Ejemplo n.º 1
void bi::cross(const M1 X, const M2 Y, const V1 muX, const V2 muY,
    M3 SigmaXY) {
  /* pre-conditions */
  BI_ASSERT(X.size2() == muX.size());
  BI_ASSERT(Y.size2() == muY.size());
  BI_ASSERT(X.size1() == Y.size1());
  BI_ASSERT(SigmaXY.size1() == muX.size() && SigmaXY.size2() == muY.size());

  const int N = X.size1();

  gemm(1.0/(N - 1.0), X, Y, 0.0, SigmaXY, 'T', 'N');
  ger(-N/(N - 1.0), muX, muY, SigmaXY);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void bi::cross(const M1 X, const M2 Y, const V1 w, const V2 muX,
    const V3 muY, M3 SigmaXY) {
  /* pre-conditions */
  BI_ASSERT(X.size2() == muX.size());
  BI_ASSERT(Y.size2() == muY.size());
  BI_ASSERT(X.size1() == Y.size1());
  BI_ASSERT(X.size1() == w.size());
  BI_ASSERT(Y.size1() == w.size());
  BI_ASSERT(SigmaXY.size1() == muX.size() && SigmaXY.size2() == muY.size());

  typedef typename V1::value_type T;
  typename sim_temp_matrix<M3>::type Z(X.size1(), X.size2());

  T Wt = sum_reduce(w);
  T Wt2 = std::pow(Wt, 2);
  T W2t = sumsq_reduce(w);

  gdmm(1.0, w, X, 0.0, Z);
  gemm(1.0/Wt, Z, Y, 0.0, SigmaXY, 'T', 'N');
  ger(-1.0, muX, muY, SigmaXY);
  matrix_scal(1.0/(1.0 - W2t/Wt2), SigmaXY);
Ejemplo n.º 3
int local(Trial &T, TBox &box, TBox &domain, double eps_cl, double *mgr,
          Global &glob, int axis, RCRVector x_av
      , nlopt_stopping *stop
      ) {

  int n=box.GetDim();
  RVector x(n);
  double tmp, f;

  x=T.xvals ;

#ifdef LS_DEBUG
  cout << "Local Search, x=" << x << endl;

  if (box.OutsideBox(x, domain) != 0) {
    cout << "Starting point is not inside the boundary. Exiting...\n" ;
    exit(1) ;
    return LS_Out ;

  // Check if we are close to a stationary point located previously
  if (box.CloseToMin(x, &tmp, eps_cl)) {
#ifdef LS_DEBUG
     cout << "Close to a previously located stationary point, exiting" << endl;
     return LS_Old ;

#if 0

  if (axis != -1) {
    cout << "NLopt code only works with axis == -1, exiting...\n" ;
  f_local_data data;
  data.glob = &glob;
  data.maxgrad = *mgr;
  data.stop = stop;
  nlopt_result ret = nlopt_minimize(NLOPT_LOCAL_LBFGS, n, f_local, &data,
                    box.lb.raw_data(), box.ub.raw_data(),
                    x.raw_data(), &f,
                    stop->ftol_rel, stop->ftol_abs,
                    stop->xtol_rel, stop->xtol_abs,
                    stop->maxeval - stop->nevals,
                    stop->maxtime - stop->start);
  *mgr = data.maxgrad;
  T.xvals=x ; T.objval=f ;
    return LS_MaxEvalTime;
  else if (ret > 0)
    return LS_New;
    return LS_Out; // failure

#else /* not using NLopt local optimizer ... use original STOgo BFGS code */

  int k_max, info, outside = 0;
  int k, i, good_enough, iTmp ;

  double maxgrad, delta, f_new;
  double alpha, gamma, beta, d2, s2, nom, den, ro ;
  double nrm_sd, nrm_hn, snrm_hn, nrm_dl ;
  RVector g(n), h_sd(n), h_dl(n), h_n(n), x_new(n), g_new(n) ;
  RVector s(n),y(n),z(n),w(n) ; // Temporary vectors
  RMatrix B(n), H(n) ;          // Hessian and it's inverse

  k_max = max_iter*n ;

