int CCrywolfUtil::CrywolfMVPLevelUp(int iUserIndex, int iAddExp) { if ( !OBJMAX_RANGE(iUserIndex ) ) return 0; int iLEFT_EXP = 0; LogAddTD("[ Crywolf ][MVP Exp.] : [%s][%s](%d) %u %d", gObj[iUserIndex].AccountID, gObj[iUserIndex].Name, gObj[iUserIndex].Level, gObj[iUserIndex].Experience, iAddExp); LogAddTD("Experience : Map[%d]-(%d,%d) [%s][%s](%d) %u %d MonsterIndex : %d, EventType : %d", gObj[iUserIndex].MapNumber, gObj[iUserIndex].X, gObj[iUserIndex].Y, // #error Deathway - Must be Y gObj[iUserIndex].AccountID, gObj[iUserIndex].Name, gObj[iUserIndex].Level, gObj[iUserIndex].Experience, iAddExp, 0, EVENT_TYPE_CRYWOLF); gObjSetExpPetItem(iUserIndex, iAddExp); if ( gObj[iUserIndex].Level >= MAX_CHAR_LEVEL ) { GCServerMsgStringSend(lMsg.Get(MSGGET(4, 112)), gObj[iUserIndex].m_Index, 1); return 0; } if ( (gObj[iUserIndex].Experience + iAddExp) < gObj[iUserIndex].NextExp ) { gObj[iUserIndex].Experience += iAddExp; } else { iLEFT_EXP = gObj[iUserIndex].Experience + iAddExp - gObj[iUserIndex].NextExp; gObj[iUserIndex].Experience = gObj[iUserIndex].NextExp; gObj[iUserIndex].Level++; if ( gObj[iUserIndex].Class == CLASS_DARKLORD || gObj[iUserIndex].Class == CLASS_MAGUMSA ) { gObj[iUserIndex].LevelUpPoint += gLevelUpPointMGDL; } else { gObj[iUserIndex].LevelUpPoint += gLevelUpPointNormal; } if ( gObj[iUserIndex].PlusStatQuestClear != false ) { gObj[iUserIndex].LevelUpPoint++; LogAddTD("[ Crywolf ][MVP Exp.] [%s][%s] LevelUp PlusStatQuest Clear AddStat %d", gObj[iUserIndex].AccountID, gObj[iUserIndex].Name, gObj[iUserIndex].LevelUpPoint); } gObj[iUserIndex].MaxLife += DCInfo.DefClass[gObj[iUserIndex].Class].LevelLife; gObj[iUserIndex].MaxMana += DCInfo.DefClass[gObj[iUserIndex].Class].LevelMana; gObj[iUserIndex].Life = gObj[iUserIndex].MaxLife; gObj[iUserIndex].Mana = gObj[iUserIndex].MaxMana; gObjNextExpCal(&gObj[iUserIndex]); gObjSetBP(gObj[iUserIndex].m_Index); GCLevelUpMsgSend(gObj[iUserIndex].m_Index, 1); gObjCalcMaxLifePower(gObj[iUserIndex].m_Index); LogAddTD(lMsg.Get(MSGGET(2, 8)), gObj[iUserIndex].AccountID, gObj[iUserIndex].Name, gObj[iUserIndex].Level); } return iLEFT_EXP; }
void gObjSetItemApply(LPOBJ lpObj) { lpObj->m_AttackDamageMinLeft += lpObj->SetOpAddAttackDamage; lpObj->m_AttackDamageMaxLeft += lpObj->SetOpAddAttackDamage; lpObj->m_AttackDamageMinRight += lpObj->SetOpAddAttackDamage; lpObj->m_AttackDamageMaxRight += lpObj->SetOpAddAttackDamage; lpObj->m_AttackDamageMinLeft += lpObj->SetOpAddMinAttackDamage; lpObj->m_AttackDamageMinRight += lpObj->SetOpAddMinAttackDamage; lpObj->m_AttackDamageMaxLeft += lpObj->SetOpAddMaxAttackDamage; lpObj->m_AttackDamageMaxRight += lpObj->SetOpAddMaxAttackDamage; lpObj->m_MagicDamageMin += lpObj->m_MagicDamageMin * lpObj->SetOpAddMagicPower / 100; lpObj->m_MagicDamageMax += lpObj->m_MagicDamageMax * lpObj->SetOpAddMagicPower / 100; lpObj->AddLife += INT(lpObj->AddVitality * gCharInfo.sCharInfo[lpObj->Class].VitalityToLife); lpObj->AddMana += INT(lpObj->AddEnergy * gCharInfo.sCharInfo[lpObj->Class].EnergyToMana); lpObj->m_CriticalDamage += lpObj->SetOpAddCriticalDamageSuccessRate; lpObj->m_ExcelentDamage += lpObj->SetOpAddExDamageSuccessRate; if ( lpObj->pInventory[10].IsSetItem() ) { lpObj->pInventory[10].PlusSpecialSetRing((LPBYTE)lpObj->m_AddResistance); } if ( lpObj->pInventory[11].IsSetItem() ) { lpObj->pInventory[11].PlusSpecialSetRing((LPBYTE)lpObj->m_AddResistance); } if ( lpObj->pInventory[9].IsSetItem() ) { lpObj->pInventory[9].PlusSpecialSetRing((LPBYTE)lpObj->m_AddResistance); } if ( lpObj->SetOpTwoHandSwordImproveDamage ) { if ( !lpObj->pInventory[1].IsItem() && !lpObj->pInventory[0].IsItem() ) { lpObj->SetOpTwoHandSwordImproveDamage = 0; } if ( lpObj->pInventory[1].IsItem() && lpObj->pInventory[1].m_TwoHand == FALSE ) { lpObj->SetOpTwoHandSwordImproveDamage = 0; } if ( lpObj->pInventory[0].IsItem() && lpObj->pInventory[0].m_TwoHand == FALSE ) { lpObj->SetOpTwoHandSwordImproveDamage = 0; } } if ( (lpObj->MaxLife + lpObj->AddLife ) < lpObj->Life ) { lpObj->Life = lpObj->MaxLife + lpObj->AddLife; GCReFillSend(lpObj->m_Index, lpObj->Life, 0xFF, 0, lpObj->iShield); } gObjSetBP(lpObj->m_Index); if ( (lpObj->MaxMana + lpObj->AddMana ) < lpObj->Mana ) { lpObj->Mana = lpObj->MaxMana + lpObj->AddMana; GCManaSend(lpObj->m_Index, lpObj->Mana, 0xFF, 0, lpObj->BP); } lpObj->m_Defense += lpObj->SetOpAddDefence * 10 / 20; lpObj->m_Defense += lpObj->m_Defense * lpObj->SetOpAddDefenceRate / 100; if ( lpObj->pInventory[1].m_Type >= ITEMGET(6,0) && lpObj->pInventory[1].m_Type < ITEMGET(7,0) ) { lpObj->m_Defense += lpObj->m_Defense * lpObj->SetOpImproveSheldDefence / 100; } }
bool cChat::AddCommands(LPOBJ gObj, char *Msg, int Type) { int aIndex = User.GetPlayerIndex(gObj->Name); switch (Type) { case 0: if (CheckCommand(gObj, Configs.Commands.AddPointEnabled, GmSystem.NONE, Configs.Commands.AddPriceZen, Configs.Commands.AddPointLevelReq, 1, 0, "AddStats", "/addstr <num>", Msg)) return true; break; case 1: if (CheckCommand(gObj, Configs.Commands.AddPointEnabled, GmSystem.NONE, Configs.Commands.AddPriceZen, Configs.Commands.AddPointLevelReq, 1, 0, "AddStats", "/addagi <num>", Msg)) return true; break; case 2: if (CheckCommand(gObj, Configs.Commands.AddPointEnabled, GmSystem.NONE, Configs.Commands.AddPriceZen, Configs.Commands.AddPointLevelReq, 1, 0, "AddStats", "/addvit <num>", Msg)) return true; break; case 3: if (CheckCommand(gObj, Configs.Commands.AddPointEnabled, GmSystem.NONE, Configs.Commands.AddPriceZen, Configs.Commands.AddPointLevelReq, 1, 0, "AddStats", "/addene <num>", Msg)) return true; break; case 4: if (CheckCommand(gObj, Configs.Commands.AddPointEnabled, GmSystem.NONE, Configs.Commands.AddPriceZen, Configs.Commands.AddPointLevelReq, 1, 0, "AddStats", "/addcmd <num>", Msg)) return