Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    printf("libfixmath test tool\n");


	uintptr_t args = (1 <<  8);
	uintptr_t iter = (1 <<  8);
	uintptr_t pass = (1 <<  8);

	uintptr_t i;

	hiclock_t fix_duration = 0;
	hiclock_t flt_duration = 0;
	fix16_t   fix_error = 0;

	uintptr_t k;
	for(k = 0; k < pass; k++) {
		fix16_t fix_args[args];
		for(i = 0; i < args; i++)
			fix_args[i] = (rand() ^ (rand() << 16));
		fix16_t fix_result[args];
		hiclock_t fix_start = hiclock();
		for(i = 0; i < iter; i++) {
			uintptr_t j;
			for(j = 0; j < args; j++)
				fix_result[j] = fix_func(fix_args[j]);
		hiclock_t fix_end = hiclock();

		float   flt_args[args];
		for(i = 0; i < args; i++)
			flt_args[i] = fix16_to_float(fix_args[i]);
		float   flt_result[args];
		hiclock_t flt_start = hiclock();
		for(i = 0; i < iter; i++) {
			uintptr_t j;
			for(j = 0; j < args; j++)
				flt_result[j] = flt_func(flt_args[j]);
		hiclock_t flt_end = hiclock();

		for(i = 0; i < args; i++)
			fix_error += abs(fix16_from_float(flt_result[i]) - fix_result[i]);
		flt_duration += (flt_end - flt_start);
		fix_duration += (fix_end - fix_start);

	printf("%16s: %08"PRIuHICLOCK" @ %"PRIu32"Hz\n", flt_func_str, flt_duration, HICLOCKS_PER_SEC);
	printf("%16s: %08"PRIuHICLOCK" @ %"PRIu32"Hz\n", fix_func_str, fix_duration, HICLOCKS_PER_SEC);
	printf("      Difference: %08"PRIiHICLOCK" (% 3.2f%%)\n", (flt_duration - fix_duration), ((fix_duration * 100.0) / flt_duration));
	printf("           Error: %f%%\n", ((fix16_to_dbl(fix_error) * 100.0) / (args * pass)));

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void
dump_structure(const struct codebook * b, int index)
  printf("  {\n");
  printf("    %d,\n", b->k);

   #ifdef MATH_Q16_16
    printf("  %i,\n", fix16_from_float((log(b->m) / log(2))));
    printf("  %g,\n", log(b->m) / log(2));

  printf("    %d,\n", b->m);
  printf("    codes%d\n", index);
  printf("  }");
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void
dump_array(const struct codebook * b, int index)
  int	limit = b->k * b->m;
  int	i;

  printf("static const scalar codes%d[] = {\n", index);
  for ( i = 0; i < limit; i++ ) {
   #ifdef MATH_Q16_16
    printf("  %i", fix16_from_float(b->cb[i]));
    printf("  %g", b->cb[i]);
    if ( i < limit - 1 )

    /* organise VQs by rows, looks prettier */
    if ( ((i+1) % b->k) == 0 )
Ejemplo n.º 4
		const Fix16 smul(const float other)   const { Fix16 ret = fix16_smul(value, fix16_from_float(other)); return ret; }
Ejemplo n.º 5
		const Fix16 ssub(const float other)   const { Fix16 ret = fix16_sadd(value, -fix16_from_float(other)); return ret; }
Ejemplo n.º 6
		Fix16 & operator/=(const float rhs)   { value = fix16_div(value, fix16_from_float(rhs)); return *this; }
Ejemplo n.º 7
		Fix16 & operator-=(const float rhs)   { value -= fix16_from_float(rhs); return *this; }
Ejemplo n.º 8
		const int operator> (const float other)   const { return (value >  fix16_from_float(other)); }
Ejemplo n.º 9
		Fix16(const float inValue)   { value = fix16_from_float(inValue); }
Ejemplo n.º 10
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool cube_tick(const FrameInput& input, FrameOutput& output, FXState& state)
  EffectData* data = (EffectData*)state.store;


  Fix16 dial2((int16_t)input.dialChange[2]);
  dial2 *= fix16_from_float(1.75f);

  data->rotY += dial2;
  data->rotX -= dial2 * fix16_pt_five;
  data->delta += Fix16((int16_t)input.dialChange[1]) * fix16_from_float(0.05f);

  if (data->delta > fix16_one)
    data->delta = fix16_one;
  if (data->delta < fix16_zero)
    data->delta = fix16_zero;

