Ejemplo n.º 1
void HudGaugeRadarOrb::drawContact(vec3d *pnt, int rad)
    vertex verts[2];
    vec3d p;


    g3_rotate_vertex(&verts[0], &p);

    g3_rotate_vertex(&verts[1], pnt);

    float size = fl_sqrt(vm_vec_dist(&Orb_eye_position, pnt) * 8.0f);
    if (size < i2fl(rad))	size = i2fl(rad);

    if (rad == Radar_blip_radius_target)

Ejemplo n.º 2
void HudGaugeRadarOrb::drawOutlines()
    int i;
    vertex center;
//	vertex extents[6];
    vertex proj_orb_lines_xy[NUM_ORB_RING_SLICES];
    vertex proj_orb_lines_xz[NUM_ORB_RING_SLICES];
    vertex proj_orb_lines_yz[NUM_ORB_RING_SLICES];

    g3_start_instance_matrix(&vmd_zero_vector, &view_perturb, false);
    g3_start_instance_matrix(&vmd_zero_vector, &Player_obj->orient, false);

    g3_rotate_vertex(&center, &vmd_zero_vector);
    g3_rotate_vertex(&proj_orb_lines_xy[0], &orb_ring_xy[0]);
    g3_rotate_vertex(&proj_orb_lines_yz[0], &orb_ring_yz[0]);
    g3_rotate_vertex(&proj_orb_lines_xz[0], &orb_ring_xz[0]);

    g3_draw_sphere(&center, .05f);


    for (i=1; i < NUM_ORB_RING_SLICES; i++)
        g3_rotate_vertex(&proj_orb_lines_xy[i], &orb_ring_xy[i]);
        g3_rotate_vertex(&proj_orb_lines_yz[i], &orb_ring_yz[i]);
        g3_rotate_vertex(&proj_orb_lines_xz[i], &orb_ring_xz[i]);


        g3_draw_sphere(&proj_orb_lines_xy[i-1], .01f);
        g3_draw_sphere(&proj_orb_lines_xz[i-1], .01f);


        g3_draw_sphere(&proj_orb_lines_yz[i-1], .01f);

Ejemplo n.º 3
// Decide which point lock should be homing on
void hud_lock_determine_lock_point(vector *lock_world_pos_out)
	vector	lock_world_pos;
	vertex	lock_point;
	object	*target_objp;

	Assert(Player_ai->target_objnum >= 0);
	target_objp = &Objects[Player_ai->target_objnum];

	Player->current_target_sx = -1;
	Player->current_target_sx = -1;

	// If subsystem is targeted, we must try to lock on that
	if ( Player_ai->targeted_subsys ) {
		hud_lock_update_lock_pos(target_objp, &lock_world_pos);
	} else {
		// See if we already have a successful locked point
		if ( hud_lock_has_homing_point() ) {
			hud_lock_update_lock_pos(target_objp, &lock_world_pos);
		} else {
			hud_lock_get_new_lock_pos(target_objp, &lock_world_pos);



	if (!(lock_point.flags & PF_OVERFLOW)) {  // make sure point projected
		Player->current_target_sx = (int)lock_point.sx;
		Player->current_target_sy = (int)lock_point.sy;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Draw a laser shaped 3d looking thing using vertex coloring (useful for things like colored laser glows)
// If max_len is > 1.0, then this caps the length to be no longer than max_len pixels
float g3_draw_laser_rgb(vec3d* headp, float head_width, vec3d* tailp, float tail_width, int r, int g, int b,
						uint tmap_flags, float max_len)
	if (!Lasers)
		return 0.0f;
	if ((!Cmdline_nohtl) && tmap_flags & TMAP_HTL_3D_UNLIT
		//	&&(gr_screen.mode==GR_OPENGL)) {
			g3_draw_laser_htl(headp, head_width, tailp, tail_width, r, g, b, tmap_flags | TMAP_HTL_3D_UNLIT);
	float headx, heady, headr, tailx, taily, tailr;
	vertex pt1, pt2;
	float depth;
	int head_on = 0;

