Ejemplo n.º 1
void aco::Graph::evaporatePheromone( float evaporationRate )
    int nNodes = getNumberOfNodes();

    for (int i = 0; i < nNodes; ++i)
        std::vector<int> adjacent;
        getAdjacentNodes( i, adjacent );
        int nAdjacent = adjacent.size();
        for (int j = 0; j < nAdjacent; ++j)
            float oldPheromone = getPheromone( i, j );
            float newPheromone = oldPheromone * ( 1.0f - evaporationRate );
            addPheromone( i, j, newPheromone - oldPheromone );
Ejemplo n.º 2
  void TopologicalMapper::computeGraph(double merge_threshold) {

    // First for each critical point, find out the neigbouring regions
    std::vector<std::set<uint32_t> > point_neighbour_sets;

    // Draw the critical lines as their indexes on the map
    cv::Mat lines(map_resp_.map.info.height, map_resp_.map.info.width, CV_16UC1,
    drawCriticalLines(lines, 0, 0, true);

    // Go over all the pixels in the lines image and find neighbouring critical
    // regions
    for (int j = 0; j < lines.rows; ++j) {
      uint16_t* image_row_j = lines.ptr<uint16_t>(j);
      for (int i = 0; i < lines.cols; ++i) {
        uint16_t pixel = image_row_j[i];
        if (pixel == (uint16_t)-1) {
        int x_offset[] = {0, -1, 1, 0};
        int y_offset[] = {-1, 0, 0, 1};
        size_t num_neighbours = 4;
        for (size_t count = 0; count < num_neighbours; ++count) {
          uint32_t x_n = i + x_offset[count];
          uint32_t y_n = j + y_offset[count];
          if (x_n >= (uint16_t) lines.cols || y_n >= (uint16_t) lines.rows) {
          size_t map_idx = MAP_IDX(lines.cols, x_n, y_n);
          if (component_map_[map_idx] >= 0 && 
              component_map_[map_idx] < (int32_t) num_components_) {

    // Throw out any critical points that do not have 2 adjoining regions.
    // This can happen if the regions are too small
    std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t> > point_neighbours;
    std::vector<int> remove_crit_points;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < critical_points_.size(); ++i) {
      if (point_neighbour_sets[i].size() == 2) {
        point_neighbours[i] = 
      } else {

    for (int i = remove_crit_points.size() - 1; i >=0 ; --i) {
      critical_points_.erase(critical_points_.begin() + i);
      point_neighbour_sets.erase(point_neighbour_sets.begin() + i);
      point_neighbours.erase(point_neighbours.begin() + i);

    // Find connectivity to remove any isolated sub-graphs
    std::vector<bool> checked_region(critical_points_.size(), false);
    std::vector<std::set<int> > graph_sets;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_components_; ++i) {
      if (checked_region[i]) {
      std::set<int> open_set, closed_set;
      while (open_set.size() != 0) {
        int current_region = *(open_set.begin());
        checked_region[current_region] = true;
        for (int j = 0; j < critical_points_.size(); ++j) {
          for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
            if (point_neighbours[j][k] == current_region && 
                std::find(closed_set.begin(), closed_set.end(), 
                  point_neighbours[j][1-k]) == 
                closed_set.end()) {

    std::set<int> master_region_set;
    if (graph_sets.size() != 1) {
      std::cout << "WARNING: Master graph is fragmented into " <<
        graph_sets.size() << " sub-graphs!!!" << std::endl;
      int max_idx = 0;
      int max_size = graph_sets[0].size();
      for (size_t i = 1; i < graph_sets.size(); ++i) {
        if (graph_sets[i].size() > max_size) {
          max_idx = i;
          max_size = graph_sets[i].size();
      master_region_set = graph_sets[max_idx];
    } else {
      master_region_set = graph_sets[0];
    // Create the region graph next
    std::map<int, int> region_to_vertex_map;
    int vertex_count = 0;
    for (size_t r = 0; r < num_components_; ++r) { 
      if (std::find(master_region_set.begin(), master_region_set.end(), r) ==
          master_region_set.end()) {
        region_to_vertex_map[r] = -1;

      Graph::vertex_descriptor vi = boost::add_vertex(region_graph_);