  // Initially B and H are equal to the identity matrix
  B=0 ; H=0 ;
  for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++) {
    B(i,i)=1 ;
    H(i,i)=1 ;

  RVector g_av(x_av.GetLength());
  if (axis==-1) {
  else {

  if (axis == -1) {
    // Skipping AV
#ifdef INI3
    // Elaborate scheme to initalize delta
    delta=delta_coef*norm2(g) ;
    copy(g,z) ;
    axpy(1.0,x,z) ;
    if (!box.InsideBox(z)) {
      if (box.Intersection(x,g,z)==TRUE) {
    axpy(-1.0,x,z) ;
    delta=min(delta,delta_coef*norm2(z)) ;
      else {
    // Algorithm broke down, use INI1
        delta = (1.0/7)*box.ShortestSide(&iTmp) ;
#ifdef INI2
    // Use INI2 scheme
    delta = box.ClosestSide(x)*delta_coef ;
    if (delta<MacEpsilon)
      // Patch to avoid trust region with radius close to zero
      delta = (1.0/7)*box.ShortestSide(&iTmp) ;
#ifdef INI1
    delta = delta_coef*box.ShortestSide(&iTmp) ;
  else {
    // Use a simple scheme for the 1D minimization (INI1)
    delta = (1.0/7.0)*box.ShortestSide(&iTmp) ;

  k=0 ; good_enough = 0 ; info=LS_New ; outside=0 ;
  maxgrad=*mgr ;
  while (good_enough == 0) {
    k++ ;
    if (k>k_max) {
#ifdef LS_DEBUG
      cout << "Maximum number of iterations reached\n" ;
      info=LS_MaxIter ;
      break ;

    // Update maximal gradient value
    maxgrad=max(maxgrad,normInf(g)) ;

    // Steepest descent, h_sd = -g
    copy(g,h_sd) ;
    scal(-1.0,h_sd) ;
    nrm_sd=norm2(h_sd) ;

    if (nrm_sd < epsilon) {
      // Stop criterion (gradient) fullfilled
#ifdef LS_DEBUG
      cout << "Gradient small enough" << endl ;
      good_enough = 1 ;
      break ;

    // Compute Newton step, h_n = -H*g
    gemv('N',-1.0, H, g, 0.0, h_n) ;
    nrm_hn = norm2(h_n) ;

    if (nrm_hn < delta) {
      // Pure Newton step
      copy(h_n, h_dl) ;
#ifdef LS_DEBUG
      cout << "[Newton step]      " ;
    else {
      gemv('N',1.0,B,g,0.0,z) ;
      tmp=dot(g,z) ;
      if (tmp==0) {
    info = LS_Unstable ;
    break ;
      alpha=(nrm_sd*nrm_sd)/tmp ; // Normalization (N38,eq. 3.30)
      scal(alpha,h_sd) ;
      nrm_sd=fabs(alpha)*nrm_sd ;

      if (nrm_sd >= delta) {
    gamma = delta/nrm_sd ; // Normalization (N38, eq. 3.33)
    copy(h_sd,h_dl) ;
    scal(gamma,h_dl) ;
#ifdef LS_DEBUG
    cout << "[Steepest descent]  " ;
      else {
    // Combination of Newton and SD steps
    d2 = delta*delta ;
    copy(h_sd,s) ;
    s2=nrm_sd*nrm_sd ;
    nom = d2 - s2 ;
    snrm_hn=nrm_hn*nrm_hn ;
    tmp = dot(h_n,s) ;
        den = tmp-s2 + sqrt((tmp-d2)*(tmp-d2)+(snrm_hn-d2)*(d2-s2)) ;
    if (den==0) {
      info = LS_Unstable ;
      break ;
    // Normalization (N38, eq. 3.31)
    beta = nom/den ;
    copy(h_n,h_dl) ;
    scal(beta,h_dl) ;
    axpy((1-beta),h_sd,h_dl) ;
#ifdef LS_DEBUG
    cout << "[Mixed step]        " ;
    nrm_dl=norm2(h_dl) ;

