Ejemplo n.º 1
    bool GameLevel::isPassable(int x, int y) const
        if (x > 0 && x < width() && y > 0 && y < height() && !mLevel.get(x, y).passable())
            return false;

        FAWorld::Actor* actor = getActorAt(x, y);
        return actor == NULL || actor->isPassable();
Ejemplo n.º 2
    bool GameLevel::isPassable(const Misc::Point& point, const FAWorld::Actor* forActor) const
        // Special hack because griswold spawns on an unpassable tile.
        // TODO: This should be fixed later by a patch on the town level data.
        if (forActor && forActor->mIsTowner)
            return true;

        if (point.x < 0 || point.x >= width() || point.y < 0 || point.y >= height() || !mLevel.get(point).passable())
            return false;

        FAWorld::Actor* actor = getActorAt(point);
        return actor == nullptr || actor == forActor;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 bool GameLevel::isPassableFor(int x, int y, const Actor* actor) const
     auto actorAtPos = getActorAt(x, y);
     return mLevel.get(x, y).passable() && (actorAtPos == nullptr || actorAtPos == actor || actorAtPos->isPassable());