      // Calculate the centroid
      uint32_t avg_i = 0, avg_j = 0, pixel_count = 0;
      for (size_t j = 0; j < map_resp_.map.info.height; ++j) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < map_resp_.map.info.width; ++i) {
          size_t map_idx = MAP_IDX(map_resp_.map.info.width, i, j);
          if (component_map_[map_idx] == (int)r) {
            avg_j += j;
            avg_i += i;

      region_graph_[vi].location.x = ((float) avg_i) / pixel_count;
      region_graph_[vi].location.y = ((float) avg_j) / pixel_count;
      region_graph_[vi].pixels = floor(sqrt(pixel_count));

      // This map is only required till the point we form edges on this graph 
      region_to_vertex_map[r] = vertex_count;


    // Now that region_to_vertex_map is complete, 
    // forward critical points to next graph
    std::map<int, std::map<int, VoronoiPoint> > 
    for (size_t r = 0; r < num_components_; ++r) { 
      if (std::find(master_region_set.begin(), master_region_set.end(), r) ==
          master_region_set.end()) {
        region_to_vertex_map[r] = -1;
      // Store the critical points corresponding to this vertex
      for (int j = 0; j < critical_points_.size(); ++j) {
        for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
          if (point_neighbours[j][k] == r) {
            int region_vertex = region_to_vertex_map[r];
            int other_region_vertex = region_to_vertex_map[point_neighbours[j][1-k]];
            if (region_vertex == 192 && other_region_vertex == 202) {
              std::cout << "192-202: " << r << " " << point_neighbours[j][1-k] << " " << critical_points_[j] << std::endl;
            if (region_vertex == 202 && other_region_vertex == 192) {
              std::cout << "192-202: " << r << " " << point_neighbours[j][1-k] << " " << critical_points_[j] << std::endl;
              [region_to_vertex_map[point_neighbours[j][1-k]]] =  

    // Create 1 edge per critical point
    for (size_t i = 0; i < critical_points_.size(); ++i) {
      int region1 = region_to_vertex_map[point_neighbours[i][0]];
      int region2 = region_to_vertex_map[point_neighbours[i][1]];
      if (region1 == -1) {
        // part of one of the sub-graphs that was discarded
      int count = 0;
      Graph::vertex_descriptor vi,vj;
      vi = boost::vertex(region1, region_graph_);
      vj = boost::vertex(region2, region_graph_);
      Graph::edge_descriptor e; bool b;
      boost::tie(e,b) = boost::edge(vi, vj, region_graph_);
      if (!b) {
        boost::tie(e,b) = boost::add_edge(vi, vj, region_graph_);
      /* boost::tie(e,b) = boost::add_edge(vi, vj, region_graph_); */
      // region_graph_[e].weight = bwi_mapper::getMagnitude(
      //     region_graph_[vi].location - region_graph_[vj].location);

    // Refine the region graph into the point graph:
    int pixel_threshold = merge_threshold / map_resp_.map.info.resolution;

    enum {
      PRESENT = 0,
      MERGE_VERTEX = 3
    Graph::vertex_iterator vi, vend;

    // PASS 1 - resolve all vertices that are too big and have more than 2 
    // critical points to their underlying critical points
    std::cout << std::endl << "==============================" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "PASS 1" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "==============================" << std::endl << std::endl;
    Graph pass_0_graph = region_graph_;
    Graph pass_1_graph;
    int pass_0_count = 0;
    int pass_1_count = 0;
    std::vector<int> pass_0_vertex_status(
        boost::num_vertices(pass_0_graph), PRESENT);
    std::map<int, int> pass_0_vertex_to_pass_1_map;
    for (boost::tie(vi, vend) = boost::vertices(pass_0_graph); vi != vend;
        ++vi, ++pass_0_count) {

      std::cout << "Analyzing pass 0 graph vertex: " << pass_0_count << std::endl;

      std::vector<size_t> adj_vertices;
      getAdjacentNodes(pass_0_count, pass_0_graph, adj_vertices);
      // See if the area of this region is too big to be directly pushed into 
      // the pass 3 graph
      if (pass_0_graph[*vi].pixels >= pixel_threshold &&
          adj_vertices.size() > 2) {
        pass_0_vertex_status[pass_0_count] = CONVERT_TO_CRITICAL_POINT;
        std::cout << " - throwing it out (needs to be resolved to CPs)" <<

      // Otherwise insert this as is into the point graph
      Graph::vertex_descriptor point_vi = boost::add_vertex(pass_1_graph);
      pass_1_graph[point_vi] = pass_0_graph[*vi];
      pass_0_vertex_to_pass_1_map[pass_0_count] = pass_1_count;


