_INVITE, acptr, "%s %H %Tu", cli_name(acptr), chptr,

  if (feature_bool(FEAT_ANNOUNCE_INVITES)) {
    /* Announce to channel operators. */
    sendcmdto_channel_butserv_butone(&his, get_error_numeric(RPL_ISSUEDINVITE)->str,
                                     NULL, chptr, sptr, SKIP_NONOPS,
                                     "%H %C %C :%C has been invited by %C",
                                     chptr, acptr, sptr, acptr, sptr);
    /* Announce to servers with channel operators. */
    sendcmdto_channel_servers_butone(sptr, NULL, TOK_INVITE, chptr, acptr, SKIP_NONOPS,
                                     "%s %H %Tu", cli_name(acptr), chptr,

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * m_invite - generic message handler
 *   parv[0] - sender prefix
 *   parv[1] - user to invite
 *   parv[2] - channel name
 * - INVITE now is accepted only if who does it is chanop (this of course
 *   implies that channel must exist and he must be on it).
 * - On the other side it IS processed even if channel is NOT invite only
 *   leaving room for other enhancements like inviting banned ppl.  -- Nemesi
 * - Invite with no parameters now lists the channels you are invited to.
 *                                                         - Isomer 23 Oct 99
int m_invite(struct Client* cptr, struct Client* sptr, int parc, char* parv[])
  struct Client *acptr;
  struct Channel *chptr;
  if (parc < 2 ) { 
     * list the channels you have an invite to.
    struct SLink *lp;
    for (lp = cli_user(sptr)->invited; lp; lp = lp->next)
      send_reply(cptr, RPL_INVITELIST, lp->value.chptr->chname);
    send_reply(cptr, RPL_ENDOFINVITELIST);
    return 0;
  if (parc < 3 || EmptyString(parv[2]))
    return need_more_params(sptr, "INVITE");

  if (!(acptr = FindUser(parv[1]))) {
    send_reply(sptr, ERR_NOSUCHNICK, parv[1]);
    return 0;

  if (is_silenced(sptr, acptr))
    return 0;

  if (!IsChannelName(parv[2])
      || !strIsIrcCh(parv[2])
      || !(chptr = FindChannel(parv[2]))) {
    send_reply(sptr, ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL, parv[2]);
    return 0;

  if (!find_channel_member(sptr, chptr)) {
    send_reply(sptr, ERR_NOTONCHANNEL, chptr->chname);
    return 0;

  if (find_channel_member(acptr, chptr)) {
    send_reply(sptr, ERR_USERONCHANNEL, cli_name(acptr), chptr->chname);
    return 0;

  if (!is_chan_op(sptr, chptr)) {
    send_reply(sptr, ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED, chptr->chname);
    return 0;

  /* If we get here, it was a VALID and meaningful INVITE */

  if (check_target_limit(sptr, acptr, cli_name(acptr), 0))
    return 0;

  send_reply(sptr, RPL_INVITING, cli_name(acptr), chptr->chname);

  if (cli_user(acptr)->away)
    send_reply(sptr, RPL_AWAY, cli_name(acptr), cli_user(acptr)->away);

  if (MyConnect(acptr)) {
    add_invite(acptr, chptr);
    sendcmdto_one(sptr, CMD_INVITE, acptr, "%s %H", cli_name(acptr), chptr);
  } else if (!IsLocalChannel(chptr->chname)) {
    sendcmdto_one(sptr, CMD_INVITE, acptr, "%s %H %Tu", cli_name(acptr), chptr,

  if (!IsLocalChannel(chptr->chname) || MyConnect(acptr)) {
    if (feature_bool(FEAT_ANNOUNCE_INVITES)) {
      /* Announce to channel operators. */
      sendcmdto_channel_butserv_butone(&his, get_error_numeric(RPL_ISSUEDINVITE)->str,
                                       NULL, chptr, sptr, SKIP_NONOPS,
                                       "%H %C %C :%C has been invited by %C",
                                       chptr, acptr, sptr, acptr, sptr);
      /* Announce to servers with channel operators. */
      sendcmdto_channel_servers_butone(sptr, NULL, TOK_INVITE, chptr, acptr, SKIP_NONOPS,
                                       "%s %H %Tu", cli_name(acptr),
                                       chptr, chptr->creationtime);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int m_names(struct Client* cptr, struct Client* sptr, int parc, char* parv[])
  struct Channel *chptr; 
  struct Channel *ch2ptr; 
  struct Client *c2ptr;
  struct Membership* member; 
  char* s;
  char* para = parc > 1 ? parv[1] : 0; 
  int showingdelayed = 0;

