Ejemplo n.º 1
/// Print values of all resource limits.
static void print_all(int hard, io_streams_t &streams) {
    int i;
    int w = 0;

    for (i = 0; resource_arr[i].desc; i++) {
        w = maxi(w, fish_wcswidth(resource_arr[i].desc));

    for (i = 0; resource_arr[i].desc; i++) {
        struct rlimit ls;
        rlim_t l;
        getrlimit(resource_arr[i].resource, &ls);
        l = hard ? ls.rlim_max : ls.rlim_cur;

        const wchar_t *unit =
            ((resource_arr[i].resource == RLIMIT_CPU)
                 ? L"(seconds, "
                 : (get_multiplier(resource_arr[i].resource) == 1 ? L"(" : L"(kB, "));

        streams.out.append_format(L"%-*ls %10ls-%lc) ", w, resource_arr[i].desc, unit,

        if (l == RLIM_INFINITY) {
        } else {
            streams.out.append_format(L"%d\n", l / get_multiplier(resource_arr[i].resource));
Ejemplo n.º 2
   Convert a wide string to a multibyte string and append it to the
   buffer. Returns the width.
static int s_write_string( screen_t *s, data_buffer_t *b, const wcstring &str )
	scoped_buffer_t scoped_buffer(b);
    int width = fish_wcswidth(str.c_str(), str.size());
    s->actual.cursor.x += width;
    return width;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void pager_t::measure_completion_infos(comp_info_list_t *infos, const wcstring &prefix) const {
    size_t prefix_len = fish_wcswidth(prefix.c_str());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < infos->size(); i++) {
        comp_t *comp = &infos->at(i);

        // Compute comp_width.
        const wcstring_list_t &comp_strings = comp->comp;
        for (size_t j = 0; j < comp_strings.size(); j++) {
            // If there's more than one, append the length of ', '.
            if (j >= 1) comp->comp_width += 2;

            comp->comp_width += prefix_len + fish_wcswidth(comp_strings.at(j).c_str());

        // Compute desc_width.
        comp->desc_width = fish_wcswidth(comp->desc.c_str());

        // Compute preferred width.
        comp->pref_width = comp->comp_width + comp->desc_width + (comp->desc_width ? 4 : 0);

Ejemplo n.º 4
/// Update the screen to match the desired output.
static void s_update(screen_t *scr, const wcstring &left_prompt, const wcstring &right_prompt) {
    const environment_t &vars = env_stack_t::principal();
    const scoped_buffer_t buffering(*scr);
    const size_t left_prompt_width =
        calc_prompt_layout(left_prompt, cached_layouts).last_line_width;
    const size_t right_prompt_width =
        calc_prompt_layout(right_prompt, cached_layouts).last_line_width;

    int screen_width = common_get_width();

    // Figure out how many following lines we need to clear (probably 0).
    size_t actual_lines_before_reset = scr->actual_lines_before_reset;
    scr->actual_lines_before_reset = 0;

    bool need_clear_lines = scr->need_clear_lines;
    bool need_clear_screen = scr->need_clear_screen;
    bool has_cleared_screen = false;

    if (scr->actual_width != screen_width) {
        // Ensure we don't issue a clear screen for the very first output, to avoid issue #402.
        if (scr->actual_width != SCREEN_WIDTH_UNINITIALIZED) {
            need_clear_screen = true;
            s_move(scr, 0, 0);
            s_reset(scr, screen_reset_current_line_contents);

            need_clear_lines = need_clear_lines || scr->need_clear_lines;
            need_clear_screen = need_clear_screen || scr->need_clear_screen;
        scr->actual_width = screen_width;

    scr->need_clear_lines = false;
    scr->need_clear_screen = false;

    // Determine how many lines have stuff on them; we need to clear lines with stuff that we don't
    // want.
    const size_t lines_with_stuff = std::max(actual_lines_before_reset, scr->actual.line_count());

    if (left_prompt != scr->actual_left_prompt) {
        s_move(scr, 0, 0);
        s_write_str(scr, left_prompt.c_str());
        scr->actual_left_prompt = left_prompt;
        scr->actual.cursor.x = (int)left_prompt_width;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < scr->desired.line_count(); i++) {
        const line_t &o_line = scr->desired.line(i);
        line_t &s_line = scr->actual.create_line(i);
        size_t start_pos = i == 0 ? left_prompt_width : 0;
        int current_width = 0;

