Ejemplo n.º 1
prof_occurrences(const char *const needle, const char *const haystack, int offset, gboolean whole_word, GSList **result)
    if (needle == NULL || haystack == NULL) {
        return *result;

    if (g_str_has_prefix(&haystack[offset], needle)) {
        if (whole_word) {
            char *prev = g_utf8_prev_char(&haystack[offset]);
            char *next = g_utf8_next_char(&haystack[offset] + strlen(needle) - 1);
            gunichar prevu = g_utf8_get_char(prev);
            gunichar nextu = g_utf8_get_char(next);
            if (!g_unichar_isalnum(prevu) && !g_unichar_isalnum(nextu)) {
                *result = g_slist_append(*result, GINT_TO_POINTER(offset));
        } else {
            *result = g_slist_append(*result, GINT_TO_POINTER(offset));

    if (haystack[offset+1] != '\0') {
        *result = prof_occurrences(needle, haystack, offset+1, whole_word, result);

    return *result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static char *
strstr_word (const char *haystack, const char *needle)
    const char *hay = haystack;
    while (*hay) {
        char *n = strstr (hay, needle);
        gboolean failed = FALSE;

        if (n == NULL)
            return NULL;

        if (n != haystack) {
            char *prev = g_utf8_prev_char (n);
            if (g_unichar_isalnum (g_utf8_get_char (prev)))
                failed = TRUE;

        if (! failed) {
            char *next = n + strlen (needle);
            if (*next && g_unichar_isalnum (g_utf8_get_char (next)))
                failed = TRUE;

        if (! failed)
            return n;

        hay = g_utf8_next_char (hay);

    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static gboolean search_elem_locate(GtkTextBuffer* buf, gint* pline, gint* poffset, CppElem* elem) {
	GtkTextIter iter;
	GtkTextIter limit;
	GtkTextIter ps;
	GtkTextIter pe;
	guint ch;
	gboolean full_matched;
	gboolean need_move_cursor;

	*pline = elem->sline - 1;
	*poffset = -1;

	gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_line(buf, &iter, *pline);
	limit = iter;

	need_move_cursor = TRUE;
	full_matched = FALSE;
	while( gtk_text_iter_forward_search(&iter, elem->name->buf, 0, &ps, &pe, &limit) ) {
		*poffset = gtk_text_iter_get_line_offset(&pe);
		gtk_text_buffer_select_range(buf, &pe, &ps);
		need_move_cursor = FALSE;

		if( gtk_text_iter_starts_line(&ps) ) {
			full_matched = TRUE;
		} else {
			iter = ps;
			ch = gtk_text_iter_get_char(&iter);
			if( !g_unichar_isalnum(ch) && ch!='_' )
				full_matched = TRUE;

		if( full_matched && !gtk_text_iter_ends_line(&pe) ) {
			iter = pe;
			ch = gtk_text_iter_get_char(&iter);
			if( g_unichar_isalnum(ch) || ch=='_' )
				full_matched = FALSE;

		if( full_matched )

		iter = ps;

	return need_move_cursor;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static char *convert_title_case(const char *str)
	int result_size = strlen(str) + 12;
	char *result = malloc(result_size);
	const char *r = str;
	char *w = result;
	gboolean upcase_next = TRUE;

	while (*r) {
		int len;
		gunichar c = g_utf8_get_char(r);

		/* ensure there is room for at least 1 more character */
		if (w - result + 7 > result_size) {
			int offset = w - result;
			result_size += max(6, 0.5 * result_size);
			result = realloc(result, result_size);
			w = result + offset;

		if (upcase_next)
			len = g_unichar_to_utf8(g_unichar_toupper(c), w);
			len = g_unichar_to_utf8(g_unichar_tolower(c), w);
		w += len;

		upcase_next = !g_unichar_isalnum(c) && c != '\'';

		r = g_utf8_next_char(r);

	*w = 0;
	return result;
/* allocates space and returns the index part of a string */
static char *
_new_get_index(const char *_string)
	if (!_string)
		return NULL;

	size_t size;
	gunichar u;
	char *string = NULL;

	if (g_ascii_isalnum(_string[0])) {
		size = sizeof(char);
		string = malloc(size+1);
		string[0] = g_ascii_toupper(_string[0]);
	} else {
		u = g_utf8_get_char_validated(_string, -1);
		if ((u != (gunichar)-1 || u != (gunichar)-2) && g_unichar_isalnum(u)) {
			u = g_unichar_toupper(u);
			size = g_unichar_to_utf8(u, NULL);
			string = malloc(size+1);
			g_unichar_to_utf8(u, string);

	if (string)
		string[size] = '\0';

	return string;
Ejemplo n.º 6
static int
str_utf8_isalnum (const char *text)
    gunichar uni;

    uni = g_utf8_get_char_validated (text, -1);
    return g_unichar_isalnum (uni);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * hildon_helper_utf8_strstrcasedecomp_needle_stripped:
 * @haystack: a haystack where to search
 * @nuni: a needle to search for, already stripped with hildon_helper_strip_string()
 * Heavily modified version of e_util_utf8_strstrcasedecomp(). As its
 * original version, it finds the first occurrence of @nuni in
 * @haystack.  However, instead of stripping @nuni, it expect it to be
 * already stripped. See hildon_helper_strip_string().
 * This is done for performance reasons, since this search is done
 * several times for the same string @nuni, it is undesired to strip
 * it more than once.
 * Also, the search is done as a prefix search, starting in the first
 * alphanumeric character after any non-alphanumeric one. Searching
 * for "aba" in "Abasto" will match, searching in "Moraba" will not,
 * and searching in "A tool (abacus)" will do.
 * Returns: the first instance of @nuni in @haystack
 * Since: 2.2.18
const gchar *
hildon_helper_utf8_strstrcasedecomp_needle_stripped (const gchar *haystack, const gunichar *nuni)
  gunichar unival;
  gint nlen = 0;
  const gchar *o, *p;
  gunichar sc;

  if (haystack == NULL) return NULL;
  if (nuni == NULL) return NULL;
  if (strlen (haystack) == 0) return NULL;
  while (*(nuni + nlen) != 0) nlen++;

  if (nlen < 1) return haystack;

  for (p = get_next (haystack, &o, &sc, g_unichar_isalnum (nuni[0]));
       p && sc;
       p = get_next (p, &o, &sc, g_unichar_isalnum (nuni[0]))) {
    if (sc) {
      /* We have valid stripped gchar */
      if (sc == nuni[0]) {
        const gchar *q = p;
        gint npos = 1;
        while (npos < nlen) {
          q = e_util_unicode_get_utf8 (q, &unival);
          if (!q || !unival) return NULL;
          sc = stripped_char (unival);
          if ((!sc) || (sc != nuni[npos])) break;
        if (npos == nlen) {
          return o;
    while (p) {
      sc = g_utf8_get_char (p);
      if (!g_unichar_isalnum (sc))
      p = g_utf8_next_char (p);

  return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  Autocompletes the input line with a player or user name.
  Returns FALSE if there is no string to complete.
static bool chatline_autocomplete(GtkEditable *editable)
#define MAX_MATCHES 10
  const char *name[MAX_MATCHES];
  gint pos;
  gchar *chars, *p, *prev;
  int num, i;
  size_t prefix_len;

