Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Function: intpix_corr_pet
 * The function applies the intra-pixel sensitivity correction to
 * a list of PET pixels. The values in the pixels are corrected in
 * place using the correction function, gemoetrical parameters and
 * dispersion relation in the various parameters.
 * Parameters:
 * @param actbeam        - the beam to correct
 * @param conf_file_path - full path to the axe configuration file
 * @param ipcorr         - the ipc correction function
 * @param PET            - the list of PET pixels to correct
 * Returns:
 * -
intpix_corr_pet(beam actbeam, char conf_file_path[],
		interpolator *ipcorr, ap_pixel *PET)
  interpolator *ipclambda;
  aperture_conf  *conf;

  int for_grism=0;

  // load the configuration file
  conf = get_aperture_descriptor(conf_file_path);

  // check whether it is grism (for_grism=1)
  // or prism (for_grism=0) data
  // give an error if there is a prism solution
  for_grism = check_for_grism (conf_file_path, actbeam.ID);
  if (!for_grism)
    aXe_message (aXe_M_FATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__,
		 "intpix_corr_beam: Only grism dispersion solution can be corrected.\n");

  // determine the correction factor versus wavelength
  ipclambda = get_ipclambda(actbeam, conf_file_path, ipcorr);


  // apply the correction to the PET
  apply_corr_pet(ipclambda, PET);

  // free the configuration structure

  // free the memory in the interpolator
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Function: get_ipc_lambdas
 * The function computes the wavelengths for a list of x-offsets from the
 * reference point of a certain beam. The wavelength values are
 * returned as a gsl-vector.
 * Parameters:
 * @param actbeam        - the beam
 * @param conf_file_path - the full path to the aXe configuration file
 * @param xvalues        - the list of x-offsets
 * Returns:
 * @return lambdas - the list of wavelength values
gsl_vector *
get_ipc_lambdas(const beam actbeam, char conf_file_path[], gsl_vector *xvalues)
  aperture_conf  *conf;

  dispstruct     *disp;
  calib_function *wl_calib;

  gsl_vector *lambdas;

  d_point pixel;
  int for_grism;

  int i;

  // load the configuration file
  conf = get_aperture_descriptor(conf_file_path);

  // check whether it is grism (for_grism=1)
  // or prism (for_grism=0) data
  for_grism = check_for_grism (conf_file_path, actbeam.ID);

  // determine the referencee point position
  pixel.x = actbeam.refpoint.x - conf->refx;
  pixel.y = actbeam.refpoint.y - conf->refy;

  // determine the dispersion at the reference point
  disp = get_dispstruct_at_pos(conf_file_path, for_grism,

  // make a calibration structure from the dispersion
  wl_calib = create_calib_from_gsl_vector(for_grism, disp->pol);

  // convert the x-values to tracelength-values
  abscissa_to_pathlength (actbeam.spec_trace, xvalues);

  // allocate memory for the wavelengths
  lambdas = gsl_vector_alloc(xvalues->size);

  // go over all tracelength values
  for (i=0; i < xvalues->size; i++)
      // determine and store the wavelength for each tracelength
      gsl_vector_set(lambdas, i,
		     wl_calib->func(gsl_vector_get(xvalues, i), wl_calib->order,

  // free the configuration structure

  // free the memory in the calibration structure

  // free the dispersion structure

  // return the wavelengths
  return lambdas;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * The function computes and stores at the according position
 * the xy offsets of a direct image. This is only important
 * in the fluxcube emission model, since the image coordinates
 * in fluxcubes are 'filter' coordinates and do not take into
 * account the offsets introduce by the grism.
 * For each object and beam those offsets are evaluated
 * and stored in the direct object structure.
 * @param dirlist   - the direct object
 * @param CONF_file - the new coordinate point
void fill_xy_offsets(dirobject **dirlist, char CONF_file[])
  aperture_conf   *conf;

  gsl_vector *x_coeffs;
  gsl_vector *y_coeffs;

  d_point m_point;

  double xoffs, yoffs;

  int beamID=0;
  int i;

