QString WindowModelBase::selectionAsHtml () const

  int rowLow, colLow, rowHigh, colHigh;
  QVector<QString> table;

  // Get raw data as a rectangular table. Size may be zero
  selectionAsTable (rowLow,

  // Concatenate table into output string
  QString html;
  QTextStream str (&html);

  str << "<table>";
  for (int row = rowLow; row <= rowHigh; row++) {
    str << "<tr>";
    for (int col = colLow; col <= colHigh; col++) {
      str << "<td>" << table [fold2dIndexes (row, col, rowLow, colLow, colHigh)] << "</td>";
    str << "<tr>\n";
  str << "</table>";

  return html;
QString WindowModelBase::selectionAsText (ExportDelimiter delimiter) const
  const bool NOT_GNUPLOT = false;


  int rowLow, colLow, rowHigh, colHigh;
  QVector<QString> table;

  // Get raw data as a rectangular table. Size may be zero
  selectionAsTable (rowLow,

  // Concatenate table into output string
  QString text;
  QTextStream str (&text);
  for (int row = rowLow; row <= rowHigh; row++) {
    QString delimiterStr;
    for (int col = colLow; col <= colHigh; col++) {
      str << delimiterStr << table [fold2dIndexes (row, col, rowLow, colLow, colHigh)];
      delimiterStr = exportDelimiterToText (delimiter,
    str << "\n";

  return text;
void WindowModelBase::selectionAsTable (int &rowLow,
                                        int &colLow,
                                        int &rowHigh,
                                        int &colHigh,
                                        QVector<QString> &table) const
  // This algorithm supports any arbitrary set of selected cells. Specifically, the cells do not need
  // to be in a rectangular pattern. A rectangular grid that encompasses all selected cells will be created

  QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel = m_view->selectionModel ();
  QModelIndexList selection = selectionModel->selectedIndexes ();

  if (selection.size () > 0) {

    // Gather input. Initialization of row/col limits is needed only to keep some compilers happy
    rowLow = 0;
    colLow = 0;
    rowHigh = 0;
    colHigh = 0;
    bool isFirst = true;
    for (QModelIndexList::const_iterator itr = selection.begin(); itr != selection.end(); itr++) {
      QModelIndex index = *itr;
      if (isFirst || index.row ()    < rowLow ) rowLow  = index.row ();
      if (isFirst || index.row ()    > rowHigh) rowHigh = index.row ();
      if (isFirst || index.column () < colLow ) colLow  = index.column ();
      if (isFirst || index.column () > colHigh) colHigh = index.column ();
      isFirst = false;

    int numRows = rowHigh - rowLow + 1;
    int numCols = colHigh - colLow + 1;

    // Put data into two dimensional rowXcolumn table is handled as a flattened vector. Table is initialized
    // with empty strings
    table.resize (numRows * numCols);

    for (int i = 0; i < selection.size (); i++) {
      QModelIndex index = selection [i];
      QVariant d = data (index);
      QString text = d.toString ();
      table [fold2dIndexes (index.row(), index.column(), rowLow, colLow, colHigh)] = text;
  } else {

    // Table has zero size
    rowLow = 0;
    colLow = 0;
    rowHigh = -1;
    colHigh = -1;

Ejemplo n.º 4
double Matrix::get (int row, int col) const
  int foldedIndex = fold2dIndexes (row, col);
  return m_vector [foldedIndex];
Ejemplo n.º 5
void Matrix::set (int row, int col, double value)
  m_vector [fold2dIndexes (row, col)] = value;