  if (parc > 1 && !ircd_strcmp(parv[1], "-D")) {
    para = (parc > 2) ? parv[2] : 0;
    showingdelayed = NAMES_DEL;
    if (parc > 3 && hunt_server_cmd(sptr, CMD_NAMES, cptr, 1, "%s %s %C", 3, parc, parv))
      return 0;
  } else if (parc > 2 && hunt_server_cmd(sptr, CMD_NAMES, cptr, 1, "%s %C", 2, parc, parv))
    return 0;

  if (EmptyString(para)) {
    send_reply(sptr, RPL_ENDOFNAMES, "*");
    return 0;

  do {
    s = strchr(para, ',');
    if (s)
      *s++ = '\0';
     * Special Case 1: "/names 0". 
     * Full list as per RFC. 
    if ((*para == '0') || (*para == '\0'))
      int idx; 
      int mlen;
      int flag;
      struct Channel *ch3ptr;
      char buf[BUFSIZE]; 

      mlen = strlen(cli_name(&me)) + 10 + strlen(cli_name(sptr));

      /* List all visible channels/visible members */ 

      for (ch2ptr = GlobalChannelList; ch2ptr; ch2ptr = ch2ptr->next)
        if (!ShowChannel(sptr, ch2ptr))
          continue;                 /* Don't show secret chans. */ 
        else if (find_channel_member(sptr, ch2ptr))
          do_names(sptr, ch2ptr, showingdelayed|NAMES_ALL); /* Full list if we're in this chan. */
          do_names(sptr, ch2ptr, showingdelayed|NAMES_VIS);

      /* List all remaining users on channel '*' */

      strcpy(buf, "* * :");
      idx = 5;
      flag = 0;

      for (c2ptr = GlobalClientList; c2ptr; c2ptr = cli_next(c2ptr))
        int showflag = 0;

        if (!IsUser(c2ptr) || (sptr != c2ptr && IsInvisible(c2ptr)))

        member = cli_user(c2ptr)->channel;

        while (member)
          ch3ptr = member->channel;
          if (PubChannel(ch3ptr) || find_channel_member(sptr, ch3ptr))
            showflag = 1;
          member = member->next_channel;

        if (showflag)               /* Have we already shown them? */
        strcpy(buf + idx, cli_name(c2ptr));
        idx += strlen(cli_name(c2ptr));
        buf[idx++] = ' ';
        flag = 1;

        if (mlen + idx + NICKLEN + 3 > BUFSIZE)     /* space, \r\n\0 */
          send_reply(sptr, RPL_NAMREPLY, buf);
          strcpy(buf, "* * :");
          idx = 5;
          flag = 0;
      if (flag)
        send_reply(sptr, RPL_NAMREPLY, buf);
      send_reply(sptr, RPL_ENDOFNAMES, "*");
    else if ((chptr = FindChannel(para)) != NULL)
      member = find_member_link(chptr, sptr);
      if (member)
         *  Special Case 2: User is on this channel, requesting full names list.
         *  (As performed with each /join) - ** High frequency usage **
        do_names(sptr, chptr, showingdelayed|NAMES_ALL|NAMES_EON);
         *  Special Case 3: User isn't on this channel, show all visible users, in 
         *  non secret channels.
        do_names(sptr, chptr, showingdelayed|NAMES_VIS|NAMES_EON);
        send_reply(sptr, RPL_ENDOFNAMES, para);
  } while ((para = s) != NULL);

  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * m_who - generic message handler
 *  parv[0] = sender prefix
 *  parv[1] = nickname mask list
 *  parv[2] = additional selection flag, only 'o' for now.
 *            and %flags to specify what fields to output
 *            plus a ,querytype if the t flag is specified
 *            so the final thing will be like o%tnchu,777
 *  parv[3] = _optional_ parameter that overrides parv[1]
 *            This can be used as "/quote who foo % :The Black Hacker
 *            to find me, parv[3] _can_ contain spaces !.
int m_who(struct Client* cptr, struct Client* sptr, int parc, char* parv[])
  char *mask;           /* The mask we are looking for              */
  char ch;                      /* Scratch char register                    */
  struct Channel *chptr;                /* Channel to show                          */
  struct Client *acptr;         /* Client to show                           */

  int bitsel;                   /* Mask of selectors to apply               */
  int matchsel;                 /* Wich fields the match should apply on    */
  int counter;                  /* Query size counter,
                                   initially used to count fields           */
  int commas;                   /* Does our mask contain any comma ?
                                   If so is a list..                        */
  int fields;                   /* Mask of fields to show                   */
  int isthere = 0;              /* When this set the user is member of chptr */
  char *nick;                   /* Single element extracted from
                                   the mask list                            */
  char *p;                      /* Scratch char pointer                     */
  char *qrt;                    /* Pointer to the query type                */
  static char mymask[512];      /* To save the mask before corrupting it    */
  unsigned int who_marker;      /* Used to mark clients we've touched       */