	Assert(G3_count == 1);

	g3_rotate_vertex(&pt1, headp);

	if (pt1.flags & PF_OVERFLOW)
		return 0.0f;

	g3_rotate_vertex(&pt2, tailp);

	if (pt2.flags & PF_OVERFLOW)
		return 0.0f;

	if ((pt1.codes & pt2.codes) != 0)
		// Both off the same side
		return 0.0f;

	headx = pt1.sx;
	heady = pt1.sy;
	headr = (head_width * Matrix_scale.xyz.x * Canv_w2 * pt1.sw);

	tailx = pt2.sx;
	taily = pt2.sy;
	tailr = (tail_width * Matrix_scale.xyz.x * Canv_w2 * pt2.sw);

	float len_2d = fl_sqrt((tailx - headx) * (tailx - headx) + (taily - heady) * (taily - heady));

	// Cap the length if needed.
	if ((max_len > 1.0f) && (len_2d > max_len))
		float ratio = max_len / len_2d;

		tailx = headx + (tailx - headx) * ratio;
		taily = heady + (taily - heady) * ratio;
		tailr = headr + (tailr - headr) * ratio;

		len_2d = fl_sqrt((tailx - headx) * (tailx - headx) + (taily - heady) * (taily - heady));

	depth = (pt1.z + pt2.z) * 0.5f;

	float max_r = headr;
	float a;
	if (tailr > max_r)
		max_r = tailr;

	if (max_r < 1.0f)
		max_r = 1.0f;

	float mx, my, w, h1, h2;

	if (len_2d < max_r)

		h1 = headr + (max_r - len_2d);
		if (h1 > max_r)
			h1 = max_r;
		h2 = tailr + (max_r - len_2d);
		if (h2 > max_r)
			h2 = max_r;

		len_2d = max_r;
		if (fl_abs(tailx - headx) > 0.01f)
			a = (float)atan2(taily - heady, tailx - headx);
			a = 0.0f;

		w = len_2d;
		head_on = 1;

		a = atan2_safe(taily - heady, tailx - headx);

		w = len_2d;

		h1 = headr;
		h2 = tailr;
		head_on = 0;

	mx = (tailx + headx) / 2.0f;
	my = (taily + heady) / 2.0f;

	//	gr_set_color(255,0,0);
	//	g3_draw_line( &pt1, &pt2 );

	//	gr_set_color( 255, 0, 0 );
	//	gr_pixel( fl2i(mx),fl2i(my) );

	// Draw box with width 'w' and height 'h' at angle 'a' from horizontal
	// centered around mx, my

	if (h1 < 1.0f)
		h1 = 1.0f;
	if (h2 < 1.0f)
		h2 = 1.0f;

	float sa, ca;

	sa = (float)sin(a);
	ca = (float)cos(a);

	vertex v[4];
	vertex* vertlist[4] =
	memset(v, 0, sizeof(vertex) * 4);

	float sw;
	if (depth < 0.0f)
		depth = 0.0f;
	sw = 1.0f / depth;

	v[0].sx = (-w / 2.0f) * ca + (-h1 / 2.0f) * sa + mx;
	v[0].sy = (-w / 2.0f) * sa - (-h1 / 2.0f) * ca + my;
	v[0].z = pt1.z;
	v[0].sw = pt1.sw;
	v[0].u = 0.0f;
	v[0].v = 0.0f;
	v[0].r = (ubyte)r;
	v[0].g = (ubyte)g;
	v[0].b = (ubyte)b;
	v[0].a = 255;

	v[1].sx = (w / 2.0f) * ca + (-h2 / 2.0f) * sa + mx;
	v[1].sy = (w / 2.0f) * sa - (-h2 / 2.0f) * ca + my;
	v[1].z = pt2.z;
	v[1].sw = pt2.sw;
	v[1].u = 1.0f;
	v[1].v = 0.0f;
	v[1].r = (ubyte)r;
	v[1].g = (ubyte)g;
	v[1].b = (ubyte)b;
	v[1].a = 255;

	v[2].sx = (w / 2.0f) * ca + (h2 / 2.0f) * sa + mx;
	v[2].sy = (w / 2.0f) * sa - (h2 / 2.0f) * ca + my;
	v[2].z = pt2.z;
	v[2].sw = pt2.sw;
	v[2].u = 1.0f;
	v[2].v = 1.0f;
	v[2].r = (ubyte)r;
	v[2].g = (ubyte)g;
	v[2].b = (ubyte)b;
	v[2].a = 255;

