Ejemplo n.º 1
LUA_API int lua_dump(lua_State *L, lua_Writer writer, void *data)
  cTValue *o = L->top-1;
  api_check(L, L->top > L->base);
  if (tvisfunc(o) && isluafunc(funcV(o)))
    return lj_bcwrite(L, funcproto(funcV(o)), writer, data, 0);
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* Return prototype of first argument (Lua function or prototype object) */
static GCproto *check_Lproto(lua_State *L, int nolua)
    TValue *o = L->base;
    if (L->top > o) {
        if (tvisproto(o)) {
            return protoV(o);
        } else if (tvisfunc(o)) {
            if (isluafunc(funcV(o)))
                return funcproto(funcV(o));
            else if (nolua)
                return NULL;
    lj_err_argt(L, 1, LUA_TFUNCTION);
    return NULL;  /* unreachable */
Ejemplo n.º 3
GCfunc *lj_lib_checkfunc(lua_State *L, int narg)
  TValue *o = L->base + narg-1;
  if (!(o < L->top && tvisfunc(o)))
    lj_err_argt(L, narg, LUA_TFUNCTION);
  return funcV(o);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void lj_lib_prereg(lua_State *L, const char *name, lua_CFunction f, GCtab *env)
  luaL_findtable(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "_PRELOAD", 4);
  lua_pushcfunction(L, f);
  /* NOBARRIER: The function is new (marked white). */
  setgcref(funcV(L->top-1)->c.env, obj2gco(env));
  lua_setfield(L, -2, name);
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* Push internal function on the stack. */
GCfunc *lj_lib_pushcc(lua_State *L, lua_CFunction f, int id, int n)
  GCfunc *fn;
  lua_pushcclosure(L, f, n);
  fn = funcV(L->top-1);
  fn->c.ffid = (uint8_t)id;
  setmref(fn->c.pc, &G(L)->bc_cfunc_int);
  return fn;
Ejemplo n.º 6
double ZeroMultipole::Potential::
pot (const double & rr)
  if (rr > rc) return 0.;
  double tmp0 = funcV (alpha, rr);
  // double tmp0 = 0.;
  double tmp1 = coeff.back();
  for (int ii = ll-1; ii >= 0; --ii){
    tmp1 = tmp1 * rr * rr + coeff[ii];
  return tmp0 - tmp1;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_ipairs(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd)
  if (!(LJ_52 && recff_metacall(J, rd, MM_ipairs))) {
    TRef tab = J->base[0];
    if (tref_istab(tab)) {
      J->base[0] = lj_ir_kfunc(J, funcV(&J->fn->c.upvalue[0]));
      J->base[1] = tab;
      J->base[2] = lj_ir_kint(J, 0);
      rd->nres = 3;
    }  /* else: Interpreter will throw. */
static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_ipairs(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd)
  if (!recff_metacall(J, rd, MM_ipairs))
    TRef tab = J->base[0];
    if (tref_istab(tab)) {
      J->base[0] = lj_ir_kfunc(J, funcV(&J->fn->c.upvalue[0]));
      J->base[1] = tab;
      J->base[2] = lj_ir_kint(J, 0);
      rd->nres = 3;
    }  /* else: Interpreter will throw. */
Ejemplo n.º 9
/* -- Luajittex needs this one because it overloads loadfile  -- */
LUALIB_API int RESERVED_load_aux_JIT(lua_State *L, int status, int envarg)
  if (status == 0) {
    if (tvistab(L->base+envarg-1)) {
      GCfunc *fn = funcV(L->top-1);
      GCtab *t = tabV(L->base+envarg-1);
      setgcref(fn->c.env, obj2gco(t));
      lj_gc_objbarrier(L, fn, t);
    return 1;
  } else {
    return 2;
Ejemplo n.º 10
ptrdiff_t lj_vmevent_prepare(lua_State *L, VMEvent ev)
  global_State *g = G(L);
  GCstr *s = lj_str_newlit(L, LJ_VMEVENTS_REGKEY);
  cTValue *tv = lj_tab_getstr(tabV(registry(L)), s);
