Ejemplo n.º 1
main (int argc, char ** argv)
  if (argc != 3) {
    usage ();
  #ifdef DEBUG_WIN_X
  if (fork() != 0) {
    printf ("Forked to background, exiting.\n");
    exit (0);
  log_open (LOGPATH);
  int fill_color = gdTrueColorAlpha (100, 100, 100, gdAlphaTransparent / 2);
  int line_color = gdTrueColorAlpha (175, 175, 175, gdAlphaOpaque);
  int text_color = gdTrueColorAlpha (255, 255, 255, gdAlphaOpaque);
  FILE * img_out;
  int img_time;
  char img_filename[64];
  gdImagePtr camera_1;
  gdImagePtr camera_2;
  gdImagePtr output;
  int numloops = 0;
  int fpstimer;
  double a1, a2;
  tolerance_file_t * tol;
  int alliance;
  tol = get_tolerance (TOLPATH);
  log_write ("Got tolerance values from %s.", TOLPATH);
  if (argv[1][0] == 98) {
    log_write ("Seeking blue targets.");
    alliance = ALLIANCE_BLUE;
  } else {
    log_write ("Seeking red targets.");
    alliance = ALLIANCE_RED;
  char * jpeg_buff;
  char * jpeg_buff_2;
  int jpeg_buff_size;
  int jpeg_buff_size_2;
  int x, y;
  blob * cam1_green;
  blob * cam2_green;
  blob * cam1_red;
  blob * cam2_red;
  blob * target_blob;
  int loop_ctr;
  loop_ctr = 0;
  float lastfps;
  log_write ("Beginning main loop.");
  while (1) {
    #ifndef DISABLE_IMG
    output = gdImageCreateTrueColor (1280, 480);