  /* Part 1: get the string to complete. */
  pos = gtk_editable_get_position(editable);
  chars = gtk_editable_get_chars(editable, 0, pos);

  p = chars + strlen(chars);
  while ((prev = g_utf8_find_prev_char(chars, p))) {
    if (!g_unichar_isalnum(g_utf8_get_char(prev))) {
    p = prev;
  /* p points to the start of the last word, or the start of the string. */

  prefix_len = g_utf8_strlen(p, -1);
  if (0 == prefix_len) {
    /* Empty: nothing to complete, propagate the event. */
    return FALSE;

  /* Part 2: compare with player and user names. */
  num = check_player_or_user_name(p, name, MAX_MATCHES);
  if (1 == num) {
    gtk_editable_delete_text(editable, pos - prefix_len, pos);
    pos -= prefix_len;
    gtk_editable_insert_text(editable, name[0], strlen(name[0]), &pos);
    gtk_editable_set_position(editable, pos);
    return TRUE;
  } else if (num > 1) {
    if (get_common_prefix(name, num, buf, sizeof(buf)) > prefix_len) {
      gtk_editable_delete_text(editable, pos - prefix_len, pos);
      pos -= prefix_len;
      gtk_editable_insert_text(editable, buf, strlen(buf), &pos);
      gtk_editable_set_position(editable, pos);
    sz_strlcpy(buf, name[0]);
    for (i = 1; i < num; i++) {
      cat_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), ", %s", name[i]);
    /* TRANS: comma-separated list of player/user names for completion */
    output_window_printf(ftc_client, _("Suggestions: %s."), buf);

  return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 9
html_engine_backward_word (HTMLEngine *e)
	gboolean rv = FALSE;

	g_return_val_if_fail (e != NULL, FALSE);
	g_return_val_if_fail (HTML_IS_ENGINE (e), FALSE);

	html_engine_hide_cursor (e);
	while (!g_unichar_isalnum (html_cursor_get_prev_char (e->cursor)) && html_cursor_backward (e->cursor, e))
		rv = TRUE;
	while (g_unichar_isalnum (html_cursor_get_prev_char (e->cursor)) && html_cursor_backward (e->cursor, e))
		rv = TRUE;
	html_engine_update_focus_if_necessary (e, e->cursor->object, e->cursor->offset);
	html_engine_show_cursor (e);
	html_engine_update_selection_if_necessary (e);

	return rv;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * gsc_utils_char_is_separator:
 * @ch: The character to check
 * A separator is a character like (, an space etc. An _ is not a separator
 * Returns TRUE if the ch is a separator
gsc_utils_is_separator(const gunichar ch)
    if (g_unichar_isprint(ch) &&
            (g_unichar_isalnum(ch) || ch == g_utf8_get_char("_")))
        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 11
static void
text_move_cursor(Text *text, CursorMovement mv)
  gchar *str = text_line_get_string(text->lines[text->cursor_row]);
  gchar *p = str;
  int curmax = text_get_line_strlen(text, text->cursor_row);
  if (text->cursor_pos > 0 && text->cursor_pos <= curmax) {
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < text->cursor_pos; ++i)
      p = g_utf8_next_char (p);
  if (WORD_START == mv && text->cursor_pos < 1) {
    if (text->cursor_row) {
      text->cursor_pos = text_get_line_strlen(text, text->cursor_row);
  } else if (WORD_END == mv && text->cursor_pos == curmax) {
    if (text->cursor_row < text->numlines - 1) {
      text->cursor_pos = 0;
  while (!g_unichar_isalnum (g_utf8_get_char (p))) {
    p = (WORD_START == mv ? g_utf8_find_prev_char (str, p) : g_utf8_next_char (p));
    if (p) text->cursor_pos += (WORD_START == mv ? -1 : 1);
    if (!p || !*p)
    if (!text->cursor_pos || text->cursor_pos == curmax)
  while (g_unichar_isalnum (g_utf8_get_char (p))) {
    p = (WORD_START == mv ? g_utf8_find_prev_char (str, p) : g_utf8_next_char (p));
    if (p) text->cursor_pos += (WORD_START == mv ? -1 : 1);
    if (!p || !*p)
    if (!text->cursor_pos || text->cursor_pos == curmax)
static inline gboolean
is_symbol_char (gunichar ch)
  switch (ch)
    case '_':
      return TRUE;

      return g_unichar_isalnum (ch);
Ejemplo n.º 13
static gboolean
match_is_word (const char *src, const GORegmatch *pm, gboolean bolp)
	/* The empty string is not a word.  */
	if (pm->rm_so == pm->rm_eo)
		return FALSE;

	if (pm->rm_so > 0 || !bolp) {
		/* We get here when something actually preceded the match.  */
		gunichar c_pre = g_utf8_get_char (g_utf8_prev_char (src + pm->rm_so));
		if (g_unichar_isalnum (c_pre))
			return FALSE;

		gunichar c_post = g_utf8_get_char (src + pm->rm_eo);
		if (c_post != 0 && g_unichar_isalnum (c_post))
			return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 14
static gboolean
mousepad_util_iter_word_characters (const GtkTextIter *iter)
  gunichar c;

  /* get the characters */
  c = gtk_text_iter_get_char (iter);

  /* character we'd like to see in a word */
  if (g_unichar_isalnum (c) || c == '_')
    return TRUE;

  return FALSE;
/* takes an existing 'words' list, and converts it to another consisting of
   only simple words, with any punctuation etc stripped */
struct _camel_search_words *
camel_search_words_simple (struct _camel_search_words *wordin)
	gint i;
	const guchar *ptr, *start, *last;
	gint type = CAMEL_SEARCH_WORD_SIMPLE, all = 0;
	GPtrArray *list = g_ptr_array_new ();
	struct _camel_search_word *word;
	struct _camel_search_words *words;
	guint32 c;

	words = g_malloc0 (sizeof (*words));

	for (i=0;i<wordin->len;i++) {
		if ((wordin->words[i]->type & CAMEL_SEARCH_WORD_COMPLEX) == 0) {
			word = g_malloc0 (sizeof (*word));
			word->type = wordin->words[i]->type;
			word->word = g_strdup (wordin->words[i]->word);
			g_ptr_array_add (list, word);
		} else {
			ptr = (const guchar *) wordin->words[i]->word;
			start = last = ptr;
			do {
				c = camel_utf8_getc (&ptr);
				if (c == 0 || !g_unichar_isalnum (c)) {
					if (last > start) {
						word = g_malloc0 (sizeof (*word));
						word->word = g_strndup ((gchar *) start, last-start);
						word->type = type;
						g_ptr_array_add (list, word);
						all |= type;
					start = ptr;
				if (c > 0x80)
				last = ptr;
			} while (c);

	words->len = list->len;
	words->words = (struct _camel_search_word **)list->pdata;
	words->type = all;
	g_ptr_array_free (list, FALSE);

	return words;
static void
output_c (GString *w, guint32 c, gint *type)
	gint utf8len;
	gchar utf8[8];

	if (!g_unichar_isalnum (c))
		c = g_unichar_tolower (c);

	if (c > 0x80)

	/* FIXME: use camel_utf8_putc */
	utf8len = g_unichar_to_utf8 (c, utf8);
	utf8[utf8len] = 0;
	g_string_append (w, utf8);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 * expr_name_validate:
 * @name: tentative name
 * returns TRUE if the given name is valid, FALSE otherwise.
expr_name_validate (const char *name)
	const char *p;
	GnmValue *v;

	g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, FALSE);

	if (name[0] == 0)
		return FALSE;

	v = value_new_from_string (VALUE_BOOLEAN, name, NULL, TRUE);
	if (!v)
		v = value_new_from_string (VALUE_BOOLEAN, name, NULL, FALSE);
	if (v) {
		value_release (v);
		return FALSE;

