Ejemplo n.º 1
EFI_STATUS fsw_efi_dnode_fill_FileInfo(IN FSW_VOLUME_DATA *Volume,
                                       IN struct fsw_dnode *dno,
                                       IN OUT UINTN *BufferSize,
                                       OUT VOID *Buffer)
    EFI_STATUS          Status;
    EFI_FILE_INFO       *FileInfo;
    UINTN               RequiredSize;
    struct fsw_dnode_stat sb;

    // make sure the dnode has complete info
    Status = fsw_efi_map_status(fsw_dnode_fill(dno), Volume);
    if (EFI_ERROR(Status))
        return Status;

    // TODO: check/assert that the dno's name is in UTF16

    // check buffer size
    RequiredSize = SIZE_OF_EFI_FILE_INFO + fsw_efi_strsize(&dno->name);
    if (*BufferSize < RequiredSize) {
        // TODO: wind back the directory in this case

        Print(L"...BUFFER TOO SMALL\n");
        *BufferSize = RequiredSize;
        return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;

    // fill structure
    ZeroMem(Buffer, RequiredSize);
    FileInfo = (EFI_FILE_INFO *)Buffer;
    FileInfo->Size = RequiredSize;
    FileInfo->FileSize          = dno->size;
    FileInfo->Attribute         = 0;
    if (dno->type == FSW_DNODE_TYPE_DIR)
        FileInfo->Attribute    |= EFI_FILE_DIRECTORY;
    fsw_efi_strcpy(FileInfo->FileName, &dno->name);

    // get the missing info from the fs driver
    ZeroMem(&sb, sizeof(struct fsw_dnode_stat));
    sb.store_time_posix = fsw_efi_store_time_posix;
    sb.store_attr_posix = fsw_efi_store_attr_posix;
    sb.host_data = FileInfo;
    Status = fsw_efi_map_status(fsw_dnode_stat(dno, &sb), Volume);
    if (EFI_ERROR(Status))
        return Status;
    FileInfo->PhysicalSize      = sb.used_bytes;

    // prepare for return
    *BufferSize = RequiredSize;
    Print(L"...returning '%s'\n", FileInfo->FileName);
    return EFI_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 2
EFI_STATUS fsw_efi_dnode_getinfo(IN FSW_FILE_DATA *File,
                                 IN EFI_GUID *InformationType,
                                 IN OUT UINTN *BufferSize,
                                 OUT VOID *Buffer)
    EFI_STATUS          Status;
    FSW_VOLUME_DATA     *Volume = (FSW_VOLUME_DATA *)File->shand.dnode->vol->host_data;
    UINTN               RequiredSize;
    struct fsw_volume_stat vsb;

    if (CompareGuid(InformationType, &GUID_NAME(FileInfo))) {
        Print(L"fsw_efi_dnode_getinfo: FILE_INFO\n");

        Status = fsw_efi_dnode_fill_FileInfo(Volume, File->shand.dnode, BufferSize, Buffer);

    } else if (CompareGuid(InformationType, &GUID_NAME(FileSystemInfo))) {
        Print(L"fsw_efi_dnode_getinfo: FILE_SYSTEM_INFO\n");

        // check buffer size
        RequiredSize = SIZE_OF_EFI_FILE_SYSTEM_INFO + fsw_efi_strsize(&Volume->vol->label);
        if (*BufferSize < RequiredSize) {
            *BufferSize = RequiredSize;
            return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;

        // fill structure
        FSInfo = (EFI_FILE_SYSTEM_INFO *)Buffer;
        FSInfo->Size        = RequiredSize;
        FSInfo->ReadOnly    = TRUE;
        FSInfo->BlockSize   = Volume->vol->log_blocksize;
        fsw_efi_strcpy(FSInfo->VolumeLabel, &Volume->vol->label);

        // get the missing info from the fs driver
        ZeroMem(&vsb, sizeof(struct fsw_volume_stat));
        Status = fsw_efi_map_status(fsw_volume_stat(Volume->vol, &vsb), Volume);
        if (EFI_ERROR(Status))
            return Status;
        FSInfo->VolumeSize  = vsb.total_bytes;
        FSInfo->FreeSpace   = vsb.free_bytes;

        // prepare for return
        *BufferSize = RequiredSize;
        Status = EFI_SUCCESS;

    } else if (CompareGuid(InformationType, &GUID_NAME(FileSystemVolumeLabelInfoId))) {
        Print(L"fsw_efi_dnode_getinfo: FILE_SYSTEM_VOLUME_LABEL\n");

        // check buffer size
        RequiredSize = SIZE_OF_EFI_FILE_SYSTEM_VOLUME_LABEL_INFO + fsw_efi_strsize(&Volume->vol->label);
        if (*BufferSize < RequiredSize) {
            *BufferSize = RequiredSize;
            return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;

        // copy volume label
        fsw_efi_strcpy(((EFI_FILE_SYSTEM_VOLUME_LABEL_INFO *)Buffer)->VolumeLabel, &Volume->vol->label);

        // prepare for return
        *BufferSize = RequiredSize;
        Status = EFI_SUCCESS;

    } else {
        Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED;

    return Status;