	v[3].sx = (-w / 2.0f) * ca + (h1 / 2.0f) * sa + mx;
	v[3].sy = (-w / 2.0f) * sa - (h1 / 2.0f) * ca + my;
	v[3].z = pt1.z;
	v[3].sw = pt1.sw;
	v[3].u = 0.0f;
	v[3].v = 1.0f;
	v[3].r = (ubyte)r;
	v[3].g = (ubyte)g;
	v[3].b = (ubyte)b;
	v[3].a = 255;

	gr_tmapper(4, vertlist, tmap_flags | TMAP_FLAG_RGB | TMAP_FLAG_GOURAUD | TMAP_FLAG_CORRECT);

	return depth;
Ejemplo n.º 5
// This assumes you have already set a color with gr_set_color or gr_set_color_fast
// and a bitmap with gr_set_bitmap.  If it is very far away, it draws the laser
// as flat-shaded using current color, else textured using current texture.
// If max_len is > 1.0, then this caps the length to be no longer than max_len pixels.
float g3_draw_laser(vec3d *headp, float head_width, vec3d *tailp, float tail_width, uint tmap_flags, float max_len )
	if (!Lasers) {
		return 0.0f;

	if ( !Cmdline_nohtl && (tmap_flags & TMAP_HTL_3D_UNLIT) ) {
		return g3_draw_laser_htl(headp, head_width, tailp, tail_width, 255,255,255, tmap_flags | TMAP_HTL_3D_UNLIT);

	float headx, heady, headr, tailx, taily, tailr;
	vertex pt1, pt2;
	float depth;

	Assert( G3_count == 1 );


	if (pt1.flags & PF_OVERFLOW) 
		return 0.0f;


	if (pt2.flags & PF_OVERFLOW) 
		return 0.0f;

	if ( (pt1.codes & pt2.codes) != 0 )	{
		// Both off the same side
		return 0.0f;

	headx = pt1.screen.xyw.x;
	heady = pt1.screen.xyw.y;
	headr = (head_width*Matrix_scale.xyz.x*Canv_w2*pt1.screen.xyw.w);

	tailx = pt2.screen.xyw.x;
	taily = pt2.screen.xyw.y;
	tailr = (tail_width*Matrix_scale.xyz.x*Canv_w2*pt2.screen.xyw.w);

	float len_2d = fl_sqrt( (tailx-headx)*(tailx-headx) + (taily-heady)*(taily-heady) );

	// Cap the length if needed.
	if ( (max_len > 1.0f) && (len_2d > max_len) )	{
		float ratio = max_len / len_2d;
		tailx = headx + ( tailx - headx ) * ratio;
		taily = heady + ( taily - heady ) * ratio;
		tailr = headr + ( tailr - headr ) * ratio;

		len_2d = fl_sqrt( (tailx-headx)*(tailx-headx) + (taily-heady)*(taily-heady) );

	depth = (pt1.world.xyz.z+pt2.world.xyz.z)*0.5f;

	float max_r  = headr;
	float a;
	if ( tailr > max_r ) 
		max_r = tailr;

	if ( max_r < 1.0f )
		max_r = 1.0f;

	float mx, my, w, h1,h2;

	if ( len_2d < max_r ) {

		h1 = headr + (max_r-len_2d);
		if ( h1 > max_r ) h1 = max_r;
		h2 = tailr + (max_r-len_2d);
		if ( h2 > max_r ) h2 = max_r;

		len_2d = max_r;
		if ( fl_abs(tailx - headx) > 0.01f )	{
			a = (float)atan2( taily-heady, tailx-headx );
		} else {
			a = 0.0f;

		w = len_2d;

	} else {
		a = atan2_safe( taily-heady, tailx-headx );

		w = len_2d;

		h1 = headr;
		h2 = tailr;
	mx = (tailx+headx)/2.0f;
	my = (taily+heady)/2.0f;

