void TestTracker::setWorld( const WorldDescription *w )
     _world = fixWorld( w );
     setSuite( 0 );
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    int i, j, z;
    int x, y, size;
    int w_breeding, s_breeding, w_starvation, gen_num;
    char type_code;
    char *file_name;
    FILE * input_file;
    double secs;
    int averow, extra, rank, n_processes, offset, rows;
    int mtype, dest, rowsAux, source;
    int aditional, start_line;

    struct world **proc_world;

    MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); //Rank, an integer, is used in MPI to be a process identifier associated with a communicator
    MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &n_processes); //where size is the total number of processes in the MPI_Comm_world.

    /* Processo Master */
    if (rank == MASTER) {
        secs =  MPI_Wtime();

        if(argc <= 5) {
            printf("ERROR: Expected 5 arguments provided %d.\n", argc);
            printf("Expected:\n./wolves-squirrels-serial <InputFile> <WolfBreedingPeriod> <SquirrelBreedingPeriod> <WolfStarvationPerior> <Generations>\n");
            return -1;

        w_breeding = atoi(argv[2]);
        s_breeding = atoi(argv[3]);
        w_starvation = atoi(argv[4]);
        gen_num = atoi(argv[5]);
        input_file = fopen(argv[1], "r");
        if(input_file == NULL) {
            printf("ERROR: A valid input file is expected. %s is not a valid file.\n", argv[1]);
            return -1;

        /* Talvez dê para melhorar */
        fscanf(input_file, "%d", &size);


        while(fscanf(input_file, "%d %d %c", &x, &y, &type_code) != EOF) {
            world_global[x][y].type = type_code;
            if(world_global[x][y].type == wolf) {
                world_global[x][y].breeding_period = w_breeding;
                world_global[x][y].starvation_period = w_starvation;
            } else if(world_global[x][y].type == squirrel) {
                world_global[x][y].breeding_period = s_breeding;


        /* Envia parcela a cada processo */
        averow = size / n_processes;
        extra = size % n_processes;
        offset = 0;
        mtype = FROM_MASTER;

        for(dest=1; dest<n_processes; dest++) {

            rowsAux = dest <= extra ? averow+1 : averow;
            MPI_Send(&offset, 1, MPI_INT, dest, mtype, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
            MPI_Send(&rowsAux, 1, MPI_INT, dest, mtype, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
            MPI_Send(&size, 1, MPI_INT, dest, mtype, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

            for(i=0; i < rowsAux; i++)
                MPI_Send(world_global[offset+i], sizeof(struct world)*size, MPI_BYTE, dest, mtype, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

            offset = offset + rowsAux;

        proc_world = (struct world**) malloc(sizeof(struct world*)*(averow+1));
        for(i = 0; i < averow+1; i++) {
            proc_world[i] = (struct world*) malloc(sizeof(struct world)*size);
            for(j = 0; j < size; j ++) {
                proc_world[i][j].type = empty;
                proc_world[i][j].count = 0;
                proc_world[i][j].breeding_period = 0;
                proc_world[i][j].starvation_period = 0;
                proc_world[i][j].breed = 0;
                for(z=0; z < 5; z++)

        for(i=1; i< averow+1; i++)
            proc_world[i] = world_global[offset+i];

        printf("Distribuição: %lf\n", MPI_Wtime() - secs);
        secs = MPI_Wtime();
        aditional = 1;
    } else if(rank > 0) {

        mtype = FROM_MASTER;
        source = MASTER;
        MPI_Recv(&offset, 1, MPI_INT, source, mtype, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
        MPI_Recv(&rowsAux, 1, MPI_INT, source, mtype, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
        MPI_Recv(&size, 1, MPI_INT, source, mtype, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);

        proc_world = (struct world**) malloc(sizeof(struct world*)*(rowsAux+aditional));

        if(rank == 1) {
            aditional = 1;
            start_line = 0;
        } else {
            aditional = 2;
            start_line = 1;

        for(i = 0; i < rowsAux+aditional; i++) {
            proc_world[i] = (struct world*) malloc(sizeof(struct world)*size);
            for(j = 0; j < size; j ++) {
                proc_world[i][j].type = empty;
                proc_world[i][j].count = 0;
                proc_world[i][j].breeding_period = 0;
                proc_world[i][j].starvation_period = 0;
                proc_world[i][j].breed = 0;
                for(z=0; z < 5; z++)

        for(i = start_line; i < rowsAux+start_line; i++) {
            MPI_Recv(proc_world[i], sizeof(struct world)*size, MPI_BYTE, source, mtype, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);