  /* Let's find where is our mask, and if actually contains something */
  mask = ((parc > 1) ? parv[1] : 0);
  if (parc > 3 && parv[3])
    mask = parv[3];
  if (mask && ((mask[0] == '\0') ||
      (mask[1] == '\0' && ((mask[0] == '0') || (mask[0] == '*')))))
    mask = 0;

  /* Evaluate the flags now, we consider the second parameter 
     as "matchFlags%fieldsToInclude,querytype"           */
  bitsel = fields = counter = matchsel = 0;
  qrt = 0;
  if (parc > 2 && parv[2] && *parv[2])
    p = parv[2];
    while (((ch = *(p++))) && (ch != '%') && (ch != ','))
      switch (ch)
        case 'o':
        case 'O':
          bitsel |= WHOSELECT_OPER;
        case 'x':
        case 'X':
          if (HasPriv(sptr, PRIV_WHOX))
	    log_write(LS_WHO, L_INFO, LOG_NOSNOTICE, "%#C WHO %s %s", sptr,
		      (BadPtr(parv[3]) ? parv[1] : parv[3]), parv[2]);
            bitsel |= WHOSELECT_EXTRA;
        case 'n':
        case 'N':
          matchsel |= WHO_FIELD_NIC;
        case 'u':
        case 'U':
          matchsel |= WHO_FIELD_UID;
        case 'h':
        case 'H':
          matchsel |= WHO_FIELD_HOS;
        case 'i':
        case 'I':
          matchsel |= WHO_FIELD_NIP;
        case 's':
        case 'S':
          matchsel |= WHO_FIELD_SER;
        case 'r':
        case 'R':
          matchsel |= WHO_FIELD_REN;
        case 'a':
        case 'A':
          matchsel |= WHO_FIELD_ACC;
    if (ch == '%')
      while ((ch = *p++) && (ch != ','))
        switch (ch)
          case 'c':
          case 'C':
            fields |= WHO_FIELD_CHA;
          case 'd':
          case 'D':
            fields |= WHO_FIELD_DIS;
          case 'f':
          case 'F':
            fields |= WHO_FIELD_FLA;
          case 'h':
          case 'H':
            fields |= WHO_FIELD_HOS;
          case 'i':
          case 'I':
            fields |= WHO_FIELD_NIP;
          case 'l':
          case 'L':
            fields |= WHO_FIELD_IDL;
          case 'n':
          case 'N':
            fields |= WHO_FIELD_NIC;
          case 'r':
          case 'R':
            fields |= WHO_FIELD_REN;
          case 's':
          case 'S':
            fields |= WHO_FIELD_SER;
          case 't':
          case 'T':
            fields |= WHO_FIELD_QTY;
          case 'u':
          case 'U':
            fields |= WHO_FIELD_UID;
          case 'a':
          case 'A':
            fields |= WHO_FIELD_ACC;
    if (ch)
      qrt = p;

  if (!matchsel)
    matchsel = WHO_FIELD_DEF;
  if (!fields)
    counter = 7;

  if (feature_bool(FEAT_HIS_WHO_SERVERNAME) && !IsAnOper(sptr))
    matchsel &= ~WHO_FIELD_SER;

  if (qrt && (fields & WHO_FIELD_QTY))
    p = qrt;
    if (!((*p > '9') || (*p < '0')))
    if (!((*p > '9') || (*p < '0')))
    if (!((*p > '9') || (*p < '0')))
    *p = '\0';
    qrt = 0;

  /* I'd love to add also a check on the number of matches fields per time */
  counter = (2048 / (counter + 4));
  if (mask && (strlen(mask) > 510))
    mask[510] = '\0';
  who_marker = get_client_marker();
  commas = (mask && strchr(mask, ','));