  // load the configuration file
  conf = get_aperture_descriptor (CONF_file);

  // go over each beam defined in the configuration
  // file
  for (beamID=0; beamID < conf->nbeams; beamID++)

      // determine the coeeficients for the offsets
      // in x and in y
      x_coeffs = get_beam_trace_xoff (CONF_file, beamID);
      y_coeffs = get_beam_trace_yoff (CONF_file, beamID);

      // go over each direct object
      while (dirlist[i] !=NULL)

          // get the mean direct object position
          m_point = get_dirobject_meanpos(dirlist[i]);

          // evaluate the coefficients for the 2D variable offsets
          // at the mean position
          dirlist[i]->xy_off[beamID].x = eval_trace_off_at_pos (x_coeffs, m_point, beamID);
          dirlist[i]->xy_off[beamID].y = eval_trace_off_at_pos (y_coeffs, m_point, beamID);

          // iterate the counter

      // free the vectors for the coefficients
        // release memory
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Function: fitting_ipc_corr
 * Parameters:
 * @param actbeam        - the beam to examine
 * @param conf_file_path - the full pathname too the configuration file
 * @param ipcorr         - the interpolator with the correction factor
 * @param SPC            - the full spectrum to correct
 * @param obs            - the grism image
 * @param data_matrix    - background subtracted grism image
 * @param ipc_file_path  - file name for the phase data
 * Returns:
 * @return icorr - marker whether the correction was applied or not (1/0)
fitting_ipc_corr(beam act_beam, char conf_file_path[], interpolator *ipcorr,
		 full_spectr *SPC, observation *obs, gsl_matrix *data_matrix,
		 char ipc_file_path[], beam *beam_ptr)
  aperture_conf *conf;

  d_point        fit_qual;

  int            icorr     = 0;

  trace_func    *tracefun  = act_beam.spec_trace;
  double        *tracedata =  (double *)(tracefun->data);

  // load the configuration file
  conf = get_aperture_descriptor(conf_file_path);

  // determine the phase data and fix the phase
  // by fitting a function to it
  fit_qual = kappa_sigma_klipp_ipc(conf, obs, data_matrix, act_beam, ipc_file_path);

  // report on the shift and the quality
  fprintf(stdout, "shift-difference: %e, quality: %e\n", fit_qual.x, fit_qual.y);

  // check whether the quality is good enough
  if (fit_qual.y < MAXQUALITY)
      // apply a correction to the
      // reference point to achive the
      // right corrections
      act_beam.refpoint.y += fit_qual.x;
      beam_ptr->refpoint.y += fit_qual.x;
      beam_ptr->ignore = -100;

      // report the new y-shift
      fprintf(stdout, "new y-shift: %e\n", act_beam.refpoint.y - (double)(int)(act_beam.refpoint.y + tracedata[1]));

      // apply the sensitivity correction to the spectrum
      intpix_corr_beam(act_beam, conf_file_path, ipcorr, SPC);

      // set the correction marker

  // free allocated memory

  // return the marker
  return icorr;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Function: intpix_corr_beam
 * The functio corrects a full spectrum for the intrapixel sensitivity
 * variations.
 * For every spectral element its fractional y-value is determined,
 * and then the correction factor for this y-value is computed
 * and applied to the appropriate elements of the spectral bin.
 * Parameters:
 * @param actbeam        - the beam to examine
 * @param conf_file_path - the full pathname too the configuration file
 * @param ipcorr         - the interpolator with the correction factor
 * @param SPC            - the full spectrum to correct
 * Returns:
 * @return -
intpix_corr_beam(beam actbeam, char conf_file_path[], interpolator *ipcorr,
		 full_spectr *SPC)
  int            index=0;
  int            for_grism=1;

  double         cfactor;

  double         lambda;

  gsl_vector     *cdisp;

  d_point        pixel;

  dispstruct     *beam_disp;

  aperture_conf  *conf;

  // load the configuration file
  conf = get_aperture_descriptor(conf_file_path);

