Ejemplo n.º 1
void c_tbegtr (const IRAFPointer tp, const IRAFPointer cp, int row, float *buffer) {

/* Read a value of type float from a table column.
IRAFPointer tp          i: table descriptor
IRAFPointer cp          i: column descriptor
int row                 i: row number (one indexed)
float *buffer           o: value read from table

        TableDescr *tbl_descr;
        ColumnDescr *col_descr;
        int anynul=0;
        long firstelem=1, nelem=1;
        float nulval=IRAF_INDEFR;
        int status = 0;

        tbl_descr = (TableDescr *)tp;
        col_descr = (ColumnDescr *)cp;

        if (col_descr->datatype < 0) {
            char *value;
            int maxch;
            maxch = col_descr->width + 5;
            value = (char *)calloc (maxch, sizeof(char));
            c_tbegtt (tp, cp, row, value, maxch);
            if (strcmp (value, "INDEF") == 0)
                *buffer = IRAF_INDEFR;
                *buffer = atof (value);
            free (value);

        } else if (col_descr->datatype == IRAF_INT) {
            int i_value;
            c_tbegti (tp, cp, row, &i_value);
            if (i_value == IRAF_INDEFI)
                *buffer = IRAF_INDEFR;
                *buffer = i_value;

        } else if (col_descr->datatype == IRAF_SHORT) {
            short si_value;
            c_tbegts (tp, cp, row, &si_value);
            if (si_value == IRAF_INDEFS)
                *buffer = IRAF_INDEFR;
                *buffer = si_value;

        } else {

            /* fits_read_col_flt = ffgcve */
            fits_read_col_flt (tbl_descr->fptr, col_descr->colnum,
                (long)row, firstelem, nelem, nulval,
                buffer, &anynul, &status);
            if (status != 0)
                setError (status, "c_tbegtr:  error reading element");
Ejemplo n.º 2
int extractFoldData(fitsfile *fp,dSet *data,float dm,float *fx,float *fy,float *freq_y,float *time_y,float *bpass, int sub0)
  int n=0;
  int status=0;
  int colnum;
  int i,j,k,l;
  int initflag=0;
  float nval=0;
  float ty[data->phead.nbin];
  float **offs;    // [data->phead.nsub];
  float **dat_scl; // [data->phead.nsub];
  double f0,chanbw,tdelay;
  int bn,cdelay;
  double bintime;
  int addDelay = 0; //500;
//  float bpass[data->phead.nchan*2];
  float bpass_offs[2];
  float bpass_scl[2];
  float meanVal,rmsVal;

  // get mean/RMS of off-pulse for scaling. no longer need OFFS/DAT_SCL
  printf("sub0 = %d\n",sub0);
  if (dm < 0)
    dm = data->phead.dm;
  // Need to remove a baseline from each polarisation channel before summing

  // Get first frequency channel
  // Central frequency
  f0 = data->phead.freq; //-data->phead.chanbw*data->phead.nchan/2;
  //  chanbw = data->phead.bw/data->phead.nchan;
  chanbw = data->phead.chanbw;

  bintime = (double)data->phead.period/(double)data->phead.nbin;

  if (status) {
    printf("Unable to move to bandpass table in FITS file\n");
  // Now read the bandpass
  // NOTE: Starting at element 2 as element 1 is junk
  for (i=0;i<data->phead.nchan*2;i++)
      if (i<data->phead.nchan)
	bpass[i] = bpass[i]*bpass_scl[0] + bpass_offs[0];
	bpass[i] = bpass[i]*bpass_scl[1] + bpass_offs[1];
      //      printf("bpass: %d %g %g %g %g %g \n",i,bpass[i],bpass_scl[0],bpass_scl[1],bpass_offs[0],bpass_offs[1]);
  //  exit(1);

  if (status) {
    printf("Unable to move to subint table in FITS file\n");
  // REMOVED: No longer need dat_scl or offs. OFFS/DAT_SCL
//  offs = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*data->phead.nsub);
//  dat_scl = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*data->phead.nsub);
//  for (i=0;i<data->phead.nsub;i++)
//    {
//      offs[i] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*data->phead.nchan*data->phead.npol);
//      dat_scl[i] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*data->phead.nchan*data->phead.npol);
//    }
//  fits_get_colnum(fp,CASEINSEN,"DAT_OFFS",&colnum,&status);
//  if (status) {
//    printf("Unable to find DAT_OFFS in the subint table in FITS file\n");
//    exit(1);
//  }
//  for (i=0;i<data->phead.nsub;i++)
//    {
//      fits_read_col_flt(fp,colnum,i+1,1,data->phead.nchan*data->phead.npol,nval,offs[i],&initflag,&status);
//      //      printf("offs = %g\n",offs[i][5]);
//      //      offs[i] =0;
//    }
//  fits_get_colnum(fp,CASEINSEN,"DAT_SCL",&colnum,&status);
//  if (status) {
//    printf("Unable to find DAT_SCL in the subint table in FITS file\n");
//    exit(1);
//  }
//  for (i=0;i<data->phead.nsub;i++)
//    {
//      fits_read_col_flt(fp,colnum,i+1,1,data->phead.nchan*data->phead.npol,nval,dat_scl[i],&initflag,&status);
//      //      printf("dat_scl = %g\n",dat_scl[i][5]);
//      //            dat_scl[i]=1.0;
//    }