	/* Hmm...   Now what?  */
	if (!g_unichar_isalpha (g_utf8_get_char (name)) &&
	    name[0] != '_')
		return FALSE;

	for (p = name; *p; p = g_utf8_next_char (p)) {
		if (!g_unichar_isalnum (g_utf8_get_char (p)) &&
		    p[0] != '_')
			return FALSE;

	/* Make sure it's not A1 etc.*/
	/* Note that we can't use our regular parsers */
	/* since we also have to avoid names that may become */
	/* sensible when the sheet size changes. */
	if (!expr_name_validate_a1 (name))
		return FALSE;

	/* What about R1C1?  */
	if (!expr_name_validate_r1c1 (name))
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 * get_next:
 * @p: a pointer to the string to search.
 * @o: a place to store the location of the next valid char.
 * @out: a place to store the next valid char.
 * @separators: whether to search only for alphanumeric strings
 * and skip any word separator.
 * Gets the next character that is valid in our search scope, and
 * store it into @out. The next char, after @out is returned.
 * Returns: the next point in the string @p where to continue the
 * string iteration.
static const gchar *
get_next (const gchar *p, const gchar **o, gunichar *out, gboolean separators)
  gunichar utf8;

  if (separators) {
    do {
       *o = p;
       p = e_util_unicode_get_utf8 (p, &utf8);
       *out = stripped_char (utf8);
    } while (p && utf8 && !g_unichar_isalnum (*out));
  } else {
    *o = p;
    p = e_util_unicode_get_utf8 (p, &utf8);
    *out = stripped_char (utf8);

  return p;
static gboolean
is_nonalnum (const gchar *str)
  gunichar uchar;

  if (str == NULL) {
    return FALSE;

  uchar = g_utf8_get_char (str);

  if (g_unichar_isalnum (uchar)) {
    return FALSE;

  if (uchar == '!' || uchar == '?' || uchar == '.') {
    return FALSE;

  return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 20
static char *
gal_view_generate_string (GalViewCollection *collection,
			  GalView           *view,
			  int which)
	char *ret_val;
	char *pointer;

	if (which == 1)
		ret_val = g_strdup(gal_view_get_title(view));
		ret_val = g_strdup_printf("%s_%d", gal_view_get_title(view), which);
	for (pointer = ret_val; *pointer; pointer = g_utf8_next_char(pointer)) {
		if (!g_unichar_isalnum(g_utf8_get_char(pointer))) {
			char *ptr = pointer;
			for (; ptr < g_utf8_next_char(pointer); *ptr = '_', ptr++)
	return ret_val;
static gboolean
is_stop_char (gunichar c)
   switch (c) {
   case '_':
      return FALSE;
   case ')':
   case '(':
   case '&':
   case '*':
   case '{':
   case '}':
   case ' ':
   case '\t':
   case '[':
   case ']':
   case '=':
   case '"':
   case '\'':
      return TRUE;
      return !g_unichar_isalnum(c);
Ejemplo n.º 22
void *validate_value(gint value_id, gint input_type, void *value)
	// Local variables
	guint				base_type;
	guint				capabilities;
	gboolean			capability_check;
	gchar				*conversion_buffer = NULL;			// Used when converting between unicode character types
	gchar				*decimal_point;
	GString				*error_string;
	gchar				input_char;
	gunichar			input_char_unicode;
	gchar				*input_ptr;
	struct lconv		*locale_info;
	gboolean			match_found;
	gint				output_gint;
	gint				*output_gint_ptr;
	gfloat				output_gfloat;
	gfloat				*output_gfloat_ptr;
	GString				*output_gstring;
	guint				output_guint;
	guint				*output_guint_ptr;
	guint				string_counter;
	gint				string_length;
	gint				string_max;
	guint				string_min;
	gfloat				value_max;
	gfloat				value_min;

	// Initialise various things
	base_type = get_valid_fields_base_type(value_id);
	capabilities = get_valid_fields_capabilities(value_id);
	input_ptr = (gchar *) value;
	output_gstring = g_string_new(NULL);
	locale_info = localeconv();
	decimal_point = locale_info->decimal_point;

	switch (base_type)
		case V_CHAR:

			// * We're validating a char or string *

			// We can only validate string input for this type of value
			if (V_CHAR != input_type)
				return NULL;

			// Get the length of the input string
			string_max = get_valid_fields_max_value(value_id);
			string_min = get_valid_fields_min_value(value_id);
			string_length = g_utf8_strlen(input_ptr, -1);

			// If the length of the string isn't in the acceptable range, return NULL
			if (string_length < string_min)
				return NULL;
			if ((string_length > string_max) && (-1 != string_max))  // -1 for string_max means "no maximum limit"
				return NULL;
			if (0 == string_length)
				// 0 length string, so we just return it
				return output_gstring;

			// Sanitise each character of the input string
			for (string_counter = 0; string_counter < string_length; string_counter++)
				// Get the next character
				input_char_unicode = g_utf8_get_char_validated(input_ptr, -1);
				if ((gunichar)-1 == input_char_unicode)
					// The returned character was not a valid unicode character, so we indicate failure
					return NULL;
				if ((gunichar)-2 == input_char_unicode)
					// The returned character was not a valid unicode character, so we indicate failure
					return NULL;

				// Convert the character to UTF-8 so we can process it
				conversion_buffer = g_ucs4_to_utf8(&input_char_unicode, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL);

