Ejemplo n.º 1
static void test_multmatch (flux_t h)
    flux_msg_handler_t *w1, *w2;
    struct flux_match m1 = FLUX_MATCH_ANY;
    struct flux_match m2 = FLUX_MATCH_ANY;

    m1.topic_glob = "foo.*";
    m2.topic_glob = "foo.bar";

    /* test #1: verify multiple match behaves as documented, that is,
     * a message is matched (only) by the most recently added watcher
    ok ((w1 = flux_msg_handler_create (h, m1, multmatch1, NULL)) != NULL,
        "multmatch: first added handler for foo.*");
    ok ((w2 = flux_msg_handler_create (h, m2, multmatch2, NULL)) != NULL,
        "multmatch: next added handler for foo.bar");
    flux_msg_handler_start (w1);
    flux_msg_handler_start (w2);
    ok (send_request (h, "foo.bar") == 0,
        "multmatch: send foo.bar msg");
    ok (send_request (h, "foo.baz") == 0,
        "multmatch: send foo.baz msg");
    ok (flux_reactor_run (flux_get_reactor (h), 0) == 0 && multmatch_count == 2,
        "multmatch: last added watcher handled foo.bar");
    flux_msg_handler_destroy (w1);
    flux_msg_handler_destroy (w2);
Ejemplo n.º 2
int heartbeat_start (heartbeat_t *hb)
    uint32_t rank;
    struct flux_match match = FLUX_MATCH_EVENT;

    if (!hb->h) {
        errno = EINVAL;
        return -1;
    if (flux_get_rank (hb->h, &rank) < 0)
        return -1;
    if (rank == 0) {
        flux_reactor_t *r = flux_get_reactor (hb->h);
        flux_reactor_now_update (r);
        if (!(hb->timer = flux_timer_watcher_create (r, hb->rate, hb->rate,
                                                     timer_cb, hb)))
            return -1;
        flux_watcher_start (hb->timer);
    match.topic_glob = "hb";
    if (!(hb->mh = flux_msg_handler_create (hb->h, match, event_cb, hb)))
        return -1;
    flux_msg_handler_start (hb->mh);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main (int argc, char **argv)
    flux_t h;
    heartbeat_t *hb;
    flux_msg_handler_t *w;

    plan (18);

    check_codec ();

    (void)setenv ("FLUX_CONNECTOR_PATH", CONNECTOR_PATH, 0);
    ok ((h = flux_open ("loop://", 0)) != NULL,
        "opened loop connector");
    if (!h)
        BAIL_OUT ("can't continue without loop handle");
    flux_fatal_set (h, fatal_err, NULL);

    ok ((hb = heartbeat_create ()) != NULL,
        "heartbeat_create works");

    heartbeat_set_flux (hb, h);

    ok (heartbeat_get_rate (hb) == 2.,
        "heartbeat_get_rate returns default of 2s");
    errno = 0;
    ok (heartbeat_set_rate (hb, -1) < 1 && errno == EINVAL,
        "heartbeat_set_rate -1 fails with EINVAL");
    errno = 0;
    ok (heartbeat_set_rate (hb, 1000000) < 1 && errno == EINVAL,
        "heartbeat_set_rate 1000000 fails with EINVAL");
    ok (heartbeat_set_ratestr (hb, "250ms") == 0,
        "heartbeat_set_ratestr 250ms works");
    ok (heartbeat_get_rate (hb) == 0.250,
        "heartbeat_get_rate returns what was set");
    ok (heartbeat_set_rate (hb, 0.1) == 0,
        "heartbeat_set_rate 0.1 works");
    ok (heartbeat_get_rate (hb) == 0.1,
        "heartbeat_get_rate returns what was set");

    ok (heartbeat_get_epoch (hb) == 0,
        "heartbeat_get_epoch works, default is zero");

    w = flux_msg_handler_create (h, FLUX_MATCH_EVENT, heartbeat_event_cb, hb);
    ok (w != NULL,
        "created event watcher");
    flux_msg_handler_start (w);

    ok (heartbeat_start (hb) == 0,
        "heartbeat_start works");

    ok (flux_reactor_run (flux_get_reactor (h), 0) == 0,
        "flux reactor exited normally");

    heartbeat_destroy (hb);
    flux_msg_handler_destroy (w);
    flux_close (h);

    done_testing ();
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int flux_rpc_then (flux_rpc_t *rpc, flux_then_f cb, void *arg)
    int rc = -1;

    assert (rpc->magic == RPC_MAGIC);
    if (rpc->rx_count >= rpc->rx_expected) {
        errno = EINVAL;
        goto done;
    if (cb && !rpc->then_cb) {
        if (!rpc->w) {
            if (!(rpc->w = flux_msg_handler_create (rpc->h, rpc->m,
                                                    rpc_cb, rpc)))
                goto done;
        flux_msg_handler_start (rpc->w);
        if (rpc->rx_msg || rpc->rx_errnum) {
            if (rpc->rx_msg)
                if (flux_requeue (rpc->h, rpc->rx_msg, FLUX_RQ_HEAD) < 0)
                    goto done;
            (void)flux_rpc_next (rpc);
    } else if (!cb && rpc->then_cb) {
        flux_msg_handler_stop (rpc->w);
    rpc->then_cb = cb;
    rpc->then_arg = arg;
    rc = 0;
    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int flux_rpc_then (flux_rpc_t *rpc, flux_then_f cb, void *arg)
    int rc = -1;

