// Main entry point to a MEX function
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
    // Ensure MATLAB's GPU support is available.

    // Check inputs to mex function
    checkInputs(nrhs, prhs);
    // Convert mxArray inputs into OpenCV types
    cv::Ptr<cv::gpu::GpuMat> frame1 = ocvMxGpuArrayToGpuMat_uint8(prhs[0]);
    cv::Ptr<cv::gpu::GpuMat> frame2 = ocvMxGpuArrayToGpuMat_uint8(prhs[1]);

    // Allocate output matrix
    int outRows = frame1->rows ;
    int outCols = frame1->cols ;

    cv::gpu::GpuMat flowx((int)outRows, (int)outCols, CV_32FC1);
    cv::gpu::GpuMat flowy((int)outRows, (int)outCols, CV_32FC1);
    cv::gpu::FarnebackOpticalFlow d_calc;
    // Run the OpenCV template matching routine
    d_calc(*frame1, *frame2, flowx,  flowy);

    // Put the data back into the output MATLAB gpuArray
    plhs[0] = ocvMxGpuArrayFromGpuMat_single(flowx);
    plhs[1] = ocvMxGpuArrayFromGpuMat_single(flowy);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void _Flow::generateFlowMap(const GpuMat& d_flow)
	GpuMat planes[2];
	cuda::split(d_flow, planes);

	Mat flowx(planes[0]);
	Mat flowy(planes[1]);

	Mat out;
	drawOpticalFlow(flowx, flowy, out, 10);

//	out.copyTo(m_cMat);