Ejemplo n.º 1
fitsfile* create_fits_file(const char* filename, int precision,
        int width, int height, int num_times, int num_channels,
        double centre_deg[2], double fov_deg[2], double start_time_mjd,
        double delta_time_sec, double start_freq_hz, double delta_freq_hz,
        int* status)
    long naxes[4];
    double delta;
    fitsfile* f = 0;
    FILE* t = 0;
    if (*status) return 0;

    /* Create a new FITS file and write the image headers. */
    t = fopen(filename, "rb");
    if (t)
    naxes[0]  = width;
    naxes[1]  = height;
    naxes[2]  = num_channels;
    naxes[3]  = num_times;
    fits_create_file(&f, filename, status);
    fits_create_img(f, (precision == OSKAR_DOUBLE ? DOUBLE_IMG : FLOAT_IMG),
            4, naxes, status);
    fits_write_date(f, status);

    /* Write axis headers. */
    delta = oskar_convert_fov_to_cellsize(fov_deg[0] * M_PI/180, width) * 180/M_PI;
    write_axis_header(f, 1, "RA---SIN", "Right Ascension",
            centre_deg[0], -delta, width / 2 + 1, 0.0, status);
    delta = oskar_convert_fov_to_cellsize(fov_deg[1] * M_PI/180, height) * 180/M_PI;
    write_axis_header(f, 2, "DEC--SIN", "Declination",
            centre_deg[1], delta, height / 2 + 1, 0.0, status);
    write_axis_header(f, 3, "FREQ", "Frequency",
            start_freq_hz, delta_freq_hz, 1.0, 0.0, status);
    write_axis_header(f, 4, "UTC", "Time",
            start_time_mjd, delta_time_sec, 1.0, 0.0, status);

    /* Write other headers. */
    fits_write_key_str(f, "BUNIT", "JY/BEAM", "Brightness units", status);
    fits_write_key_str(f, "TIMESYS", "UTC", NULL, status);
    fits_write_key_str(f, "TIMEUNIT", "s", "Time axis units", status);
    fits_write_key_dbl(f, "MJD-OBS", start_time_mjd, 10, "Start time", status);
    fits_write_key_dbl(f, "OBSRA", centre_deg[0], 10, "RA", status);
    fits_write_key_dbl(f, "OBSDEC", centre_deg[1], 10, "DEC", status);
    /*fits_flush_file(f, status);*/

    return f;
static void write_axis(fitsfile* fptr, int axis_id, const char* ctype,
        const char* ctype_comment, double crval, double cdelt, double crpix,
        int* status)
    char key[FLEN_KEYWORD], value[FLEN_VALUE], comment[FLEN_COMMENT];
    int decimals = 10;
    strncpy(comment, ctype_comment, FLEN_COMMENT-1);
    strncpy(value, ctype, FLEN_VALUE-1);
    fits_make_keyn("CTYPE", axis_id, key, status);
    fits_write_key_str(fptr, key, value, comment, status);
    fits_make_keyn("CRVAL", axis_id, key, status);
    fits_write_key_dbl(fptr, key, crval, decimals, NULL, status);
    fits_make_keyn("CDELT", axis_id, key, status);
    fits_write_key_dbl(fptr, key, cdelt, decimals, NULL, status);
    fits_make_keyn("CRPIX", axis_id, key, status);
    fits_write_key_dbl(fptr, key, crpix, decimals, NULL, status);
    fits_make_keyn("CROTA", axis_id, key, status);
    fits_write_key_dbl(fptr, key, 0.0, decimals, NULL, status);
static fitsfile* create_fits_file(const char* filename, int precision,
        int width, int height, int num_times, int num_channels,
        double centre_deg[2], double fov_deg[2], double start_time_mjd,
        double delta_time_sec, double start_freq_hz, double delta_freq_hz,
        int horizon_mode, const char* settings_log, size_t settings_log_length,
        int* status)
    int imagetype;
    long naxes[4], naxes_dummy[4] = {1l, 1l, 1l, 1l};
    double delta;
    const double deg2rad = M_PI / 180.0;
    const double rad2deg = 180.0 / M_PI;
    fitsfile* f = 0;
    const char* line;
    size_t length;
    if (*status) return 0;