  if (status) {
    printf("Unable to find data in the subint table in FITS file\n");
  if (sub0==0)
      for (i=0;i<data->phead.nbin;i++)
	  fx[i] = i;
	  fy[i] = 0;
      printf("Loading %d subintegrations\n",data->phead.nsub);
      printf("Number of frequency channels = %d\n",data->phead.nchan);
      printf("Number of polarisations = %d\n",data->phead.npol);
      for (i=0;i<data->phead.nchan*data->phead.nbin;i++)
	freq_y[i] = 0;
  for (i=sub0;i<data->phead.nsub;i++) // *data->phead.nbin;i++)
      for (j=0;j<data->phead.nbin;j++)
	time_y[i*data->phead.nbin+j] = 0;
  for (l=sub0;l<data->phead.nsub;l++)
      for (j=0;j<data->phead.npol && j < 2;j++) // Do not add cross terms!
	  for (i=0;i<data->phead.nchan;i++)
	      // Must calculate the frequency of this channel
	      // ... calculate the delay caused by the DM
	      // ... dedisperse the subintegration
	      //	      tdelay = 4.15e-3*dm*(pow(f0/1000.0,-2)-pow((f0+chanbw*i)/1000.0,-2));
	      tdelay = 4.15e-3*dm*(pow(f0/1000.0,-2)-pow((f0+(chanbw*i-chanbw*data->phead.nchan/2.0))/1000.0,-2));
	      cdelay = nint(-tdelay/bintime);
	      //	      if (l==0 && j==0)
	      //		printf("Have %g %g %g %d %d\n",dm,f0,f0+chanbw*i,i,cdelay);
	      //for (k=0;k<data->phead.nbin;k++)
		 // ty[k] = ((ty[k]+offs[l][j*data->phead.nchan+i])*dat_scl[l][j*data->phead.nchan+i]); //+offs[l][j*data->phead.nchan+i]);

		  /*		  if (j==0)
		    ty[k] -= bpass[i];
		  else if (j==1)
		    ty[k] -= bpass[data->phead.nchan+i];
		      ty[k] -= sqrt(bpass[data->phead.nchan+i]*bpass[i]);
		      } */
	//	}

	      if (rmsVal == 0.0 ) rmsVal=1.0;
	      //	      printf("Val = %g\n",ty[10]);
	      for (k=0;k<data->phead.nbin;k++)
		  //		  if (i==10 && l==10)
		  //		    printf("Orig value = %g\n",ty[k]);

		  //ty[k] = ((ty[k]+offs[l][j*data->phead.nchan+i])*dat_scl[l][j*data->phead.nchan+i]); //+offs[l][j*data->phead.nchan+i]);
		  ty[k] -= meanVal;
		  ty[k] /= rmsVal;
		  // Subtract bandpass
		  /*		  if (j==0)
		    ty[k] -= bpass[i];
		  else if (j==1)
		    ty[k] -= bpass[data->phead.nchan+i];
		      ty[k] -= sqrt(bpass[data->phead.nchan+i]*bpass[i]);
		      } */
		  //		  if (l==10)
		  //		    printf("New value = %g\n",ty[k]);
		  bn = k-cdelay + addDelay;
		  //		  bn = nint(fmod(k-tdelay/bintime,data->phead.nbin));
		  while (bn >= data->phead.nbin)
		    bn -= data->phead.nbin;
		  while (bn < 0)
		    bn += data->phead.nbin;
		  freq_y[i*data->phead.nbin+k]+=(ty[k]); ///(float)(data->phead.npol*data->phead.nsub));
		  //		  printf("timey = %g\n",time_y[l*data->phead.nbin+bn]);
  // REMOVED: OFFS/DAT_SCL table no longer needed.
  //for (i=0;i<data->phead.nsub;i++)
  //  {
  //    free(offs[i]);
  //    free(dat_scl[i]);
  //  }
  printf("Status = %d\n",status);
Ejemplo n.º 3
int HEALPixIn(struct healpix *hpxdat)

  char   crdsys[32], ordering[32];
  int    anynul, hdutype, iaxis, nfound, status;
  long   firstpix, ipix, lastpix, naxis, *naxes = 0x0, nside = 0, repeat;
  float  *datap, nulval;
  LONGLONG firstelem, irow, nelem, npix = 0, nrow = 0;
  fitsfile *fptr;

  status = 0;
  hpxdat->data = 0x0;

  /* Open the FITS file and move to the first HDU with NAXIS != 0. */
  if (fits_open_data(&fptr, hpxdat->infile, READONLY, &status)) goto fitserr;

  /* Is this the primary HDU or an extension? */
  if (fits_get_hdu_type(fptr, &hdutype, &status)) goto fitserr;
  if (!(hdutype == IMAGE_HDU || hdutype == BINARY_TBL)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s does not contain HEALPix data.\n",
    return 1;