	// Draw box with width 'w' and height 'h' at angle 'a' from horizontal
	// centered around mx, my

	if ( h1 < 1.0f ) h1 = 1.0f;
	if ( h2 < 1.0f ) h2 = 1.0f;

	float sa, ca;

	sa = (float)sin(a);
	ca = (float)cos(a);

	vertex v[4];
	vertex *vertlist[4] = { &v[3], &v[2], &v[1], &v[0] };

	if ( depth < 0.0f ) depth = 0.0f;
	v[0].screen.xyw.x = (-w/2.0f)*ca + (-h1/2.0f)*sa + mx;
	v[0].screen.xyw.y = (-w/2.0f)*sa - (-h1/2.0f)*ca + my;
	v[0].world.xyz.z = pt1.world.xyz.z;
	v[0].screen.xyw.w = pt1.screen.xyw.w;
	v[0].texture_position.u = 0.0f;
	v[0].texture_position.v = 0.0f;
	v[0].b = 191;

	v[1].screen.xyw.x = (w/2.0f)*ca + (-h2/2.0f)*sa + mx;
	v[1].screen.xyw.y = (w/2.0f)*sa - (-h2/2.0f)*ca + my;
	v[1].world.xyz.z = pt2.world.xyz.z;
	v[1].screen.xyw.w = pt2.screen.xyw.w;
	v[1].texture_position.u = 1.0f;
	v[1].texture_position.v = 0.0f;
	v[1].b = 191;

	v[2].screen.xyw.x = (w/2.0f)*ca + (h2/2.0f)*sa + mx;
	v[2].screen.xyw.y = (w/2.0f)*sa - (h2/2.0f)*ca + my;
	v[2].world.xyz.z = pt2.world.xyz.z;
	v[2].screen.xyw.w = pt2.screen.xyw.w;
	v[2].texture_position.u = 1.0f;
	v[2].texture_position.v = 1.0f;
	v[2].b = 191;

	v[3].screen.xyw.x = (-w/2.0f)*ca + (h1/2.0f)*sa + mx;
	v[3].screen.xyw.y = (-w/2.0f)*sa - (h1/2.0f)*ca + my;
	v[3].world.xyz.z = pt1.world.xyz.z;
	v[3].screen.xyw.w = pt1.screen.xyw.w;
	v[3].texture_position.u = 0.0f;
	v[3].texture_position.v = 1.0f;
	v[3].b = 191;

	gr_tmapper(4, vertlist, tmap_flags | TMAP_FLAG_CORRECT);	

	return depth;
Ejemplo n.º 6
// hud_show_lock_indicator() will display the lock indicator for homing missiles.
// lock_point_pos should be the world coordinates of the target being locked. Assuming all the 
// necessary locking calculations are done for this frame, this function will compute 
// where the indicator should be relative to the player's viewpoint and will render accordingly.
void HudGaugeLock::render(float frametime)
	int			target_objnum, sx, sy;
	object		*targetp;
	vertex lock_point;

	bool locked = Player_ai->current_target_is_locked ? true : false;
	bool reset_timers = false;

	if ( locked != Last_lock_status ) {
		// check if player lock status has changed since the last frame.
		reset_timers = true;
		Last_lock_status = locked;

	if (Player_ai->target_objnum == -1) {

	if (Player->target_is_dying) {

	if (!Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_visible){

	target_objnum = Player_ai->target_objnum;
	Assert(target_objnum != -1);
	targetp = &Objects[target_objnum];

	// check to see if there are any missile to fire.. we don't want to show the 
	// lock indicator if there are missiles to fire.
	if ( !ship_secondary_bank_has_ammo(Player_obj->instance) ) {

	bool in_frame = g3_in_frame() > 0;
	gr_set_screen_scale(base_w, base_h);

	// Get the target's current position on the screen. If he's not on there,
	// we're not going to draw the lock indicator even if he's in front 
	// of our ship, so bail out. 
	g3_rotate_vertex(&lock_point, &lock_world_pos); 
	if (lock_point.codes & PF_OVERFLOW) {



//	nprintf(("Alan","lockx: %d, locky: %d TargetX: %d, TargetY: %d\n", Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x, Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y, Player->current_target_sx, Player->current_target_sy));

	// We have the coordinates of the lock indicator relative to the target in our "virtual frame" 
	// so, we calculate where it should be drawn based on the player's viewpoint.
	if (Player_ai->current_target_is_locked) {
		sx = fl2i(lock_point.screen.xyw.x); 
		sy = fl2i(lock_point.screen.xyw.y);
		gr_unsize_screen_pos(&sx, &sy);