    /* Create a new FITS file and write the image headers. */
    if (oskar_file_exists(filename)) remove(filename);
    imagetype = (precision == OSKAR_DOUBLE ? DOUBLE_IMG : FLOAT_IMG);
    naxes[0]  = width;
    naxes[1]  = height;
    naxes[2]  = num_channels;
    naxes[3]  = num_times;
    fits_create_file(&f, filename, status);
    fits_create_img(f, imagetype, 4, naxes_dummy, status);
    fits_write_date(f, status);
    fits_write_key_str(f, "TELESCOP", "OSKAR " OSKAR_VERSION_STR, 0, status);

    /* Write axis headers. */
    if (horizon_mode)
        delta = oskar_convert_fov_to_cellsize(M_PI, width);
        write_axis(f, 1, "-----SIN", "Azimuthal angle",
                0.0, -delta * rad2deg, (width + 1) / 2.0, status);
        delta = oskar_convert_fov_to_cellsize(M_PI, height);
        write_axis(f, 2, "-----SIN", "Elevation",
                90.0, delta * rad2deg, (height + 1) / 2.0, status);
        delta = oskar_convert_fov_to_cellsize(fov_deg[0] * deg2rad, width);
        write_axis(f, 1, "RA---SIN", "Right Ascension",
                centre_deg[0], -delta * rad2deg, (width + 1) / 2.0, status);
        delta = oskar_convert_fov_to_cellsize(fov_deg[1] * deg2rad, height);
        write_axis(f, 2, "DEC--SIN", "Declination",
                centre_deg[1], delta * rad2deg, (height + 1) / 2.0, status);
    write_axis(f, 3, "FREQ", "Frequency",
            start_freq_hz, delta_freq_hz, 1.0, status);
    write_axis(f, 4, "UTC", "Time",
            start_time_mjd * 86400.0, delta_time_sec, 1.0, status);

    /* Write other headers. */
    fits_write_key_str(f, "TIMESYS", "UTC", NULL, status);
    fits_write_key_str(f, "TIMEUNIT", "s", "Time axis units", status);
    fits_write_key_dbl(f, "MJD-OBS", start_time_mjd, 10, "Start time", status);
    if (!horizon_mode)
        fits_write_key_dbl(f, "OBSRA", centre_deg[0], 10, "RA", status);
        fits_write_key_dbl(f, "OBSDEC", centre_deg[1], 10, "DEC", status);

    /* Write the settings log up to this point as HISTORY comments. */
    line = settings_log;
    length = settings_log_length;
    for (; settings_log_length > 0;)
        const char* eol;
        fits_write_history(f, line, status);
        eol = (const char*) memchr(line, '\0', length);
        if (!eol) break;
        eol += 1;
        length -= (eol - line);
        line = eol;

    /* Update header keywords with the correct axis lengths.
     * Needs to be done here because CFITSIO doesn't let us write only the
     * file header with the correct axis lengths to start with. This trick
     * allows us to create a small dummy image block to write only the headers,
     * and not waste effort moving a huge block of zeros within the file. */
    fits_update_key_lng(f, "NAXIS1", naxes[0], 0, status);
    fits_update_key_lng(f, "NAXIS2", naxes[1], 0, status);
    fits_update_key_lng(f, "NAXIS3", naxes[2], 0, status);
    fits_update_key_lng(f, "NAXIS4", naxes[3], 0, status);

    return f;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/// Saves the current image in the OpenCL memory buffer to the specified FITS file
/// If the OpenCL memory has not been initialzed, this function immediately returns
void   CLibOI::ExportImage(string filename)
	if(mImage_cl == NULL)

	// TODO: Adapt for multi-spectral images

	// Create a storage buffer for the image and copoy the image to it:
	valarray<float> image(mImageWidth * mImageHeight * mImageDepth);
	ExportImage(&image[0], mImageWidth, mImageHeight, mImageDepth);