    if (rpc->oneway) {
        errno = EINVAL;
        goto done;
    if (cb && !rpc->then_cb) {
        if (!rpc->w) {
            if (!(rpc->w = flux_msg_handler_create (rpc->h, rpc->m,
                                                    rpc_cb, rpc)))
                goto done;
        flux_msg_handler_start (rpc->w);
        if (rpc->rx_msg) {
            if (flux_requeue (rpc->h, rpc->rx_msg, FLUX_RQ_HEAD) < 0)
                goto done;
            rpc->rx_msg = NULL;
    } else if (!cb && rpc->then_cb) {
        flux_msg_handler_stop (rpc->w);
    rpc->then_cb = cb;
    rpc->then_arg = arg;
    rc = 0;
    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 6
int ping_initialize (flux_t *h, const char *service)
    struct flux_match match = FLUX_MATCH_ANY;
    struct ping_context *p = calloc (1, sizeof (*p));
    if (!p) {
        errno = ENOMEM;
        goto error;
    match.typemask = FLUX_MSGTYPE_REQUEST;
    if (asprintf (&match.topic_glob, "%s.ping", service) < 0) {
        errno = ENOMEM;
        goto error;
    if (!(p->mh = flux_msg_handler_create (h, match, ping_request_cb, p)))
        goto error;
    flux_msg_handler_allow_rolemask (p->mh, FLUX_ROLE_ALL);
    flux_msg_handler_start (p->mh);
    flux_aux_set (h, "flux::ping", p, ping_finalize);
    free (match.topic_glob);
    return 0;
    free (match.topic_glob);
    if (p)
        ping_finalize (p);
    return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 7
int flux_msg_handler_addvec (flux_t h, struct flux_msg_handler_spec tab[],
                             void *arg)
    int i;
    struct flux_match match = FLUX_MATCH_ANY;

    for (i = 0; ; i++) {
        if (!tab[i].typemask && !tab[i].topic_glob && !tab[i].cb)
            break; /* FLUX_MSGHANDLER_TABLE_END */
        match.typemask = tab[i].typemask;
        match.topic_glob = tab[i].topic_glob;
        tab[i].w = flux_msg_handler_create (h, match, tab[i].cb, arg);
        if (!tab[i].w)
            goto error;
        flux_msg_handler_start (tab[i].w);
    return 0;
    while (i >= 0) {
        if (tab[i].w) {
            flux_msg_handler_stop (tab[i].w);
            flux_msg_handler_destroy (tab[i].w);
            tab[i].w = NULL;
    return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 8
static void leak_msg_handler (void)
    flux_t h;
    flux_msg_handler_t *w;

    if (!(h = flux_open ("loop://", 0)))
        exit (1);
    if (!(w = flux_msg_handler_create (h, FLUX_MATCH_ANY, dummy, NULL)))
        exit (1);
    flux_msg_handler_start (w);
    flux_close (h);
Ejemplo n.º 9
static void register_request (ctx_t *ctx, const char *name,
                              flux_msg_handler_f cb)
    struct flux_match match = FLUX_MATCH_REQUEST;
    flux_msg_handler_t *w;

    match.topic_glob = xasprintf ("%s.%s", module_get_name (ctx->p), name);
    if (!(w = flux_msg_handler_create (ctx->h, match, cb, ctx->p)))
        log_err_exit ("flux_msg_handler_create");
    flux_msg_handler_start (w);
    if (zlist_append (ctx->handlers, w) < 0)
        oom ();
    free (match.topic_glob);
Ejemplo n.º 10
void shutdown_set_handle (shutdown_t *s, flux_t h)
    struct flux_match match = FLUX_MATCH_EVENT;

    s->h = h;

    match.topic_glob = "shutdown";
    if (!(s->shutdown = flux_msg_handler_create (s->h, match,
                                                 shutdown_handler, s)))
        log_err_exit ("flux_msg_handler_create");
    flux_msg_handler_start (s->shutdown);
    if (flux_event_subscribe (s->h, "shutdown") < 0)
        log_err_exit ("flux_event_subscribe");

    if (flux_get_rank (s->h, &s->myrank) < 0)
        log_err_exit ("flux_get_rank");
Ejemplo n.º 11
static void register_event (ctx_t *ctx, const char *name,
                            flux_msg_handler_f cb)
    struct flux_match match = FLUX_MATCH_EVENT;
    flux_msg_handler_t *w;

    match.topic_glob = xasprintf ("%s.%s", module_get_name (ctx->p), name);
    if (!(w = flux_msg_handler_create (ctx->h, match, cb, ctx->p)))
        log_err_exit ("flux_msg_handler_create");
    flux_msg_handler_start (w);
    if (zlist_append (ctx->handlers, w) < 0)
        oom ();
    if (flux_event_subscribe (ctx->h, match.topic_glob) < 0)
        log_err_exit ("%s: flux_event_subscribe %s",
                  __FUNCTION__, match.topic_glob);
    free (match.topic_glob);
Ejemplo n.º 12
static void test_msg (flux_t h)
    flux_msg_handler_t *w;
    int i;

    ok ((w = flux_msg_handler_create (h, FLUX_MATCH_ANY, msgreader, NULL))
        != NULL,
        "msg: created handler for any message");
    flux_msg_handler_start (w);
    for (i = 0; i < msgwatcher_count; i++) {
        if (send_request (h, "foo") < 0)
    ok (i == msgwatcher_count,
        "msg: sent %d requests", i);
    ok (flux_reactor_run (flux_get_reactor (h), 0) == 0,
        "msg: reactor ran to completion after %d requests", msgwatcher_count);
    flux_msg_handler_stop (w);
    flux_msg_handler_destroy (w);
Ejemplo n.º 13
static void cron_event_start (void *arg)
    struct cron_event *ev = arg;
    ev->counter = 0;
    flux_msg_handler_start (ev->mh);