Ejemplo n.º 1
// This version does not exlude any id.
BaseAST* aid09(int id) {
  #define match_id(type)                        \
    forv_Vec(type, a, g##type##s) {             \
      if (a->id == id)                          \
        return a;                               \
  return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 2
AstCount::AstCount() {

// Initialize member variables for each AST node type
// that is handled by the baseAST macro.
#define init_members(type) num##type = 0
#undef init_members

  // Initialize other member variables for AST types
  // not handled by the baseAST macro.
  numForallIntents = 0;
  numWhileDoStmt = 0;
  numDoWhileStmt = 0;
  numCForLoop = 0;
  numForLoop = 0;
  numParamForLoop = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int AstCount::total() {
  int sum = 0;

  // Add those covered by the baseAST macro
#define count_members(type) sum += num##type
#undef count_members

  // and then add those not covered by the baseAST macro
  sum += numForallIntents;
  sum += numWhileDoStmt;
  sum += numDoWhileStmt;
  sum += numCForLoop;
  sum += numForLoop;
  sum += numParamForLoop;

  return sum;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void cleanAst() {
  // clear back pointers to dead ast instances
  forv_Vec(TypeSymbol, ts, gTypeSymbols) {
    for(int i = 0; i < ts->type->methods.n; i++) {
      FnSymbol* method = ts->type->methods.v[i];
      if (method && !isAliveQuick(method))
        ts->type->methods.v[i] = NULL;
      if (AggregateType* ct = toAggregateType(ts->type)) {
        if (ct->defaultInitializer && !isAliveQuick(ct->defaultInitializer))
          ct->defaultInitializer = NULL;
        if (ct->destructor && !isAliveQuick(ct->destructor))
          ct->destructor = NULL;
    for(int i = 0; i < ts->type->dispatchChildren.n; i++) {
      Type* type = ts->type->dispatchChildren.v[i];
      if (type && !isAlive(type))
        ts->type->dispatchChildren.v[i] = NULL;

  // check iterator-resume-label/goto data before nodes are free'd

  // clean the other module vectors, without deleting the ast instances (they
  // will be deleted with the clean_gvec call for ModuleSymbols.) 
  // clean global vectors and delete dead ast instances
Ejemplo n.º 5
void printStatistics(const char* pass) {
  static int last_nasts = -1;
  static int maxK = -1, maxN = -1;

  if (!strcmp(pass, "makeBinary")) {
    if (strstr(fPrintStatistics, "m")) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Maximum # of ASTS: %d\n", maxN);
      fprintf(stderr, "Maximum Size (KB): %d\n", maxK);

  int nasts = foreach_ast_sep(sum_gvecs, +);

  if (last_nasts == nasts) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%23s%s\n", "", pass);


  int nStmt = nCondStmt + nBlockStmt + nGotoStmt;
  int kStmt = kCondStmt + kBlockStmt + kGotoStmt + kExternBlockStmt;
  int nExpr = nUnresolvedSymExpr + nSymExpr + nDefExpr + nCallExpr + nNamedExpr;
  int kExpr = kUnresolvedSymExpr + kSymExpr + kDefExpr + kCallExpr + kNamedExpr;
  int nSymbol = nModuleSymbol+nVarSymbol+nArgSymbol+nTypeSymbol+nFnSymbol+nEnumSymbol+nLabelSymbol;
  int kSymbol = kModuleSymbol+kVarSymbol+kArgSymbol+kTypeSymbol+kFnSymbol+kEnumSymbol+kLabelSymbol;
  int nType = nPrimitiveType+nEnumType+nAggregateType;
  int kType = kPrimitiveType+kEnumType+kAggregateType;

  fprintf(stderr, "%7d asts (%6dK) %s\n", nStmt+nExpr+nSymbol+nType, kStmt+kExpr+kSymbol+kType, pass);

  if (nStmt+nExpr+nSymbol+nType > maxN)
    maxN = nStmt+nExpr+nSymbol+nType;

  if (kStmt+kExpr+kSymbol+kType > maxK)
    maxK = kStmt+kExpr+kSymbol+kType;