true; if (gObj->Class != 4) { TNotice.SendNotice(aIndex, 1, "[AddStats] You are not Dark Lord!!!"); //MessageLog(1, gObj, "[AddStats] You are not Dark Lord!!!"); return true; } break; } DWORD Points; sscanf(Msg, "%d", &Points); if (Configs.Commands.MaxAddedStats > 0 && Configs.Commands.MaxAddedStats <= Points) { TNotice.SendNotice(aIndex, 1, "[AddStats] You can't add more than %d stats!!!", Configs.Commands.MaxAddedStats); return true; } int MaxPoints = 32767; //if(Configs.Enable65kStats >= 1) // MaxPoints = -536; int Stats = 0; bool bResult = false; switch (Type) { case 0x00: Stats = gObj->Strength; if (gObj->Class == 0) MaxPoints; else if (gObj->Class == 1) MaxPoints; else if (gObj->Class == 2) MaxPoints; else if (gObj->Class == 3) MaxPoints; else if (gObj->Class == 4) MaxPoints; else if (gObj->Class == 5) MaxPoints; break; case 0x01: Stats = gObj->Dexterity; if (gObj->Class == 0) MaxPoints; else if (gObj->Class == 1) MaxPoints; else if (gObj->Class == 2) MaxPoints; else if (gObj->Class == 3) MaxPoints; else if (gObj->Class == 4) MaxPoints; else if (gObj->Class == 5) MaxPoints; break; case 0x02: Stats = gObj->Vitality; if (gObj->Class == 0) MaxPoints; else if (gObj->Class == 1) MaxPoints; else if (gObj->Class == 2) MaxPoints; else if (gObj->Class == 3) MaxPoints; else if (gObj->Class == 4) MaxPoints; else if (gObj->Class == 5) MaxPoints; break; case 0x03: Stats = gObj->Energy; if (gObj->Class == 0) MaxPoints; else if (gObj->Class == 1) MaxPoints; else if (gObj->Class == 2) MaxPoints; else if (gObj->Class == 3) MaxPoints; else if (gObj->Class == 4) MaxPoints; else if (gObj->Class == 5) MaxPoints; break; case 0x04: Stats = gObj->Leadership; if (gObj->Class == 4) MaxPoints; break; } int MaxPointsTemp = MaxPoints; if (MaxPoints > 32767) MaxPoints = -32768 + (MaxPoints - 32767); if (((MaxPoints > 0) && (Stats >= MaxPoints || Stats < 0)) || ((MaxPoints < 0) && (Stats < 0) && (Stats >= MaxPoints))) { TNotice.SendNotice(aIndex, 1, "[AddStats] You have max points for this type!!!"); return true; } int StatsTemp = Stats; Stats += Points; if (gObj->LevelUpPoint < Points) { TNotice.SendNotice(aIndex, 1, "[AddStats] You don't have enough points to add. Need %d more.", Points - gObj->LevelUpPoint); return true; } if (((MaxPoints > 0) && (Stats > MaxPoints || Stats < 0)) || ((MaxPoints < 0) && (Stats < 0) && (Stats > MaxPoints))) { TNotice.SendNotice(aIndex, 1, "[AddStats] You can't add more than %d points for this type!!!", MaxPoints - StatsTemp); return true; } TakeCommand(gObj, Configs.Commands.AddPriceZen, "AddStats"); switch (Type) { case 0x00://str { //PMSG_CHARREGEN pMsg; PMSG_STAT_UPDATE pMsg; PHeadSetB((LPBYTE)&pMsg, 0x2C, sizeof(PMSG_STAT_UPDATE)); pMsg.result = 0; pMsg.btFruitType = 3; pMsg.btStatValue = Points; gObj->Strength += Points; gObj->LevelUpPoint -= Points; GCLevelUpMsgSend(gObj->m_Index, 