Ejemplo n.º 1
void HttpReqImpl::closeOutput() {
	outputClosed = true;
	if (!keepAlive()) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
void HttpReqImpl::finish() {
	if (!outputClosed) {
		//otherwise finalize chunk
	if (!method.empty()) {
		TimeStamp reqEndTime = TimeStamp::now();
		natural reqTime = (reqEndTime - reqBeginTime).getMilis();
		if (reportDuration) this->recordRequestDuration(reqTime);

Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  command_line_s commandLine;
  stream_s *stream = NULL;
  connection_list_s *connection;

  int browserListener;
  fd_set master;
  fd_set read_fds;

  int fdmax;
  int sock;
  struct timeval tv;
  char buf[BUF_SIZE];
  int ret;
  int sockcont=0;

  port_offset = 0;
  signal(SIGINT, sigINThandler);
  if (parseCommandLine(argc, argv, &commandLine) < 0)
    return -1;

  log = open_log(log, "error.log");
  log_msg(log, "Created log file\n");

  p_log = open_log(p_log, commandLine.logfile);
  tv.tv_sec = 60;
  tv.tv_usec = 0;

  log_msg(log, "Server initiated");
  /* set up socket to listen for incoming connections from the browser*/
  if (setupBrowserListenerSocket(&browserListener, commandLine.listen_port) < 0)
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  /*Add browser listerner to master set of fd's*/
  FD_SET(browserListener, &master);
  fdmax = browserListener;

  log_msg(log, "Browser listener: %d\n", browserListener);
  tv.tv_sec = 60;
  while (1)
      //wait for a socket to have data to read
      sock = waitForAction(&master,&read_fds, fdmax, tv, sockcont);/*blocking*/
      if (sock < 0) continue;//select timeout
      if (sock == 0){//read through read_fs , start from beginning
        sockcont = 0;

      sockcont = sock + 1;
      log_msg(log, "Browser requesting a new connection\n");
      //Browser is requesting new connection
      if (sock == browserListener){ //new connection        
        if (stream == NULL){
				  log_msg(log, "Stream is null\n");

        if (acceptBrowserServerConnectionToStream(browserListener, &master, &fdmax, &stream, &commandLine) < 0)//add connection to stream
          //add browser sock to read_fs
          return EXIT_FAILURE;
        //if no current streams   

      else {
				log_msg(log, "Determining if connection is from browser or server...\n");
        //Determine if coming from browser or server
        connection =  getConnectionFromSocket(stream, sock);

        if (connection == NULL){
          log_msg(log, "Error: NULL connection\n EXIT_FAILURE\n");
          return EXIT_FAILURE;

        if (sock == connection->browser_sock){
	  			log_msg(log, "Found a browser connection\n");

				  memset(buf, 0, BUF_SIZE);
    			ret = receive(sock, &master, &fdmax, browserListener, &buf, connection, stream);

	  			int x;
	  			char *get;
	  			char bit[16];
	  			char header[100];
	  			x = strcspn(buf, "\n");
				  if (x > 99) x = 99;
				  memcpy(header, buf, x);
				  header[x] = '\0';

	  			log_msg(log, "Received request from browser:\n%s\n\n", header);
//	 				printf("Received header request from browser:\n%s\n\n", header);

          if (ret > 0){
						//GET request for .f4m file
						//Send GET for ... _nolist.f4m
				    if ((get = strstr(header, "big_buck_bunny.f4m")) != NULL){
							stream->current_throughput = getBitrate(stream->current_throughput, stream->available_bitrates);
							unsigned int index = strstr(buf, ".f4m") - buf;
							ret = replaceString(buf, ret, "_nolist", index, 0, strlen("_nolist") );
	//						printf("buf:%s\n", buf);

				    //Get request is for /vod/###SegX-FragY
	  			  //Modify for current tput and start new chunk
	    			if ((get = strstr(header, "Seg")) != NULL){