    #ifndef DEBUG_WIN
    log_write ("Getting first jpeg.");
    jpeg_buff = get_jpeg (CAM1, &jpeg_buff_size);
    if (jpeg_buff == NULL) {
      log_write ("First jpeg buffer is null!");
      exit (1);
    if (jpeg_buff_size <= 0) {
      log_write ("First jpeg buffer size is invalid!");
      exit (1);
    log_write ("First jpeg received. Size: %d", jpeg_buff_size);
    camera_1 = gdImageCreateFromJpegPtr (jpeg_buff_size, jpeg_buff);
    if (camera_1 == NULL) {
      log_write ("gdImageCreateFromJpegPtr () failed for jpeg 1!");
      exit (1);
    log_write ("Getting second jpeg.");
    jpeg_buff_2 = get_jpeg (CAM2, &jpeg_buff_size_2);
    if (jpeg_buff_2 == NULL) {
      log_write ("Second jpeg buffer is null!");
      exit (1);
    if (jpeg_buff_size_2 <= 0) {
      log_write ("Second jpeg buffer size is invalid!");
      exit (1);
    log_write ("Second jpeg received. Size: %d", jpeg_buff_size_2);
    camera_2 = gdImageCreateFromJpegPtr (jpeg_buff_size_2, jpeg_buff_2);
    if (camera_2 == NULL) {
      log_write ("gdImageCreateFromJpegPtr () failed for jpeg 2!");
      exit (1);
    #endif // !DEBUG_WIN
    #ifdef DEBUG_WIN
    img_out = fopen ("cam1.jpg", "rb");
    camera_1 = gdImageCreateFromJpeg (img_out);
    fclose (img_out);
    img_out = fopen ("cam2.jpg", "rb");
    camera_2 = gdImageCreateFromJpeg (img_out);
    fclose (img_out);
    if (camera_1 == NULL) {
      log_write ("Camera 1 image did not load properly.");
      exit (1);
    if (camera_2 == NULL) {
      log_write ("Camera 2 image did not load properly.");
      exit (1);
    #endif // DEBUG_WIN
    log_write ("Detecting blobs on camera 1.");
    cam1_red = find (camera_1, &(tol->cam1_red));
    cam1_green = find (camera_1, &(tol->cam1_green));
    log_write ("Detecting blobs on camera 2.");
    cam2_red = find (camera_2, &(tol->cam2_red));
    cam2_green = find (camera_2, &(tol->cam2_green));
    if ((target_blob = target (cam1_red, cam1_green, alliance)) != NULL) {
      if ((target_blob->center_x + 50) > 400) {
        log_write ("Sending left motor command.");
        gpio (59, GPIO_ON);
        gpio (58, GPIO_OFF);
      else if ((target_blob->center_x + 50) < 240) {
        log_write ("Sending right motor command.");
        gpio (58, GPIO_ON);
        gpio (59, GPIO_OFF);
      else {
        log_write ("Sending left & right motor commands.");
        gpio (58, GPIO_ON);
        gpio (59, GPIO_ON);
      #ifndef DISABLE_IMG
      //print_blobs (camera_1, target_blob, 100, 100, 100);
      free_blobs (target_blob);
    } else {
      log_write ("EE: No targets found.");
    if (cam1_red != NULL && cam1_green != NULL) {
      log_write ("Blob detection completed.  Building image.");
      #ifndef DISABLE_IMG
      print_blobs (camera_1, cam1_red, 200, 0, 0);
      //print_blobs (camera_2, cam2_red, 200, 0, 0);
      print_blobs (camera_1, cam1_green, 0, 180, 20);
      //print_blobs (camera_2, cam2_green, 0, 180, 20);
      free_blobs (cam1_red);
      free_blobs (cam2_red);
      free_blobs (cam1_green);
      free_blobs (cam2_green);
      #ifndef DISABLE_IMG
      gdImageCopy (output, camera_1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 640, 480);
      gdImageCopy (output, camera_2, 640, 0, 0, 0, 640, 480);
      /*gdImageFilledRectangle (output, 540, 340, 760, 450, fill_color);
      gdImageRectangle (output, 540, 340, 760, 450, line_color);
      time_t rawtime;
      time (&rawtime);
      char * time_str = ctime (&rawtime);
      time_str[strlen(time_str)-1] = '\0';
      render_text (output, text_color, 550, 360, "%s", time_str);
      if (cam1_red != NULL && cam2_red != NULL) {
        render_text (output, text_color, 550, 375, "Left Centroid: 300, 424", cam1_red->center_x, cam1_red->center_y);
        render_text (output, text_color, 550, 390, "Right Centroid: 422, 233", cam2_red->center_x, cam2_red->center_y);
        a1 = image_angle (cam1_red->center_x);
        a2 = image_angle (cam2_red->center_x);
        render_text (output, text_color, 550, 405, "Left Angle: %f", a1 * (180/PI));
        render_text (output, text_color, 550, 420, "Right Angle: %f", a2 * (180/PI));
        render_text (output, text_color, 550, 435, "Depth: %f", find_depth (a1, a2));
      #ifndef DISABLE_IMG
      img_time = time (NULL);
      snprintf (img_filename, sizeof (img_filename), "%s%s%d.jpg", OUTPATH, argv[2], img_time);
      log_write ("Image built. Writing to file: %s", img_filename);