  // check whether it is grism (for_grism=1)
  // or prism (for_grism=0) data
  // give an error if there is a prism solution
  for_grism = check_for_grism (conf_file_path, actbeam.ID);
  if (!for_grism)
    aXe_message (aXe_M_FATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__,
		 "intpix_corr_beam: Only grism dispersion solution can be corrected.\n");

  // get the wavelength dispersion relation at
  // position "refpoint". conf->refx and conf->refy
  // are used at this point to allow for a non (0,0) centered
  // 2D field dependence.
  pixel.x = actbeam.refpoint.x - conf->refx;
  pixel.y = actbeam.refpoint.y - conf->refy;

  // derive the dispersion at the object position
  beam_disp = get_dispstruct_at_pos(conf_file_path, for_grism,
				    actbeam.ID, pixel);

  // skipp high order zeroes in the dispersion solution
  cdisp = condense_dispersion(beam_disp->pol);

  for (index=0; index < SPC->nelems; index++)
      lambda = SPC->fgr_spec->spec[index].lambda_mean;

      if (!gsl_isnan (lambda) && lambda)
	  cfactor = get_intpix_corr(&actbeam, cdisp, ipcorr, lambda);

    	  fprintf(stdout, "lambda: %e, factor: %e\n", lambda, cfactor);
	  SPC->fgr_spec->spec[index].count  = SPC->fgr_spec->spec[index].count / cfactor;
	  SPC->fgr_spec->spec[index].error  = SPC->fgr_spec->spec[index].error / cfactor;
	  SPC->fgr_spec->spec[index].flux   = SPC->fgr_spec->spec[index].flux / cfactor;
	  SPC->fgr_spec->spec[index].ferror = SPC->fgr_spec->spec[index].ferror / cfactor;

	  SPC->bck_spec->spec[index].count  = SPC->bck_spec->spec[index].count / cfactor;
	  SPC->bck_spec->spec[index].error  = SPC->bck_spec->spec[index].error / cfactor;
	  SPC->bck_spec->spec[index].flux   = SPC->bck_spec->spec[index].flux / cfactor;
	  SPC->bck_spec->spec[index].ferror = SPC->bck_spec->spec[index].ferror / cfactor;

	  SPC->obj_spec->spec[index].count  = SPC->obj_spec->spec[index].count / cfactor;
	  SPC->obj_spec->spec[index].error  = SPC->obj_spec->spec[index].error / cfactor;
	  SPC->obj_spec->spec[index].flux   = SPC->obj_spec->spec[index].flux / cfactor;
	  SPC->obj_spec->spec[index].ferror = SPC->obj_spec->spec[index].ferror / cfactor;

	  /* this is the wqrong version!!
	  SPC->fgr_spec->spec[index].count  = SPC->fgr_spec->spec[index].count * cfactor;
	  SPC->fgr_spec->spec[index].error  = SPC->fgr_spec->spec[index].error * cfactor;
	  SPC->fgr_spec->spec[index].flux   = SPC->fgr_spec->spec[index].flux * cfactor;
	  SPC->fgr_spec->spec[index].ferror = SPC->fgr_spec->spec[index].ferror * cfactor;

	  SPC->bck_spec->spec[index].count  = SPC->bck_spec->spec[index].count * cfactor;
	  SPC->bck_spec->spec[index].error  = SPC->bck_spec->spec[index].error * cfactor;
	  SPC->bck_spec->spec[index].flux   = SPC->bck_spec->spec[index].flux * cfactor;
	  SPC->bck_spec->spec[index].ferror = SPC->bck_spec->spec[index].ferror * cfactor;

	  SPC->obj_spec->spec[index].count  = SPC->obj_spec->spec[index].count * cfactor;
	  SPC->obj_spec->spec[index].error  = SPC->obj_spec->spec[index].error * cfactor;
	  SPC->obj_spec->spec[index].flux   = SPC->obj_spec->spec[index].flux * cfactor;
	  SPC->obj_spec->spec[index].ferror = SPC->obj_spec->spec[index].ferror * cfactor;