    //x_new = x+h_dl ;
    copy(x,x_new) ;
    axpy(1.0,h_dl,x_new) ;

    // Check if x_new is inside the box
    iTmp=box.OutsideBox(x_new, domain) ;
    if (iTmp == 1) {
#ifdef LS_DEBUG
      cout << "x_new is outside the box " << endl ;
      outside++ ;
      if (outside>max_outside_steps) {
    // Previous point was also outside, exit
    break ;
    else if (iTmp == 2) {
#ifdef LS_DEBUG
      cout << " x_new is outside the domain" << endl ;
      info=LS_Out ;
      break ;
    else {
      outside=0 ;

    // Compute the gain
    if (axis==-1)
    else {
    FC++; GC++;
    ro = (f_new-f) / (dot(g,h_dl) + dot(h_dl,z)); // Quadratic model
    if (ro > 0.75) {
      delta = delta*2;
    if (ro < 0.25) {
      delta = delta/3;
    if (ro > 0) {
      // Update the Hessian and it's inverse using the BFGS formula
#if 0 // changed by SGJ to compute OBJECTIVE_AND_GRADIENT above
      if (axis==-1)
      else {
      if (axis != -1)

      // y=g_new-g

      // Check curvature condition
      if (alpha <= sqrt(MacEpsilon)*nrm_dl*norm2(y)) {
#ifdef LS_DEBUG
    cout << "Curvature condition violated " ;
      else {
    // Update Hessian
    gemv('N',1.0,B,h_dl,0.0,z) ; // z=Bh_dl
    beta=-1/dot(h_dl,z) ;
    ger(1/alpha,y,y,B) ;
    ger(beta,z,z,B) ;

        // Update Hessian inverse
        gemv('N',1.0,H,y,0.0,z) ; // z=H*y
        gemv('T',1.0,H,y,0.0,w) ; // w=y'*H
    beta=dot(y,z) ;
    beta=(1+beta/alpha)/alpha ;

    // It should be possible to do this updating more efficiently, by
    // exploiting the fact that (h_dl*y'*H) = transpose(H*y*h_dl')
    ger(beta,h_dl,h_dl,H) ;
    ger(-1/alpha,z,h_dl,H) ;
    ger(-1/alpha,h_dl,w,H) ;

      if (nrm_dl < norm2(x)*epsilon) {
    // Stop criterion (iteration progress) fullfilled
#ifdef LS_DEBUG
    cout << "Progress is marginal" ;
    good_enough = 1 ;

      // Check if we are close to a stationary point located previously
      if (box.CloseToMin(x_new, &f_new, eps_cl)) {
    // Note that x_new and f_new may be overwritten on exit from CloseToMin
#ifdef LS_DEBUG
    cout << "Close to a previously located stationary point, exiting" << endl;
    info = LS_Old ;
    good_enough = 1 ;

      // Update x, g and f
      copy(x_new,x) ; copy(g_new,g) ; f=f_new ;

#ifdef LS_DEBUG
      cout << " x=" << x << endl ;

    else {
#ifdef LS_DEBUG
      cout << "Step is no good, ro=" << ro << " delta=" << delta << endl ;

  } // wend

  // Make sure the routine returns correctly...
  // Check if last iterate is outside the boundary
  if (box.OutsideBox(x, domain) != 0) {
    info=LS_Out; f=DBL_MAX;

  if (info == LS_Unstable) {
    cout << "Local search became unstable. No big deal but exiting anyway\n" ;

  *mgr=maxgrad ;

  T.xvals=x ; T.objval=f ;
  if (outside>0)
    return LS_Out ;
    return info ;

