Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: array.c Proyecto: fmccabe/cafe
listPo removeListEl(heapPo H, listPo list, integer px) {
  basePo base = C_BASE(list->base);
  int root = gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&base));
  gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&list));

  integer delta = base->length / 8;
  integer newLen = list->length + delta;
  basePo nb = (basePo) allocateObject(H, baseClass, BaseCellCount(newLen));
  integer ocount = list->length;

  assert(ocount >= 0);

  integer extra = newLen - ocount;

  nb->min = extra / 2;
  nb->max = nb->min + ocount-1;
  nb->length = newLen;

  for (integer ix = 0; ix < px; ix++) {
    nb->els[nb->min + ix] = base->els[list->start + ix];

  for (integer ix = px + 1; ix < ocount; ix++) {
    nb->els[nb->min + ix] = base->els[list->start + ix];

  gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&nb));
  listPo slice = (listPo) newSlice(H, nb, nb->min, list->length - 1);


  gcReleaseRoot(H, root);
  return slice;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: array.c Proyecto: fmccabe/cafe
listPo replaceListEl(heapPo H, listPo list, integer px, termPo vl) {
  if (px >= listSize(list))
    return appendToList(H, list, vl);
  else if (px < 0)
    return prependToList(H, list, vl);
  else {
    basePo base = C_BASE(list->base);
    int root = gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&base));
    gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&list));
    gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&vl));
    integer delta = base->length / 8;

    basePo nb = copyBase(H, base, list->start, list->length, delta);

    nb->els[nb->min + px] = vl;

    gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) &nb);

    listPo slice = (listPo) newSlice(H, nb, nb->min, list->length);
    assert(saneList(H, slice));

    gcReleaseRoot(H, root);
    return slice;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: array.c Proyecto: fmccabe/cafe
listPo concatList(heapPo H, listPo l1, listPo l2) {
  integer len1 = l1->length;
  integer len2 = l2->length;

  if (len1 == 0)
    return l2;
  else if (len2 == 0)
    return l1;
  else {
    int root = gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) &l1);
    gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&l2));

    integer llen = len1 + len2;

    listPo reslt = createList(H, llen + llen / 2);

    for (integer ix = 0; ix < len1; ix++) {
      reslt = addToList(H, reslt, nthEl(l1, ix));
    for (integer ix = 0; ix < len2; ix++) {
      reslt = addToList(H, reslt, nthEl(l2, ix));

    gcReleaseRoot(H, root);
    return reslt;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * This is here for convenience ...
ptrI cmdLineOptions(heapPo H) {
  ptrI options = emptyList;
  rootPo root = gcAddRoot(H, &options);
  ptrI pair = kvoid;
  ptrI key = kvoid;
  ptrI val = kvoid;
  int i;

  gcAddRoot(H, &pair);
  gcAddRoot(H, &key);
  gcAddRoot(H, &val);

  for (i = 0; i < optCount; i++) {
    key = allocateInteger(H, Options[i].option);
    val = newEnumSym(Options[i].value);

    pair = tuplePair(H, key, val);

    options = consLsPair(H, pair, options);

  gcRemoveRoot(H, root);

  return options;
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: code.c Proyecto: fmccabe/cafe
defineMtd(heapPo H, insPo ins, integer insCount, integer lclCount, integer stackDelta, labelPo lbl, normalPo pool,
          normalPo locals, normalPo lines) {
  int root = gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) &lbl);
  gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) &pool);
  gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) &locals);
  gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) &lines);

  methodPo mtd = (methodPo) allocateObject(H, methodClass, MtdCellCount(insCount));

  for (integer ix = 0; ix < insCount; ix++)
    mtd->code[ix] = ins[ix];

  mtd->codeSize = insCount;
  mtd->jit = Null;
  mtd->arity = lbl->arity;
  mtd->lclcnt = lclCount;
  mtd->pool = pool;
  mtd->locals = locals;
  mtd->lines = lines;
  mtd->stackDelta = stackDelta;

  lbl->mtd = mtd;

  gcReleaseRoot(H, root);

  return mtd;
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: array.c Proyecto: fmccabe/cafe
listPo appendToList(heapPo H, listPo list, termPo el) {
  basePo base = C_BASE(list->base);
  int root = gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&base));
  gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&list));
  gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&el));