				// Determine which character we're examining
				if (TRUE == g_unichar_isalnum(input_char_unicode))
					// It's a standard unicode alphanumeric character, so we accept it as is
					g_string_append_printf(output_gstring, "%s", conversion_buffer);
					input_ptr = g_utf8_find_next_char(input_ptr, NULL);
					// * The input wasn't a standard alphanumic character, so check if it *
					// * is one of the characters in the capabilities list for this field *
					match_found = FALSE;
					capability_check = V_ANY_UNICHAR & capabilities;
					if (FALSE != capability_check)
						// This field is allowed to have any valid unicode character
						if (TRUE == g_unichar_validate(input_char_unicode))
							// Yes, this is a valid unicode character
							match_found = TRUE;
							g_string_append_printf(output_gstring, "%s", conversion_buffer);
							input_ptr = g_utf8_find_next_char(input_ptr, NULL);
					capability_check = V_SPACES & capabilities;
					if (FALSE != capability_check)
						// This field is allowed to have spaces
						if (0 == g_strcmp0(" ", conversion_buffer))
							// Yes, this is a space character
							match_found = TRUE;
							g_string_append_printf(output_gstring, "%s", conversion_buffer);
							input_ptr = g_utf8_find_next_char(input_ptr, NULL);
					capability_check = V_FULL_STOP & capabilities;
					if (FALSE != capability_check)
						// This field is allowed to have full stops
						if (0 == g_strcmp0(".", conversion_buffer))
							// Yes, this is a full stop character
							match_found = TRUE;
							g_string_append_printf(output_gstring, "%s", conversion_buffer);
							input_ptr = g_utf8_find_next_char(input_ptr, NULL);
					capability_check = V_HYPENS & capabilities;
					if (FALSE != capability_check)
						// This field is allowed to have hypens
						if (0 == g_strcmp0("-", conversion_buffer))
							// Yes, this is a hypen character
							match_found = TRUE;
							g_string_append_printf(output_gstring, "%s", conversion_buffer);
							input_ptr = g_utf8_find_next_char(input_ptr, NULL);
					capability_check = V_UNDERSCORES & capabilities;
					if (FALSE != capability_check)
						// This field is allowed to have underscores
						if (0 == g_strcmp0("_", conversion_buffer))
							// Yes, this is an underscore character
							match_found = TRUE;
							g_string_append_printf(output_gstring, "%s", conversion_buffer);
							input_ptr = g_utf8_find_next_char(input_ptr, NULL);
					capability_check = V_PATH_SEP & capabilities;
					if (FALSE != capability_check)
						// This field is allowed to have path separator characters ('/', '\')
						if ((0 == g_strcmp0("/", conversion_buffer)) || (0 == g_strcmp0("\\", conversion_buffer)))
							// Yes, this is a path separator character
							match_found = TRUE;
							output_gstring = g_string_append_c(output_gstring, G_DIR_SEPARATOR);  // Output the OS correct version
							input_ptr = g_utf8_find_next_char(input_ptr, NULL);
					capability_check = V_EQUALS & capabilities;
					if (FALSE != capability_check)
						// This field is allowed to have equals signs
						if (0 == g_strcmp0("=", conversion_buffer))
							// Yes, this is an equals sign character
							match_found = TRUE;
							g_string_append_printf(output_gstring, "%s", conversion_buffer);
							input_ptr = g_utf8_find_next_char(input_ptr, NULL);
					capability_check = V_FORWARD_SLASHES & capabilities;
					if (FALSE != capability_check)
						// This field is allowed to have forward slashes
						if (0 == g_strcmp0("/", conversion_buffer))
							// Yes, this is a forward slash character
							match_found = TRUE;
							g_string_append_printf(output_gstring, "%s", conversion_buffer);
							input_ptr = g_utf8_find_next_char(input_ptr, NULL);
					capability_check = V_NEW_LINES & capabilities;
					if (FALSE != capability_check)
						// This field is allowed to have new line characters
						if (0 == g_strcmp0("\n", conversion_buffer))
							// Yes, this is a new line character
							match_found = TRUE;
							output_gstring = g_string_append_c(output_gstring, '\n');
							input_ptr = g_utf8_find_next_char(input_ptr, NULL);
					capability_check = V_PLUSES & capabilities;
					if (FALSE != capability_check)
						// This field is allowed to have pluses
						if (0 == g_strcmp0("+", conversion_buffer))
							// Yes, this is a plus character
							match_found = TRUE;
							g_string_append_printf(output_gstring, "%s", conversion_buffer);
							input_ptr = g_utf8_find_next_char(input_ptr, NULL);
					capability_check = V_PERCENT & capabilities;
					if (FALSE != capability_check)
						// This field is allowed to have the percent sign
						if (0 == g_strcmp0("%", conversion_buffer))
							// Yes, this is a percent sign
							match_found = TRUE;
							g_string_append_printf(output_gstring, "%s", conversion_buffer);
							input_ptr = g_utf8_find_next_char(input_ptr, NULL);
					capability_check = V_COLON & capabilities;
					if (FALSE != capability_check)
						// This field is allowed to have colons
						if (0 == g_strcmp0(":", conversion_buffer))
							// Yes, this is a colon character
							match_found = TRUE;
							g_string_append_printf(output_gstring, "%s", conversion_buffer);
							input_ptr = g_utf8_find_next_char(input_ptr, NULL);
					capability_check = V_AT & capabilities;
					if (FALSE != capability_check)
						// This field is allowed to have the at symbol
						if (0 == g_strcmp0("@", conversion_buffer))
							// Yes, this is an at character
							match_found = TRUE;
							g_string_append_printf(output_gstring, "%s", conversion_buffer);
							input_ptr = g_utf8_find_next_char(input_ptr, NULL);
					capability_check = V_QUESTION & capabilities;
					if (FALSE != capability_check)
						// This field is allowed to have the question mark
						if (0 == g_strcmp0("?", conversion_buffer))
							// Yes, this is a question mark character
							match_found = TRUE;
							g_string_append_printf(output_gstring, "%s", conversion_buffer);
							input_ptr = g_utf8_find_next_char(input_ptr, NULL);
					capability_check = V_AMPERSAND & capabilities;
					if (FALSE != capability_check)
						// This field is allowed to have the ampersand character
						if (0 == g_strcmp0("&", conversion_buffer))
							// Yes, this is an ampersand character
							match_found = TRUE;
							g_string_append_printf(output_gstring, "%s", conversion_buffer);
							input_ptr = g_utf8_find_next_char(input_ptr, NULL);

					// The character we are checking is not in the list of valid inputs for this field
					if (FALSE == match_found)
						g_string_free(output_gstring, TRUE);
						return NULL;

			// Remove any leading and/or trailing white space
			output_gstring->str = g_strstrip(output_gstring->str);
			output_gstring->len = strlen(output_gstring->str);

			// Recheck the length of the output string
			if (output_gstring->len < string_min)
				g_string_free(output_gstring, TRUE);
				return NULL;

			// Free the memory used so far
			if (0 != string_length)

			// The string seems to be valid, so return it for use
			return output_gstring;



			// * We're validating an unsigned float *

			// If we're working with string input, we need to convert it to a float first
			if (V_CHAR == input_type)
				// * We're working with string input *

				// Get the length of the input string
				string_length = strlen((gchar *) value);
				// Sanitise each character of the input string
				for (string_counter = 0; string_counter < string_length; string_counter++)
					input_char = ((gchar *) value)[string_counter];

					// Check for decimal digits
					if (TRUE == g_ascii_isdigit(input_char))
						output_gstring = g_string_append_c(output_gstring, input_char);
						// This field is allowed to have full stops.  Is this character a full stop?
						if (0 == g_ascii_strncasecmp(".", &input_char, 1))
							// Yes, this is a full stop character
							output_gstring = g_string_append_c(output_gstring, *decimal_point);
							match_found = TRUE;

						// This field is allowed to have commas (equiv to full stop in some locales).  Is this character a comma?
						if (0 == g_ascii_strncasecmp(",", &input_char, 1))
							// Yes, this is a comma character
							output_gstring = g_string_append_c(output_gstring, *decimal_point);
							match_found = TRUE;

						// The character we are checking is not in the list of valid inputs for this field
						if (FALSE == match_found)
							g_string_free(output_gstring, TRUE);
							return NULL;

				// Convert the string to a float
				output_gfloat = (gfloat) g_strtod(output_gstring->str, NULL);
				// We're working with a float input, so just copy the value directly
				output_gfloat = *((gfloat *) value);

			// Is the float value within the defined bounds?
			value_max = get_valid_fields_max_value(value_id);
			value_min = get_valid_fields_min_value(value_id);
			if ((output_gfloat < value_min) || (output_gfloat > value_max))
				// Value is out of bounds, so fail
				g_string_free(output_gstring, TRUE);
				return NULL;

			// The value looks ok, so we copy it to newly allocated memory, to pass it back
			output_gfloat_ptr = g_try_new0(gfloat, 1);
			if (NULL == output_gfloat_ptr)
				// Unable to allocate memory for the new value, so fail
				g_string_free(output_gstring, TRUE);
				return NULL;
			*output_gfloat_ptr = output_gfloat;