      img_out = fopen (img_filename, "wb");
      gdImageJpeg (output, img_out, 100);
      fclose (img_out);
    } else {
      log_write ("EE: Some cams didn't detect red+green blobs.");
    #ifndef DISABLE_IMG
    gdImageDestroy (output);
    gdImageDestroy (camera_1);
    gdImageDestroy (camera_2);
    log_write ("Loop %d finished.", loop_ctr);
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
main (int argc, char ** argv)
  int numloops = 0;
  int fpstimer;
  double a1, a2;
  tolerance_file_t * tol = get_tolerance ("colors.tol");
  memset (tol, '\0', sizeof (tolerance_file_t));
  int do_blob = -1;
  int do_text = -1;
  Uint8 mouse_button;
  SDL_Surface * image;
  SDL_Surface * image_2;
  SDL_Surface * screen;
  SDL_Surface * back = IMG_Load ("back.png");
  SDL_Color white = {255, 255, 255};
  SDL_Event event;
  char * jpeg_buff;
  char * jpeg_buff_2;
  int jpeg_buff_size;
  int jpeg_buff_size_2;
  int x, y;
  FILE * log_fp;
  blob * cam1_green;
  blob * cam1_red;
  blob * cam2_green;
  blob * cam2_red;
  blob * vision_targets = NULL;
  CvCapture * capture;
  CvCapture * capture_2;
  IplImage * cam_img;
  IplImage * cam_img_2;
  FILE * color_fp;
  if (SDL_Init (SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_TIMER) == -1) {
    SDL_Quit ();
    printf ("SDL Initialization failed\n");
    exit (1);
  if ((screen = SDL_SetVideoMode (800, 600, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_DOUBLEBUF | SDL_FULLSCREEN )) == NULL) {
    SDL_Quit ();
    printf ("Could not create output surface\n");
    exit (1);
  if (TTF_Init () == -1) {
    SDL_Quit ();
    printf ("TTF_Init: %s\n", TTF_GetError());
    exit (1);
  if (!(capture = cvCaptureFromCAM (0))) {
    SDL_Quit ();
    printf ("Failed to start capture\n");
    exit (1);
  if (!(capture_2 = cvCaptureFromCAM (1))) {
    SDL_Quit ();
    printf ("Failed to start capture\n");
    exit (1);
  int start = SDL_GetTicks ();
  int lastfps;
  TTF_Font * arial = TTF_OpenFont ("arial.ttf", 12);
  while (1) {
    fpstimer = SDL_GetTicks ();
    if (fpstimer - start > 1000) {
      start = SDL_GetTicks ();
      lastfps = numloops;
      numloops = 0;
    while (SDL_PollEvent (&event)) {
      switch (event.type) {
        case SDL_KEYDOWN:
          switch (event.key.keysym.sym) {
            case 'q':
              TTF_Quit ();
              SDL_Quit ();
              exit (0);
            case 'b':
              do_blob = -do_blob;
            case 'v':
              do_text = -do_text;
            case 'i':
            case 'k':
            case 'o':
            case 'l':
            case 'y':
            case 'h':
            case 'u':
            case 'j':
            case 'w':
            case 's':
            case 'e':
            case 'd':
            case 'r':
            case 'f':
            case 't':
            case 'g':
            case 'z':
              color_fp = fopen ("colors.tol", "wb");
              fwrite (tol, sizeof (tolerance_file_t), 1, color_fp);
              fclose (color_fp);
          mouse_button = SDL_GetMouseState (&x,&y);
          if (mouse_button & SDL_BUTTON(1)) {
            if (x > 352) {
              set_tracking (x, y, screen, &(tol->cam2_green));
            else {
              set_tracking (x, y, screen, &(tol->cam1_green)); 
          else {
            if (x > 352) {
              set_tracking (x, y, screen, &(tol->cam2_red));
            else {
              set_tracking (x, y, screen, &(tol->cam1_red)); 
    cam_img = cvQueryFrame (capture);
    image = ipl_to_surface (cam_img);
    cam_img_2 = cvQueryFrame (capture_2);
    image_2 = ipl_to_surface (cam_img_2);
    easy_blit (0, 0, back, screen);
    if (do_blob == 1) {
      cam1_green = find (image, &(tol->cam1_green));
      cam1_red = find (image, &(tol->cam1_red));
      cam2_green = find (image_2, &(tol->cam2_green));
      cam2_red = find (image_2, &(tol->cam2_red));
      vision_targets = target (cam1_red, cam1_green, ALLIANCE_BLUE);
      print_blobs_lighter (image, cam1_green, 0, 150, 0);
      print_blobs_lighter (image, cam1_red, 150, 0, 0);
      print_blobs_lighter (image_2, cam2_green, 0, 150, 0);
      print_blobs_lighter (image_2, cam2_red, 150, 0, 0);
      if (vision_targets != NULL) {
        render_text (screen, arial, 100, 490, "Found target!");
        print_blobs (image, vision_targets, 0, 0, 0);
        free_blobs (vision_targets);
    if (do_text == 1) {
      render_text (screen, arial, 600, 308, "FPS: %d", (lastfps));