  if (base->max == list->start + list->length && base->max < base->length) {
    if (base->max == list->start + list->length && base->max < base->length) { // check after locking heap
      base->els[base->max++] = el;
      listPo slice = (listPo) newSlice(H, base, list->start, list->length + 1);
      gcReleaseRoot(H, root);
      return slice;

  basePo nb = copyBase(H, base, list->start, list->length, (list->length / 8) + 2);
  nb->els[nb->max++] = el;
  gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&nb));
  listPo slice = (listPo) newSlice(H, nb, nb->min, nb->max - nb->min);
  gcReleaseRoot(H, root);
  return slice;
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: array.c Proyecto: fmccabe/cafe
listPo prependToList(heapPo H, listPo list, termPo el) {
  basePo base = C_BASE(list->base);
  int root = gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&base));
  gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&list));
  gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&el));

//  logMsg(logFile, "list before prepend: %T", list);

  if (base->min == list->start && base->min > 0) {
    if (base->max == list->start && base->min > 0) { // check after locking heap
      base->els[--base->min] = el;
      listPo slice = (listPo) newSlice(H, base, list->start - 1, list->length + 1);
      gcReleaseRoot(H, root);

      //logMsg(logFile, "slice after prepend: %T", slice);
      return slice;
  basePo nb = copyBase(H, base, list->start, list->length, (list->length / 8) + 2);
  nb->els[--nb->min] = el;
  gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&nb));
  listPo slice = (listPo) newSlice(H, nb, nb->min, list->length + 1);

//  logMsg(logFile, "slice post prepend: %T", slice);
  gcReleaseRoot(H, root);
  return slice;
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: cell.c Proyecto: fmccabe/cafe
cellPo newCell(heapPo H, termPo content) {
  int root = gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&content));
  cellPo cell = (cellPo) allocateObject(H, cellClass, CellCellCount);
  cell->content = content;
  gcReleaseRoot(H, root);
  return cell;
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: array.c Proyecto: fmccabe/cafe
termPo sliceList(heapPo H, listPo list, integer from, integer count) {
  assert(from >= 0 && from + count <= list->length);
  int root = gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) &list);

  listPo slice = (listPo) newSlice(H, C_BASE(list->base), list->start + from, count);

  gcReleaseRoot(H, root);
  return (termPo) slice;
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: array.c Proyecto: fmccabe/cafe
listPo insertListEl(heapPo H, listPo list, integer px, termPo vl) {
  basePo base = C_BASE(list->base);

  if (px <= 0)
    return prependToList(H, list, vl);
  else if (px >= listSize(list))
    return appendToList(H, list, vl);
  else {
    int root = gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&base));
    gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&list));
    gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&vl));

    integer delta = base->length / 8;
    integer newLen = base->length + delta + 1;
    basePo nb = (basePo) allocateObject(H, baseClass, BaseCellCount(newLen));
    integer ocount = list->length;

    assert(ocount >= 0);

    integer extra = newLen - ocount;

    nb->min = extra / 2 - 1;
    nb->max = nb->min + ocount + 1;
    nb->length = newLen;

    for (integer ix = 0; ix < px; ix++) {
      nb->els[nb->min + ix] = base->els[base->min + ix];

    nb->els[nb->min + px] = vl;

    for (integer ix = px; ix < ocount; ix++) {
      nb->els[nb->min + ix + 1] = base->els[base->min + ix];

    gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&nb));
    listPo slice = (listPo) newSlice(H, nb, nb->min, ocount + 1);
    gcReleaseRoot(H, root);

    assert(saneList(H, slice));
    return slice;
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: array.c Proyecto: fmccabe/cafe
static termPo newSlice(heapPo H, basePo base, integer start, integer length) {
  int root = gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) &base);
  listPo slice = (listPo) allocateObject(H, listClass, ListCellCount);

  slice->base = (termPo) base;
  slice->start = start;
  slice->length = length;
  gcReleaseRoot(H, root);
  return (termPo) slice;
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: array.c Proyecto: fmccabe/cafe
listPo reverseList(heapPo H, listPo l1) {
  int root = gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) &l1);
  integer len = l1->length;

  listPo reslt = createList(H, len);

  for (integer ix = 1; ix <= len; ix++) {
    reslt = addToList(H, reslt, nthEl(l1, len - ix));