  if (tvistab(tv)) {
    int hash = VMEVENT_HASH(ev);
    tv = lj_tab_getint(tabV(tv), hash);
    if (tv && tvisfunc(tv)) {
      lj_state_checkstack(L, LUA_MINSTACK);
      setfuncV(L, L->top++, funcV(tv));
      return savestack(L, L->top);
  g->vmevmask &= ~VMEVENT_MASK(ev);  /* No handler: cache this fact. */
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
static void jit_profile_callback(lua_State *L2, lua_State *L, int samples,
				 int vmstate)
  TValue key;
  cTValue *tv;
  setlightudV(&key, (void *)&KEY_PROFILE_FUNC);
  tv = lj_tab_get(L, tabV(registry(L)), &key);
  if (tvisfunc(tv)) {
    char vmst = (char)vmstate;
    int status;
    setfuncV(L2, L2->top++, funcV(tv));
    setthreadV(L2, L2->top++, L);
    setintV(L2->top++, samples);
    setstrV(L2, L2->top++, lj_str_new(L2, &vmst, 1));
    status = lua_pcall(L2, 3, 0, 0);  /* callback(thread, samples, vmstate) */
    if (status) {
      if (G(L2)->panic) G(L2)->panic(L2);
Ejemplo n.º 12
static GCproto *get_proto(lua_State *L) {
    return funcproto(funcV(L->base));
Ejemplo n.º 13
void ZeroMultipole::
calCoefficients (const int & ll,
		 const double & alpha,
		 const double & rc,
		 vector<double > & coeff)
  coeff.clear ();
  coeff.resize (ll+1);
  double b0, b1, b2, b3, b4;
  double invrc, invrc2, invrc3, invrc4;
  double rc2;
  switch (ll) {
  case 0:
      b0 = funcV (alpha,rc);
      coeff[0] = b0;
  case 1:
      b0 = funcV (alpha,rc);
      b1 = funcD1V (alpha,rc);
      coeff[0] = b0 - M_inv2 * b1 * rc;
      coeff[1] = M_inv2 * b1 / rc;
  case 2:
      b0 = funcV (alpha,rc);
      b1 = funcD1V (alpha,rc);
      b2 = funcD2V (alpha,rc);
      invrc = 1./rc;
      coeff[0] = M_inv8 * b2 * rc * rc - 5.*M_inv8 * b1 * rc + b0;
      coeff[1] = 3.*M_inv4 * b1 * invrc - M_inv4 * b2;
      coeff[2] = M_inv8 * b2 * invrc * invrc - M_inv8 * b1 * invrc * invrc * invrc;
  case 3:
      b0 = funcV (alpha,rc);
      b1 = funcD1V (alpha,rc);
      b2 = funcD2V (alpha,rc);
      b3 = funcD3V (alpha,rc);
      invrc = 1./rc;
      invrc2 = invrc * invrc;
      coeff[0] = - M_inv48 * b3 * rc * rc * rc + 3.*M_inv16 * b2 * rc * rc - 11.*M_inv16 * b1 * rc + b0;
      coeff[1] = 15.*M_inv16 * b1 * invrc - 7.*M_inv16 * b2 + M_inv16 * b3 * rc;
      coeff[2] = 5.*M_inv16 * b2 * invrc2 - 5.*M_inv16 * b1 * invrc2 * invrc - M_inv16 * b3 * invrc;
      coeff[3] = M_inv16 * b1 * invrc2 * invrc2 * invrc - M_inv16 * b2 * invrc2 * invrc2 + M_inv48 * b3 * invrc2 * invrc;
  case 4:
      b0 = funcV (alpha,rc);
      b1 = funcD1V (alpha,rc);
      b2 = funcD2V (alpha,rc);
      b3 = funcD3V (alpha,rc);
      b4 = funcD4V (alpha,rc);
      rc2 = rc * rc;
      invrc = 1./rc;
      invrc2 = invrc * invrc;
      invrc3 = invrc2 * invrc;
      invrc4 = invrc2 * invrc2;
      coeff[0] = 1./384. * b4 * rc2 * rc2 - 7./192. * b3 * rc2 * rc + 29./128. * b2 * rc2 - 93./128. * b1 * rc + b0;
      coeff[1] = 35./32. * b1 * invrc - 19./32. * b2 - 1./96. * b4 * rc2 + M_inv8 * b3 * rc;
      coeff[2] = 1./64. * b4 - 35./64. * b1 * invrc3 + 35./64. * b2 * invrc2 - 5./32. * b3 * invrc;
      coeff[3] = 7./32. * b1 * invrc4 * invrc - 7./32. * b2 * invrc4 + 1./12. * b3 * invrc3 - 1./96. * b4 * invrc2;
      coeff[4] = 5./128. * b2 * invrc4 * invrc2 - 5./128. * b1 * invrc4 * invrc3 - 1./64. * b3 * invrc4 * invrc + 1./384 * b4 * invrc4;
      cerr << "ll larger than 4 is not implemented" << endl;