  if (strstr(fPrintStatistics, "n"))
    fprintf(stderr, "    Stmt %9d  Cond %9d  Block %9d  Goto  %9d\n",
            nStmt, nCondStmt, nBlockStmt, nGotoStmt);
  if (strstr(fPrintStatistics, "k") && strstr(fPrintStatistics, "n"))
    fprintf(stderr, "    Stmt %9dK Cond %9dK Block %9dK Goto  %9dK\n",
            kStmt, kCondStmt, kBlockStmt, kGotoStmt);
  if (strstr(fPrintStatistics, "k") && !strstr(fPrintStatistics, "n"))
    fprintf(stderr, "    Stmt %6dK Cond %6dK Block %6dK Goto  %6dK\n",
            kStmt, kCondStmt, kBlockStmt, kGotoStmt);

  if (strstr(fPrintStatistics, "n"))
    fprintf(stderr, "    Expr %9d  Unre %9d  Sym  %9d  Def   %9d  Call  %9d  Named %9d\n",
            nExpr, nUnresolvedSymExpr, nSymExpr, nDefExpr, nCallExpr, nNamedExpr);
  if (strstr(fPrintStatistics, "k") && strstr(fPrintStatistics, "n"))
    fprintf(stderr, "    Expr %9dK Unre %9dK Sym  %9dK Def   %9dK Call  %9dK Named %9dK\n",
            kExpr, kUnresolvedSymExpr, kSymExpr, kDefExpr, kCallExpr, kNamedExpr);
  if (strstr(fPrintStatistics, "k") && !strstr(fPrintStatistics, "n"))
    fprintf(stderr, "    Expr %6dK Unre %6dK Sym  %6dK Def   %6dK Call  %6dK Named %6dK\n",
            kExpr, kUnresolvedSymExpr, kSymExpr, kDefExpr, kCallExpr, kNamedExpr);

  if (strstr(fPrintStatistics, "n"))
    fprintf(stderr, "    Sym  %9d  Mod  %9d  Var   %9d  Arg   %9d  Type %9d  Fn %9d  Enum %9d  Label %9d\n",
            nSymbol, nModuleSymbol, nVarSymbol, nArgSymbol, nTypeSymbol, nFnSymbol, nEnumSymbol, nLabelSymbol);
  if (strstr(fPrintStatistics, "k") && strstr(fPrintStatistics, "n"))
    fprintf(stderr, "    Sym  %9dK Mod  %9dK Var   %9dK Arg   %9dK Type %9dK Fn %9dK Enum %9dK Label %9dK\n",
            kSymbol, kModuleSymbol, kVarSymbol, kArgSymbol, kTypeSymbol, kFnSymbol, kEnumSymbol, kLabelSymbol);
  if (strstr(fPrintStatistics, "k") && !strstr(fPrintStatistics, "n"))
    fprintf(stderr, "    Sym  %6dK Mod  %6dK Var   %6dK Arg   %6dK Type %6dK Fn %6dK Enum %6dK Label %6dK\n",
            kSymbol, kModuleSymbol, kVarSymbol, kArgSymbol, kTypeSymbol, kFnSymbol, kEnumSymbol, kLabelSymbol);

  if (strstr(fPrintStatistics, "n"))
    fprintf(stderr, "    Type %9d  Prim  %9d  Enum %9d  Class %9d \n",
            nType, nPrimitiveType, nEnumType, nAggregateType);
  if (strstr(fPrintStatistics, "k") && strstr(fPrintStatistics, "n"))
    fprintf(stderr, "    Type %9dK Prim  %9dK Enum %9dK Class %9dK\n",
            kType, kPrimitiveType, kEnumType, kAggregateType);
  if (strstr(fPrintStatistics, "k") && !strstr(fPrintStatistics, "n"))
    fprintf(stderr, "    Type %6dK Prim  %6dK Enum %6dK Class %6dK\n",
            kType, kPrimitiveType, kEnumType, kAggregateType);
  last_nasts = nasts;