    // Now for each vertex that needs to be resolved into critical points, 
    // check neighbours recursively to convert these vertices into critical
    // points
    std::map<int, std::map<int, int> > pass_0_vertex_to_cp_map;
    pass_0_count = 0;
    for (boost::tie(vi, vend) = boost::vertices(pass_0_graph); vi != vend;
        ++vi, ++pass_0_count) {

      if (pass_0_vertex_status[pass_0_count] != CONVERT_TO_CRITICAL_POINT) {
      std::cout << "Converting pass1 vtx to CPs: " << pass_0_count << std::endl;

      std::vector<size_t> adj_vertices;
      getAdjacentNodes(pass_0_count, pass_0_graph, adj_vertices);
      std::vector<int> connect_edges;
      BOOST_FOREACH(size_t vtx, adj_vertices) {
        if (pass_0_vertex_status[vtx] == PRESENT) {
          Graph::vertex_descriptor point_vi = boost::add_vertex(pass_1_graph);
          pass_1_graph[point_vi].location =
          std::cout << " - added vtx at " << pass_1_graph[point_vi].location 
            << std::endl;
          int pass_1_vertex = pass_0_vertex_to_pass_1_map[vtx];
          std::cout << " - connecting vtx to pass_1_vertex: " << pass_1_vertex
            << " (pass0 = " << vtx << ")" << std::endl;
          Graph::vertex_descriptor vj;
          vj = boost::vertex(pass_1_vertex, pass_1_graph);
          Graph::edge_descriptor e; bool b;
          boost::tie(e,b) = boost::add_edge(point_vi, vj, pass_1_graph);
        } else if (vtx > pass_0_count) {
          // The CP is shared, but has not been added
          Graph::vertex_descriptor point_vi = boost::add_vertex(pass_1_graph);
          pass_1_graph[point_vi].location =
          std::cout << " - added shared cp with " << vtx << " at " 
            << pass_1_graph[point_vi].location << std::endl;
          pass_0_vertex_to_cp_map[pass_0_count][vtx] = pass_1_count;
        } else {
          // Retrieve existing CP
          int cp_vtx = pass_0_vertex_to_cp_map[vtx][pass_0_count];

      /* Connect all the edges */
      for (int i = 0; i < connect_edges.size(); ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
          Graph::vertex_descriptor vi, vj;
          vi = boost::vertex(connect_edges[i], pass_1_graph);
          vj = boost::vertex(connect_edges[j], pass_1_graph);
          Graph::edge_descriptor e; bool b;
          boost::tie(e,b) = boost::add_edge(vi, vj, pass_1_graph);


    // Connect all the edges as is from pass 1
    pass_0_count = 0;
    for (boost::tie(vi, vend) = boost::vertices(pass_0_graph); vi != vend;
        ++vi, ++pass_0_count) {

      if (pass_0_vertex_status[pass_0_count] != PRESENT) {
      std::cout << "Adding pass 1 edges for: " << pass_0_count << std::endl;

      std::vector<size_t> adj_vertices;
      getAdjacentNodes(pass_0_count, pass_0_graph, adj_vertices);
      BOOST_FOREACH(size_t vtx, adj_vertices) {
        if (pass_0_vertex_status[vtx] == PRESENT && vtx < pass_0_count) {
          Graph::vertex_descriptor vi, vj;
          vi = boost::vertex(
              pass_0_vertex_to_pass_1_map[pass_0_count], pass_1_graph);
          vj = boost::vertex(
              pass_0_vertex_to_pass_1_map[vtx], pass_1_graph);
          Graph::edge_descriptor e; bool b;
          boost::tie(e,b) = boost::add_edge(vi, vj, pass_1_graph);

    pass_1_graph_ = pass_1_graph;

    // PASS 2 - remove any vertices that are adjacent to only 2 other vertices,
    // where both those vertices are visible to each other
    std::cout << std::endl << "==============================" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "PASS 2" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "==============================" << std::endl << std::endl;

