Ejemplo n.º 1
void Stiefel::ObtainPerp(Variable *x) const
	const double *xM = x->ObtainReadData();
	SharedSpace *SharedSpacePerp = new SharedSpace(2, n, n - p);
	double *Perp = SharedSpacePerp->ObtainWriteEntireData();
	for (integer i = 0; i < n * (n - p); i++)
		Perp[i] = genrand_gaussian();
	double *temp = new double[p * (n - p)];
	char *transn = const_cast<char *> ("n"), *transt = const_cast<char *> ("t");
	double one = 1, zero = 0, neg_one = -1;
	integer P = p, N = n, NmP = n - p;
	// temp = X^T * Perp
	dgemm_(transt, transn, &P, &NmP, &N, &one, const_cast<double *> (xM), &N, Perp, &N, &zero, temp, &P);
	// Perp = Perp - X * temp
	dgemm_(transn, transn, &N, &NmP, &P, &neg_one, const_cast<double *> (xM), &N, temp, &P, &one, Perp, &N);
	delete[] temp;

	integer *jpvt = new integer[NmP];
	integer lwork = 2 * NmP + (1 + NmP) * INITIALBLOCKSIZE, info;
	double *tau = new double[NmP + lwork];
	double *work = tau + NmP;
	for (integer i = 0; i < NmP; i++)
		jpvt[i] = 0;
	dgeqp3_(&N, &NmP, Perp, &N, jpvt, tau, work, &lwork, &info);
	if (info < 0)
		Rcpp::Rcout << "Error in qr decomposition!" << std::endl;
	dorgqr_(&N, &NmP, &NmP, Perp, &N, tau, work, &lwork, &info);
	if (info < 0)
		Rcpp::Rcout << "Error in forming Q matrix!" << std::endl;
	delete[] jpvt;
	delete[] tau;

	x->AddToTempData("Perp", SharedSpacePerp);
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(void)

	// size of the domain
	integer dim = 10;

	// Generate the matrices in the Euclidean Quadratic problem.
	// Use blas to obtain a positive definite matrix by M = Temp * Temp^T
	double *M = new double[dim * dim];
	double *Temp = new double[dim * dim];
	for (integer i = 0; i < dim * dim; i++)
		Temp[i] = genrand_gaussian();
	char *transn = const_cast<char *> ("n"), *transt = const_cast<char *> ("t");
	double one = 1, zero = 0;
	integer N = dim;
	std::cout << "start" << std::endl;
	dgemm_(transn, transt, &N, &N, &N, &one, Temp, &N, Temp, &N, &zero, M, &N);
	std::cout << "end" << std::endl;

	delete[] Temp;

	CheckMemoryDeleted = new std::map<integer *, integer>;

	testEucQuadratic(M, dim);
	std::map<integer *, integer>::iterator iter = CheckMemoryDeleted->begin();
	for (iter = CheckMemoryDeleted->begin(); iter != CheckMemoryDeleted->end(); iter++)
		if (iter->second != 1)
			std::cout << "Global address:" << iter->first << ", sharedtimes:" << iter->second << std::endl;
	delete CheckMemoryDeleted;
	delete[] M;

#ifdef _WIN64
#ifdef _DEBUG
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(void)
	// choose a random seed
	unsigned tt = (unsigned)time(NULL);

	// size of the Stiefel manifold
	integer n = 12, p = 8, m = 6, q = 2;

	// Generate the matrices in the Brockett problem.
	double *B1 = new double[n * n * 2 + p * 2 + m * m + q];
	double *B2 = B1 + n * n;
	double *B3 = B2 + n * n;
	double *D1 = B3 + m * m;
	double *D2 = D1 + p;
	double *D3 = D2 + p;

	for (integer i = 0; i < n; i++)
		for (integer j = i; j < n; j++)
			B1[i + j * n] = genrand_gaussian();
			B1[j + i * n] = B1[i + j * n];

			B2[i + j * n] = genrand_gaussian();
			B2[j + i * n] = B2[i + j * n];
	for (integer i = 0; i < m; i++)
		for (integer j = i; j < m; j++)
			B3[i + j * m] = genrand_gaussian();
			B3[j + i * m] = B3[i + j * m];
	for (integer i = 0; i < p; i++)
		D1[i] = static_cast<double> (i + 1);
		D2[i] = D1[i];
	for (integer i = 0; i < q; i++)
		D3[i] = static_cast<double> (i + 1);

	// number of manifolds in product of manifold
	integer numofmanis = 2; // two kinds of manifolds
	integer numofmani1 = 2; // the first one has two
	integer numofmani2 = 1; // the second one has one

	// Obtain an initial iterate
	StieVariable StieX1(n, p);
	StieVariable StieX2(m, q);
	ProductElement ProdX(numofmanis, &StieX1, numofmani1, &StieX2, numofmani2);

	// Define the Stiefel manifold
	Stiefel mani1(n, p);
	Stiefel mani2(m, q);
	ProductManifold Domain(numofmanis, &mani1, numofmani1, &mani2, numofmani2);