      //print_blobs (image_2, cam2_red, 0, 0, 0);
      render_text (screen, arial, 10, 308, "Hotkey list:");
      render_text (screen, arial, 20, 328, "i - increase left green blob minimum length: %d", tol->cam1_green.blob_minlength);
      render_text (screen, arial, 20, 348, "k - decrease left green blob minimum length");
      render_text (screen, arial, 20, 368, "o - increase left green check tolerance: %d", tol->cam1_green.blob_tolerance);
      render_text (screen, arial, 20, 388, "l - decrease left green check tolerance");
      render_text (screen, arial, 20, 408, "y - increase left red blob minimum length: %d", tol->cam1_red.blob_minlength);
      render_text (screen, arial, 20, 428, "h - decrease left red blob minimum length");
      render_text (screen, arial, 20, 448, "u - increase left red check tolerance: %d", tol->cam1_red.blob_tolerance);
      render_text (screen, arial, 20, 468, "j - decrease left red check tolerance");
      render_text (screen, arial, 50, 508, "Green check color: %d, %d, %d", tol->cam1_green.r, tol->cam1_green.g, tol->cam1_green.b);
      SPG_RectFilled (screen, 20, 500, 40, 520, SDL_MapRGB (screen->format, tol->cam1_green.r, tol->cam1_green.g, tol->cam1_green.b));
      render_text (screen, arial, 50, 548, "Red check color: %d, %d, %d", tol->cam1_red.r, tol->cam1_red.g, tol->cam1_red.b);
      SPG_RectFilled (screen, 20, 540, 40, 560, SDL_MapRGB (screen->format, tol->cam1_red.r, tol->cam1_red.g, tol->cam1_red.b));
      render_text (screen, arial, 320, 328, "w - increase right green blob minimum length: %d", tol->cam2_green.blob_minlength);
      render_text (screen, arial, 320, 348, "s - decrease right green blob minimum length");
      render_text (screen, arial, 320, 368, "e - increase right green check tolerance: %d", tol->cam2_green.blob_tolerance);
      render_text (screen, arial, 320, 388, "d - decrease right green check tolerance");
      render_text (screen, arial, 320, 408, "r - increase right red blob minimum length: %d", tol->cam2_red.blob_minlength);
      render_text (screen, arial, 320, 428, "f - decrease right red blob minimum length");
      render_text (screen, arial, 320, 448, "t - increase right red check tolerance: %d", tol->cam2_red.blob_tolerance);
      render_text (screen, arial, 320, 468, "g - decrease right red check tolerance");
      render_text (screen, arial, 350, 508, "Green check color: %d, %d, %d", tol->cam2_green.r, tol->cam2_green.g, tol->cam2_green.b);
      SPG_RectFilled (screen, 320, 500, 340, 520, SDL_MapRGB (screen->format, tol->cam2_green.r, tol->cam2_green.g, tol->cam2_green.b));
      render_text (screen, arial, 350, 548, "Red check color: %d, %d, %d", tol->cam2_red.r, tol->cam2_red.g, tol->cam2_red.b);
      SPG_RectFilled (screen, 320, 540, 340, 560, SDL_MapRGB (screen->format, tol->cam2_red.r, tol->cam2_red.g, tol->cam2_red.b));
      if ((cam1_green != NULL) && (cam2_green != NULL)) {
        a1 = image_angle (cam1_green->center_x);
        a2 = image_angle (cam2_green->center_x);
        render_text (screen, arial, 580, 348, "Image 1 centroid: %d, %d", cam1_green->center_x, cam1_green->center_y);
        render_text (screen, arial, 580, 368, "Image 2 centroid: %d, %d", cam2_green->center_x, cam2_green->center_y);
        render_text (screen, arial, 580, 388, "Depth, Method 1: %f", find_depth (a1, a2, 0));
        render_text (screen, arial, 580, 408, "Depth, Method 2: %f", find_depth (a1, a2, 1));
        render_text (screen, arial, 580, 428, "Depth, Method 3: %f", find_depth (a1, a2, 2));
        render_text (screen, arial, 580, 448, "Angle, Left: %f", a1 * (180/PI));
        render_text (screen, arial, 580, 468, "Angle, Right: %f", a2 * (180/PI));
        SPG_RectFilled (screen, 780, (int)(35 * find_depth (a1, a2, 2)) - 300, 800, 20 + (int)(35 * find_depth (a1, a2, 1)) - 300, SDL_MapRGB (screen->format, tol->cam2_green.r, tol->cam2_green.g, tol->cam2_green.b));
    if (do_blob == 1) {
      free_blobs (cam1_green);
      free_blobs (cam1_red);
      free_blobs (cam2_green);
      free_blobs (cam2_red);
    easy_blit (0, 0, image, screen);
    easy_blit (352, 0, image_2, screen);
    SDL_FreeSurface (image);
    SDL_FreeSurface (image_2);
    SDL_Flip (screen);
    log_fp = fopen ("colors.tol", "wb");
    fwrite (&tol, sizeof (tolerance_file_t), 1, log_fp);
    fclose (log_fp);
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void mainloop (void) {