	// write out the FITS file:
	fitsfile *fptr;
	int status = 0;
	long fpixel = 1, naxis = 2, nelements;
	long naxes[2];

	/*Initialise storage*/
	naxes[0] = (long) mImageWidth;
	naxes[1] = (long) mImageHeight;
	nelements = mImageWidth * mImageWidth;

	/*Create new file*/
	if (status == 0)
		fits_create_file(&fptr, filename.c_str(), &status);

	/*Create primary array image*/
	if (status == 0)
		fits_create_img(fptr, FLOAT_IMG, naxis, naxes, &status);

	double RPMAS = (M_PI / 180.0) / 3600000.0;
	double image_scale_rad = mImageScale * RPMAS;

	// Write keywords to get WCS to work //
	fits_write_key_dbl(fptr, "CDELT1", -image_scale_rad, 3, "Radians per pixel", &status);
	fits_write_key_dbl(fptr, "CDELT2", image_scale_rad, 3, "Radians per pixel", &status);
	fits_write_key_dbl(fptr, "CRVAL1", 0.0, 3, "X-coordinate of reference pixel", &status);
	fits_write_key_dbl(fptr, "CRVAL2", 0.0, 3, "Y-coordinate of reference pixel", &status);
	fits_write_key_lng(fptr, "CRPIX1", naxes[0]/2, "reference pixel in X", &status);
	fits_write_key_lng(fptr, "CRPIX2", naxes[1]/2, "reference pixel in Y", &status);
	fits_write_key_str(fptr, "CTYPE1", "RA",  "Name of X-coordinate", &status);
	fits_write_key_str(fptr, "CTYPE2", "DEC", "Name of Y-coordinate", &status);
	fits_write_key_str(fptr, "CUNIT1", "rad", "Unit of X-coordinate", &status);
	fits_write_key_str(fptr, "CUNIT2", "rad", "Unit of Y-coordinate", &status);

	/*Write a keywords (datafile, target, image scale) */
//	if (status == 0)
//		fits_update_key(fptr, TSTRING, "DATAFILE", "FakeImage", "Data File Name", &status);
//	if (status == 0)
//		fits_update_key(fptr, TSTRING, "TARGET", "FakeImage", "Target Name", &status);
//	if (status == 0)
//		fits_update_key(fptr, TFLOAT, "SCALE", &mImageScale, "Scale (mas/pixel)", &status);

	/*Write image*/
	if (status == 0)
		fits_write_img(fptr, TFLOAT, fpixel, nelements, &image[0], &status);

	/*Close file*/
	if (status == 0)
		fits_close_file(fptr, &status);

	/*Report any errors*/
	fits_report_error(stderr, status);
Ejemplo n.º 5
int HPXhdr(fitsfile *fptr, struct healpix *hpxdat)

  char   comment[64], cval[16], *ctype1, *ctype2, *descr1, *descr2, *pcode;
  int    status;
  float  cos45, crpix1, crpix2, crval1, crval2, lonpole;
  double cdelt1, cdelt2;

  status = 0;

  fits_update_key_log(fptr, "EXTEND", 0,
    "No FITS extensions are present", &status);
  fits_write_date(fptr, &status);

  /* Set pixel transformation parameters. */
  if (hpxdat->layout == 0) {
    crpix1 = (5 * hpxdat->nside + 1) / 2.0f;
  } else {
    crpix1 = (4 * hpxdat->nside + 1) / 2.0f;
  crpix2 = crpix1;

  fits_write_key(fptr, TFLOAT, "CRPIX1", &crpix1,
    "Coordinate reference pixel", &status);
  fits_write_key(fptr, TFLOAT, "CRPIX2", &crpix2,
    "Coordinate reference pixel", &status);