  /* Get the image size. */
  if (fits_read_key_lng(fptr, "NAXIS", &naxis, 0x0, &status)) goto fitserr;
  naxes = malloc(naxis*sizeof(long));
  if (fits_read_keys_lng(fptr, "NAXIS", 1, (int)naxis, naxes, &nfound,
                         &status)) goto fitserr;

  if (hdutype == IMAGE_HDU) {
    /* Look for the first non-degenerate image axis. */
    for (iaxis = 0; iaxis < nfound; iaxis++) {
      if (naxes[iaxis] > 1) {
        /* Assume for now that it is the total number of pixels. */
        npix = naxes[iaxis];

  } else if (hdutype == BINARY_TBL) {
    /* Binary tables are simpler. */
    if (nfound > 1) nrow = naxes[1];

    /* (Note that fits_get_coltypell() is not available in cfitsio 2.x.) */
    if (fits_get_coltype(fptr, hpxdat->col, 0x0, &repeat, 0x0, &status)) {
      goto fitserr;
    nelem = (LONGLONG)repeat;

  if (!npix && !nrow) {
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not determine image size.\n");
    goto cleanup;

  /* Number of pixels per side of each base-resolution pixel. */
  if (fits_read_key_lng(fptr, "NSIDE", &nside, 0x0, &status)) {
    /* Some HEALPix files, e.g. SFD dust maps, don't record NSIDE. */
    if (status != KEY_NO_EXIST) goto fitserr;
    status = 0;

  /* FIRSTPIX and LASTPIX, if present, record the 0-relative pixel numbers of
   * the first and last pixels stored in the data. */
  firstpix = -1;
  if (fits_read_key_lng(fptr, "FIRSTPIX", &firstpix, 0x0, &status)) {
    if (status != KEY_NO_EXIST) goto fitserr;
    status = 0;

  lastpix = -1;
  if (fits_read_key_lng(fptr, "LASTPIX", &lastpix, 0x0, &status)) {
    if (status != KEY_NO_EXIST) goto fitserr;
    status = 0;

  if (!nside) {
    /* Deduce NSIDE. */
    if (lastpix >= 0) {
      /* If LASTPIX is present without NSIDE we can only assume it's npix. */
      nside = (int)(sqrt((double)((lastpix+1) / 12)) + 0.5);
    } else if (npix) {
      nside = (int)(sqrt((double)(npix / 12)) + 0.5);
    } else if (nrow) {
      nside = (int)(sqrt((double)((nrow * nelem) / 12)) + 0.5);

  hpxdat->nside = (int)nside;
  hpxdat->npix  = 12*nside*nside;

  /* Ensure that FIRSTPIX and LASTPIX are set. */
  if (firstpix < 0) firstpix = 0;
  if (lastpix  < 0) lastpix  = hpxdat->npix - 1;

  /* Any sign of a coordinate system identifier? */
  if (fits_read_key_str(fptr, "COORDSYS", crdsys, 0x0, &status)) {
    if (status != KEY_NO_EXIST) goto fitserr;
    status = 0;
  } else if (crdsys[0] == 'G') {
    hpxdat->crdsys = 'G';
  } else if (crdsys[0] == 'E') {
    hpxdat->crdsys = 'E';
  } else if (crdsys[0] == 'C') {
    /* ("celestial") */
    hpxdat->crdsys = 'Q';

  /* Nested or ring ordering? */
  if (fits_read_key_str(fptr, "ORDERING", ordering, 0x0, &status)) {
    /* Some HEALPix files, e.g. SFD dust maps, don't record ORDERING. */
    if (status != KEY_NO_EXIST) goto fitserr;
    status = 0;

  } else if (strcmp(ordering, "NESTED") == 0) {
    hpxdat->ordering = 'N';

  } else if (strcmp(ordering, "RING") == 0) {
    hpxdat->ordering = 'R';

  } else {
    fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Invalid ORDERING keyword: %s.\n", ordering);

  /* Allocate memory and read the data. */
  if ((hpxdat->data = malloc((hpxdat->npix)*sizeof(float))) == NULL) {
    goto cleanup;

  datap = hpxdat->data;
  for (ipix = 0; ipix < firstpix; ipix++) {
    *(datap++) = nulval;

  firstelem = (LONGLONG)1;
  if (hdutype == IMAGE_HDU) {
    if (fits_read_img_flt(fptr, 0l, firstelem, npix, nulval, datap, &anynul,
        &status)) goto fitserr;

  } else if (hdutype == BINARY_TBL) {
    for (irow = 0; irow < nrow; irow++) {
      if (fits_read_col_flt(fptr, hpxdat->col, irow+1, firstelem, nelem,
          nulval, datap, &anynul, &status)) goto fitserr;
      datap += nelem;

  datap = hpxdat->data + (lastpix + 1);
  for (ipix = (lastpix+1); ipix < hpxdat->npix; ipix++) {
    *(datap++) = nulval;

  /* Clean up. */
  fits_close_file(fptr, &status);
  status = 0;
  return 0;

  fits_report_error(stderr, status);
  if (naxes) free(naxes);
  if (hpxdat->data) free(hpxdat->data);
  hpxdat->data = 0x0;
  return 1;