			// Free the string memory allocated in this function
			g_string_free(output_gstring, TRUE);

			return output_gfloat_ptr;


			// * We're validating an unsigned integer *

			// If we're working with string input, we need to convert it to an integer first
			if (V_CHAR == input_type)
				// * We're working with string input *

				// Get the length of the input string
				string_length = strlen((gchar *) value);
				// Sanitise each character of the input string
				for (string_counter = 0; string_counter < string_length; string_counter++)
					input_char = ((gchar *) value)[string_counter];

					// Check for decimal digits
					if (TRUE == g_ascii_isdigit(input_char))
						output_gstring = g_string_append_c(output_gstring, input_char);
						// This wasn't a valid character
						g_string_free(output_gstring, TRUE);
						return NULL;

				// Convert the string to an integer
				output_guint = atoi(output_gstring->str);
				// We're working with integer input, so just copy the value directly
				output_guint = *((guint *) value);

			// Is the integer value within the defined bounds?
			value_max = get_valid_fields_max_value(value_id);
			value_min = get_valid_fields_min_value(value_id);
			if ((output_guint < value_min) || (output_guint > value_max))
				// Value is out of bounds, so fail
				g_string_free(output_gstring, TRUE);
				return NULL;

			// The value looks ok, so we copy it to newly allocated memory, to pass it back
			output_guint_ptr = g_try_new0(guint, 1);
			if (NULL == output_guint_ptr)
				// Unable to allocate memory for the new value, so fail
				g_string_free(output_gstring, TRUE);
				return NULL;
			*output_guint_ptr = output_guint;

			// Free the string memory allocated in this function
			g_string_free(output_gstring, TRUE);

			return output_guint_ptr;

		case V_INT_SIGNED:

			// * We're validating a signed integer *

			// If we're working with string input, we need to convert it to an integer first
			if (V_CHAR == input_type)
				// * We're working with string input *

				// Get the length of the input string
				string_length = strlen((gchar *) value);

				// Sanitise each character of the input string
				for (string_counter = 0; string_counter < string_length; string_counter++)
					input_char = ((gchar *) value)[string_counter];

					// Check for decimal digits
					if (TRUE == g_ascii_isdigit(input_char))
						output_gstring = g_string_append_c(output_gstring, input_char);
						// * The input wasn't a standard digit character, so check if it *
						// * is one of the characters in the capabilities list for this field *
						match_found = FALSE;
						capability_check = V_HYPENS & capabilities;
						if (FALSE != capability_check)
							// This field is allowed to have hypens
							if (0 == g_ascii_strncasecmp("-", &input_char, 1))
								// Yes, this is a hypen character
								match_found = TRUE;
								g_string_append_printf(output_gstring, "%s", "-");

						// The character we are checking is not in the list of valid inputs for this field
						if (FALSE == match_found)
							g_string_free(output_gstring, TRUE);
							return NULL;

				// Convert the string to an integer
				output_gint = atoi(output_gstring->str);
				// We're working with integer input, so just copy the value directly
				output_gint = *((gint *) value);

			// Is the integer value within the defined bounds?
			value_max = get_valid_fields_max_value(value_id);
			value_min = get_valid_fields_min_value(value_id);
			if ((output_gint < value_min) || (output_gint > value_max))
				// Value is out of bounds, so fail
				g_string_free(output_gstring, TRUE);
				return NULL;

			// The value looks ok, so we copy it to newly allocated memory, to pass it back
			output_gint_ptr = g_try_new0(gint, 1);
			if (NULL == output_gint_ptr)
				// Unable to allocate memory for the new value, so fail
				g_string_free(output_gstring, TRUE);
				return NULL;
			*output_gint_ptr = output_gint;

			// Free the string memory allocated in this function
			g_string_free(output_gstring, TRUE);

			return output_gint_ptr;


				// * We're working with a resolution (text string) input.  i.e. '1920x1200 pixels' *

				// Get the length of the input string
				string_length = strlen((gchar *) value);
				string_max = get_valid_fields_max_value(value_id);
				string_min = get_valid_fields_min_value(value_id);

				// If the length of the string isn't in the acceptable range, return NULL
				if ((string_length < string_min) || (string_length > string_max))
					return NULL;

				// Sanitise each character of the input string
				for (string_counter = 0; string_counter < string_length; string_counter++)
					input_char = ((gchar *) value)[string_counter];

					// Check for decimal digits
					if (TRUE == g_ascii_isdigit(input_char))
						output_gstring = g_string_append_c(output_gstring, input_char);
						match_found = FALSE;

						// This field is allowed to have the ' ' and 'x' characters .  Is this character one of those?
						if (0 == g_ascii_strncasecmp(" ", &input_char, 1))
							// Yes, this is a space character, so we've already collected the required resolution
							// info and we can just return the resolution part of the string so far

							// Remove any leading and/or trailing white space
							output_gstring->str = g_strstrip(output_gstring->str);
							output_gstring->len = strlen(output_gstring->str);

							// Recheck the length of the output string
							if ((string_length < string_min) || (string_length > string_max))
								return NULL;

							// The string seems to be valid, so return it for use
							return output_gstring;
						if (0 == g_ascii_strncasecmp("x", &input_char, 1))
							// Yes, this is a 'x' character
							output_gstring = g_string_append_c(output_gstring, 'x');
							match_found = TRUE;
						if (FALSE == match_found)
							// This wasn't a valid character
							g_string_free(output_gstring, TRUE);
							return NULL;

				// Remove any leading and/or trailing white space
				output_gstring->str = g_strstrip(output_gstring->str);
				output_gstring->len = strlen(output_gstring->str);

				// Recheck the length of the output string
				if ((string_length < string_min) || (string_length > string_max))
					return NULL;

				// The string seems to be valid, so return it for use
				return output_gstring;

		case V_ZOOM:

			// * We're working with a zoom level.  i.e. "100%" or "Fit to width" *

			// Get the length of the input string
			string_length = g_utf8_strlen((gchar *) value, -1);
			string_max = get_valid_fields_max_value(value_id);
			string_min = get_valid_fields_min_value(value_id);

			// If the length of the string isn't in the acceptable range, return NULL
			if ((string_length < string_min) || (string_length > string_max))
				return NULL;

			// If the string is "Fit to width" or a localised version of it
			if ((0 == g_strcmp0("Fit to width", (gchar *) value)) || (0 == g_strcmp0(_("Fit to width"), (gchar *) value)))
				// Yes, this is the "Fit to width" value
				output_gstring = g_string_assign(output_gstring, value);
				return output_gstring;

			// * The incoming string isn't the "Fit to width" value, *
			// * so should only consist of decimal characters and '%' *

			// Sanitise each character of the input string
			for (string_counter = 0; string_counter < string_length; string_counter++)
				input_char = ((gchar *) value)[string_counter];

				// Check for decimal digits
				if (TRUE == g_ascii_isdigit(input_char))
					output_gstring = g_string_append_c(output_gstring, input_char);
				// Check for '%' character
				if (0 == g_ascii_strncasecmp("%", &input_char, 1))
					// Yes, this is a '%' character
					output_gstring = g_string_append_c(output_gstring, '%');
				// This wasn't a valid character
				g_string_free(output_gstring, TRUE);
				return NULL;

			return output_gstring;