1); gObjCalCharacter(gObj->m_Index); gObjSetBP(gObj->m_Index); DataSend(gObj->m_Index, (char*)&pMsg, pMsg.h.size); //Utilits.SendEffect(gObj, 5); return true; } case 0x01://agi { PMSG_STAT_UPDATE pMsg; PHeadSetB((LPBYTE)&pMsg, 0x2C, sizeof(PMSG_STAT_UPDATE)); pMsg.result = 0; pMsg.btFruitType = 2; pMsg.btStatValue = Points; gObj->Dexterity += Points; gObj->LevelUpPoint -= Points; GCLevelUpMsgSend(gObj->m_Index, 1); gObjCalCharacter(gObj->m_Index); gObjSetBP(gObj->m_Index); DataSend(gObj->m_Index, (char*)&pMsg, pMsg.h.size); return true; } case 0x02://vit { PMSG_STAT_UPDATE pMsg; PHeadSetB((LPBYTE)&pMsg, 0x2C, sizeof(PMSG_STAT_UPDATE)); pMsg.result = 0; pMsg.btStatValue = Points; pMsg.btFruitType = 1; DataSend(gObj->m_Index, (char*)&pMsg, pMsg.h.size); gObj->Vitality += Points; gObj->MaxLife += gObj->VitalityToLife * Points; gObj->LevelUpPoint -= Points; GCLevelUpMsgSend(gObj->m_Index, 1); gObjCalCharacter(gObj->m_Index); GCReFillSend(gObj->m_Index, gObj->MaxLife + gObj->AddLife, 0xFE, 0, gObj->iMaxShield + gObj->iAddShield); gObjSetBP(gObj->m_Index); //Utilits.SendEffect(gObj, 2); return true; } case 0x03://ene { PMSG_STAT_UPDATE pMsg; PHeadSetB((LPBYTE)&pMsg, 0x2C, sizeof(PMSG_STAT_UPDATE)); pMsg.result = 0; pMsg.btFruitType = 0; pMsg.btStatValue = Points; DataSend(gObj->m_Index, (char*)&pMsg, pMsg.h.size); gObj->Energy += Points; gObj->MaxMana += gObj->EnergyToMana * Points; gObj->LevelUpPoint -= Points; GCLevelUpMsgSend(gObj->m_Index, 1); gObjCalCharacter(gObj->m_Index); GCManaSend(gObj->m_Index, gObj->MaxMana + gObj->AddMana, 0xFE, 0, gObj->MaxBP + gObj->AddBP); gObjSetBP(gObj->m_Index); //Utilits.SendEffect(gObj, 2); return true; } case 0x04://cmd { PMSG_STAT_UPDATE pMsg; PHeadSetB((LPBYTE)&pMsg, 0x2C, sizeof(PMSG_STAT_UPDATE)); pMsg.result = 0; pMsg.btFruitType = 4; pMsg.btStatValue = Points; gObj->Leadership += Points; gObj->LevelUpPoint -= Points; DataSend(gObj->m_Index, (char*)&pMsg, pMsg.h.size); gObjCalCharacter(aIndex); gObjSetBP(aIndex); GCLevelUpMsgSend(gObj->m_Index, 0); //Utilits.SendEffect(gObj, 2); return true; } default: { return true; } } TNotice.SendNotice(aIndex, 1, "[AddStats] Your stats successfully added!"); TNotice.SendNotice(aIndex, 1, "Please Relog!"); return true; }
int CCrywolfUtil::CrywolfMVPLevelUp(int iUserIndex,int iAddExp) { if ( !OBJMAX_RANGE(iUserIndex ) ) return 0; LogAddTD("[ Crywolf ][MVP Exp.] : [%s][%s](%d) %u %d", gObj[iUserIndex].AccountID, gObj[iUserIndex].Name, gObj[iUserIndex].Level, gObj[iUserIndex].Experience, iAddExp); if( g_MasterExp.LevelUp(&gObj[iUserIndex],iAddExp) ) { return FALSE; } gObjSetExpPetItem(iUserIndex, iAddExp); int iLEFT_EXP = 0; LogAddTD("Experience : Map[%d]-(%d,%d) [%s][%s](%d) %u %d MonsterIndex : %d, EventType : %d", gObj[iUserIndex].MapNumber, gObj[iUserIndex].X, gObj[iUserIndex].Y, gObj[iUserIndex].AccountID, gObj[iUserIndex].Name, gObj[iUserIndex].Level, gObj[iUserIndex].Experience, iAddExp, 