        // If this is the last line, maybe we should clear the screen.
        const bool should_clear_screen_this_line =
            need_clear_screen && i + 1 == scr->desired.line_count() && clr_eos != NULL;

        // Note that skip_remaining is a width, not a character count.
        size_t skip_remaining = start_pos;

        if (!should_clear_screen_this_line) {
            // Compute how much we should skip. At a minimum we skip over the prompt. But also skip
            // over the shared prefix of what we want to output now, and what we output before, to
            // avoid repeatedly outputting it.
            const size_t shared_prefix = line_shared_prefix(o_line, s_line);
            if (shared_prefix > 0) {
                size_t prefix_width = fish_wcswidth(&o_line.text.at(0), shared_prefix);
                if (prefix_width > skip_remaining) skip_remaining = prefix_width;

            // If we're soft wrapped, and if we're going to change the first character of the next
            // line, don't skip over the last two characters so that we maintain soft-wrapping.
            if (o_line.is_soft_wrapped && i + 1 < scr->desired.line_count()) {
                bool next_line_will_change = true;
                if (i + 1 < scr->actual.line_count()) {  //!OCLINT
                    if (line_shared_prefix(scr->desired.line(i + 1), scr->actual.line(i + 1)) > 0) {
                        next_line_will_change = false;
                if (next_line_will_change) {
                    skip_remaining = std::min(skip_remaining, (size_t)(scr->actual_width - 2));

        // Skip over skip_remaining width worth of characters.
        size_t j = 0;
        for (; j < o_line.size(); j++) {
            size_t width = fish_wcwidth_min_0(o_line.char_at(j));
            if (skip_remaining < width) break;
            skip_remaining -= width;
            current_width += width;

        // Skip over zero-width characters (e.g. combining marks at the end of the prompt).
        for (; j < o_line.size(); j++) {
            int width = fish_wcwidth_min_0(o_line.char_at(j));
            if (width > 0) break;

        // Now actually output stuff.
        for (; j < o_line.size(); j++) {
            // If we are about to output into the last column, clear the screen first. If we clear
            // the screen after we output into the last column, it can erase the last character due
            // to the sticky right cursor. If we clear the screen too early, we can defeat soft
            // wrapping.
            if (j + 1 == (size_t)screen_width && should_clear_screen_this_line &&
                !has_cleared_screen) {
                s_move(scr, current_width, (int)i);
                s_write_mbs(scr, clr_eos);
                has_cleared_screen = true;

            perform_any_impending_soft_wrap(scr, current_width, (int)i);
            s_move(scr, current_width, (int)i);
            s_set_color(scr, vars, o_line.color_at(j));
            s_write_char(scr, o_line.char_at(j));
            current_width += fish_wcwidth_min_0(o_line.char_at(j));

        // Clear the screen if we have not done so yet.
        if (should_clear_screen_this_line && !has_cleared_screen) {
            s_move(scr, current_width, (int)i);
            s_write_mbs(scr, clr_eos);
            has_cleared_screen = true;

        bool clear_remainder = false;
        // Clear the remainder of the line if we need to clear and if we didn't write to the end of
        // the line. If we did write to the end of the line, the "sticky right edge" (as part of
        // auto_right_margin) means that we'll be clearing the last character we wrote!
        if (has_cleared_screen) {
            // Already cleared everything.
            clear_remainder = false;
        } else if (need_clear_lines && current_width < screen_width) {
            clear_remainder = true;
        } else if (right_prompt_width < scr->last_right_prompt_width) {
            clear_remainder = true;
        } else {
            int prev_width =
                s_line.text.empty() ? 0 : fish_wcswidth(&s_line.text.at(0), s_line.text.size());
            clear_remainder = prev_width > current_width;
        if (clear_remainder && clr_eol) {
            s_set_color(scr, vars, highlight_spec_t{});
            s_move(scr, current_width, (int)i);
            s_write_mbs(scr, clr_eol);

        // Output any rprompt if this is the first line.
        if (i == 0 && right_prompt_width > 0) {  //!OCLINT(Use early exit/continue)
            s_move(scr, (int)(screen_width - right_prompt_width), (int)i);
            s_set_color(scr, vars, highlight_spec_t{});
            s_write_str(scr, right_prompt.c_str());
            scr->actual.cursor.x += right_prompt_width;

