Ejemplo n.º 1
  static FT_Error
  FNT_Face_Init( FT_Stream      stream,
                 FNT_Face       face,
                 FT_Int         face_index,
                 FT_Int         num_params,
                 FT_Parameter*  params )
    FT_Error   error;
    FT_Memory  memory = FT_FACE_MEMORY( face );

    FT_UNUSED( num_params );
    FT_UNUSED( params );
    FT_UNUSED( face_index );

    /* try to load several fonts from a DLL */
    error = fnt_face_get_dll_fonts( face );
    if ( error )
      /* this didn't work, now try to load a single FNT font */
      FNT_Font*  font;

      if ( ALLOC( face->fonts, sizeof ( *face->fonts ) ) )
        goto Exit;

      face->num_fonts = 1;
      font            = face->fonts;

      font->offset   = 0;
      font->fnt_size = stream->size;

      error = fnt_font_load( font, stream );
      if ( error )
        goto Fail;

    /* all right, one or more fonts were loaded; we now need to */
    /* fill the root FT_Face fields with relevant information   */
      FT_Face    root  = FT_FACE( face );
      FNT_Font*  fonts = face->fonts;
      FNT_Font*  limit = fonts + face->num_fonts;
      FNT_Font*  cur;

      root->num_faces  = 1;
      root->face_flags = FT_FACE_FLAG_FIXED_SIZES |

      if ( fonts->header.avg_width == fonts->header.max_width )
        root->face_flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_FIXED_WIDTH;

      if ( fonts->header.italic )
        root->style_flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC;

      if ( fonts->header.weight >= 800 )
        root->style_flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD;

      /* Setup the `fixed_sizes' array */
      if ( ALLOC_ARRAY( root->available_sizes, face->num_fonts,
                        FT_Bitmap_Size ) )
        goto Fail;

      root->num_fixed_sizes = face->num_fonts;

        FT_Bitmap_Size*  size = root->available_sizes;

        for ( cur = fonts; cur < limit; cur++, size++ )
          size->width  = cur->header.pixel_width;
          size->height = cur->header.pixel_height;

      /* Setup the `charmaps' array */
      root->charmaps     = &face->charmap_handle;
      root->num_charmaps = 1;

      face->charmap.encoding    = ft_encoding_unicode;
      face->charmap.platform_id = 3;
      face->charmap.encoding_id = 1;
      face->charmap.face        = root;

      face->charmap_handle = &face->charmap;

      root->charmap = face->charmap_handle;

      /* setup remaining flags */
      root->num_glyphs = fonts->header.last_char -
                         fonts->header.first_char + 1;

      root->family_name = (FT_String*)fonts->fnt_frame +
      root->style_name  = (char *)"Regular";

      if ( root->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD )
        if ( root->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC )
          root->style_name = (char *)"Bold Italic";
          root->style_name = (char *)"Bold";
      else if ( root->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC )
        root->style_name = (char *)"Italic";

    if ( error )
      FNT_Face_Done( face );

    return error;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: winfnt.c Proyecto: 1tgr/mobius
static FT_Error
FNT_Face_Init( FT_Stream      stream,
               FNT_Face       face,
               FT_Int         face_index,
               FT_Int         num_params,
               FT_Parameter*  params )
    FT_Error   error;
    FT_Memory  memory = FT_FACE_MEMORY( face );

    FT_UNUSED( num_params );
    FT_UNUSED( params );

    /* try to load font from a DLL */
    error = fnt_face_get_dll_font( face, face_index );
    if ( error )
        /* this didn't work; try to load a single FNT font */
        FNT_Font  font;

        if ( FT_NEW( face->font ) )
            goto Exit;

        face->root.num_faces = 1;

        font           = face->font;
        font->offset   = 0;
        font->fnt_size = stream->size;

        error = fnt_font_load( font, stream );
        if ( error )
            goto Fail;