0, EVENT_TYPE_CRYWOLF); if ( gObj[iUserIndex].Level >= MAX_CHAR_LEVEL ) { GCServerMsgStringSend(lMsg.Get(MSGGET(4, 112)), gObj[iUserIndex].m_Index, 1); return 0; } if ( (gObj[iUserIndex].Experience + iAddExp) < gObj[iUserIndex].NextExp ) { gObj[iUserIndex].Experience += iAddExp; } else { iLEFT_EXP = gObj[iUserIndex].Experience + iAddExp - gObj[iUserIndex].NextExp; gObj[iUserIndex].Experience = gObj[iUserIndex].NextExp; gObj[iUserIndex].Level++; #if (ENABLE_CUSTOM_CLASSCALC == 1) gObj[iUserIndex].LevelUpPoint += g_ClassCalc.GetLevelPoint(&gObj[iUserIndex], 0, 0); #else if( gObj[iUserIndex].Class == CLASS_DARKLORD ) { gObj[iUserIndex].LevelUpPoint += 7; } else if( gObj[iUserIndex].Class == CLASS_MAGUMSA ) { gObj[iUserIndex].LevelUpPoint += 7; } else if( gObj[iUserIndex].Class == CLASS_FIGHTER ) { gObj[iUserIndex].LevelUpPoint += 7; } else { gObj[iUserIndex].LevelUpPoint += 5; } #endif if( gObj[iUserIndex].PlusStatQuestClear != false ) { #if (ENABLE_CUSTOM_CLASSCALC == 1) gObj[iUserIndex].LevelUpPoint += g_ClassCalc.GetLevelPoint(&gObj[iUserIndex], 0, 1); #else gObj[iUserIndex].LevelUpPoint += 1; #endif LogAddTD("[ Crywolf ][MVP Exp.] [%s][%s] LevelUp PlusStatQuest Clear AddStat %d", gObj[iUserIndex].AccountID, gObj[iUserIndex].Name, gObj[iUserIndex].LevelUpPoint); } gObj[iUserIndex].MaxLife += DCInfo.DefClass[gObj[iUserIndex].Class].LevelLife; gObj[iUserIndex].MaxMana += DCInfo.DefClass[gObj[iUserIndex].Class].LevelMana; gObj[iUserIndex].Life = gObj[iUserIndex].MaxLife; gObj[iUserIndex].Mana = gObj[iUserIndex].MaxMana; gObjNextExpCal(&gObj[iUserIndex]); gObjSetBP(gObj[iUserIndex].m_Index); GCLevelUpMsgSend(gObj[iUserIndex].m_Index, 1); LogAddTD(lMsg.Get(MSGGET(2, 8)), gObj[iUserIndex].AccountID, gObj[iUserIndex].Name, gObj[iUserIndex].Level); if( gObj[iUserIndex].Level == 400 && gObj[iUserIndex].PartyNumber >= 0 ) { int partynumber = gObj[iUserIndex].PartyNumber; char szTmp[256]; sprintf(szTmp,"400 LevelUp (%s)(%s) Party ",gObj[iUserIndex].AccountID,gObj[iUserIndex].Name); int tObjNum; for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { tObjNum = gParty.m_PartyS[partynumber].Number[i]; if( tObjNum >= 0 ) { int len = strlen(szTmp); sprintf(&szTmp[len],",(%s)(%s) ",gObj[tObjNum].AccountID,gObj[tObjNum].Name); } } LogAddTD(szTmp); } } return iLEFT_EXP; }
//00553d40 -> 100% void CMasterLevelSystem::DGAnsMasterLevelInfo(BYTE * aRecv) //OK { if( !aRecv ) { return; } // ---- MLP_ANS_MASTERLEVEL_INFO * lpRecvMsg = (MLP_ANS_MASTERLEVEL_INFO*)aRecv; // ---- if( !gObjIsConnectedGP(lpRecvMsg->iUserIndex) ) { return; } // ---- int iIndex = lpRecvMsg->iUserIndex; LPOBJ lpObj = &gObj[lpRecvMsg->iUserIndex]; // --- if( lpObj->m_bMasterLevelDBLoad ) { return; } // ---- if( !lpRecvMsg->btResult ) { LogAddTD("[%s][%s] MasterLevel Info Load Fail", lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name); //-> New