Ejemplo n.º 1
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  std::string pcd_file;

  if (argc > 1)
    pcd_file = argv[1];
    printf ("\nUsage: pcl_example_nurbs_fitting_curve pcd-file \n\n");
    printf ("  pcd-file    point-cloud file\n");
    exit (0);

  // #################### LOAD FILE #########################
  printf ("  loading %s\n", pcd_file.c_str ());
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
  pcl::PCLPointCloud2 cloud2;

  if (pcl::io::loadPCDFile (pcd_file, cloud2) == -1)
    throw std::runtime_error ("  PCD file not found.");

  fromPCLPointCloud2 (cloud2, *cloud);

  // convert to NURBS data structure
  pcl::on_nurbs::NurbsDataCurve2d data;
  PointCloud2Vector2d (cloud, data.interior);

  viewer.setSize (800, 600);
  viewer.addPointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> (cloud, "cloud");

  // #################### CURVE PARAMETERS #########################
  unsigned order (3);
  unsigned n_control_points (10);

  pcl::on_nurbs::FittingCurve2d::Parameter curve_params;
  curve_params.smoothness = 0.000001;
  curve_params.rScale = 1.0;

  // #################### CURVE FITTING #########################
  ON_NurbsCurve curve = pcl::on_nurbs::FittingCurve2d::initNurbsPCA (order, &data, n_control_points);

  pcl::on_nurbs::FittingCurve2d fit (&data, curve);
  fit.assemble (curve_params);

  Eigen::Vector2d fix1 (0.1, 0.1);
  Eigen::Vector2d fix2 (1.0, 0.0);
//  fit.addControlPointConstraint (0, fix1, 100.0);
//  fit.addControlPointConstraint (curve.CVCount () - 1, fix2, 100.0);

  fit.solve ();

  // visualize
  VisualizeCurve (fit.m_nurbs, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, true);
  viewer.spin ();

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int crypto_aead_decrypt(
                        unsigned char *m,unsigned long long *mlen,          // message
                        unsigned char *nsec,                                // not relavent to CLOC or SLIC
                        const unsigned char *c,unsigned long long clen,     // ciphertext
                        const unsigned char *ad,unsigned long long adlen,   // associated data
                        const unsigned char *npub,                          // nonce
                        const unsigned char *k                              // the master key
    block estate, tstate, tmp;  // encryption state, tag state, and temporary state
    estate = SETZERO();
    unsigned char ltag[16];     // local copy of temporary tag value
    unsigned long long i, lastblocklen,j;
    /* set ciphertext length */
    *mlen = clen - CRYPTO_ABYTES;
    /* generate round keys from master key */
    /* process the first (partial) block of ad */
    load_partial_block(&estate, ad, (adlen>STATE_LEN)?STATE_LEN:adlen, ONE_ZERO_PADDING);
    AES128_encrypt(estate, estate);
    if((ad[0] & 0x80) || (adlen == 0)){
        // appy h
        // do nothing
    if(adlen > STATE_LEN){ // ad is of moer than one block
        i = STATE_LEN;
        /* process the middle ad blocks, excluding the first and last (partial) block */
        while((i+STATE_LEN) < adlen)
            tmp = LOAD(ad+i);
            estate = XOR(estate, tmp);
            AES128_encrypt(estate, estate);
            i += STATE_LEN;
        /* process the last (partial) ad block */
        load_partial_block(&tmp, ad+i, adlen - i, ONE_ZERO_PADDING);
        estate = XOR(estate, tmp);
        AES128_encrypt(estate, estate);
    /* process the nonce */
    load_partial_block(&tmp, npub, CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES, PARAM_OZP);
    estate = XOR(estate, tmp);
    if((adlen % STATE_LEN) || (adlen == 0)){
        /* apply f2 */
        /* apply f1 */
    /* process ciphertext */
    tstate = estate;
    AES128_encrypt(estate, estate);
        /* apply g2 to tag state */
        /* apply g1 to tag state */
    AES128_encrypt(tstate, tstate);
    i = 0;
    /* process all the message except for the last message/ciphertext block */
    while((i + STATE_LEN) < (*mlen)){
        tmp = LOAD(c+i);
        estate = XOR(estate, tmp);
        STORE(m+i, estate);
        tstate = XOR(tmp, tstate);
        AES128_encrypt(tstate, tstate);
        print_state("after applying fix1\n", estate);
        AES128_encrypt(tmp, estate);
        i += STATE_LEN;
    /* process the last block of the message/ciphetext */
    lastblocklen = (*mlen) - i;
    if(lastblocklen > 0){
        load_partial_block(&tmp, c+i, lastblocklen, ZERO_APPEND);
        estate = XOR(estate, tmp);
        print_state("after xoring last partial message block\n", estate);
        store_partial_block(m+i, estate, lastblocklen);
        unsigned char shift_bytes = (STATE_LEN - (unsigned char)lastblocklen);
        tmp = AND(SHR(_mm_set1_epi8(0xff), shift_bytes), tmp);
        tstate = XOR(tstate, tmp);
        /* add the one zero padding */
        tstate = XOR(tstate, SHL(_mm_set_epi8(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0x80), lastblocklen));
        if((*mlen) % STATE_LEN){
            /* apply f2 */
            /* apply f1 */
        AES128_encrypt(tstate, tstate);
    /* compare tag and output message */
    STORE(ltag, tstate);
    for(j = 0; j < CRYPTO_ABYTES; j++){
        if(ltag[j] != c[clen - CRYPTO_ABYTES + j])
            return RETURN_TAG_NO_MATCH;
    return RETURN_SUCCESS;