            // We output in the last column. Some terms (Linux) push the cursor further right, past
            // the window. Others make it "stick." Since we don't really know which is which, issue
            // a cr so it goes back to the left.
            // However, if the user is resizing the window smaller, then it's possible the cursor
            // wrapped. If so, then a cr will go to the beginning of the following line! So instead
            // issue a bunch of "move left" commands to get back onto the line, and then jump to the
            // front of it.
            s_move(scr, scr->actual.cursor.x - (int)right_prompt_width, scr->actual.cursor.y);
            s_write_str(scr, L"\r");
            scr->actual.cursor.x = 0;

    // Clear remaining lines (if any) if we haven't cleared the screen.
    if (!has_cleared_screen && scr->desired.line_count() < lines_with_stuff && clr_eol) {
        s_set_color(scr, vars, highlight_spec_t{});
        for (size_t i = scr->desired.line_count(); i < lines_with_stuff; i++) {
            s_move(scr, 0, (int)i);
            s_write_mbs(scr, clr_eol);

    s_move(scr, scr->desired.cursor.x, scr->desired.cursor.y);
    s_set_color(scr, vars, highlight_spec_t{});

    // We have now synced our actual screen against our desired screen. Note that this is a big
    // assignment!
    scr->actual = scr->desired;
    scr->last_right_prompt_width = right_prompt_width;
Ejemplo n.º 5
   Update the screen to match the desired output.
static void s_update( screen_t *scr, const wchar_t *prompt )
	size_t prompt_width = calc_prompt_width( prompt );
	int screen_width = common_get_width();
	int need_clear = scr->need_clear;
	data_buffer_t output;

	scr->need_clear = 0;
	if( scr->actual_width != screen_width )
		need_clear = 1;
		s_move( scr, &output, 0, 0 );
		scr->actual_width = screen_width;
		s_reset( scr, false );
	if( wcscmp( prompt, scr->actual_prompt.c_str() ) )
		s_move( scr, &output, 0, 0 );
		s_write_str( &output, prompt );
        scr->actual_prompt = prompt;
		scr->actual.cursor.x = (int)prompt_width;
    for (size_t i=0; i < scr->desired.line_count(); i++)
		const line_t &o_line = scr->desired.line(i);
		line_t &s_line = scr->actual.create_line(i);
		size_t start_pos = (i==0 ? prompt_width : 0);
        int current_width = 0;
		if( need_clear )
			s_move( scr, &output, (int)start_pos, (int)i );
			s_write_mbs( &output, clr_eol);
        /* Note that skip_remaining is a width, not a character count */
        size_t skip_remaining = start_pos;
        /* Compute how much we should skip. At a minimum we skip over the prompt. But also skip over the shared prefix of what we want to output now, and what we output before, to avoid repeatedly outputting it. */
        size_t shared_prefix = line_shared_prefix(o_line, s_line);
        if (shared_prefix > 0)
            int prefix_width = fish_wcswidth(&o_line.text.at(0), shared_prefix);
            if (prefix_width > skip_remaining)
                skip_remaining = prefix_width;
        /* Skip over skip_remaining width worth of characters */
        size_t j = 0;
        for ( ; j < o_line.size(); j++)
            int width = fish_wcwidth(o_line.char_at(j));
            if (skip_remaining <= width)
            skip_remaining -= width;
            current_width += width;
        /* Skip over zero-width characters (e.g. combining marks at the end of the prompt) */
        for ( ; j < o_line.size(); j++)
            int width = fish_wcwidth(o_line.char_at(j));
            if (width > 0)
        /* Now actually output stuff */
        for ( ; j < o_line.size(); j++)
            s_move( scr, &output, current_width, (int)i );
            s_set_color( scr, &output, o_line.color_at(j) );
            s_write_char( scr, &output, o_line.char_at(j) );
            current_width += fish_wcwidth(o_line.char_at(j));
        /* If we wrote more on this line last time, clear it */
        int prev_length = (s_line.text.empty() ? 0 : fish_wcswidth(&s_line.text.at(0), s_line.text.size()));
        if (prev_length > current_width )
			s_move( scr, &output, current_width, (int)i );
			s_write_mbs( &output, clr_eol);
    /* Clear remaining lines */
    for( size_t i=scr->desired.line_count(); i < scr->actual.line_count(); i++ )
		s_move( scr, &output, 0, (int)i );
		s_write_mbs( &output, clr_eol);
	s_move( scr, &output, scr->desired.cursor.x, scr->desired.cursor.y );
	s_set_color( scr, &output, 0xffffffff);