			// Unknown value type, we should never get here
			error_string = g_string_new(NULL);
			g_string_printf(error_string, "%s ED119: %s - '%s'", _("Error"), _("Unknown value passed to validation function"), get_valid_fields_name(value_id));
			g_string_free(error_string, TRUE);

			return NULL;

	// If we get here, then something went wrong!
	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 23
static gboolean
is_word_char (gunichar ch)
	return g_unichar_isprint (ch) && (g_unichar_isalnum (ch) || ch == '_' || ch == ':' || ch == '.');
Ejemplo n.º 24
static gboolean
cover_thumbnailer_get_title (CoverThumbnailer  *cover,
                             GFile            *gfile,
                             gchar           **ret_title,
                             gchar           **ret_year)
  gchar       *basename;
  gboolean     is_series;
  GMatchInfo  *match_info;
  gint         start_pos;
  gint         end_pos;
  gchar       *year = NULL;
  GString     *title;
  const gchar *p;
  gboolean     append_space;
  gunichar     uchar;
  gboolean     succeed;
  gchar       *temp;

  g_return_val_if_fail (G_IS_FILE (gfile), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (ret_title != NULL, FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (ret_year != NULL, FALSE);

  /* get the basename */
  basename = g_file_get_basename (gfile);

  /* check if the title looks like a serie */
  is_series = g_regex_match (cover->series_regex, basename, 0, &match_info);

  /* if this is not a serie, look for other filename crap */
  if (is_series
      || g_regex_match (cover->abbrev_regex, basename, 0, &match_info))
      /* remove series or abbrev suffix from the filename */
      if (g_match_info_fetch_pos (match_info, 0, &start_pos, NULL)
          && start_pos > 0)
        basename[start_pos] = '\0';
      g_match_info_free (match_info);

  /* for non-series, look for a year in the title */
  if (!is_series
      && g_regex_match (cover->year_regex, basename, 0, &match_info))
      /* store year and remove the suffix from the title */
      if (g_match_info_fetch_pos (match_info, 0, &start_pos, &end_pos)
          && start_pos >= 0
          && end_pos > start_pos)
          year = g_strndup (basename + start_pos, end_pos - start_pos);

          if (start_pos == 0)
              temp = g_strdup (basename + end_pos);
              g_free (basename);
              basename = temp;
              basename[start_pos] = '\0';
      g_match_info_free (match_info);

  /* append the possible title part of the filename */
  title = g_string_sized_new (strlen (basename));
  for (p = basename, append_space = FALSE; *p != '\0'; p = g_utf8_next_char (p))
      uchar = g_utf8_get_char (p);
      if (g_unichar_isalnum (uchar)
          || uchar == '\'' || uchar == '!')
          if (append_space)
              g_string_append_c (title, '+');
              append_space = FALSE;

          /* append the char */
          g_string_append_unichar (title, uchar);
      else if (title->len > 0)
          /* start with a space next time we append a char */
          append_space = TRUE;

  /* finalize */
  g_free (basename);
  succeed = title->len > 1;
  *ret_title = g_string_free (title, !succeed);
  *ret_year = year;

  return succeed;
Ejemplo n.º 25
static int i_isalnum(unichar c)
	if (term_type == TERM_TYPE_UTF8)
		return (g_unichar_isalnum(c) || mk_wcwidth(c) == 0);
	return (c >= 0 && c <= 255) ? isalnum(c) : 0;
Ejemplo n.º 26
static gint key_press(guint keyval, gchar *commit_str, gchar *preedit_str)
  gchar *letter;
  gint i;
  LettersItem *item;
  gchar *str;
  gunichar unichar_letter;
  gint retval = TRUE;

    return FALSE;

  if (keyval){
    g_warning("keyval %d", keyval);
    return TRUE;

  if (preedit_str){
    g_warning("preedit_str %s", preedit_str);
    /* show the preedit string on bottom of the window */
    GcomprisProperties	*properties = gc_prop_get ();
    gchar *text;
    PangoAttrList *attrs;
    gint cursor_pos;
    gtk_im_context_get_preedit_string (properties->context,

    if (!preedit_text)
      preedit_text = \
	goo_canvas_text_new (goo_canvas_get_root_item(gcomprisBoard->canvas),
			     BOARDHEIGHT - 100,
			     "font", gc_skin_font_board_huge_bold,
			     //"fill_color_rgba", 0xba00ffff,

    g_object_set (preedit_text,
		  "text", text,
		  "attributes", attrs,

    return TRUE;


  /* commit str */
  g_warning("commit_str %s", commit_str);

  str = commit_str;

#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 31, 0)
  g_mutex_lock (&items_lock);
  g_static_mutex_lock (&items_lock);
  for (i=0; i < g_utf8_strlen(commit_str,-1); i++){
    unichar_letter = g_utf8_get_char(str);
    str = g_utf8_next_char(str);
    if(!g_unichar_isalnum (unichar_letter)){
      retval = FALSE;

    letter = g_new0(gchar,6);
    g_unichar_to_utf8 (unichar_letter, letter);
    /* Force entered letter to the casing we expect
     * Children is to small to manage the caps lock key for now
    if (uppercase_only)
	gchar *old = letter;
	letter = g_utf8_strup(old, -1);
	gchar *old = letter;
	letter = g_utf8_strdown(old, -1);

	for (i=0;i<items->len;i++)
	    g_assert (item!=NULL);
	    if (strcmp(item->letter,letter)==0)


	if(strcmp(item_on_focus->letter, letter)==0)
	    gchar *tmpstr;
	    tmpstr = g_utf8_strndup(item_on_focus->word,
	    /* Add the ZERO WIDTH JOINER to force joined char in Arabic and Hangul
	     *  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-width_joiner
	    item_on_focus->overword = g_strdup_printf("%s%lc", tmpstr, 0x200D);
	    g_object_set (item_on_focus->overwriteItem,
			  "text", item_on_focus->overword,

	    if (item_on_focus->count<g_utf8_strlen(item_on_focus->word,-1))
	    /* It is a loose : unselect the word and defocus */
	    item_on_focus->overword=g_strdup(" ");


	    g_object_set (item_on_focus->overwriteItem,
			  "text", item_on_focus->overword,
	/* Anyway kid you clicked on the wrong key */

#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 31, 0)
  g_mutex_unlock (&items_lock);
  g_static_mutex_unlock (&items_lock);