    Graph pass_2_graph;

    std::vector<int> pass_1_vertex_status(boost::num_vertices(pass_1_graph), PRESENT);
    std::map<int, int> pass_1_vertex_to_pass_2_vertex_map;
    std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > rr_extra_edges;
    std::map<int, std::pair<int, int> > removed_vertex_map;

    pass_1_count = 0;
    int pass_2_count = 0;
    for (boost::tie(vi, vend) = boost::vertices(pass_1_graph); vi != vend;
        ++vi, ++pass_1_count) {

      std::cout << "Analyzing pass_1 graph vertex: " << pass_1_count << std::endl;

      if (pass_1_vertex_status[pass_1_count] != PRESENT) {
        std::cout << " - the vertex has been thrown out already " << std::endl;
      // See if this only has 2 neighbours, and the 2 neighbours are visible to
      // each other
      std::vector<size_t> open_vertices;
      int current_vertex = pass_1_count;
      getAdjacentNodes(current_vertex, pass_1_graph, open_vertices);
      std::vector<int> removed_vertices;
      std::pair<int, int> edge;
      if (open_vertices.size() == 2 &&
          pass_1_vertex_status[open_vertices[0]] == PRESENT &&
          pass_1_vertex_status[open_vertices[1]] == PRESENT) {
        while(true) {
          std::cout << " - has 2 adjacent vertices " << open_vertices[0] << ", " 
            << open_vertices[1] << std::endl;
          // Check if the 2 adjacent vertices are visible
          Point2f location1 = 
            getLocationFromGraphId(open_vertices[0], pass_1_graph);
          Point2f location2 = 
            getLocationFromGraphId(open_vertices[1], pass_1_graph);
          bool locations_visible = 
            locationsInDirectLineOfSight(location1, location2, map_resp_.map);
          if (locations_visible) {
            std::cout << " - the 2 adjacent vertices are visible " 
              << "- removing vertex." << std::endl; 
            pass_1_vertex_status[current_vertex] = REMOVED_REGION_VERTEX;
            edge = std::make_pair(open_vertices[0], open_vertices[1]);
            bool replacement_found = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
              std::vector<size_t> adj_vertices;
              getAdjacentNodes(open_vertices[i], pass_1_graph, 
              if (adj_vertices.size() == 2) {
                size_t new_vertex = (adj_vertices[0] == current_vertex) ? 
                  adj_vertices[1] : adj_vertices[0];
                if (pass_1_vertex_status[new_vertex] == PRESENT) {
                  current_vertex = open_vertices[i];
                  std::cout << " - neighbours may suffer from the same problem"
                    << ". checking vertex " << current_vertex << std::endl;
                  open_vertices[i] = new_vertex;
                  replacement_found = true;
            if (!replacement_found) {
              // Both neighbours on either side had 1 or more than 2 adjacent 
              // vertices
          } else {
            // left and right vertices not visible

      BOOST_FOREACH(int removed_vertex, removed_vertices) {
        removed_vertex_map[removed_vertex] = edge;

      if (removed_vertices.size() != 0) {
        // Add the extra edge
        std::cout << " - adding extra edge between " << edge.first <<
          " " << edge.second << std::endl;

      // Otherwise insert this as is into the point graph
      Graph::vertex_descriptor point_vi = boost::add_vertex(pass_2_graph);
      pass_2_graph[point_vi] = pass_1_graph[*vi];
      pass_1_vertex_to_pass_2_vertex_map[pass_1_count] = 


    // Insert all edges that can be inserted
    // Add edges from the pass_1 graph that can be placed as is
    pass_1_count = 0;
    for (boost::tie(vi, vend) = boost::vertices(pass_1_graph); vi != vend;
        ++vi, ++pass_1_count) {
      if (pass_1_vertex_status[pass_1_count] == PRESENT) {
        std::vector<size_t> adj_vertices;
        getAdjacentNodes(pass_1_count, pass_1_graph, adj_vertices);
        BOOST_FOREACH(size_t adj_vertex, adj_vertices) {
          if (pass_1_vertex_status[adj_vertex] == PRESENT &&
              adj_vertex > pass_1_count) {
            Graph::vertex_descriptor vi,vj;
            int vertex1 = 
            int vertex2 = pass_1_vertex_to_pass_2_vertex_map[adj_vertex];
            vi = boost::vertex(vertex1, pass_2_graph);
            vj = boost::vertex(vertex2, pass_2_graph);
            Graph::edge_descriptor e; bool b;
            boost::tie(e,b) = boost::add_edge(vi, vj, pass_2_graph);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Pathfinder::step()
    if (m_PathFound) return;

    //std::cout << "\nStepping\n";

    if (!m_Map.inMapBounds(m_SourceNodePosition) || //Make sure the source and target are valid
        //std::cout << "Source or Target is invalid\n";
        std::cout << m_SourceNodePosition.x << ", " << m_SourceNodePosition.y << "\n";
        std::cout << m_TargetNodePosition.x << ", " << m_TargetNodePosition.y << "\n";