	// Define the Brockett problem
	StieSumBrockett Prob(B1, D1, B2, D2, B3, D3, n, p, m, q);

	// Set the domain of the problem to be the Stiefel manifold

	// output the parameters of the manifold of domain

	//// test RSD
	//std::cout << "********************************Check all line search algorithm in RSD*****************************************" << std::endl;
	//for (integer i = 0; i < LSALGOLENGTH; i++)
	//	RSD *RSDsolver = new RSD(&Prob, &ProdX);
	//	RSDsolver->LineSearch_LS = static_cast<LSAlgo> (i);
	//	RSDsolver->CheckParams();
	//	RSDsolver->Run();
	//	delete RSDsolver;

	//// test RNewton
	//std::cout << "********************************Check all line search algorithm in RNewton*************************************" << std::endl;
	//for (integer i = 0; i < LSALGOLENGTH; i++)
	//	RNewton *RNewtonsolver = new RNewton(&Prob, &ProdX);
	//	RNewtonsolver->LineSearch_LS = static_cast<LSAlgo> (i);
	//	RNewtonsolver->DEBUG = FINALRESULT;
	//	RNewtonsolver->CheckParams();
	//	RNewtonsolver->Run();
	//	delete RNewtonsolver;

	//// test RCG
	//std::cout << "********************************Check all Formulas in RCG*************************************" << std::endl;
	//for (integer i = 0; i < RCGMETHODSLENGTH; i++)
	//	RCG *RCGsolver = new RCG(&Prob, &ProdX);
	//	RCGsolver->RCGmethod = static_cast<RCGmethods> (i);
	//	RCGsolver->LineSearch_LS = STRONGWOLFE;
	//	RCGsolver->LS_beta = 0.1;
	//	RCGsolver->CheckParams();
	//	RCGsolver->Run();
	//	delete RCGsolver;

	//// test RBroydenFamily
	//std::cout << "********************************Check all line search algorithm in RBroydenFamily*************************************" << std::endl;
	//for (integer i = 0; i < LSALGOLENGTH; i++)
	//	RBroydenFamily *RBroydenFamilysolver = new RBroydenFamily(&Prob, &ProdX);
	//	RBroydenFamilysolver->LineSearch_LS = static_cast<LSAlgo> (i);
	//	RBroydenFamilysolver->DEBUG = FINALRESULT;
	//	RBroydenFamilysolver->CheckParams();
	//	RBroydenFamilysolver->Run();
	//	delete RBroydenFamilysolver;

	//// test RWRBFGS
	//std::cout << "********************************Check all line search algorithm in RWRBFGS*************************************" << std::endl;
	//for (integer i = 0; i < LSALGOLENGTH; i++)
	//	RWRBFGS *RWRBFGSsolver = new RWRBFGS(&Prob, &ProdX);
	//	RWRBFGSsolver->LineSearch_LS = static_cast<LSAlgo> (i);
	//	RWRBFGSsolver->CheckParams();
	//	RWRBFGSsolver->Run();
	//	delete RWRBFGSsolver;

	//// test RBFGS
	//std::cout << "********************************Check all line search algorithm in RBFGS*************************************" << std::endl;
	//for (integer i = 0; i < LSALGOLENGTH; i++)
	//	RBFGS *RBFGSsolver = new RBFGS(&Prob, &ProdX);
	//	RBFGSsolver->LineSearch_LS = static_cast<LSAlgo> (i);
	//	RBFGSsolver->CheckParams();
	//	RBFGSsolver->Run();
	//	delete RBFGSsolver;

	//// test LRBFGS
	//std::cout << "********************************Check all line search algorithm in LRBFGS*************************************" << std::endl;
	//for (integer i = 0; i < 1; i++)//LSALGOLENGTH
	//	LRBFGS *LRBFGSsolver = new LRBFGS(&Prob, &ProdX);
	//	LRBFGSsolver->LineSearch_LS = static_cast<LSAlgo> (i);
	//	LRBFGSsolver->CheckParams();
	//	LRBFGSsolver->Run();
	//	delete LRBFGSsolver;

	//// test RTRSD
	//std::cout << "********************************Check RTRSD*************************************" << std::endl;
	//RTRSD RTRSDsolver(&Prob, &ProdX);

	// test RTRNewton
	std::cout << "********************************Check RTRNewton*************************************" << std::endl;
	RTRNewton RTRNewtonsolver(&Prob, &ProdX);

	//// test RTRSR1
	//std::cout << "********************************Check RTRSR1*************************************" << std::endl;
	//RTRSR1 RTRSR1solver(&Prob, &ProdX);

	//// test LRTRSR1
	//std::cout << "********************************Check LRTRSR1*************************************" << std::endl;
	//LRTRSR1 LRTRSR1solver(&Prob, &ProdX);

	// Check gradient and Hessian
	const Variable *xopt = RTRNewtonsolver.GetXopt();

	delete[] B1;

	return 0;