  return retval;
Ejemplo n.º 27
static gchar* vala_ccode_file_get_define_for_filename (const gchar* filename) {
	gchar* result = NULL;
	GString* _tmp0_;
	GString* define;
	const gchar* _tmp1_;
	gchar* _tmp2_;
	gchar* i;
	GString* _tmp20_;
	GString* _tmp21_;
	const gchar* _tmp22_;
	gchar* _tmp23_;
	g_return_val_if_fail (filename != NULL, NULL);
	_tmp0_ = g_string_new ("__");
	define = _tmp0_;
	_tmp1_ = filename;
	_tmp2_ = g_strdup (_tmp1_);
	i = _tmp2_;
	while (TRUE) {
		const gchar* _tmp3_;
		gint _tmp4_;
		gint _tmp5_;
		const gchar* _tmp6_;
		gunichar _tmp7_ = 0U;
		gunichar c;
		gboolean _tmp8_ = FALSE;
		gunichar _tmp9_;
		gboolean _tmp10_ = FALSE;
		gboolean _tmp12_;
		const gchar* _tmp17_;
		const gchar* _tmp18_ = NULL;
		gchar* _tmp19_;
		_tmp3_ = i;
		_tmp4_ = strlen (_tmp3_);
		_tmp5_ = _tmp4_;
		if (!(_tmp5_ > 0)) {
		_tmp6_ = i;
		_tmp7_ = string_get_char (_tmp6_, (glong) 0);
		c = _tmp7_;
		_tmp9_ = c;
		_tmp10_ = g_unichar_isalnum (_tmp9_);
		if (_tmp10_) {
			gunichar _tmp11_;
			_tmp11_ = c;
			_tmp8_ = _tmp11_ < ((gunichar) 0x80);
		} else {
			_tmp8_ = FALSE;
		_tmp12_ = _tmp8_;
		if (_tmp12_) {
			GString* _tmp13_;
			gunichar _tmp14_;
			gunichar _tmp15_ = 0U;
			_tmp13_ = define;
			_tmp14_ = c;
			_tmp15_ = g_unichar_toupper (_tmp14_);
			g_string_append_unichar (_tmp13_, _tmp15_);
		} else {
			GString* _tmp16_;
			_tmp16_ = define;
			g_string_append_c (_tmp16_, '_');
		_tmp17_ = i;
		_tmp18_ = g_utf8_next_char (_tmp17_);
		_tmp19_ = g_strdup (_tmp18_);
		_g_free0 (i);
		i = _tmp19_;
	_tmp20_ = define;
	g_string_append (_tmp20_, "__");
	_tmp21_ = define;
	_tmp22_ = _tmp21_->str;
	_tmp23_ = g_strdup (_tmp22_);
	result = _tmp23_;
	_g_free0 (i);
	_g_string_free0 (define);
	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 28
static void
run_smartquotes(GtkTextBuffer *buffer) {
	GtkTextIter pos, nextpos;
	gunichar lastc = 0, c = 0, nextc;
	int balance[10] = {0}; /* max 10 levels of nesting. */
	int curnesting = -1;
	gboolean insidetag = FALSE, closing;
	int quotes;

	/* this runs as the user is typing, so undo doesn't make much sense.

	gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter(buffer, &pos);
	while ((c = gtk_text_iter_get_char(&pos)) != 0) {
		nextpos = pos;
		nextc = gtk_text_iter_get_char(&nextpos);

		/*g_printf("ofs %d\n", gtk_text_iter_get_offset(&pos));*/
		if (c == '<')
			insidetag = TRUE;
		else if (c == '>')
			insidetag = FALSE;
		quotes = count_quotes(c);

		if (insidetag || quotes == 0) {
			lastc = c;

		closing = (curnesting >= 0 && balance[curnesting] == quotes);
		if (quotes == 1 &&
				g_unichar_isalnum(lastc) &&
				(!closing || g_unichar_isalnum(nextc))) {
			/* an apostrophe.  fix it up, but don't change nesting. */
			/*g_print("n %d apos %c\n", curnesting, (char)c);*/
			buffer_change_quote(buffer, &pos, &nextpos, c,
		} else if (closing) {
			/*g_print("n %d right %c\n", curnesting, (char)c);*/
			buffer_change_quote(buffer, &pos, &nextpos, c,
					quotes == 1 ?
		} else {
			/*g_print("n %d left %c\n", curnesting, (char)c);*/
			buffer_change_quote(buffer, &pos, &nextpos, c,
					quotes == 1 ?
			balance[curnesting] = quotes;
		if (curnesting >= 9) {
			g_warning("too many nested quotes.");
		lastc = c;

	/* gtk_text_buffer_end_user_action(buffer); */
Ejemplo n.º 29
autocomp_run(BluefishTextView * btv, gboolean user_requested)
	GtkTextIter cursorpos, iter;
	BluefishTextView *master = BLUEFISH_TEXT_VIEW(btv->master);
	gint contextnum;
	gunichar uc;

	Tfound *found=NULL;
	Tfoundblock *fblock = NULL;	/* needed for the special case to close generix xml tags 
											based on the top of the blockstack, or to match conditional 
											autocompletion strings */

	if (G_UNLIKELY(!master->bflang || !master->bflang->st))

	gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark(btv->buffer, &cursorpos, gtk_text_buffer_get_insert(btv->buffer));

	iter = cursorpos;
	gtk_text_iter_set_line_offset(&iter, 0);

	scan_for_autocomp_prefix(master, &iter, &cursorpos, &contextnum);
	DBG_AUTOCOMP("autocomp_run, got possible match start at %d in context %d, cursor is at %d\n",
				 gtk_text_iter_get_offset(&iter), contextnum, gtk_text_iter_get_offset(&cursorpos));
	/* see if character at cursor is end or symbol */
	uc = gtk_text_iter_get_char(&cursorpos);

	/*identstate = g_array_index(master->bflang->st->contexts, Tcontext, contextnum).identstate;*/
	if (!character_is_symbol(master->bflang->st,contextnum,uc)) {
		/* current character is not a symbol! */
		DBG_AUTOCOMP("autocomp_run, character at cursor %d '%c' is not a symbol, return\n", uc, (char) uc);

	/* see if we have enough characters */
	if (!user_requested && gtk_text_iter_get_offset(&cursorpos) - gtk_text_iter_get_offset(&iter) < main_v->props.autocomp_min_prefix_len) {
		DBG_AUTOCOMP("autocomp_run, prefix len %d < autocomp_min_prefix_len (%d), abort!\n"
					, gtk_text_iter_get_offset(&cursorpos) - gtk_text_iter_get_offset(&iter)
					, main_v->props.autocomp_min_prefix_len);

	if (g_array_index(master->bflang->st->contexts, Tcontext, contextnum).has_tagclose_from_blockstack) {
		found = get_foundcache_at_offset(btv, gtk_text_iter_get_offset(&cursorpos), NULL);
		if (found) {
			fblock =
				found->numblockchange < 0 ? pop_blocks(found->numblockchange, found->fblock) : found->fblock;
			if (fblock && fblock->start2_o != BF_OFFSET_UNDEFINED) {
				DBG_AUTOCOMP("abort offering closing tag: block has an end already\n");
				fblock = NULL;
/*		if (g_array_index(btv->bflang->st->matches, Tpattern, fblock->patternum).tagclose_from_blockstack) {
				gchar *start;
				gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark(buffer, &it1, fblock->start1);
				gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark(buffer, &it2, fblock->end1);
				start = gtk_text_buffer_get_text(buffer,&it1,&it2,TRUE);
				g_print("close tag %s\n",start);
	if ((user_requested || !gtk_text_iter_equal(&iter, &cursorpos))
		&& (g_array_index(master->bflang->st->contexts, Tcontext, contextnum).ac != NULL
			|| (fblock
				&& g_array_index(master->bflang->st->matches, Tpattern,
		) {
		/* we have a prefix or it is user requested, and we have a context with autocompletion or we have blockstack-tag-auto-closing */
		gchar *newprefix = NULL, *prefix, *closetag = NULL;
		GList *items = NULL, *items2 = NULL;
		gboolean free_items=FALSE;
		/*print_ac_items(g_array_index(btv->bflang->st->contexts,Tcontext, contextnum).ac); */

		prefix = gtk_text_buffer_get_text(btv->buffer, &iter, &cursorpos, TRUE);