  cos45 = (float)sqrt(2.0) / 2.0f;
  if (hpxdat->layout == 0) {
    fits_write_key_flt(fptr, "PC1_1",  cos45, -8,
      "Transformation matrix element", &status);
    fits_write_key_flt(fptr, "PC1_2",  cos45, -8,
      "Transformation matrix element", &status);
    fits_write_key_flt(fptr, "PC2_1", -cos45, -8,
      "Transformation matrix element", &status);
    fits_write_key_flt(fptr, "PC2_2",  cos45, -8,
      "Transformation matrix element", &status);

  cdelt1 = -90.0 / hpxdat->nside / sqrt(2.0);
  cdelt2 = -cdelt1;
  fits_write_key_dbl(fptr, "CDELT1", cdelt1, -8,
    "[deg] Coordinate increment", &status);
  fits_write_key_dbl(fptr, "CDELT2", cdelt2, -8,
    "[deg] Coordinate increment", &status);

  /* Celestial transformation parameters. */
  if (hpxdat->layout == 0) {
    pcode = "HPX";
  } else {
    pcode = "XPH";

  if (hpxdat->crdsys == 'G') {
    /* Galactic. */
    ctype1 = "GLON";
    ctype2 = "GLAT";
    descr1 = "Galactic longitude";
    descr2 = "Galactic  latitude";
  } else if (hpxdat->crdsys == 'E') {
    /* Ecliptic, who-knows-what. */
    ctype1 = "ELON";
    ctype2 = "ELAT";
    descr1 = "Ecliptic longitude";
    descr2 = "Ecliptic  latitude";
  } else if (hpxdat->crdsys == 'Q') {
    /* Equatorial, who-knows-what. */
    ctype1 = "RA--";
    ctype2 = "DEC-";
    descr1 = "Right ascension";
    descr2 = "Declination";
  } else {
    /* Unknown. */
    ctype1 = "XLON";
    ctype2 = "XLAT";
    descr1 = "Longitude";
    descr2 = " Latitude";

  sprintf(cval, "%s-%s", ctype1, pcode);
  sprintf(comment, "%s in an %s projection", descr1, pcode);
  fits_write_key_str(fptr, "CTYPE1", cval, comment, &status);
  sprintf(cval, "%s-%s", ctype2, pcode);
  sprintf(comment, "%s in an %s projection", descr2, pcode);
  fits_write_key_str(fptr, "CTYPE2", cval, comment, &status);

  crval1 = 0.0f + 90.0f * hpxdat->quad;
  if (hpxdat->layout == 0) {
    crval2 =   0.0f;
  } else if (hpxdat->layout == 1) {
    crval1 += 180.0f;
    crval2  =  90.0f;
  } else {
    crval1 += 180.0f;
    crval2  = -90.0f;
  if (360.0f < crval1) crval1 -= 360.0f;

  sprintf(comment, "[deg] %s at the reference point", descr1);
  fits_write_key(fptr, TFLOAT, "CRVAL1", &crval1, comment, &status);
  sprintf(comment, "[deg] %s at the reference point", descr2);
  fits_write_key(fptr, TFLOAT, "CRVAL2", &crval2, comment, &status);

  if (hpxdat->layout) {
    lonpole = 180.0f;
    sprintf(comment, "[deg] Native longitude of the celestial pole");
    fits_write_key(fptr, TFLOAT, "LONPOLE", &lonpole, comment, &status);

  if (hpxdat->layout == 0) {
    fits_write_key_lng(fptr, "PV2_1", (LONGLONG)4,
      "HPX H parameter (longitude)", &status);
    fits_write_key_lng(fptr, "PV2_2", (LONGLONG)3,
      "HPX K parameter  (latitude)", &status);

  /* Commentary. */
  fits_write_record(fptr, " ", &status);
  if (hpxdat->layout == 0) {
      "Celestial map with FITS-standard HPX coordinate system generated by",
  } else {
      "Celestial map with XPH coordinate system (polar HPX) generated by",

    "'HPXcvt' which reorganises HEALPix data without interpolation as",
    "described in \"Mapping on the HEALPix grid\" by Mark Calabretta and",
    "Boud Roukema.  See http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/Mark.Calabretta",

  return status;