  gcReleaseRoot(H, root);
  return reslt;
Ejemplo n.º 13
retCode g_envir(processPo P, ptrPo a) {
  extern char **environ;
  int i, cnt;
  ptrI lst = emptyList;
  ptrI el = kvoid;
  ptrI ky = kvoid;
  ptrI vl = kvoid;
  heapPo H = &P->proc.heap;
  rootPo root = gcAddRoot(H, &lst);

  gcAddRoot(H, &el);
  gcAddRoot(H, &ky);
  gcAddRoot(H, &vl);

  for (cnt = 0; environ[cnt] != NULL; cnt++);

  switchProcessState(P, in_exclusion);

  for (i = cnt - 1; i > 0; i--) {
    char *pt = strchr(environ[i], '=');

    if (pt != NULL) {
      *pt = '\0';           /* Split off the key from the value */

      ky = allocateCString(H, environ[i]);
      vl = allocateCString(H, pt + 1);
      el = tuplePair(H,ky,vl);

      lst = consLsPair(H, el, lst);
      *pt = '=';          /* restore the value */

  gcRemoveRoot(H, root);
  return equal(P, &lst, &a[1]);
Ejemplo n.º 14
Archivo: array.c Proyecto: fmccabe/cafe
listPo createList(heapPo H, integer capacity) {
  listPo list = (listPo) allocateObject(H, listClass, ListCellCount);
  int root = gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) &list);
  integer extra = maximum(capacity / 8, 1);
  list->start = extra / 2;
  list->length = 0;
  list->base = voidEnum;

  basePo base = (basePo) allocateBase(H, capacity + extra, False);

  base->min = base->max = list->start;

  list->base = (termPo) base;
  gcReleaseRoot(H, root);
  return list;
Ejemplo n.º 15
Archivo: array.c Proyecto: fmccabe/cafe
basePo copyBase(heapPo H, basePo ob, integer from, integer count, integer delta) {
  int root = gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&ob));
  integer newLen = count + delta;
  basePo base = (basePo) allocateObject(H, baseClass, BaseCellCount(newLen));

  base->min = delta / 2;
  base->max = base->min + count;

  for (integer ix = 0; ix < count; ix++) {
    base->els[base->min + ix] = ob->els[from + ix];

  base->length = newLen;

  gcReleaseRoot(H, root);
  return base;
Ejemplo n.º 16
Archivo: array.c Proyecto: fmccabe/cafe
listPo allocateList(heapPo H, integer length, logical safeMode) {
  listPo list = (listPo) allocateObject(H, listClass, ListCellCount);
  int root = gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) &list);
  list->start = 0;
  list->length = length;
  list->base = voidEnum;

  integer extra = maximum(length / 8, 1);
  basePo base = (basePo) allocateBase(H, length + extra, safeMode);

  base->min = extra / 2;
  base->max = base->min + length;
  list->base = (termPo) base;
  list->start = base->min;
  gcReleaseRoot(H, root);
  return list;
Ejemplo n.º 17
Archivo: array.c Proyecto: fmccabe/cafe
listPo flattenList(heapPo H, listPo l) {
  int root = gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) &l);
  integer llen = 0;

  processList(l, countEls, &llen);

  listPo reslt = createList(H, llen);

  for (integer ix = 0; ix < listSize(l); ix++) {
    listPo ll = C_LIST(nthEl(l, ix));
    for (integer jx = 0; jx < listSize(ll); jx++) {
      reslt = addToList(H, reslt, nthEl(ll, jx));

  assert(listSize(reslt) == llen);

  gcReleaseRoot(H, root);
  return reslt;
Ejemplo n.º 18
jboolean rvmInitMemory(Env* env) {
    vm = env->vm;