  Fxp3D pj[8];

  Fix16 fov(9.0f), dist;

  dist = dist.cos(data->distPulse);
  dist *= 0.5f;
  dist += 2.2f;

  for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
    pj[i] = verts[i].eulerProject(data->rotX, data->rotY, data->rotZ, fov, dist);

  data->rotX += Fix16(0.6f) * data->delta;
  data->rotY += Fix16(1.7f) * data->delta;
  data->rotZ += Fix16(0.3f) * data->delta;
  data->distPulse += Fix16(0.04f) * data->delta;

  for (int f=0; f<6; f++)
    int bi = (f * 4);
      pj[ faces[bi + 0] ].x,
      pj[ faces[bi + 0] ].y,
      pj[ faces[bi + 1] ].x,
      pj[ faces[bi + 1] ].y,

      pj[ faces[bi + 1] ].x,
      pj[ faces[bi + 1] ].y,
      pj[ faces[bi + 2] ].x,
      pj[ faces[bi + 2] ].y,

      pj[ faces[bi + 2] ].x,
      pj[ faces[bi + 2] ].y,
      pj[ faces[bi + 3] ].x,
      pj[ faces[bi + 3] ].y,

      pj[ faces[bi + 3] ].x,
      pj[ faces[bi + 3] ].y,
      pj[ faces[bi + 0] ].x,
      pj[ faces[bi + 0] ].y,
  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
* \brief Initializes the gravity Kalman filter
static void kalman_gravity_init()
    /* initialize the filter structures                                     */
    kalman_filter_initialize_uc(&kf, KALMAN_NUM_STATES);
    kalman_filter_initialize(&kf, KALMAN_NUM_STATES, KALMAN_NUM_INPUTS);
    kalman_observation_initialize(&kfm, KALMAN_NUM_STATES, KALMAN_NUM_MEASUREMENTS);

    /* set initial state                                                    */
    mf16 *x = kalman_get_state_vector_uc(&kf);
    mf16 *x = kalman_get_state_vector(&kf);
    x->data[0][0] = 0; // s_i
    x->data[1][0] = 0; // v_i
    x->data[2][0] = fix16_from_float(6); // g_i

    /* set state transition                                                 */
    mf16 *A = kalman_get_state_transition_uc(&kf);
    mf16 *A = kalman_get_state_transition(&kf);
    // set time constant
    const fix16_t T = fix16_one;
    const fix16_t Tsquare = fix16_sq(T);

    // helper
    const fix16_t fix16_half = fix16_from_float(0.5);

    // transition of x to s
    matrix_set(A, 0, 0, fix16_one);   // 1
    matrix_set(A, 0, 1, T);   // T
    matrix_set(A, 0, 2, fix16_mul(fix16_half, Tsquare)); // 0.5 * T^2
    // transition of x to v
    matrix_set(A, 1, 0, 0);   // 0
    matrix_set(A, 1, 1, fix16_one);   // 1
    matrix_set(A, 1, 2, T);   // T

    // transition of x to g
    matrix_set(A, 2, 0, 0);   // 0
    matrix_set(A, 2, 1, 0);   // 0
    matrix_set(A, 2, 2, fix16_one);   // 1

    /* set covariance                                                       */
    mf16 *P = kalman_get_system_covariance_uc(&kf);
    mf16 *P = kalman_get_system_covariance(&kf);

    matrix_set_symmetric(P, 0, 0, fix16_half);   // var(s)
    matrix_set_symmetric(P, 0, 1, 0);   // cov(s,v)
    matrix_set_symmetric(P, 0, 2, 0);   // cov(s,g)

    matrix_set_symmetric(P, 1, 1, fix16_one);   // var(v)
    matrix_set_symmetric(P, 1, 2, 0);   // cov(v,g)

    matrix_set_symmetric(P, 2, 2, fix16_one);   // var(g)

    /* set system process noise                                             */
    mf16 *Q = kalman_get_system_process_noise_uc(&kf);
    mf16_fill(Q, F16(0.0001));