    /* we now need to fill the root FT_Face fields */
    /* with relevant information                   */
        FT_Face   root = FT_FACE( face );
        FNT_Font  font = face->font;

        root->face_flags = FT_FACE_FLAG_FIXED_SIZES |

        if ( font->header.avg_width == font->header.max_width )
            root->face_flags |= FT_FACE_FLAG_FIXED_WIDTH;

        if ( font->header.italic )
            root->style_flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC;

        if ( font->header.weight >= 800 )
            root->style_flags |= FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD;

        /* set up the `fixed_sizes' array */
        if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( root->available_sizes, 1 ) )
            goto Fail;

        root->num_fixed_sizes = 1;

            FT_Bitmap_Size*  bsize = root->available_sizes;

            bsize->width  = font->header.avg_width;
            bsize->height =
                font->header.pixel_height + font->header.external_leading;
            bsize->size   = font->header.nominal_point_size << 6;
            bsize->x_ppem =
                (FT_Pos)( ( font->header.horizontal_resolution * bsize->size + 36 )
                          / 72 );
            bsize->y_ppem =
                (FT_Pos)( ( font->header.vertical_resolution* bsize->size + 36 )
                          / 72 );

            FT_CharMapRec  charmap;

            charmap.encoding    = FT_ENCODING_UNICODE;
            charmap.platform_id = 3;
            charmap.encoding_id = 1;
            charmap.face        = root;

            error = FT_CMap_New( fnt_cmap_class,
                                 NULL );
            if ( error )
                goto Fail;

            /* Select default charmap */
            if ( root->num_charmaps )
                root->charmap = root->charmaps[0];

        /* setup remaining flags */

        /* reserve one slot for the .notdef glyph at index 0 */
        root->num_glyphs = font->header.last_char -
                           font->header.first_char + 1 + 1;

        root->family_name = (FT_String*)font->fnt_frame +
        root->style_name  = (char *)"Regular";

        if ( root->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD )
            if ( root->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC )
                root->style_name = (char *)"Bold Italic";
                root->style_name = (char *)"Bold";
        else if ( root->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC )
            root->style_name = (char *)"Italic";

    if ( error )
        FNT_Face_Done( face );

    return error;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  static FT_Error
  fnt_face_get_dll_fonts( FNT_Face  face )
    FT_Error      error;
    FT_Stream     stream = FT_FACE(face)->stream;
    FT_Memory     memory = FT_FACE(face)->memory;
    WinMZ_Header  mz_header;

    face->fonts     = 0;
    face->num_fonts = 0;

    /* does it begin with a MZ header? */
    if ( FILE_Seek( 0 )                                 ||
         READ_Fields( winmz_header_fields, &mz_header ) )
      goto Exit;

    error = FNT_Err_Unknown_File_Format;
    if ( mz_header.magic == WINFNT_MZ_MAGIC )
      /* yes, now look for a NE header in the file */
      WinNE_Header  ne_header;

      if ( FILE_Seek( mz_header.lfanew )                  ||
           READ_Fields( winne_header_fields, &ne_header ) )
        goto Exit;

      error = FNT_Err_Unknown_File_Format;
      if ( ne_header.magic == WINFNT_NE_MAGIC )
        /* good, now look in the resource table for each FNT resource */
        FT_ULong   res_offset = mz_header.lfanew +

        FT_UShort  size_shift;
        FT_UShort  font_count  = 0;
        FT_ULong   font_offset = 0;

        if ( FILE_Seek( res_offset ) ||
             ACCESS_Frame( ne_header.rname_tab_offset -
                           ne_header.resource_tab_offset ) )
          goto Exit;

        size_shift = GET_UShortLE();

        for (;;)
          FT_UShort  type_id, count;

          type_id = GET_UShortLE();
          if ( !type_id )

          count = GET_UShortLE();

          if ( type_id == 0x8008 )
            font_count  = count;
            font_offset = (FT_ULong)( FILE_Pos() + 4 +
                                      ( stream->cursor - stream->limit ) );

          stream->cursor += 4 + count * 12;

        if ( !font_count || !font_offset )
          FT_TRACE2(( "this file doesn't contain any FNT resources!\n" ));
          error = FNT_Err_Unknown_File_Format;
          goto Exit;

        if ( FILE_Seek( font_offset )                         ||
             ALLOC_ARRAY( face->fonts, font_count, FNT_Font ) )
          goto Exit;

        face->num_fonts = font_count;

        if ( ACCESS_Frame( (FT_Long)font_count * 12 ) )
          goto Exit;

