Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

    if (argc != 2)
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: Requires number of threads.");

    thread_count = atoi(argv[1]);

    Lab3LoadInput(&A, &size);
    x = CreateVec(size);

    double start, end;
    int i = 0;

    # pragma omp parallel num_threads(thread_count) \

        # pragma omp for
        for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
            x[i] = A[i][size] / A[i][i];


    Lab3SaveOutput(x, size, end-start);
    printf("time is: %e\n", end-start);

    DestroyMat(A, size);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void fux_anysurface :: findHomography(ofPoint src[4], ofPoint dst[4], float homography[16])

    // create the equation system to be solved
    // from: Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision 2ed
    //       Hartley R. and Zisserman A.
    // x' = xH
    // where H is the homography: a 3 by 3 matrix
    // that transformed to inhomogeneous coordinates for each point
    // gives the following equations for each point:
    // x' * (h31*x + h32*y + h33) = h11*x + h12*y + h13
    // y' * (h31*x + h32*y + h33) = h21*x + h22*y + h23
    // as the homography is scale independent we can let h33 be 1 (indeed any of the terms)
    // so for 4 points we have 8 equations for 8 terms to solve: h11 - h32
    // after ordering the terms it gives the following matrix
    // that can be solved with gaussian elimination:

    float P[8][9]=
        {-src[0].x, -src[0].y, -1,   0,   0,  0, src[0].x*dst[0].x, src[0].y*dst[0].x, -dst[0].x }, // h11
        {  0,   0,  0, -src[0].x, -src[0].y, -1, src[0].x*dst[0].y, src[0].y*dst[0].y, -dst[0].y }, // h12

        {-src[1].x, -src[1].y, -1,   0,   0,  0, src[1].x*dst[1].x, src[1].y*dst[1].x, -dst[1].x }, // h13
        {  0,   0,  0, -src[1].x, -src[1].y, -1, src[1].x*dst[1].y, src[1].y*dst[1].y, -dst[1].y }, // h21

        {-src[2].x, -src[2].y, -1,   0,   0,  0, src[2].x*dst[2].x, src[2].y*dst[2].x, -dst[2].x }, // h22
        {  0,   0,  0, -src[2].x, -src[2].y, -1, src[2].x*dst[2].y, src[2].y*dst[2].y, -dst[2].y }, // h23

        {-src[3].x, -src[3].y, -1,   0,   0,  0, src[3].x*dst[3].x, src[3].y*dst[3].x, -dst[3].x }, // h31
        {  0,   0,  0, -src[3].x, -src[3].y, -1, src[3].x*dst[3].y, src[3].y*dst[3].y, -dst[3].y }, // h32


    // gaussian elimination gives the results of the equation system
    // in the last column of the original matrix.
    // opengl needs the transposed 4x4 matrix:
    float aux_H[]= { P[0][8],P[3][8],0,P[6][8], // h11  h21 0 h31
                     P[1][8],P[4][8],0,P[7][8], // h12  h22 0 h32
                     0      ,      0,0,0,       // 0    0   0 0
                   };      // h13  h23 0 h33

    for(int i=0; i<16; i++) homography[i] = aux_H[i];
Ejemplo n.º 3
// {{{ linear_algebra()
void linear_algebra(
   GNFS::Polynomial &polynomial, 
   GNFS::Target &target, 
	FactorBase &fb, 
   Matrix &matrix, 
   const std::vector<int> &av, 
   const std::vector<int> &bv)

   NTL::ZZ aZ;
   NTL::ZZ bZ;
   NTL::ZZ pZ;
   NTL::ZZ valZ;
   NTL::ZZ numZ;
   int i;
   int j;
   int k;
   int u = polynomial.d*target.t;

   // Initialize sM
   for(j = 0; j <= matrix.sM.NumCols()-1; j++)
      // Initialize row
      for(k = 0; k < matrix.sM.NumCols()-1; k++)
         matrix.sM[k][j] = 0;
      // Set the first column
      aZ = av[j];
      bZ = bv[j];
      valZ = aZ + bZ * polynomial.m;
      if(valZ < 0)
         valZ *= -1;
         matrix.sM[0][j] = 1;

      // Set a RFB row 
      i = 0;
      while(i < target.t && valZ != 1)
         pZ = fb.RFB[i];
         if(valZ % pZ == 0)
            if(matrix.sM[1+i][j]==0) matrix.sM[1+i][j]=1;
            else matrix.sM[1+i][j]=0;
            valZ = valZ / pZ;
         else i++;

      // Set a AFB row 
      valZ = algebraic_norm(polynomial, av[j], bv[j]);
      if(valZ < 0)
         valZ *= -1;
      i = 0;
      while(i<u && valZ!=1)
         pZ = fb.AFB[i];
         if(valZ % pZ == 0)
            numZ = fb.AFBr[i];
            //while((aZ + bZ * numZ) % pZ != 0 && i<target.t) // TODO
            while((aZ + bZ * numZ) % pZ != 0) // TODO
               pZ = fb.AFB[++i];
               numZ = fb.AFBr[i];

            if(matrix.sM[1+target.t+i][j]==0) matrix.sM[1+target.t+i][j]=1;
            else matrix.sM[1+target.t+i][j]=0;

            valZ = valZ / pZ;
         else i++;

      // Set a QCB row
      for(i=0; i<target.digits; i++)
         numZ = fb.QCB[i];
         valZ = fb.QCBs[i];
         valZ = aZ + bZ * valZ;
         if(Legendre(valZ, numZ) != 1)
   std::cout << "\tSize: " << matrix.sM.NumRows() << "x" << matrix.sM.NumCols() << std::endl;

   matrix.sfreeCols = get_freecols(matrix.sM);