    /* set measurement transformation                                       */
    mf16 *H = kalman_get_observation_transformation(&kfm);

    matrix_set(H, 0, 0, fix16_one);     // z = 1*s 
    matrix_set(H, 0, 1, 0);     //   + 0*v
    matrix_set(H, 0, 2, 0);     //   + 0*g

    /* set process noise                                                    */
    mf16 *R = kalman_get_observation_process_noise(&kfm);

    matrix_set(R, 0, 0, fix16_half);     // var(s)
Ejemplo n.º 12
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool ripple_tick(const FrameInput& input, FrameOutput& output, FXState& state)
  EffectData* data = (EffectData*)state.store;


  Fix16 divFour = fix16_from_float(0.1470588f);
  Fix16 edgeMult = fix16_from_float(0.75f);

  if(state.rng.genUInt32(0, 100) < data->dropFrequency)
    data->source[state.rng.genUInt32(1, EffectData::Height-2) * EffectData::Width + state.rng.genUInt32(1, EffectData::Width-2)] = fix16_one;

  for(int x = 1; x < EffectData::Width - 1; x++) 
    for(int y = 1; y < EffectData::Height - 1; y++)
      // last last height as proxy for velocity.
      Fix16 velocity = -data->destination[y * EffectData::Width + x];

      // average local neighborhood.
      // todo taking diagonal neigbors x 0.7 makes stuff rounder.
      Fix16 smoothed;
      smoothed = data->source[y * EffectData::Width + x + 1];   // x+1, y
      smoothed += data->source[y * EffectData::Width + x - 1];   // x-1, y
      smoothed += data->source[(y + 1) * EffectData::Width + x]; // x, y+1
      smoothed += data->source[(y - 1) * EffectData::Width + x]; // x, y-1

      smoothed += data->source[(y - 1) * EffectData::Width + (x - 1)] * edgeMult;
      smoothed += data->source[(y - 1) * EffectData::Width + (x + 1)] * edgeMult;
      smoothed += data->source[(y + 1) * EffectData::Width + (x - 1)] * edgeMult;
      smoothed += data->source[(y + 1) * EffectData::Width + (x + 1)] * edgeMult;

      smoothed *= divFour;

      // combine avg and velocity
      Fix16 newHeight = smoothed * fix16_from_float(0.3f) + velocity;
      // damp it
      newHeight *= data->damping;
      // store it...
      data->destination[y * EffectData::Width + x] = newHeight;
      // adjustments for drawing...
      newHeight = (newHeight * fix16_from_float(2.5f));

      // are there fix16 clamping functions someplace?
      if(newHeight < fix16_zero)
        newHeight = fix16_zero;
      if(newHeight > fix16_one)
        newHeight = fix16_one;

      byte r, g;
      FullSpectrum(newHeight, r, g);

      setLED(output.frame, x-1, y-1, r, g, 0);

  Fix16* temp = data->destination;
  data->destination = data->source;
  data->source = temp;

  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 13
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool tick(const FrameInput& input, FXState& state, FrameOutput& output)
  switch (gCurrentInterfaceStage)
  case InterfaceStage::IS_GUI:

      if (input.dialChange[1] == 0)
        ticksSinceAdjust ++;
        ticksSinceAdjust = 0;

      const int16_t radioLen = sizeof(radioGUI) / sizeof(gui_entry);

      Fix16 max_target = fix16_from_int(radioLen);
      Fix16 max_value = fix16_from_int(radioLen - 1);

      Fix16 dial16 = fix16_from_int( input.dialChange[1] );
      Fix16 pt05 = fix16_from_float(-1.0f);

      vTargetA += dial16 * fix16_from_float(0.2f);
      if (vTargetA < fix16_neg_one)
        vTargetA = fix16_neg_one;

      if (vTargetA > max_target)
        vTargetA = max_target;

      vCurA += (vTargetA - vCurA) * fix16_from_float(0.035f);

      if (vCurA < fix16_zero)
        vCurA = fix16_zero;
      if (vCurA > max_value)
        vCurA = max_value;

      if (ticksSinceAdjust > 30)
        vTargetA -= fpart(vTargetA);

      int16_t off = ipart(vCurA).asInt();
      if (off < 0)
        off = 0;
      if (off > radioLen - 1)
        off = radioLen - 1;

      const gui_entry* guient[3] = {&radioGUI[off], &radioGUI[off], &radioGUI[off]};

      if (off - 1 >= 0)
        guient[2] = &radioGUI[off - 1];
      if (off + 1 <= radioLen - 1)
        guient[1] = &radioGUI[off + 1];