    int i,j;

    unsigned char processedPixels[FRAME_HEIGHT][FRAME_WIDTH];

    for (;;) {
        fd_set fds;
        struct timeval tv;
        int r;

        FD_ZERO (&fds);
        FD_SET (fd, &fds);

        /* Timeout. */
        tv.tv_sec = 2;
        tv.tv_usec = 0;

        r = select (fd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv);

        if (-1 == r) {
            if (EINTR == errno)

            errno_exit ("select");

        if (0 == r) {
            fprintf (stderr, "select timeout\n");
            exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

        if (read_frame ()) {
            // process the video
            process_video(pixels, processedPixels);        
            // convert grayscale processed pixels to an RGB format
 			convert_grayscale_to_rgb(pixels, processedPixels,FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_HEIGHT);
            // process blobs
            int labels[FRAME_HEIGHT][FRAME_WIDTH];
            for(i = 0; i < FRAME_HEIGHT; i++) {               
                for(j = 0; j < FRAME_WIDTH; j++) {
                    labels[i][j] = -1;

            int numBlobs = two_pass(processedPixels, labels, FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_HEIGHT);
            blob blobs[MAX_BLOBS];
    		extract_blobs(blobs, numBlobs, labels, FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_HEIGHT);
    		// remove too small/big blobs
    		numBlobs = apply_blob_size_heuristic(blobs, numBlobs);
    		// get all center points for blobs
    		coord centerCoords[MAX_BLOBS];// = (coord*)malloc(sizeof(coord) * numBlobs);
    		get_blob_centers(blobs, numBlobs, centerCoords);
    		collinear points[MAX_BLOBS];
    		int shortSegments = get_more_straight_sides(centerCoords, numBlobs, points);
    		coord shapeCoords[5];
    		int shapeFound = 0;
    		for(i = 0; i < shortSegments; i++) {    			
				coord p1 = points[i].point1;
				coord p2 = points[i].point2;
				coord p3 = points[i].point3;			
				double m1 = fabs(distance(p1, p2));
				double m2 = fabs(distance(p2, p3));				
				double m3 =	fabs(distance(p1, p3));
				if(is_long_side(points[i])) {
					collinear shortSide;
					int shortSideFound = get_short_side(centerCoords, numBlobs, points[i], &shortSide);
					if(shortSideFound) {			
						draw_collinear(pixels, shortSide);
						draw_collinear(pixels, points[i]);
						print_point(p3); */
						//printf(" -------------------- SHORT SIDE \n");					
						shapeCoords[0] = p1;
						shapeCoords[1] = p2;
						shapeCoords[2] = p3;
						shapeCoords[3] = shortSide.point1;
						shapeCoords[4] = shortSide.point3;
						shapeFound = 1;
				} else if(is_short_side(points[i])) {
					collinear longSide;
					int longSideFound = get_long_side(centerCoords, numBlobs, points[i], &longSide);
					if(longSideFound) {					
						draw_collinear(pixels, longSide);
						draw_collinear(pixels, points[i]);
						print_point(p3); */
						//printf(" ======================== LONG SIDE\n");	
						print_point(longSide.point3); */
						shapeCoords[0] = p1;
						shapeCoords[1] = p2;
						shapeCoords[2] = p3;
						shapeCoords[3] = longSide.point1;
						shapeCoords[4] = longSide.point3;
						shapeFound = 1;
    		if(shapeFound) {
    			int imageCenterX = FRAME_WIDTH / 2;
				int imageCenterY = FRAME_HEIGHT / 2;	
				coord center;
				center.x = imageCenterX;
				center.y = imageCenterY;
				double distance =  distance_from_center(shapeCoords[1]);
				double angle = quadrant_angle(shapeCoords[1]);
				if(distance > 100) {
					 printf("MOVE TOWARDS CENTER  ::  ANGLE : %f  :: DISTANCE : %f(pixels)\n", 
    				angle, distance);	
				} else {
					printf("MOVE DOWN HEIGHT : ?\n");
    			print_image(centerCoords, numBlobs, shapeCoords, 5);
            free_blobs(blobs, numBlobs);
            frame = create_cam_img(pixels, FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_HEIGHT);
        	apply_surface(0, 0, frame, screen);