#ifdef VERBOSE
//	start = clock();

    /* Comum a todos os processos */
    MPI_Bcast(&w_breeding, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    MPI_Bcast(&s_breeding, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    MPI_Bcast(&w_starvation, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    MPI_Bcast(&gen_num, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

//	printf("Leitura: %lf\n", MPI_Wtime() - secs);
//	secs =  MPI_Wtime();

    /* Generate */
    MPI_Status	*statuses[2];
    MPI_Request *request[2];
    struct world *worldaux1, *worldaux2;

    //worldaux1 = (struct world*) malloc(sizeof(struct world)*size);
    //worldaux2 = (struct world*) malloc(sizeof(struct world)*size);

    while(gen_num != 0) {

        if(rank == 1) {
            for(i = 0; i < size ; i++) {
                proc_world[rowsAux][i].type = empty;
                proc_world[rowsAux][i].count = 0;
                proc_world[rowsAux][i].breeding_period = 0;
                proc_world[rowsAux][i].starvation_period = 0;
                proc_world[rowsAux][i].breed = 0;
                for(z=0; z < 5; z++)
        } else if(rank == MASTER) {
            for(i = 0; i < size ; i++) {
                proc_world[0][i].type = empty;
                proc_world[0][i].count = 0;
                proc_world[0][i].breeding_period = 0;
                proc_world[0][i].starvation_period = 0;
                proc_world[0][i].breed = 0;
                for(z=0; z < 5; z++)
        } else {
            for(i = 0; i < size ; i++) {
                proc_world[0][i].type = empty;
                proc_world[0][i].count = 0;
                proc_world[0][i].breeding_period = 0;
                proc_world[0][i].starvation_period = 0;
                proc_world[0][i].breed = 0;
                for(z=0; z < 5; z++)
                proc_world[rowsAux][i].type = empty;
                proc_world[rowsAux][i].count = 0;
                proc_world[rowsAux][i].breeding_period = 0;
                proc_world[rowsAux][i].starvation_period = 0;
                proc_world[rowsAux][i].breed = 0;
                for(z=0; z < 5; z++)

        for(i = (rank==1? 0 : 1); i< (rank==1 ? rowsAux : rowsAux+1) ; i++) {
            for(j=0; j<size; j++) {
                computeCell(i, j, s_breeding, w_breeding, w_starvation, size, rowsAux+aditional, proc_world, rank);

        /*Enviar a  linha de coisas estranhas para o(s) processo(s) da fronteira */
        if(rank == 1) {
            MPI_Irecv(worldaux1, sizeof(struct world)*size, MPI_BYTE, rank+1, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, request[0]);
            MPI_Send(proc_world[rowsAux], sizeof(struct world)*size, MPI_BYTE, (rank+1)%n_processes, rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
            MPI_Wait(request[0], statuses[0]);

            /* Juntar aos conflictos*/
            for(i=0; i<size; i++) {
                proc_world[rowsAux][i].conflicts[proc_world[rowsAux][i].count] = (conflict*)malloc(sizeof(struct conflicts));
                proc_world[rowsAux][i].conflicts[proc_world[rowsAux][i].count]->type = worldaux1[i].type;
                proc_world[rowsAux][i].conflicts[proc_world[rowsAux][i].count]->breeding_period = worldaux1[i].breeding_period;
                proc_world[rowsAux][i].conflicts[proc_world[rowsAux][i].count]->starvation_period = worldaux1[i].starvation_period;
                proc_world[rowsAux][i].count += 1;
        } else if(rank == MASTER) {
            MPI_Irecv(worldaux1, sizeof(struct world)*size, MPI_BYTE, n_processes-1, n_processes-1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, request[0]);
            MPI_Send(proc_world[averow], sizeof(struct world)*size, MPI_BYTE, n_processes-1, rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
            MPI_Wait(request[0], statuses[0]);