  /* First treat mask as a list of plain nicks/channels */
  if (mask)
    strcpy(mymask, mask);
    for (p = 0, nick = ircd_strtok(&p, mymask, ","); nick;
        nick = ircd_strtok(&p, 0, ","))
      if (IsChannelName(nick) && (chptr = FindChannel(nick)))
        isthere = (find_channel_member(sptr, chptr) != 0);
        if (isthere || SEE_CHANNEL(sptr, chptr, bitsel))
          struct Membership* member;
          for (member = chptr->members; member; member = member->next_member)
            acptr = member->user;
            if ((bitsel & WHOSELECT_OPER) && !SeeOper(sptr,acptr))
            if ((acptr != sptr) && (member->status & CHFL_ZOMBIE))
            if (!(isthere || (SEE_USER(sptr, acptr, bitsel))))
            if (!Process(acptr))        /* This can't be moved before other checks */
            if (!(isthere ||
                 (IsOper(sptr) && (bitsel & WHOSELECT_EXTRA) && HasPriv(sptr, PRIV_SEE_CHAN)) ||
                 (SHOW_MORE(sptr, counter))))
            do_who(sptr, acptr, chptr, fields, qrt);
        if ((acptr = FindUser(nick)) &&
            ((!(bitsel & WHOSELECT_OPER)) || SeeOper(sptr,acptr)) &&
            Process(acptr) && SHOW_MORE(sptr, counter))
          do_who(sptr, acptr, 0, fields, qrt);

  /* If we didn't have any comma in the mask treat it as a
     real mask and try to match all relevant fields */
  if (!(commas || (counter < 1)))
    int minlen, cset;
    static struct in_mask imask;
    if (mask)
      matchcomp(mymask, &minlen, &cset, mask);
      if (matchcompIP(&imask, mask))
        matchsel &= ~WHO_FIELD_NIP;
      if ((minlen > NICKLEN) || !(cset & NTL_IRCNK))
        matchsel &= ~WHO_FIELD_NIC;
      if ((matchsel & WHO_FIELD_SER) &&
          ((minlen > HOSTLEN) || (!(cset & NTL_IRCHN))
          || (!markMatchexServer(mymask, minlen))))
        matchsel &= ~WHO_FIELD_SER;
      if ((minlen > USERLEN) || !(cset & NTL_IRCUI))
        matchsel &= ~WHO_FIELD_UID;
      if ((minlen > HOSTLEN) || !(cset & NTL_IRCHN))
        matchsel &= ~WHO_FIELD_HOS;

    /* First of all loop through the clients in common channels */
    if ((!(counter < 1)) && matchsel) {
      struct Membership* member;
      struct Membership* chan;
      for (chan = cli_user(sptr)->channel; chan; chan = chan->next_channel) {
        chptr = chan->channel;
        for (member = chptr->members; member; member = member->next_member)
          acptr = member->user;
          if (!(IsUser(acptr) && Process(acptr)))
            continue;           /* Now Process() is at the beginning, if we fail
                                   we'll never have to show this acptr in this query */
	  if ((bitsel & WHOSELECT_OPER) && !SeeOper(sptr,acptr))
          if ((mask) &&
              ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_NIC))
              || matchexec(cli_name(acptr), mymask, minlen))
              && ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_UID))
              || matchexec(cli_user(acptr)->username, mymask, minlen))
              && ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_SER))
              || (!HasFlag(cli_user(acptr)->server, FLAG_MAP)))
              && ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_HOS))
              || matchexec(cli_user(acptr)->host, mymask, minlen))
              && ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_HOS))
	      || !HasSetHost(acptr)
	      || !HasHiddenHost(acptr)
	      || !IsAnOper(sptr)
              || matchexec(cli_user(acptr)->realhost, mymask, minlen))
              && ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_REN))
              || matchexec(cli_info(acptr), mymask, minlen))
              && ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_NIP))
	      || ((HasHiddenHost(acptr) || HasSetHost(acptr)) && !IsAnOper(sptr))
              || ((((cli_ip(acptr).s_addr & imask.mask.s_addr) !=
              imask.bits.s_addr)) || (imask.fall
              && matchexec(ircd_ntoa((const char*) &(cli_ip(acptr))), mymask, minlen)))))
          if (!SHOW_MORE(sptr, counter))
          do_who(sptr, acptr, chptr, fields, qrt);
    /* Loop through all clients :-\, if we still have something to match to 
       and we can show more clients */
    if ((!(counter < 1)) && matchsel)
      for (acptr = cli_prev(&me); acptr; acptr = cli_prev(acptr))
        if (!(IsUser(acptr) && Process(acptr)))
	if ((bitsel & WHOSELECT_OPER) && !SeeOper(sptr,acptr))
        if (!(SEE_USER(sptr, acptr, bitsel)))
        if ((mask) &&
            ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_NIC))
            || matchexec(cli_name(acptr), mymask, minlen))
            && ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_UID))
            || matchexec(cli_user(acptr)->username, mymask, minlen))
            && ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_SER))
            || (!HasFlag(cli_user(acptr)->server, FLAG_MAP)))
            && ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_HOS))
            || matchexec(cli_user(acptr)->host, mymask, minlen))
            && ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_HOS))
	    || !HasSetHost(acptr)
	    || !HasHiddenHost(acptr)
	    || !IsAnOper(sptr)
            || matchexec(cli_user(acptr)->realhost, mymask, minlen))
            && ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_REN))
            || matchexec(cli_info(acptr), mymask, minlen))
            && ((!(matchsel & WHO_FIELD_NIP))
	    || (HasHiddenHost(acptr) && !IsAnOper(sptr))
            || ((((cli_ip(acptr).s_addr & imask.mask.s_addr) != imask.bits.s_addr))
            || (imask.fall
            && matchexec(ircd_ntoa((const char*) &(cli_ip(acptr))), mymask, minlen)))))
        if (!SHOW_MORE(sptr, counter))
        do_who(sptr, acptr, 0, fields, qrt);