							// /vod/###SegX-FragY
							char *chunkName;
							char chunk[64];
							chunkName = strstr(buf, "/vod/");
							int intLen =  strstr(buf, "Seg") - (chunkName + strlen("/vod/"));

							unsigned int index = 0;
							int br = getBitrate(stream->current_throughput, stream->available_bitrates); //###
		//					printf("cur tput: %d, found br: %d\n", stream->current_throughput, br);
							snprintf(bit, 16, "%d", br); //convert br into string

							ret = replaceString(chunkName + strlen("/vod/"), ret, bit, index, intLen, strlen(bit));
							memcpy(chunk, chunkName, strstr(buf, " HTTP") - chunkName);
							chunk[strstr(buf, " HTTP") - chunkName] = '\0';

			//				printf("Chunkname sent to start chunk: %s\n", chunk); 
							startChunk(connection, chunk);
						sendResponse(connection->server_sock, buf, ret);
        if (sock == connection->server_sock){
				  log_msg(log, "Received request from server\n");

	  			memset(buf, 0, BUF_SIZE);
          ret = receive(sock, &master, &fdmax, browserListener, &buf, connection, stream);
				  //Use close to avoid streamlining 
	  			char *p, *type, *len, *hlen;
	  			char close[] = "close     ";
	  			char contentType[] = "Content-Type: ";
				  char header[100];
				  memset(header, '\0', 100);
				  int x, contentLength;

					if (ret <= 0) {
				//		printf("Continuing!\n");

					if (strstr(buf, "Not Modified") != NULL){

					if (memcmp(buf, "HTTP/1.1", strlen("HTTP/1.1")) == 0){
			//			printf("Is HTTP\n");
						if ((p = strstr(buf, "Connection: ")) != NULL){
	   					p = p + strlen("Connection: ");
				     	memcpy(p, close, strlen(close));
	  				// p is a pointer to Content-Type
				  	p = strstr(buf, contentType);
				  	if (p != NULL){
				    	x = strcspn(p, "\n");
	    				if (x > 99) x = 99;
				    	memcpy(header, p, x);
				    	header[x] = '\0';

		    			if ((type = strstr(header, "Content-Type: ")) != NULL){ //found Content-Type
								type = type + strlen("Content-Type: ");
		//				printf("TYPE:%s\n", type); 	  
         	 	if (ret > 0){
	  //    			printf("Received %d:\n%s\n",ret, buf);
							//If text/xml, set tput to be min
			  	 	 	if( strstr(type, "text/xml") != NULL){
								stream->current_throughput = getBitrate(stream->current_throughput, stream->available_bitrates);

							//measure header length until /n/r/n/r and then 
							//subtract that from ret to see how much data you got and forward
							if ( strstr(type, "video/f4f") != NULL){
								if ((len = strstr(buf, "Content-Length: ")) != NULL){
									len = len + strlen("Content-Length: ");
									contentLength = atoi(len);
									connection->chunk_throughputs->chunk_size = contentLength;
									if ((hlen = strstr(buf, "\r\n\r\n")) != NULL){
										hlen = hlen + strlen("\n\r\n\r");
										unsigned int h = hlen - buf;
										unsigned int bytesRead = ret - h;
		//								printf("bytesRead: %d\nbytesTotal: %d\n", bytesRead, contentLength);
										connection->chunk_throughputs->bytesLeft = contentLength - bytesRead;
							sendResponse(connection->browser_sock, buf, ret);
					} // end IF "HTTP/1.1"
					else{ // still reading same request chunk
	//					printf("Reading video data\nBuf:\n%s\nRet: %d\n", buf, ret);
	//					printf("Chunk throughputs: %p\n", connection->chunk_throughputs);
						if(connection->chunk_throughputs != NULL){
							connection->chunk_throughputs->bytesLeft = connection->chunk_throughputs->bytesLeft - ret;
							if (connection->chunk_throughputs->bytesLeft == 0){
	//							printf("***FINISHING CHUNK***\n");
								finishChunk(stream, connection, commandLine);
	//							printf("BYE\n");
						sendResponse(connection->browser_sock, buf, ret);
        }//end server sock

      } // end ELSE
    } // end WHILE(1)

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;