  // free the configuration structure

  // free the dispersion struct

  // free the memory for the dispersion
Ejemplo n.º 6
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  char *opt;
  char aper_file[MAXCHAR];
  char aper_file_path[MAXCHAR];

  char conf_file[MAXCHAR];
  char conf_file_path[MAXCHAR];

  char grism_file[MAXCHAR];
  char grism_file_path[MAXCHAR];

  char specmod_file[MAXCHAR];
  char specmod_file_path[MAXCHAR];

  char objmod_file[MAXCHAR];
  char objmod_file_path[MAXCHAR];

  aperture_conf *conf;

  int index;
  double lambda_psf=0.0;

  observation *obs;

  if ((argc < 3) || (opt = get_online_option ("help", argc, argv)))
      fprintf (stdout,
    		  "      aXe_DISPIMAGE g/prism_filename configuration_filename"
    		  "      -in_AF=[string]         - overwrite the automatically generated name\n"
    		  "                                of the input aperture file\n"
    		  "      -model_spectra=[string] - input model spectra"
    		  "      -model_images=[string]  - input model images"
    		  "      -lambda_psf=[float]     - lambda at which psf was measured"
      exit (1);

  fprintf (stdout, "aXe_DISPIMAGE: Starting...\n");

  index = 0;

  strcpy (grism_file, argv[++index]);
  build_path (AXE_IMAGE_PATH, grism_file, grism_file_path);

  strcpy (conf_file, argv[++index]);
  build_path (AXE_CONFIG_PATH, conf_file, conf_file_path);

  conf = get_aperture_descriptor (conf_file_path);
  get_extension_numbers(grism_file_path, conf,conf->optkey1,conf->optval1);

 /* Get or set up the name of the output Aperture File */
  if ((opt = get_online_option ("in_AF", argc, argv)))
      /* get it */
      strcpy (aper_file, opt);
      strcpy (aper_file_path, opt);
  else {
    /* Build aperture file name */
    replace_file_extension (grism_file, aper_file, ".fits",
			    ".OAF", conf->science_numext);
    build_path (AXE_OUTPUT_PATH, aper_file, aper_file_path);

  // determine the wavelength
  // the object extend was determined at
  if ((opt = get_online_option ("lambda_psf", argc, argv)))
    lambda_psf = atof(opt);
    lambda_psf = 800.0;

  // check whether a name for the spectral
  // models file is given
  if ((opt = get_online_option ("model_spectra", argc, argv)))
      // get and set up the filename
      strcpy (specmod_file, opt);
      build_path (AXE_IMAGE_PATH, specmod_file, specmod_file_path);
      strcpy (specmod_file, "");
      strcpy (specmod_file_path, "");
  // check whether a name for the images
  // models file is given
  if ((opt = get_online_option ("model_images", argc, argv)))
      // get and set up the filename
      strcpy (objmod_file, opt);
      build_path (AXE_IMAGE_PATH, objmod_file, objmod_file_path);
      strcpy (objmod_file, "");
      strcpy (objmod_file_path, "");

  fprintf (stdout, "aXe_DISPIMAGE: grism image file name: %s\n", grism_file_path);
  fprintf (stdout, "aXe_DISPIMAGE: Input Aperture file name: %s\n", aper_file_path);
  fprintf (stdout, "aXe_DISPIMAGE: Using spectral models in table: %s\n", specmod_file_path);
  fprintf (stdout, "aXe_DISPIMAGE: Using direct emission objects in image: %s\n", objmod_file_path);
  fprintf (stdout, "aXe_DISPIMAGE: Object parameters determined at %fnm\n", lambda_psf);

  fprintf (stdout, "aXe_DISPIMAGE: ");
  obs = load_sci_image (grism_file_path, conf->science_numext);

  compute_disp(grism_file_path, aper_file_path, conf_file_path,
		       specmod_file_path,  objmod_file_path, lambda_psf, obs);

  fprintf (stdout, "aXe_DISPIMAGE: Done...\n");
  exit (0);