    java_lang_ref_Reference_referent = rvmGetInstanceField(env, java_lang_ref_Reference, "referent", "Ljava/lang/Object;");
    if (!java_lang_ref_Reference_referent) return FALSE;
    java_lang_ref_Reference_pendingNext = rvmGetInstanceField(env, java_lang_ref_Reference, "pendingNext", "Ljava/lang/ref/Reference;");
    if (!java_lang_ref_Reference_pendingNext) return FALSE;
    java_lang_ref_Reference_queue = rvmGetInstanceField(env, java_lang_ref_Reference, "queue", "Ljava/lang/ref/ReferenceQueue;");
    if (!java_lang_ref_Reference_queue) return FALSE;
    java_lang_ref_Reference_queueNext = rvmGetInstanceField(env, java_lang_ref_Reference, "queueNext", "Ljava/lang/ref/Reference;");
    if (!java_lang_ref_Reference_queueNext) return FALSE;
    java_lang_ref_PhantomReference = rvmFindClassUsingLoader(env, "java/lang/ref/PhantomReference", NULL);
    if (!java_lang_ref_PhantomReference) return FALSE;
    java_lang_ref_WeakReference = rvmFindClassUsingLoader(env, "java/lang/ref/WeakReference", NULL);
    if (!java_lang_ref_WeakReference) return FALSE;
    java_lang_ref_SoftReference = rvmFindClassUsingLoader(env, "java/lang/ref/SoftReference", NULL);
    if (!java_lang_ref_SoftReference) return FALSE;
    java_lang_ref_FinalizerReference = rvmFindClassUsingLoader(env, "java/lang/ref/FinalizerReference", NULL);
    if (!java_lang_ref_FinalizerReference) return FALSE;
    java_lang_ref_FinalizerReference_add = rvmGetClassMethod(env, java_lang_ref_FinalizerReference, "add", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)V");
    if (!java_lang_ref_FinalizerReference_add) return FALSE;
    java_lang_ref_FinalizerReference_zombie = rvmGetInstanceField(env, java_lang_ref_FinalizerReference, "zombie", "Ljava/lang/Object;");
    if (!java_lang_ref_FinalizerReference_zombie) return FALSE;
    java_lang_ref_ReferenceQueue = rvmFindClassUsingLoader(env, "java/lang/ref/ReferenceQueue", NULL);
    if (!java_lang_ref_ReferenceQueue) return FALSE;
    java_lang_ref_ReferenceQueue_add = rvmGetClassMethod(env, java_lang_ref_ReferenceQueue, "add", "(Ljava/lang/ref/Reference;)V");
    if (!java_lang_ref_ReferenceQueue_add) return FALSE;
    java_nio_ReadWriteDirectByteBuffer = rvmFindClassUsingLoader(env, "java/nio/ReadWriteDirectByteBuffer", NULL);
    if (!java_nio_ReadWriteDirectByteBuffer) return FALSE;
    java_nio_ReadWriteDirectByteBuffer_init = rvmGetInstanceMethod(env, java_nio_ReadWriteDirectByteBuffer, "<init>", "(II)V");
    if (!java_nio_ReadWriteDirectByteBuffer_init) return FALSE;
    Class* java_nio_Buffer = rvmFindClassUsingLoader(env, "java/nio/Buffer", NULL);
    if (!java_nio_Buffer) return FALSE;
    java_nio_Buffer_effectiveDirectAddress = rvmGetInstanceField(env, java_nio_Buffer, "effectiveDirectAddress", "I");
    if (!java_nio_Buffer_effectiveDirectAddress) return FALSE;
    java_nio_Buffer_capacity = rvmGetInstanceField(env, java_nio_Buffer, "capacity", "I");
    if (!java_nio_Buffer_capacity) return FALSE;
    java_lang_Throwable_stackState = rvmGetInstanceField(env, java_lang_Throwable, "stackState", "J");
    if (!java_lang_Throwable_stackState) return FALSE;
    org_robovm_rt_bro_Struct = rvmFindClassUsingLoader(env, "org/robovm/rt/bro/Struct", NULL);
    if (!org_robovm_rt_bro_Struct) {
        // We don't need Struct if it hasn't been compiled in
    } else {
        org_robovm_rt_bro_Struct_handle = rvmGetInstanceField(env, org_robovm_rt_bro_Struct, "handle", "J");
        if (!org_robovm_rt_bro_Struct_handle) return FALSE;
    java_nio_MemoryBlock = rvmFindClassUsingLoader(env, "java/nio/MemoryBlock", NULL);
    if (!java_nio_MemoryBlock) return FALSE;
    java_nio_MemoryBlock_address = rvmGetInstanceField(env, java_nio_MemoryBlock, "address", "I");
    if (!java_nio_MemoryBlock_address) return FALSE;

    criticalOutOfMemoryError = rvmAllocateMemoryForObject(env, java_lang_OutOfMemoryError);
    if (!criticalOutOfMemoryError) return FALSE;
    criticalOutOfMemoryError->clazz = java_lang_OutOfMemoryError;
    if (!rvmAddObjectGCRoot(env, criticalOutOfMemoryError)) return FALSE;

    return TRUE;