	if( ! output.empty() )
		write_loop( 1, &output.at(0), output.size() );
    /* We have now synced our actual screen against our desired screen. Note that this is a big assignment! */
    scr->actual = scr->desired;
Ejemplo n.º 6
/// Convenience variants on fish_wcwswidth().
/// See fallback.h for the normal definitions.
int fish_wcswidth(const wcstring &str) { return fish_wcswidth(str.c_str(), str.size()); }
Ejemplo n.º 7
/// Convenience variants on fish_wcwswidth().
/// See fallback.h for the normal definitions.
int fish_wcswidth(const wchar_t *str) { return fish_wcswidth(str, wcslen(str)); }
Ejemplo n.º 8
   Update the screen to match the desired output.
static void s_update(screen_t *scr, const wchar_t *left_prompt, const wchar_t *right_prompt)
    //if (test_stuff(scr)) return;
    const size_t left_prompt_width = calc_prompt_layout(left_prompt).last_line_width;
    const size_t right_prompt_width = calc_prompt_layout(right_prompt).last_line_width;

    int screen_width = common_get_width();

    /* Figure out how many following lines we need to clear (probably 0) */
    size_t actual_lines_before_reset = scr->actual_lines_before_reset;
    scr->actual_lines_before_reset = 0;

    data_buffer_t output;

    bool need_clear_lines = scr->need_clear_lines;
    bool need_clear_screen = scr->need_clear_screen;
    bool has_cleared_screen = false;

    if (scr->actual_width != screen_width)
        /* Ensure we don't issue a clear screen for the very first output, to avoid https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/issues/402 */
        if (scr->actual_width != SCREEN_WIDTH_UNINITIALIZED)
            need_clear_screen = true;
            s_move(scr, &output, 0, 0);
            s_reset(scr, screen_reset_current_line_contents);

            need_clear_lines = need_clear_lines || scr->need_clear_lines;
            need_clear_screen = need_clear_screen || scr->need_clear_screen;
        scr->actual_width = screen_width;

    scr->need_clear_lines = false;
    scr->need_clear_screen = false;

    /* Determine how many lines have stuff on them; we need to clear lines with stuff that we don't want */
    const size_t lines_with_stuff = maxi(actual_lines_before_reset, scr->actual.line_count());
    if (lines_with_stuff > scr->desired.line_count())
        /* There are lines that we output to previously that will need to be cleared */
        //need_clear_lines = true;

    if (wcscmp(left_prompt, scr->actual_left_prompt.c_str()))
        s_move(scr, &output, 0, 0);
        s_write_str(&output, left_prompt);
        scr->actual_left_prompt = left_prompt;
        scr->actual.cursor.x = (int)left_prompt_width;

    for (size_t i=0; i < scr->desired.line_count(); i++)
        const line_t &o_line = scr->desired.line(i);
        line_t &s_line = scr->actual.create_line(i);
        size_t start_pos = (i==0 ? left_prompt_width : 0);
        int current_width = 0;

        /* If this is the last line, maybe we should clear the screen */
        const bool should_clear_screen_this_line = (need_clear_screen && i + 1 == scr->desired.line_count() && clr_eos != NULL);

        /* Note that skip_remaining is a width, not a character count */
        size_t skip_remaining = start_pos;

        if (! should_clear_screen_this_line)
            /* Compute how much we should skip. At a minimum we skip over the prompt. But also skip over the shared prefix of what we want to output now, and what we output before, to avoid repeatedly outputting it. */
            const size_t shared_prefix = line_shared_prefix(o_line, s_line);
            if (shared_prefix > 0)
                int prefix_width = fish_wcswidth(&o_line.text.at(0), shared_prefix);
                if (prefix_width > skip_remaining)
                    skip_remaining = prefix_width;

            /* If we're soft wrapped, and if we're going to change the first character of the next line, don't skip over the last two characters so that we maintain soft-wrapping */
            if (o_line.is_soft_wrapped && i + 1 < scr->desired.line_count())
                bool first_character_of_next_line_will_change = true;
                if (i + 1 < scr->actual.line_count())
                    if (line_shared_prefix(scr->desired.line(i+1), scr->actual.line(i+1)) > 0)
                        first_character_of_next_line_will_change = false;
                if (first_character_of_next_line_will_change)
                    skip_remaining = mini(skip_remaining, (size_t)(scr->actual_width - 2));

