Ejemplo n.º 1
std::vector<GraspHypothesis> HandSearch::findHands(const PointCloud::Ptr cloud,
	const Eigen::VectorXi& pts_cam_source, const std::vector<Quadric>& quadric_list,
	const Eigen::VectorXi& hands_cam_source, const pcl::KdTreeFLANN<pcl::PointXYZ>& kdtree)
	double t1 = omp_get_wtime();
	std::vector<int> nn_indices;
	std::vector<float> nn_dists;
	Eigen::Matrix3Xd nn_normals(3, nn_indices.size());
	Eigen::VectorXi nn_cam_source(nn_indices.size());
	Eigen::Matrix3Xd centered_neighborhood(3, nn_indices.size());
	std::vector<RotatingHand> hand_list(quadric_list.size());
//  std::vector<RotatingHand> hand_list;
	double time_eval_hand = 0.0;
	double time_iter = 0.0;
	double time_nn = 0.0;
	double time_tf = 0.0;

	std::vector< std::vector<GraspHypothesis> > grasp_lists(quadric_list.size(), std::vector<GraspHypothesis>(0));

#ifdef _OPENMP // parallelization using OpenMP
#pragma omp parallel for private(nn_indices, nn_dists, nn_normals, nn_cam_source, centered_neighborhood) num_threads(num_threads_)
	for (std::size_t i = 0; i < quadric_list.size(); i++)
		double timei = omp_get_wtime();
		pcl::PointXYZ sample;
		sample.x = quadric_list[i].getSample()(0);
		sample.y = quadric_list[i].getSample()(1);
		sample.z = quadric_list[i].getSample()(2);
//    std::cout << "i: " << i << ", sample: " << sample << std::endl;

		if (kdtree.radiusSearch(sample, nn_radius_hands_, nn_indices, nn_dists) > 0)
			time_nn += omp_get_wtime() - timei;
			nn_normals.setZero(3, nn_indices.size());
			centered_neighborhood.setZero(3, nn_indices.size());

			for (int j = 0; j < nn_indices.size(); j++)
				nn_cam_source(j) = pts_cam_source(nn_indices[j]);
				centered_neighborhood.col(j) = (cloud->points[nn_indices[j]].getVector3fMap()
						- sample.getVector3fMap()).cast<double>();
				nn_normals.col(j) = cloud_normals_.col(nn_indices[j]);

			FingerHand finger_hand(finger_width_, hand_outer_diameter_, hand_depth_);

			Eigen::Vector3d sample_eig = sample.getVector3fMap().cast<double>();
			RotatingHand rotating_hand(cam_tf_left_.block<3, 1>(0, 3) - sample_eig,
				cam_tf_right_.block<3, 1>(0, 3) - sample_eig, finger_hand, tolerant_antipodal_, hands_cam_source(i));
			const Quadric& q = quadric_list[i];
			double time_tf1 = omp_get_wtime();
			rotating_hand.transformPoints(centered_neighborhood, q.getNormal(), q.getCurvatureAxis(), nn_normals,
				nn_cam_source, hand_height_);
			time_tf += omp_get_wtime() - time_tf1;
			double time_eval1 = omp_get_wtime();
			std::vector<GraspHypothesis> grasps = rotating_hand.evaluateHand(init_bite_, sample_eig, true);
			time_eval_hand += omp_get_wtime() - time_eval1;

			if (grasps.size() > 0)
				// grasp_list.insert(grasp_list.end(), grasps.begin(), grasps.end());
        grasp_lists[i] = grasps;

		time_iter += omp_get_wtime() - timei;
	time_eval_hand /= quadric_list.size();
	time_nn /= quadric_list.size();
	time_iter /= quadric_list.size();
	time_tf /= quadric_list.size();
	//std::cout << " avg time for transforming point neighborhood: " << time_tf << " sec.\n";
	//std::cout << " avg time for NN search: " << time_nn << " sec.\n";
	//std::cout << " avg time for rotating_hand.evaluate(): " << time_eval_hand << " sec.\n";
	//std::cout << " avg time per iteration: " << time_iter << " sec.\n";
  std::vector<GraspHypothesis> grasp_list;
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < grasp_lists.size(); i++)
    // std::cout << i << " " << grasp_lists[i].size() << "\n";
    if (grasp_lists[i].size() > 0)
      grasp_list.insert(grasp_list.end(), grasp_lists[i].begin(), grasp_lists[i].end());

	double t2 = omp_get_wtime();
	//std::cout << " Found " << grasp_list.size() << " robot hand poses in " << t2 - t1 << " sec.\n";

	return grasp_list;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  double taubin_radius = 0.03; // radius of curvature-estimation neighborhood
  double hand_radius = 0.08; // radius of hand configuration neighborhood

//  std::string file = "/home/andreas/data/mlaffordance/round21l_reg.pcd";
  std::string file = "/home/andreas/data/mlaffordance/training/rect31l_reg.pcd";
  PointCloud::Ptr cloud(new PointCloud);
  if (pcl::io::loadPCDFile<pcl::PointXYZ>(file, *cloud) == -1) //* load the file
    PCL_ERROR("Couldn't read input PCD file\n");
    return (-1);
  pcl::search::OrganizedNeighbor<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr organized_neighbor(
    new pcl::search::OrganizedNeighbor<pcl::PointXYZ>());
  std::vector<int> nn_indices;
  std::vector<float> nn_dists;
  pcl::KdTreeFLANN<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr tree(new pcl::KdTreeFLANN<pcl::PointXYZ>());