    //std::cout << "Source and Target are valid\n";

    if (m_OpenList.size() == 0 &&
        m_ClosedList.size() == 0)
        //std::cout << "Adding source node\n";
    else if ((m_ClosedList.size() != 0 && //make sure there is an object at the back
             m_ClosedList.back() == m_TargetNodePosition) || //If the target is in the closed list then we found a path
             m_OpenList.size() == 0) //If the open list is empty then we have checked the entire map and not found a path
        //std::cout << "Path found\n";

        //Reset the nodes we have modified
        for (sf::Vector2i pos : m_ClosedList)

        for (sf::Vector2i pos : m_OpenList)

        //Draw the path
        sf::Vector2i parentPos = m_ClosedList.back();
        while (m_Map.inMapBounds(parentPos))
            //std::cout << "Parent Position = [" << parentPos.x << ", " << parentPos.y << "]\n";
            parentPos = m_Map.getTile(parentPos).getNode().getParentNodePosition();

        //Draw source and target

        m_PathFound = true;
        //std::cout << "Finding lowest scored node\n";
        //Find node in open list with lowest score, and move it to closed list.
        unsigned lowestScoreNodeIndex = getLowestScoreNodeIndex(m_OpenList);

            Node& n = m_Map.getTile(m_ClosedList.back()).getNode();
            if (n.getState() != NodeState::Source && //If the node isn't the source or target node;
                n.getState() != NodeState::Target)

        m_OpenList.erase(m_OpenList.begin() + lowestScoreNodeIndex);

        //std::cout << "Finding adjacent nodes\n";
        //Find adjacent nodes of current node
        auto adjNodePoses = getAdjacentNodes(m_ClosedList.back());
        for (sf::Vector2i& nodePos : adjNodePoses)
            if (m_Map.getTile(nodePos).getState() != TileState::Wall && //Can be walked on
                std::find(m_ClosedList.begin(), m_ClosedList.end(), nodePos) == m_ClosedList.end()) //is not on the closed list
                Node& n = m_Map.getTile(nodePos).getNode();

                if (std::find(m_OpenList.begin(), m_OpenList.end(), nodePos) == m_OpenList.end()) //is not on the open list
                    //std::cout << "Found undiscovered valid node\n";
                    //Recalculated costs and set parent node
                    updateNodeInfo(nodePos, m_ClosedList.back());

                    if (n.getState() != NodeState::Source && //Make sure we don't override the source or target tile.
                        n.getState() != NodeState::Target)

                else if (n.getMovementCost() > calculateMovementCost(m_ClosedList.back(), nodePos))//this path to the node is shorter
                    //std::cout << "Found better path\n";
                    //Recalculated costs and set parent node
                    updateNodeInfo(nodePos, m_ClosedList.back());
//returns the correct triangle fan assuming that only at most 4 bools on
void MarchingCubesGenerator::getTriangleFan(bool * nodesVal, AllFans allfans, int &numFans, AllFans allFansNorm, bool flipped)
	int onPoint = 0;
	bool onPointset;
	numFans = 0;
	int vertexCounter= 0;
	intQueue * first;
	intQueue * last;
	AdjacentNodes adj;
	McVertex tempVert;
	McFan tempFan;
	memcpy(tempFan, emptyFan, sizeof(McFan));
	bool marked[8];
	for(int i = 0; i<8; i++)
		marked[i] = false;

	for(int i=0; i<8; i++)
		if((nodesVal[i] == true) && (marked[i] == false))
			onPoint= i;
			first = new intQueue;
			first->key = i;
			first->next = NULL;
			last = first;
			while(first != NULL)
				getAdjacentNodes(first->key, adj);
				for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
					if(nodesVal[adj[j]] == true)
						if(marked[adj[j]] == false)
							marked[adj[j]] = true;
							intQueue * adjacentOn = new intQueue;
							adjacentOn->key = adj[j];
							adjacentOn->next = NULL;
							last->next = adjacentOn;
							last = last->next;
						//add a triangle to the fan list
						getVertexBetween(first->key, adj[j], tempVert);
						memcpy(tempFan[vertexCounter], tempVert, sizeof(McVertex));
				first = first->next;
			//return a sorted fan list
			sortVerts(allfans[numFans], tempFan, vertexCounter, allFansNorm[numFans], flipped, onPoint);