        /* Skip over skip_remaining width worth of characters */
        size_t j = 0;
        for (; j < o_line.size(); j++)
            int width = fish_wcwidth_min_0(o_line.char_at(j));
            if (skip_remaining < width)
            skip_remaining -= width;
            current_width += width;

        /* Skip over zero-width characters (e.g. combining marks at the end of the prompt) */
        for (; j < o_line.size(); j++)
            int width = fish_wcwidth_min_0(o_line.char_at(j));
            if (width > 0)

        /* Now actually output stuff */
        for (; j < o_line.size(); j++)
            /* If we are about to output into the last column, clear the screen first. If we clear the screen after we output into the last column, it can erase the last character due to the sticky right cursor. If we clear the screen too early, we can defeat soft wrapping. */
            if (j + 1 == screen_width && should_clear_screen_this_line && ! has_cleared_screen)
                s_move(scr, &output, current_width, (int)i);
                s_write_mbs(&output, clr_eos);
                has_cleared_screen = true;

            perform_any_impending_soft_wrap(scr, current_width, (int)i);
            s_move(scr, &output, current_width, (int)i);
            s_set_color(scr, &output, o_line.color_at(j));
            s_write_char(scr, &output, o_line.char_at(j));
            current_width += fish_wcwidth_min_0(o_line.char_at(j));

        /* Clear the screen if we have not done so yet. */
        if (should_clear_screen_this_line && ! has_cleared_screen)
            s_move(scr, &output, current_width, (int)i);
            s_write_mbs(&output, clr_eos);
            has_cleared_screen = true;

        bool clear_remainder = false;
        /* Clear the remainder of the line if we need to clear and if we didn't write to the end of the line. If we did write to the end of the line, the "sticky right edge" (as part of auto_right_margin) means that we'll be clearing the last character we wrote! */
        if (has_cleared_screen)
            /* Already cleared everything */
            clear_remainder = false;
        else if (need_clear_lines && current_width < screen_width)
            clear_remainder = true;
        else if (right_prompt_width < scr->last_right_prompt_width)
            clear_remainder = true;
            int prev_width = (s_line.text.empty() ? 0 : fish_wcswidth(&s_line.text.at(0), s_line.text.size()));
            clear_remainder = prev_width > current_width;

        if (clear_remainder)
            s_set_color(scr, &output, 0xffffffff);
            s_move(scr, &output, current_width, (int)i);
            s_write_mbs(&output, clr_eol);

        /* Output any rprompt if this is the first line. */
        if (i == 0 && right_prompt_width > 0)
            s_move(scr, &output, (int)(screen_width - right_prompt_width), (int)i);
            s_set_color(scr, &output, 0xffffffff);
            s_write_str(&output, right_prompt);
            scr->actual.cursor.x += right_prompt_width;

            /* We output in the last column. Some terms (Linux) push the cursor further right, past the window. Others make it "stick." Since we don't really know which is which, issue a cr so it goes back to the left.

               However, if the user is resizing the window smaller, then it's possible the cursor wrapped. If so, then a cr will go to the beginning of the following line! So instead issue a bunch of "move left" commands to get back onto the line, and then jump to the front of it (!)

            s_move(scr, &output, scr->actual.cursor.x - (int)right_prompt_width, scr->actual.cursor.y);
            s_write_str(&output, L"\r");
            scr->actual.cursor.x = 0;

    /* Clear remaining lines (if any) if we haven't cleared the screen. */
    if (! has_cleared_screen && scr->desired.line_count() < lines_with_stuff)
        s_set_color(scr, &output, 0xffffffff);
        for (size_t i=scr->desired.line_count(); i < lines_with_stuff; i++)
            s_move(scr, &output, 0, (int)i);
            s_write_mbs(&output, clr_eol);

    s_move(scr, &output, scr->desired.cursor.x, scr->desired.cursor.y);
    s_set_color(scr, &output, 0xffffffff);

    if (! output.empty())
        write_loop(1, &output.at(0), output.size());

    /* We have now synced our actual screen against our desired screen. Note that this is a big assignment! */
    scr->actual = scr->desired;
    scr->last_right_prompt_width = right_prompt_width;