Ejemplo n.º 4
unsigned long quadratic_sieve(mpz_t N, 
			      unsigned int n, 
			      unsigned interval,
			      unsigned int max_fact,
			      unsigned int block_size,
			      mpz_t m,
			      unsigned int print_fact) {
  double t1, t2;
  int rank;
  int comm_size;
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, & comm_size);

  /* Controllo con test di pseudoprimalità di rabin */
  if(mpz_probab_prime_p(N, 25)) {
    return NUM_PRIMO;

  /* Radice intera di N */
  mpz_t s;
  mpz_sqrt(s, N); 

  t1 = MPI_Wtime();
  /* Individuazione primi in [2, n] */
  unsigned int * primes = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * n);  
  eratosthenes_sieve(primes, n);
  /* Compattiamo i numeri primi in primes */
  unsigned j = 0;
  for(int i = 2; i < n; ++i)
    if(primes[i] == 1) {
      primes[j++] = i;

  unsigned int n_all_primes = j;
  /* Fattorizzazione eseguita da tutti, gli slave ritornano
     IM_A_SLAVE mentre il main il fattore */
  unsigned int simple_factor = trivial_fact(N, primes, n_all_primes);
  if(simple_factor != 0) {
    mpz_set_ui(m, simple_factor);
    return rank == 0 ? OK : IM_A_SLAVE;

  /* Calcolo base di fattori e soluzioni dell'eq x^2 = N mod p */
  pair * solutions = malloc(sizeof(pair) * n_all_primes);
  unsigned int * factor_base = primes;

  unsigned n_primes = base_fattori(N, s, factor_base, solutions,
				  primes, n_all_primes);
  t2 = MPI_Wtime();
  double t_base = t2 - t1;
  if(rank == 0)
    printf("#Dimensione base di fattori: %d\n", n_primes);

  /* Vettore degli esponenti in Z */
  unsigned int ** exponents;
  /* Vettore degli (Ai + s) */
  mpz_t * As;
  /* Parte di crivello: troviamo le k+n fattorizzazioni complete */
  unsigned int n_fatt;

  t1 = MPI_Wtime();
  if(rank == 0){
    /* Inizializzazioni vettori */
    init_matrix(& exponents, n_primes + max_fact, n_primes);
    init_vector_mpz(& As, n_primes + max_fact);

    /* Procedura master che riceve le fatt. complete */
    n_fatt = master(n_primes, max_fact, exponents, As, comm_size, print_fact);
  } else {
    mpz_t begin;
    mpz_t counter;

    mpz_set_ui(begin, interval * (rank - 1));
    //gmp_printf("%d) begin=%Zd interval=%d\n", rank, begin, interval);

    int stop_flag = 0;
    do {
      //gmp_printf("\t%d) [%Zd, %Zd+%d] - (flag=%d)\n", rank, begin, begin, interval, flag);
      stop_flag = smart_sieve(N, factor_base, n_primes, solutions,
		  begin, interval,
		  block_size, max_fact);
      mpz_add_ui(begin, begin, interval * (comm_size-1));
    } while(!stop_flag);

    //printf("#%d) Termina\n", rank);

    return IM_A_SLAVE;
  t2 = MPI_Wtime();
  double t_sieve = t2 - t1;
  printf("#Numero fattorizzazioni complete trovate: %d\n", n_fatt);
  t1 = MPI_Wtime();
  /* Matrice di esponenti in Z_2 organizzata a blocchi di bit */ 
  word ** M;
  /* Numero di blocchi di bit da utilizzare */
  unsigned long n_blocchi = n_primes / N_BITS + 1;
  /* Inizializzazione egli esponenti mod 2 */
  init_matrix_l(& M, n_fatt, n_blocchi);
  for(int i = 0; i < n_fatt; ++i)
    for(int j = 0; j < n_primes; ++j) {
      unsigned int a = get_matrix(exponents, i, j);
      set_k_i(M, i, j, a);

  /* Vettore con le info (bit piu' a dx e num bit a 1) su M */
  struct row_stats * wt = malloc(sizeof(struct row_stats) * n_fatt);
  for(int i = 0; i < n_fatt; ++i)
    get_wt_k(M, i, n_primes, & wt[i]);

  /* In gauss gli esponenti sommati possono andare in overflow,
     li converto dunque in mpz */
  mpz_t ** exponents_mpz;
  mpz_t temp;
  mpz_init_set_ui(temp, 2);

  unsigned int a; 
  init_matrix_mpz(& exponents_mpz, n_fatt, n_primes);
  for(unsigned i = 0; i < n_fatt; ++i)
    for(unsigned j = 0; j < n_primes; ++j) {
      a = get_matrix(exponents, i, j);
      mpz_set_ui(temp, a);
      set_matrix_mpz(exponents_mpz, i, j, temp);
  /* Eliminazione gaussiana */
  gaussian_elimination(exponents_mpz, M, As, N, 
		       n_fatt, n_primes, n_blocchi, wt);
  t2 = MPI_Wtime();
  double t_gauss = t2 - t1;

  /* In m ritorno un fattore non banale di N */
  unsigned int n_fact_non_banali = factorization(N, factor_base, 
						 M, exponents_mpz, 
						 As, wt, n_fatt, 
						 n_primes, m);
  printf("#time_base time_sieve time_gauss time_totale\n");
  printf("%.6f ", t_base);
  printf("%.6f ", t_sieve);
  printf("%.6f ", t_gauss);
  printf("%.6f\n", t_base + t_gauss + t_sieve);
  if(n_fact_non_banali > 0) {
    return OK;
  else {