return; } // ---- if( lpRecvMsg->btResult == 1 ) { if( lpObj->m_iMasterLevelPoint + lpRecvMsg->nMLPoint != lpRecvMsg->nMLevel ) //-> New (be good use MASTER_MAX_POINT for check) { LogAddTD("[%s][%s] MasterLevel Info Mismatch!! - Point(%d), Use Point(%d), Level(%d)", lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, lpRecvMsg->nMLPoint, lpObj->m_bMasterLevelDBLoad, lpRecvMsg->nMLevel); } // ---- lpObj->m_bMasterLevelDBLoad = 1; // ---- if( lpRecvMsg->nMLevel == 0 && lpRecvMsg->i64NextMLExp == 0 ) { lpObj->m_nMasterLevel = lpRecvMsg->nMLevel; lpObj->m_i64MasterLevelExp = lpRecvMsg->i64MLExp; lpObj->m_i64NextMasterLevelExp = m_i64MasterLevelExpTlb[1]; lpObj->m_iMasterLevelPoint = lpRecvMsg->nMLPoint; // ---- LogAddTD("[%s][%s] MasterLevel Info First Set [MLevel:%d][MLExp:%I64d][m_i64NextMasterLevelExp:%I64d][MLPoint:%d]", lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, lpObj->m_nMasterLevel, lpObj->m_i64MasterLevelExp, lpObj->m_i64NextMasterLevelExp, lpObj->m_iMasterLevelPoint); // ---- this->GDReqMasterLevelInfoSave(lpObj); } else { lpObj->m_nMasterLevel = lpRecvMsg->nMLevel; lpObj->m_i64MasterLevelExp = lpRecvMsg->i64MLExp; lpObj->m_i64NextMasterLevelExp = lpRecvMsg->i64NextMLExp; lpObj->m_iMasterLevelPoint = lpRecvMsg->nMLPoint; // ---- LogAddTD("[%s][%s] Recv MasterLevel Info [MLevel:%d][MLExp:%I64d][m_i64NextMasterLevelExp:%I64d][MLPoint:%d]", lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, lpObj->m_nMasterLevel, lpObj->m_i64MasterLevelExp, lpObj->m_i64NextMasterLevelExp, lpObj->m_iMasterLevelPoint); // ---- this->GDReqMasterLevelInfoSave(lpObj); } // ---- lpObj->MaxLife = DCInfo.DefClass[lpObj->Class].Life + (lpObj->Level + lpObj->m_nMasterLevel - 1) * DCInfo.DefClass[lpObj->Class].LevelLife + ((lpObj->Vitality - DCInfo.DefClass[lpObj->Class].Vitality ) * DCInfo.DefClass[lpObj->Class].VitalityToLife); // ---- if( lpObj->Life > lpObj->MaxLife + lpObj->AddLife ) { lpObj->Life = lpObj->MaxLife; } // ---- lpObj->MaxMana = DCInfo.DefClass[lpObj->Class].Mana + (lpObj->Level + lpObj->m_nMasterLevel - 1) * DCInfo.DefClass[lpObj->Class].LevelMana + ((lpObj->Energy - DCInfo.DefClass[lpObj->Class].Energy ) * DCInfo.DefClass[lpObj->Class].EnergyToMana); // ---- if( lpObj->Mana > lpObj->MaxMana + lpObj->AddMana ) { lpObj->Mana = lpObj->MaxMana; } // ---- gObjCalcMaxLifePower(lpObj->m_Index); gObjSetBP(lpObj->m_Index); gObjCalcShieldPoint(lpObj); // ---- lpObj->iShield = lpObj->iMaxShield + lpObj->iAddShield; // ---- LogAddTD("[%s][%s] Reset Max Value For MasterLevel [MaxLife:%d][MaxMana:%d][MaxSD:%d]", lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, lpObj->MaxLife, lpObj->MaxMana, lpObj->iShield); // ---- this->GCMasterLevelInfo(lpObj); // ---- GCReFillSend(lpObj->m_Index, lpObj->Life, -1, 0, lpObj->iShield); GCManaSend(lpObj->m_Index, lpObj->Mana, -1, 0, lpObj->BP); } // ---- gObjCalCharacter(lpObj->m_Index); // ----- gObjCalcMLSkillItemOption(lpObj); g_MasterSkillSystem.CGReqGetMasterLevelSkillTree(lpObj->m_Index); }