Ejemplo n.º 4
void Mjoin( PATL, syr2L )
   const int                  N,
   const TYPE                 * X,
   const TYPE                 * Y,
   TYPE                       * A,
   const int                  LDA
 * Purpose
 * =======
 * Mjoin( PATL, syr2L ) performs the symmetric rank 2 operation
 *    A := alpha * x * y' + alpha * y * x' + A,
 * where  alpha is a scalar, x and y are n-element vectors and A is an n
 * by n symmetric matrix.
 * This is a  recursive  version of the  algorithm.  For a more detailed
 * description of  the arguments of this function, see the reference im-
 * plementation in the  ATLAS/src/blas/reference directory.
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 * .. Local Variables ..
#ifdef TREAL
#define    one                ATL_rone
   const TYPE                 one[2] = { ATL_rone, ATL_rzero };
   TYPE                       * x0, * y0;
   int                        j, jb, jbs, m, mb, nb;
#ifdef TREAL
#define   ger      Mjoin( PATL, ger1_a1_x1_yX  )
#define   ger      Mjoin( PATL, ger1u_a1_x1_yX )
/* ..
 * .. Executable Statements ..
   ATL_GetPartR1( A, LDA, mb, nb );

   x0 = (TYPE *)(X); y0 = (TYPE *)(Y);

   for( j = 0; j < N; j += nb )
      jb = N - j; jb = Mmin( jb, nb );
      Mjoin( PATL, refsyr2L )( jb, one, X, 1, Y, 1, A, LDA );
      if( ( m = N-j-jb ) != 0 )
         jbs = (jb SHIFT); X += jbs; Y += jbs;
         ger( m, jb, one, X, 1, y0, 1, A + jbs, LDA );
         ger( m, jb, one, Y, 1, x0, 1, A + jbs, LDA );
         MLrnext( jb, A, LDA ); x0 = (TYPE *)(X); y0 = (TYPE *)(Y);
 * End of Mjoin( PATL, syr2L )
Ejemplo n.º 5
void Mjoin( PATL, her2U )
   const int                  N,
   const TYPE                 * X,
   const TYPE                 * Y,
   TYPE                       * A,
   const int                  LDA
 * Purpose
 * =======
 * Mjoin( PATL, her2U ) performs the Hermitian rank 2 operation
 *    A := alpha * x * conjg( y' ) + y * conjg( alpha * x' ) + A,
 * where  alpha is a scalar, x and y are n-element vectors and A is an n
 * by n Hermitian matrix.
 * This is a  recursive  version of the  algorithm.  For a more detailed
 * description of  the arguments of this function, see the reference im-
 * plementation in the  ATLAS/src/blas/reference directory.
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 * .. Local Variables ..
#ifdef TREAL
#define    one                ATL_rone
   const TYPE                 one[2] = { ATL_rone, ATL_rzero };
   TYPE                       * A0, * x0, * y0;
   int                        j, jb, jbs, m, mb, nb;
#define   ger      Mjoin( PATL, ger1c_a1_x1_yX )
/* ..
 * .. Executable Statements ..
   ATL_GetPartR1( A, LDA, mb, nb );

   MUrnext( N, A, LDA );
   x0 = (TYPE *)(X); X += (N SHIFT); y0 = (TYPE *)(Y); Y += (N SHIFT);

   for( j = 0; j < N; j += nb )
      jb = N - j; jb = Mmin( jb, nb ); jbs = (jb SHIFT);
      MUrprev( jb, A, LDA ); X -= jbs; Y -= jbs;
      if( ( m = N-j-jb ) != 0 )
         A0 = (TYPE *)(A) - (m SHIFT);
         ger( m, jb, one, x0, 1, Y, 1, A0, LDA );
         ger( m, jb, one, y0, 1, X, 1, A0, LDA );
      Mjoin( PATL, refher2U )( jb, one, X, 1, Y, 1, A, LDA );
 * End of Mjoin( PATL, her2U )
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: ger.hpp Proyecto: TRIQS/triqs
 void ger(A alpha, VTX const &x, VTY const &y, matrix_view<V, To, W> &&r) {
   ger(alpha, x, y, r);