      Fix16 charASlide = fpart(vCurA);

      charASlide *= Fix16(-16.0f);
      int16_t slideAInt = charASlide.asInt();

      IconGlyph(output.frame, guient[0]->gly, slideAInt, 0, true);

      IconGlyph(output.frame, guient[1]->gly, 16 + slideAInt, 0, false);

      if (off > 0)
        IconGlyph(output.frame, guient[2]->gly, slideAInt - 16, 0, false);


      if (fadeTick < 15)
        fadeTick ++;
        output.fade(15 - fadeTick);

      if (input.dialClick)
        gCurrentInterfaceStage = InterfaceStage::IS_FADETO;

        gNextDisplayMode = guient[0]->mode;

  case InterfaceStage::IS_FADETO:

      fadeTick --;
      if (fadeTick <= 0)
        vTargetA = vCurA;

        gCurrentDisplayMode = gNextDisplayMode;

        for(int i = 0; i < Constants::MemoryPool; ++i)
          state.store[i] = 0xFF;

        DisplayMode::doInitFor(gCurrentDisplayMode, state);
        fadeTick = 0;

        gCurrentInterfaceStage = InterfaceStage::IS_FX;

  case InterfaceStage::IS_FX:
      DisplayMode::doTickFor(gCurrentDisplayMode, input, output, state);

      if (fadeTick < 15)
        fadeTick ++;
        output.fade(15 - fadeTick);

      if (input.dialClick)
        gCurrentInterfaceStage = InterfaceStage::IS_FADEFROM;

  case InterfaceStage::IS_FADEFROM:
      DisplayMode::doTickFor(gCurrentDisplayMode, input, output, state);

      output.fade(15 - fadeTick);

      fadeTick --;
      if (fadeTick <= 0)
        gCurrentInterfaceStage = InterfaceStage::IS_GUI;
        fadeTick = 0;


   dial --;
   if (dial <= 0)
     // clear the frame
   for (int y=0; y<Constants::FrameHeight; y++)
     for (int x=0; x<Constants::FrameWidth; x++)
       int32_t RR = state.rng.genInt32(-4, 4);
       if (RR<0)
       RR =0;
       int32_t GG = state.rng.genInt32(-4, 4);
       if (GG<0)
       GG =0;
       setLED(output.frame, x, y, RR, GG);
dial = 6;   
}  */

  byte red, green;
  for (int y=0; y<Constants::FrameHeight; y++)
    for (int x=0; x<Constants::FrameWidth; x++)
      pixel &LEDpixel = output.frame[y * Constants::FrameWidth + x];  
      DecodeByte(LEDpixel, red, green);
      if (red > 0)
        red --;
      if (green > 0)
        green --;

      LEDpixel = red | (green << 4);

  vTargetA += fix16_from_int( input.dialChange[1] );
  vTargetB += fix16_from_int( input.dialChange[2] );

  vCurA += (vTargetA - vCurA) * fix16_from_float(0.05f);
  vCurB += (vTargetB - vCurB) * fix16_from_float(0.05f);

  Fix16 xo = fix16_from_float(8.0f);
  Fix16 yo = fix16_from_float(8.0f);

  Fix16 ss1 = fix16_sin(vCurA * fix16_from_float(0.1f));
  Fix16 cc1 = fix16_cos(vCurA * fix16_from_float(0.1f));

  Fix16 ss2 = fix16_sin(vCurB * fix16_from_float(0.1f));
  Fix16 cc2 = fix16_cos(vCurB * fix16_from_float(0.1f));

  Fix16 rad1(-2.0f), rad2(12.0f);

    xo + (ss1 * rad1), 
    yo + (cc1 * rad1), 
    xo + (ss1 * rad2), 
    yo + (cc1 * rad2), 

    xo + (ss2 * rad1), 
    yo + (cc2 * rad1), 
    xo + (ss2 * rad2), 
    yo + (cc2 * rad2), 


  return true;