            for(i=0; i<size; i++) {
                proc_world[0][i].conflicts[proc_world[0][i].count] = (conflict*)malloc(sizeof(struct conflicts));
                proc_world[0][i].conflicts[proc_world[0][i].count]->type = worldaux1[i].type;
                proc_world[0][i].conflicts[proc_world[0][i].count]->breeding_period = worldaux1[i].breeding_period;
                proc_world[0][i].conflicts[proc_world[0][i].count]->starvation_period = worldaux1[i].starvation_period;
                proc_world[0][i].count += 1;
        } else {
            MPI_Irecv(worldaux1, sizeof(struct world)*size, MPI_BYTE, rank+1%n_processes, rank+1%n_processes, MPI_COMM_WORLD, request[0]);
            MPI_Irecv(worldaux2, sizeof(struct world)*size, MPI_BYTE, rank-1%n_processes, rank-1%n_processes, MPI_COMM_WORLD, request[1]);
            MPI_Send(proc_world[rowsAux], sizeof(struct world)*size, MPI_BYTE, (rank+1)%n_processes, rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
            MPI_Send(proc_world[rowsAux], sizeof(struct world)*size, MPI_BYTE, (rank-1)%n_processes, rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
            MPI_Wait(request[0], statuses[0]);
            MPI_Wait(request[1], statuses[1]);

            for(i=0; i<size; i++) {
                proc_world[0][i].conflicts[proc_world[0][i].count] = (conflict*)malloc(sizeof(struct conflicts));
                proc_world[0][i].conflicts[proc_world[0][i].count]->type = worldaux1[i].type;
                proc_world[0][i].conflicts[proc_world[0][i].count]->breeding_period = worldaux1[i].breeding_period;
                proc_world[0][i].conflicts[proc_world[0][i].count]->starvation_period = worldaux1[i].starvation_period;
                proc_world[0][i].count += 1;

            for(i=0; i<size; i++) {
                proc_world[rowsAux][i].conflicts[proc_world[rowsAux][i].count] = (conflict*)malloc(sizeof(struct conflicts));
                proc_world[rowsAux][i].conflicts[proc_world[rowsAux][i].count]->type = worldaux1[i].type;
                proc_world[rowsAux][i].conflicts[proc_world[rowsAux][i].count]->breeding_period = worldaux1[i].breeding_period;
                proc_world[rowsAux][i].conflicts[proc_world[rowsAux][i].count]->starvation_period = worldaux1[i].starvation_period;
                proc_world[rowsAux][i].count += 1;

        /* fix do pequeno mundo do processo */
        fixWorld(size, w_starvation, w_breeding, rowsAux, proc_world, rank);


    /* Receber tudo no master */

#ifdef VERBOSE
    end = clock();
    printf("Elapsed Time : %lf\n", (double)(end-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);


    /* Output */

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char **argv){

	int i, j;	
	int x, y, size;
	int w_breeding, s_breeding, w_starvation, gen_num;
	char type_code;
	FILE * input_file;
	if(argc <= 5){
		printf("ERROR: Expected 5 arguments provided %d.\n", argc);
		printf("Expected:\n./wolves-squirrels-serial <InputFile> <WolfBreedingPeriod> <SquirrelBreedingPeriod> <WolfStarvationPerior> <Generations>\n");	
		return -1;
	w_breeding = atoi(argv[2]);
	s_breeding = atoi(argv[3]);
	w_starvation = atoi(argv[4]);
	gen_num = atoi(argv[5]);
	input_file = fopen(argv[1], "r");
	if(input_file == NULL){
		printf("ERROR: A valid input file is expected. %s is not a valid file.\n", argv[1]);	
		return -1;
	fscanf(input_file, "%d", &size);


	while(fscanf(input_file, "%d %d %c", &x, &y, &type_code) != EOF){
		world[x][y].type = type_code;
		if(world[x][y].type == wolf){
			world[x][y].breeding_period = w_breeding;
			world[x][y].starvation_period = w_starvation;
		} else if(world[x][y].type == squirrel){
			world[x][y].breeding_period = s_breeding;

#ifdef VERBOSE
	start = omp_get_wtime();

	/* Generate */
	while(gen_num != 0){
#pragma omp parallel sections
	#pragma omp section
		/* 1st sub-generation - RED */
		#pragma omp parallel for private(i, j) schedule(guided, size/8)
		for(i=0; i<size; i++){
			for(j = i%2 == 0 ? 0 : 1 ; j<size; j+=2){
				computeCell(i, j, s_breeding, w_breeding, w_starvation, size);
	#pragma omp section
		/* 2nd sub-generation */
		#pragma omp parallel for private(i, j) schedule(guided, size/8)
		for(i=0; i<size; i++){
			for(j = i%2 == 0 ? 1 : 0 ; j<size; j+=2){
				computeCell(i, j, s_breeding, w_breeding, w_starvation, size);
		fixWorld(size, w_starvation, w_breeding);


#ifdef VERBOSE
	end = omp_get_wtime();
	printf("Elapsed time: %lf\n", end-start); 
	/* Output */
	return 0;