  /* Make a clean mask suitable to be sent in the "end of" */
  if (mask && (p = strchr(mask, ' ')))
    *p = '\0';
  send_reply(sptr, RPL_ENDOFWHO, BadPtr(mask) ? "*" : mask);

  /* Notify the user if we decided that his query was too long */
  if (counter < 0)
    send_reply(sptr, ERR_QUERYTOOLONG, "WHO");

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * Search and return as many people as matched by the wild 'nick'.
 * returns the number of people found (or, obviously, 0, if none where
 * found).
static int do_wilds(struct Client* sptr, char *nick, int count, int parc)
  struct Client *acptr; /* Current client we're considering */
  struct User *user; 	/* the user portion of the client */
  const char *name; 	/* the name of this client */
  struct Membership* chan; 
  int invis; 		/* does +i apply? */
  int member;		/* Is this user on any channels? */
  int showperson;       /* Should we show this person? */
  int found = 0 ;	/* How many were found? */
  /* Ech! This is hideous! */
  for (acptr = GlobalClientList; (acptr = next_client(acptr, nick));
      acptr = cli_next(acptr))
    if (!IsRegistered(acptr)) 
    if (IsServer(acptr))
     * I'm always last :-) and acptr->next == 0!!
     * Isomer: Does this strike anyone else as being a horrible hideous
     *         hack?
    if (IsMe(acptr)) {
     * 'Rules' established for sending a WHOIS reply:
     * - if wildcards are being used don't send a reply if
     *   the querier isn't any common channels and the
     *   client in question is invisible.
     * - only send replies about common or public channels
     *   the target user(s) are on;
    user = cli_user(acptr);
    name = (!*(cli_name(acptr))) ? "?" : cli_name(acptr);

    invis = (acptr != sptr) && IsInvisible(acptr);
    member = (user && user->channel) ? 1 : 0;
    showperson = !invis && !member;
    /* Should we show this person now? */
    if (showperson) {
    	do_whois(sptr, acptr, parc);
    	if (count+found>MAX_WHOIS_LINES)
    	  return found;
    /* Step through the channels this user is on */
    for (chan = user->channel; chan; chan = chan->next_channel)
      struct Channel *chptr = chan->channel;

      /* If this is a public channel, show the person */
      if (!invis && PubChannel(chptr)) {
        showperson = 1;
      /* if this channel is +p and not +s, show them */
      if (!invis && HiddenChannel(chptr) && !SecretChannel(chptr)) {
          showperson = 1;
      member = find_channel_member(sptr, chptr) ? 1 : 0;
      if (invis && !member)

      /* If sptr isn't really on this channel, skip it */
      if (IsZombie(chan))
      /* Is this a common channel? */ 
      if (member) {
        showperson = 1;
    } /* of for (chan in channels) */
    /* Don't show this person */
    if (!showperson)
    do_whois(sptr, acptr, parc);
    if (count+found>MAX_WHOIS_LINES)
       return found;  
  } /* of global client list */
  return found;