		// show the rotating triangles if target is locked
		renderLockTriangles(sx, sy, frametime);

		if ( reset_timers ) {
			Lock_gauge.time_elapsed = 0.0f;
	} else {
		const float scaling_factor = (gr_screen.clip_center_x < gr_screen.clip_center_y) ? (gr_screen.clip_center_x / VIRTUAL_FRAME_HALF_WIDTH) : (gr_screen.clip_center_y / VIRTUAL_FRAME_HALF_HEIGHT);
		sx = fl2i(lock_point.screen.xyw.x) - fl2i(i2fl(Player->current_target_sx - Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x) * scaling_factor);
		sy = fl2i(lock_point.screen.xyw.y) - fl2i(i2fl(Player->current_target_sy - Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y) * scaling_factor);
		gr_unsize_screen_pos(&sx, &sy);

		if ( reset_timers ) {
			Lock_gauge_draw_stamp = -1;
			Lock_gauge_draw = 0;
			Lock_anim.time_elapsed = 0.0f;

	// show locked indicator
	Lock_gauge.sx = sx - Lock_gauge_half_w;
	Lock_gauge.sy = sy - Lock_gauge_half_h;
	if (Player_ai->current_target_is_locked) {
		hud_anim_render(&Lock_gauge, 0.0f, 1);
	} else {
		hud_anim_render(&Lock_gauge, frametime, 1);

Ejemplo n.º 7
// hud_show_lock_indicator() will display the lock indicator for homing missiles.
// lock_point_pos should be the world coordinates of the target being locked. Assuming all the 
// necessary locking calculations are done for this frame, this function will compute 
// where the indicator should be relative to the player's viewpoint and will render accordingly.
void hud_show_lock_indicator(float frametime, vec3d* lock_point_pos)
	int target_objnum, sx, sy;
	object* targetp;
	vertex lock_point;

	if (!Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_visible)

	target_objnum = Player_ai->target_objnum;
	Assert(target_objnum != -1);
	targetp = &Objects[target_objnum];

	// check to see if there are any missile to fire.. we don't want to show the 
	// lock indicator if there are missiles to fire.
	if (!ship_secondary_bank_has_ammo(Player_obj->instance))

	// Get the target's current position on the screen. If he's not on there,
	// we're not going to draw the lock indicator even if he's in front 
	// of our ship, so bail out. 
	g3_rotate_vertex(&lock_point, lock_point_pos);
	if (lock_point.codes & PF_OVERFLOW)

	//	nprintf(("Alan","lockx: %d, locky: %d TargetX: %d, TargetY: %d\n", Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x, Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y, Player->current_target_sx, Player->current_target_sy));

	// We have the coordinates of the lock indicator relative to the target in our "virtual frame" 
	// so, we calculate where it should be drawn based on the player's viewpoint.
	if (Player_ai->current_target_is_locked)
		sx = fl2i(lock_point.sx);
		sy = fl2i(lock_point.sy);
		gr_unsize_screen_pos(&sx, &sy);

		// show the rotating triangles if target is locked
		hud_draw_lock_triangles(sx, sy, frametime);
		sx = fl2i(lock_point.sx) - (Player->current_target_sx - Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_x);
		sy = fl2i(lock_point.sy) - (Player->current_target_sy - Players[Player_num].lock_indicator_y);
		gr_unsize_screen_pos(&sx, &sy);

	// show locked indicator
	if ( Lock_gauge.first_frame >= 0 ) {
		gr_aabitmap(sx - Lock_gauge_half_w[gr_screen.res], sy - Lock_gauge_half_h[gr_screen.res]);
	} else {
		hud_draw_diamond(sx, sy, Lock_target_box_width[gr_screen.res], Lock_target_box_height[gr_screen.res]);
	Lock_gauge.sx = sx - Lock_gauge_half_w[Hud_reticle_style][gr_screen.res];
	Lock_gauge.sy = sy - Lock_gauge_half_h[gr_screen.res];
	if (Player_ai->current_target_is_locked)
		Lock_gauge.time_elapsed = 0.0f;
		hud_anim_render(&Lock_gauge, 0.0f, 1);
		hud_anim_render(&Lock_gauge, frametime, 1);