		if (fblock) {
			GString *tmpstr;
			gint plen;
			GtkTextIter it1;
			gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset(btv->buffer, &it1, fblock->start1_o);
			tmpstr = g_string_new("</");
			while(gtk_text_iter_forward_char(&it1)) {
				gunichar uc = gtk_text_iter_get_char(&it1);
				if (!g_unichar_isalnum(uc) && uc != '_') {
				g_string_append_c(tmpstr, uc);
			g_string_append_c(tmpstr, '>');
			closetag = g_string_free(tmpstr, FALSE);
			DBG_AUTOCOMP("closetag=%s, prefix=%s\n", closetag, prefix);
			plen = strlen(prefix);
			if (plen == strlen(closetag) || strncmp(closetag, prefix, plen) != 0) {
				closetag = NULL;
		if (g_array_index(master->bflang->st->contexts, Tcontext, contextnum).ac) {
			items =
				g_completion_complete(g_array_index(master->bflang->st->contexts, Tcontext, contextnum).ac,
									  prefix, &newprefix);
			DBG_AUTOCOMP("got %d autocompletion items for prefix %s in context %d, newprefix=%s\n",
						 g_list_length(items), prefix, contextnum, newprefix);
			if (G_UNLIKELY(g_array_index(master->bflang->st->contexts, Tcontext, contextnum).autocomplete_has_conditions)) {
				if (found==NULL) {
					found = get_foundcache_at_offset(btv, gtk_text_iter_get_offset(&cursorpos), NULL);
				items = process_conditional_items(btv, found, contextnum, items);
				GCompletion *compl = identifier_ac_get_completion(master, contextnum, FALSE);
				DBG_IDENTIFIER("got completion %p for context %d\n", compl, contextnum);
				if (compl) {
					gchar *newprefix2 = NULL;
					items2 = g_completion_complete(compl, prefix, &newprefix2);
					DBG_IDENTIFIER("got %d identifier_items for prefix %s, newprefix=%s\n", g_list_length(items2), prefix, newprefix2);
					if (!newprefix)
						newprefix = newprefix2;
		if (closetag || items2
			|| (items != NULL && (items->next != NULL || strcmp(items->data, prefix) != 0))) {
			/* do not popup if there are 0 items, and also not if there is 1 item which equals the prefix */
			GtkTreeSelection *selection;
			GtkTreeIter it;
			gboolean below;
			gint numitems=0;
			/* create the GUI */
			if (!btv->autocomp) {
				btv->autocomp = acwin_create(btv);
			} else {
				ACWIN(btv->autocomp)->prefix = NULL;
				ACWIN(btv->autocomp)->newprefix = NULL;
			ACWIN(btv->autocomp)->contextnum = contextnum;
			ACWIN(btv->autocomp)->prefix = g_strdup(prefix);
			if (newprefix) {
				ACWIN(btv->autocomp)->newprefix = g_strdup(newprefix);
			acwin_calculate_window_size(ACWIN(btv->autocomp), items, items2, closetag, &numitems);
			below = acwin_position_at_cursor(btv);
			acwin_fill_tree(ACWIN(btv->autocomp), items, items2, closetag, !below, numitems);
			selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection(ACWIN(btv->autocomp)->tree);
			if (below) {
				DBG_AUTOCOMP("autocomp_run, popup-below, get first iter for selection\n");
				gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(GTK_TREE_MODEL(ACWIN(btv->autocomp)->store), &it);
			} else {
				GtkTreePath *path;
				DBG_AUTOCOMP("autocomp_run, popup-above, select last iter and scroll max down\n");
				gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child(GTK_TREE_MODEL(ACWIN(btv->autocomp)->store), &it, NULL,
																			 NULL) - 1);
				path = gtk_tree_model_get_path(GTK_TREE_MODEL(ACWIN(btv->autocomp)->store), &it);
				gtk_tree_view_scroll_to_cell(ACWIN(btv->autocomp)->tree, path, NULL, FALSE, 1.0, 1.0);
			/* this forces that selection changed will be called two lines below*/
			DBG_AUTOCOMP("call select_iter on autocomp window\n");
			gtk_tree_selection_select_iter(selection, &it);
		} else {
		if (free_items) {
	} else {
		DBG_AUTOCOMP("no autocompletion data for context %d (ac=%p), or no prefix\n", contextnum,
					 g_array_index(master->bflang->st->contexts, Tcontext, contextnum).ac);
Ejemplo n.º 30
gchar *
donna_sort_get_utf8_collate_key (const gchar   *str,
                                 gssize         _len,
                                 gboolean       dot_first,
                                 gboolean       special_first,
                                 gboolean       natural_order)
    GString *result;
    GString *append;
    const gchar *p;
    const gchar *prev;
    const gchar *end;
    gsize len;
    gchar *collate_key;
    gchar c;
    gint digits;
    gint leading_zeros;

    if (_len < 0)
        len = strlen (str);
        len = (gsize) _len;

    result = g_string_sized_new (len * 2);
    append = g_string_sized_new (0);

    end = str + len;
    p = str;

    /* store a character so we can check/invalidate the key if options change */
    c = donna_sort_get_options_char (dot_first, special_first, natural_order);
    g_string_append_c (result, c);

    if (special_first)
        const gchar *s = str;
        gboolean prefix = FALSE;

        for ( ; s < end; s = g_utf8_next_char (s))
            gunichar uc;

            uc = g_utf8_get_char (s);
            if (!g_unichar_isalnum (uc))
                if (!prefix && *s != '.')
                    prefix = TRUE;
                if (prefix)
                    /* adding the string itself and not a collate_key
                     * so that ! comes before - */
                    g_string_append_len (result, str, s - str);
                    g_string_append (result, COLLATION_SENTINEL "\1");
                    p += s - str;

    /* No need to use utf8 functions, since we're only looking for ascii chars */
    for (prev = p; p < end; ++p)
        switch (*p)
            case '.':
                if (!dot_first && p == str)

                if (prev != p)
                    collate_key = g_utf8_collate_key (prev, p - prev);
                    g_string_append (result, collate_key);
                    g_free (collate_key);

                g_string_append (result, COLLATION_SENTINEL "\1");

                /* skip the dot */
                prev = p + 1;

            case '0':
            case '1':
            case '2':
            case '3':
            case '4':
            case '5':
            case '6':
            case '7':
            case '8':
            case '9':
                if (!natural_order)

                if (prev != p)
                    collate_key = g_utf8_collate_key (prev, p - prev);
                    g_string_append (result, collate_key);
                    g_free (collate_key);

                g_string_append (result, COLLATION_SENTINEL "\2");

                prev = p;

                /* write d-1 colons */
                if (*p == '0')
                    leading_zeros = 1;
                    digits = 0;
                    leading_zeros = 0;
                    digits = 1;

                while (++p < end)
                    if (*p == '0' && !digits)
                    else if (g_ascii_isdigit (*p))
                        /* count an all-zero sequence as one digit plus leading
                         * zeros */
                        if (!digits)

                while (digits > 1)
                    g_string_append_c (result, ':');

                if (leading_zeros > 0)
                    g_string_append_c (append, (char) leading_zeros);
                    prev += leading_zeros;

                /* write the number itself */
                g_string_append_len (result, prev, p - prev);

                prev = p;
                --p; /* go one step back to avoid disturbing outer loop */

                /* other characters just accumulate */

    if (prev != p)
        collate_key = g_utf8_collate_key (prev, p - prev);
        g_string_append (result, collate_key);
        g_free (collate_key);

    g_string_append (result, append->str);
    g_string_free (append, TRUE);

    return g_string_free (result, FALSE);