Ejemplo n.º 1
QMap<QString, QString> QgsRasterDataProvider::identify( const QgsPoint & thePoint, const QgsRectangle &theExtent, int theWidth, int theHeight )
  QMap<QString, QString> results;

  QgsRasterDataProvider::IdentifyFormat identifyFormat;
  if ( capabilities() & QgsRasterDataProvider::IdentifyValue )
    identifyFormat = QgsRasterDataProvider::IdentifyFormatValue;
  else if ( capabilities() & QgsRasterDataProvider::IdentifyHtml )
    identifyFormat = QgsRasterDataProvider::IdentifyFormatHtml;
  else if ( capabilities() & QgsRasterDataProvider::IdentifyText )
    identifyFormat = QgsRasterDataProvider::IdentifyFormatText;
    return results;

  QMap<int, QVariant> myResults = identify( thePoint, identifyFormat, theExtent, theWidth, theHeight );

  if ( identifyFormat == QgsRasterDataProvider::IdentifyFormatValue )
    foreach ( int bandNo, myResults.keys() )
      double value = myResults.value( bandNo ).toDouble();
      QString valueString;
      if ( isNoDataValue( bandNo, value ) )
        valueString = tr( "no data" );
        valueString = QgsRasterBlock::printValue( value );
      results.insert( generateBandName( bandNo ), valueString );
QgsRasterBandStats QgsRasterDataProvider::bandStatistics( int theBandNo )
  double myNoDataValue = noDataValue();
  QgsRasterBandStats myRasterBandStats;
  myRasterBandStats.elementCount = 0; // because we'll be counting only VALID pixels later
  myRasterBandStats.bandName = generateBandName( theBandNo );
  myRasterBandStats.bandNumber = theBandNo;

  int myDataType = dataType( theBandNo );

  int  myNXBlocks, myNYBlocks, myXBlockSize, myYBlockSize;
  myXBlockSize = xBlockSize();
  myYBlockSize = yBlockSize();

  myNXBlocks = ( xSize() + myXBlockSize - 1 ) / myXBlockSize;
  myNYBlocks = ( ySize() + myYBlockSize - 1 ) / myYBlockSize;

  void *myData = CPLMalloc( myXBlockSize * myYBlockSize * ( dataTypeSize( theBandNo ) / 8 ) );

  // unfortunately we need to make two passes through the data to calculate stddev
  bool myFirstIterationFlag = true;

  int myBandXSize = xSize();
  int myBandYSize = ySize();
  for ( int iYBlock = 0; iYBlock < myNYBlocks; iYBlock++ )
    for ( int iXBlock = 0; iXBlock < myNXBlocks; iXBlock++ )
      int  nXValid, nYValid;
      readBlock( theBandNo, iXBlock, iYBlock, myData );

      // Compute the portion of the block that is valid
      // for partial edge blocks.
      if (( iXBlock + 1 ) * myXBlockSize > myBandXSize )
        nXValid = myBandXSize - iXBlock * myXBlockSize;
        nXValid = myXBlockSize;

      if (( iYBlock + 1 ) * myYBlockSize > myBandYSize )
        nYValid = myBandYSize - iYBlock * myYBlockSize;
        nYValid = myYBlockSize;

      // Collect the histogram counts.
      for ( int iY = 0; iY < nYValid; iY++ )
        for ( int iX = 0; iX < nXValid; iX++ )
          double myValue = readValue( myData, myDataType, iX + ( iY * myXBlockSize ) );
          //QgsDebugMsg ( QString ( "%1 %2 value %3" ).arg (iX).arg(iY).arg( myValue ) );

          if ( mValidNoDataValue && ( qAbs( myValue - myNoDataValue ) <= TINY_VALUE ) )
            continue; // NULL

          myRasterBandStats.sum += myValue;
          //only use this element if we have a non null element
          if ( myFirstIterationFlag )
            //this is the first iteration so initialise vars
            myFirstIterationFlag = false;
            myRasterBandStats.minimumValue = myValue;
            myRasterBandStats.maximumValue = myValue;
          }               //end of true part for first iteration check
            //this is done for all subsequent iterations
            if ( myValue < myRasterBandStats.minimumValue )
              myRasterBandStats.minimumValue = myValue;
            if ( myValue > myRasterBandStats.maximumValue )
              myRasterBandStats.maximumValue = myValue;
          } //end of false part for first iteration check
    } //end of column wise loop
  } //end of row wise loop

  //end of first pass through data now calculate the range
  myRasterBandStats.range = myRasterBandStats.maximumValue - myRasterBandStats.minimumValue;
  //calculate the mean
  myRasterBandStats.mean = myRasterBandStats.sum / myRasterBandStats.elementCount;

  //for the second pass we will get the sum of the squares / mean
  for ( int iYBlock = 0; iYBlock < myNYBlocks; iYBlock++ )
    for ( int iXBlock = 0; iXBlock < myNXBlocks; iXBlock++ )
      int  nXValid, nYValid;

      readBlock( theBandNo, iXBlock, iYBlock, myData );

      // Compute the portion of the block that is valid
      // for partial edge blocks.
      if (( iXBlock + 1 ) * myXBlockSize > myBandXSize )
        nXValid = myBandXSize - iXBlock * myXBlockSize;
        nXValid = myXBlockSize;

      if (( iYBlock + 1 ) * myYBlockSize > myBandYSize )
        nYValid = myBandYSize - iYBlock * myYBlockSize;
        nYValid = myYBlockSize;

      // Collect the histogram counts.
      for ( int iY = 0; iY < nYValid; iY++ )
        for ( int iX = 0; iX < nXValid; iX++ )
          double myValue = readValue( myData, myDataType, iX + ( iY * myXBlockSize ) );
          //QgsDebugMsg ( "myValue = " + QString::number(myValue) );

          if ( mValidNoDataValue && ( qAbs( myValue - myNoDataValue ) <= TINY_VALUE ) )
            continue; // NULL

          myRasterBandStats.sumOfSquares += static_cast < double >
                                            ( pow( myValue - myRasterBandStats.mean, 2 ) );
    } //end of column wise loop
  } //end of row wise loop

  //divide result by sample size - 1 and get square root to get stdev
  myRasterBandStats.stdDev = static_cast < double >( sqrt( myRasterBandStats.sumOfSquares /
                             ( myRasterBandStats.elementCount - 1 ) ) );

  QgsLogger::debug( "************ STATS **************", 1, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ );
  QgsLogger::debug( "VALID NODATA", mValidNoDataValue, 1, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ );
  QgsLogger::debug( "NULL", noDataValue() , 1, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ );
  QgsLogger::debug( "MIN", myRasterBandStats.minimumValue, 1, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ );
  QgsLogger::debug( "MAX", myRasterBandStats.maximumValue, 1, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ );
  QgsLogger::debug( "RANGE", myRasterBandStats.range, 1, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ );
  QgsLogger::debug( "MEAN", myRasterBandStats.mean, 1, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ );
  QgsLogger::debug( "STDDEV", myRasterBandStats.stdDev, 1, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ );

  CPLFree( myData );
  myRasterBandStats.statsGathered = true;
  return myRasterBandStats;