        /* now read the offset and position of each FNT font */
          FNT_Font*  cur   = face->fonts;
          FNT_Font*  limit = cur + font_count;

          for ( ; cur < limit; cur++ )
            cur->offset     = (FT_ULong)GET_UShortLE() << size_shift;
            cur->fnt_size   = (FT_ULong)GET_UShortLE() << size_shift;
            cur->size_shift = size_shift;
            stream->cursor += 8;

        /* finally, try to load each font there */
          FNT_Font*  cur   = face->fonts;
          FNT_Font*  limit = cur + font_count;

          for ( ; cur < limit; cur++ )
            error = fnt_font_load( cur, stream );
            if ( error )
              goto Fail;

    if ( error )
      fnt_face_done_fonts( face );

    return error;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: winfnt.c Proyecto: 1tgr/mobius
static FT_Error
fnt_face_get_dll_font( FNT_Face  face,
                       FT_Int    face_index )
    FT_Error         error;
    FT_Stream        stream = FT_FACE( face )->stream;
    FT_Memory        memory = FT_FACE( face )->memory;
    WinMZ_HeaderRec  mz_header;

    face->font = 0;

    /* does it begin with an MZ header? */
    if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( 0 )                                      ||
            FT_STREAM_READ_FIELDS( winmz_header_fields, &mz_header ) )
        goto Exit;

    error = FNT_Err_Unknown_File_Format;
    if ( mz_header.magic == WINFNT_MZ_MAGIC )
        /* yes, now look for an NE header in the file */
        WinNE_HeaderRec  ne_header;

        if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( mz_header.lfanew )                       ||
                FT_STREAM_READ_FIELDS( winne_header_fields, &ne_header ) )
            goto Exit;

        error = FNT_Err_Unknown_File_Format;
        if ( ne_header.magic == WINFNT_NE_MAGIC )
            /* good, now look into the resource table for each FNT resource */
            FT_ULong   res_offset  = mz_header.lfanew +
            FT_UShort  size_shift;
            FT_UShort  font_count  = 0;
            FT_ULong   font_offset = 0;

            if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( res_offset )                    ||
                    FT_FRAME_ENTER( ne_header.rname_tab_offset -
                                    ne_header.resource_tab_offset ) )
                goto Exit;

            size_shift = FT_GET_USHORT_LE();

            for (;;)
                FT_UShort  type_id, count;

                type_id = FT_GET_USHORT_LE();
                if ( !type_id )

                count = FT_GET_USHORT_LE();

                if ( type_id == 0x8008U )
                    font_count  = count;
                    font_offset = (FT_ULong)( FT_STREAM_POS() + 4 +
                                              ( stream->cursor - stream->limit ) );

                stream->cursor += 4 + count * 12;


            if ( !font_count || !font_offset )
                FT_TRACE2(( "this file doesn't contain any FNT resources!\n" ));
                error = FNT_Err_Unknown_File_Format;
                goto Exit;

            face->root.num_faces = font_count;

            if ( face_index >= font_count )
                error = FNT_Err_Bad_Argument;
                goto Exit;

            if ( FT_NEW( face->font ) )
                goto Exit;

            if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( font_offset + face_index * 12 ) ||
                    FT_FRAME_ENTER( 12 )                            )
                goto Fail;

            face->font->offset     = (FT_ULong)FT_GET_USHORT_LE() << size_shift;
            face->font->fnt_size   = (FT_ULong)FT_GET_USHORT_LE() << size_shift;
            face->font->size_shift = size_shift;

            stream->cursor += 8;


            error = fnt_font_load( face->font, stream );

    if ( error )
        fnt_font_done( face );

    return error;