Ejemplo n.º 1
static void freeScheme(Scheme* scheme) {
    if(scheme != NULL) {
        freeLines(scheme->lines, scheme->linesLen);
        freeStations(scheme->stations, scheme->stationsLen);
        freeLinks(scheme->links, scheme->linksLen);
Ejemplo n.º 2
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Releases COM and frees associated resources. This function should be
// called as the very last operation before the application terminates.
// Call this function only if a prior call to initializeCOM() returned SL_OK.
// returns: SL_OK               under normal circumstances
//          SL_NOT_INITIALIZED  if the reference count indicates that no
//                              current users exist.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_izforge_izpack_util_os_ShellLink_releaseCOM (JNIEnv  *env,
                                                                             jobject  obj)

  if (referenceCount == 0)
    CoUninitialize ();
    // This is the end of things, so this is a good time to
    // free the storage for the IShellLink pointers.
    freeLinks ();
    return (SL_OK);
  else if (referenceCount < 0)
    return (SL_NOT_INITIALIZED);
    return (SL_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * This function downloads a package from the internet looking for its mirrors calling the SearchLinkForPackage 
 * @param name A package name
 * @param out Since this function may get called by InstallPkg, the full path to the package downloaded will be saved here. If null is given, this will not change.
 * @return If no error ocurr, 0 is returned. If the package doesn't exists in any mirror, 1 is returned. In case of error, -1 (And an error message is issued)
int DownloadPkg(char *name, char *out)
	ListOfLinks Links;
	char filename[PATH_MAX], pkgcrc[32];
	int i = 0, fd = 0;
	char *MIRROR = NULL;

	/* Initialize everything up */
	memset(&Links, 0, sizeof(ListOfLinks));

	/* Search for the package's links */
	/* If there is no, 1 is returned, so we leave here */
	if ((MIRROR = getenv("MIRROR"))) {
		if (SearchLinkForPackage(name, &Links, MIRROR))
			return 1;
	else if (SearchLinkForPackage(name, &Links, NULL))
		return 1;

	if (Links.index > 1)
		i = GetLinkFromInput(&Links);

	sprintf(filename, "%s/%s#%s#%s#%s.%s", PACKAGES_DIRECTORY, Links.name[i], Links.version[i], Links.arch[i], Links.build[i], Links.extension[i]);

	/* If the output already exist and the CRC is ok, then great, we already have it, so there's no need to download it again */
	if ((fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY)) >= 0) {
		if (GiveMeHash(filename, pkgcrc) == -1) {
			return -1;
		if (strcmp(pkgcrc, Links.crcs[i]))
			fprintf(stderr, "CRC error, Downloading the package again...\n");
		else {
			/* Great, it's already installed, so we leave */
			if (out)
				strcpy(out, filename);
			return 0;

	/* Download the link */
	if (Download(Links.links[i], filename) == -1) {
		return -1;
	if (out)
		strcpy(out, filename);

	/* Get the link hash */
	if (GiveMeHash(filename, pkgcrc) == -1) {
		return -1;

	/* Does the link hash match with the one given in the database? */
	if (strcmp(pkgcrc, Links.crcs[i])) {
		fprintf(stderr, "CRC error, try to download your package again\n");
		return -1;

	/* Great, we're cool, so we leave */

	return 0;
phdWarpLinkSchema::~phdWarpLinkSchema() {