//  int sample_index = 0;
  int sample_index = 731;
  if (cloud->isOrganized())
    organized_neighbor->radiusSearch(cloud->points[sample_index], taubin_radius, nn_indices, nn_dists);
    tree->radiusSearch(cloud->points[sample_index], taubin_radius, nn_indices, nn_dists);
  std::cout << "Found point neighborhood for sample " << sample_index << "\n";

  Eigen::Matrix4d T_base, T_sqrt;
  T_base << 0, 0.445417, 0.895323, 0.22, 1, 0, 0, -0.02, 0, 0.895323, -0.445417, 0.24, 0, 0, 0, 1;

  T_sqrt << 0.9366, -0.0162, 0.3500, -0.2863, 0.0151, 0.9999, 0.0058, 0.0058, -0.3501, -0.0002, 0.9367, 0.0554, 0, 0, 0, 1;

  std::vector<Eigen::Matrix4d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Matrix4d> > T_cams;
  T_cams.push_back(T_base * T_sqrt.inverse());
  std::cout << T_cams[0] << std::endl;

  // fit quadric
  Eigen::Vector3d sample = cloud->points[sample_index].getVector3fMap().cast<double>();
  Quadric quadric(T_cams, cloud, sample, true);

  Eigen::MatrixXi cam_source = Eigen::MatrixXi::Zero(1, cloud->points.size());
  quadric.findTaubinNormalAxis(nn_indices, cam_source);


  // fit hand
  tree->radiusSearch(cloud->points[sample_index], hand_radius, nn_indices, nn_dists);

  Eigen::VectorXi pts_cam_source = Eigen::VectorXi::Ones(1, cloud->size());

  Eigen::Matrix3Xd nn_normals(3, nn_indices.size());
  Eigen::VectorXi nn_cam_source(nn_indices.size());
  Eigen::Matrix3Xd centered_neighborhood(3, nn_indices.size());

  for (int j = 0; j < nn_indices.size(); j++)
    nn_cam_source(j) = pts_cam_source(nn_indices[j]);
    centered_neighborhood.col(j) = cloud->points[nn_indices[j]].getVector3fMap().cast<double>() - sample;

  double finger_width_ = 0.01;
  double hand_outer_diameter_ = 0.09;
  double hand_depth_ = 0.06;

  ParallelHand finger_hand(finger_width_, hand_outer_diameter_, hand_depth_);

  double hand_height_ = 0.02;
  double init_bite_ = 0.01;

  RotatingHand rotating_hand(T_cams[0].block(0, 3, 3, 1) - sample, 
    T_cams[0].block(0, 3, 3, 1) - sample, finger_hand, true, pts_cam_source(sample_index));
  rotating_hand.transformPoints(centered_neighborhood, quadric.getNormal(), quadric.getCurvatureAxis(), nn_normals, nn_cam_source,
  std::vector<GraspHypothesis> h = rotating_hand.evaluateHand(init_bite_, sample, 1);
  for (int i = 0; i < h.size(); i++)
  	std::cout << "-- orientation " << i << " --\n";

  // std::cout << "\n";
  // rotating_hand.evaluateHand(init_bite_, sample, 1);
  // rotating_hand.print();

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void GraspSet::evaluateHypotheses(const PointList& point_list, const LocalFrame& local_frame)
  sample_ = local_frame.getSample();
  is_valid_ = Eigen::Array<bool, 1, Eigen::Dynamic>::Constant(1, angles_.size(), false);

  FingerHand finger_hand(hand_geometry_.finger_width_, hand_geometry_.outer_diameter_, hand_geometry_.depth_);
  Eigen::Matrix3d rot_binormal;

  // Set the lateral and forward axis of the robot hand frame (closing direction and grasp approach direction).
  if (rotation_axis_ == ROTATION_AXIS_CURVATURE_AXIS)

    // Rotation about binormal by 180 degrees (reverses direction of normal)
    rot_binormal <<  -1.0,  0.0,  0.0,
      0.0,  1.0,  0.0,
      0.0,  0.0, -1.0;

  // Local reference frame
  Eigen::Matrix3d local_frame_mat;
  local_frame_mat << local_frame.getNormal(), local_frame.getBinormal(), local_frame.getCurvatureAxis();

  // Evaluate grasp at each hand orientation.
  for (int i = 0; i < angles_.rows(); i++)
    // Rotation about curvature axis by <angles_(i)> radians
    Eigen::Matrix3d rot;
    rot <<  cos(angles_(i)),  -1.0 * sin(angles_(i)),   0.0,
      sin(angles_(i)),  cos(angles_(i)),          0.0,
      0.0,              0.0,                      1.0;

    // Rotate points into this hand orientation.
    Eigen::Matrix3d frame_rot;
    frame_rot.noalias() = local_frame_mat * rot_binormal * rot;
    PointList point_list_frame = point_list.rotatePointList(frame_rot.transpose());

    // Crop points on hand height.
    PointList point_list_cropped = point_list_frame.cropByHandHeight(hand_geometry_.height_);

    // Evaluate finger placements for this orientation.
    finger_hand.evaluateFingers(point_list_cropped.getPoints(), hand_geometry_.init_bite_);

    // Check that there is at least one feasible 2-finger placement.

    if (finger_hand.getHand().any())
      // Try to move the hand as deep as possible onto the object.
      int finger_idx = finger_hand.deepenHand(point_list_cropped.getPoints(), hand_geometry_.init_bite_, hand_geometry_.depth_);

      // Calculate points in the closing region of the hand.
      std::vector<int> indices_closing = finger_hand.computePointsInClosingRegion(point_list_cropped.getPoints(), finger_idx);
      if (indices_closing.size() == 0)

      // create the grasp hypothesis
      Grasp hand = createHypothesis(local_frame.getSample(), point_list_cropped, indices_closing, frame_rot,
      hands_[i] = hand;
      is_valid_[i] = true;