//005535a0 -> 100% int CMasterLevelSystem::MasterLevelUp(LPOBJ lpObj, __int64 iAddExp, bool bEventMapReward, int iMonsterType) //OK { if( !this->IsMasterLevelUser(lpObj) ) { return false; } int m_maxMasterLevel = GetPrivateProfileInt("Common", "MaxMasterLevel", 200, gDirPath.GetNewPath("MasterSystem.cfg")); int numCoded = 201; if (m_maxMasterLevel >= numCoded || m_maxMasterLevel <= 0){ int m_maxMasterLevel = 200; } // ---- if (lpObj->m_nMasterLevel >= m_maxMasterLevel) { GCServerMsgStringSend(lMsg.Get(1136), lpObj->m_Index, 1); return false; } // ---- if( bEventMapReward ) //-> New { iAddExp = iAddExp; //??? } else { #ifdef GENS if( gGensSystem.IsMapBattleZone(lpObj->MapNumber) ) //-> Original g_GensSystem maybe { iAddExp = iAddExp * (this->m_fAddExpRate + g_MLBattleZoneAddExp); } else { iAddExp = iAddExp * this->m_fAddExpRate; } #else iAddExp = iAddExp * this->m_fAddExpRate; #endif } // ---- if( lpObj->m_MPSkillOpt.MpsPlusExp > 0 ) { iAddExp += iAddExp * lpObj->m_MPSkillOpt.MpsPlusExp / 100; } // ---- if( iAddExp > 0 ) { gObjSetExpPetItem(lpObj->m_Index, iAddExp); // ---- LogAddTD("ML Experience : Map[%d]-(%d,%d) [%s][%s](%d) %I64d %I64d MonsterIndex : %d", //-> Updated lpObj->MapNumber, lpObj->X, lpObj->Y, lpObj->AccountID,lpObj->Name, lpObj->m_nMasterLevel, lpObj->m_i64MasterLevelExp, iAddExp, iMonsterType); // ---- if( iAddExp + lpObj->m_i64MasterLevelExp >= lpObj->m_i64NextMasterLevelExp ) { iAddExp = 0; // ----- int m_masterPointsPerLvl = GetPrivateProfileInt("Common", "MasterPointsPerLvl", 100, gDirPath.GetNewPath("MasterSystem.cfg")); int numCodeds = 101; if (m_maxMasterLevel >= numCodeds) { int m_masterPointsPerLvl = 1; } // ----- lpObj->m_i64MasterLevelExp = lpObj->m_i64NextMasterLevelExp; lpObj->m_nMasterLevel++; lpObj->m_iMasterLevelPoint += m_masterPointsPerLvl; //-> In future can use it for change ml point per level) // ----- gObjCalCharacter(lpObj->m_Index); // ----- lpObj->MaxLife += DCInfo.DefClass[ lpObj->Class ].LevelLife; lpObj->MaxMana += DCInfo.DefClass[ lpObj->Class ].LevelMana; lpObj->Life = lpObj->AddLife + lpObj->MaxLife; lpObj->Mana = lpObj->AddMana + lpObj->MaxMana; // ----- gObjCalcShieldPoint(lpObj); lpObj->iShield = lpObj->iAddShield + lpObj->iMaxShield; // ----- this->gObjNextMLExpCal(lpObj); // ---- gObjCalcMaxLifePower(lpObj->m_Index); gObjSetBP(lpObj->m_Index); GJSetCharacterInfo(lpObj, lpObj->m_Index, 0, 0); this->GCMasterLevelUpInfo(lpObj); GCReFillSend(lpObj->m_Index, lpObj->Life, 0xFF, 0, lpObj->iShield); GCManaSend(lpObj->m_Index, lpObj->Mana, 0xFF, 0, lpObj->BP); //-> Original name ->_BP } else { lpObj->m_i64MasterLevelExp += iAddExp; } // ---- GCSendExp_INT64(lpObj->m_Index, 65535, iAddExp, 0, 0); } // ---- return true; }