Ejemplo n.º 1
void Ship::setApproach(sf::Vector2f pos)
	approaching = true;
	target_angle = getAngleBetween(getPosition(), pos);
	target = pos;
Ejemplo n.º 2
pair<Vec3, Vec3> RotateDesktopGesture::calculateCameraPosition()
	// Right Direction
	Vec3 referenceDirection(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	Vec3 position, direction;
	Vec3 startPosition, endPosition;
	Vec3 startDirection, endDirection;
	int startWallIndex, endWallIndex;
	float ratio = 1.0f;
	Vec3 camDirection(cam->getDir().x, cam->getDir().z, 0.0f);
	Vec3 camPosition(cam->getEye().x, cam->getEye().z, 0.0f);
	float angle = getAngleBetween(camDirection, referenceDirection);
	if (camDirection.y > 0.0f)
		// The camera is pointing in the upper quadrants
		if (angle < 90.0f)
			//first quadrant
			ratio = angle / 90.0f;
			startWallIndex = 2;
			endWallIndex = 0;
		else if (angle >= 90.0f && angle <= 180.0f)
			//second quadrant
			ratio = (angle - 90.0f) / 90.0f;
			startWallIndex = 0;
			endWallIndex = 3;
		// The camera is pointing in the lower quadrants
		if (angle < 90.0f)
			//fourth quadrant
			ratio = angle / 90.0f;
			startWallIndex = 2;
			endWallIndex = 1;
		else if (angle >= 90.0f && angle <= 180.0f)
			//third quadrant
			ratio = (angle - 90.0f) / 90.0f;
			startWallIndex = 1;
			endWallIndex = 3;
	// Find the two points in the world to interpolate between
	cam->lookAtWall(GLOBAL(Walls)[startWallIndex], startPosition, startDirection);
	cam->lookAtWall(GLOBAL(Walls)[endWallIndex], endPosition, endDirection);
	position = lerp(startPosition, endPosition, ratio);
	direction = lerp(startDirection, endDirection, ratio);

	return make_pair(position, direction);
Ejemplo n.º 3
double getLineDistance(const std::vector<double> &p1,
                       const std::vector<double> &p2) {
  double sqDist = 0;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < p1.size(); i++) {
    sqDist += pow(getAngleBetween(p1[i], p2[i]), 2);
  return sqrt(sqDist);
Ejemplo n.º 4
int RotateDesktopGesture::getWallCameraIsFacing()
	Vec3 camDirection(cam->getDir().x, cam->getDir().z, 0.0f);
	Vec3 camPosition(cam->getEye().x, cam->getEye().z, 0.0f);
	Vec3 referenceDirection(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	float angle = getAngleBetween(camDirection, referenceDirection);
	Vec3 desktopDims = GetDesktopBox().GetExtents();
	if (camDirection.y > 0.0f)
		float frontLeftAngle = getAngleBetween(Vec3(desktopDims.x, desktopDims.z, 0.0f) - camPosition, referenceDirection);
		float frontRightAngle = getAngleBetween(Vec3(-desktopDims.x, desktopDims.z, 0.0f) - camPosition, referenceDirection);
		if (angle < frontRightAngle)
			return 2;
		else if (angle >= frontRightAngle && angle < frontLeftAngle)
			return 0;
		else if (angle >= frontLeftAngle)
			return 3;
		float backRightAngle = getAngleBetween(Vec3(-desktopDims.x, -desktopDims.z, 0.0f) - camPosition, referenceDirection);
		float backLeftAngle = getAngleBetween(Vec3(desktopDims.x, -desktopDims.z, 0.0f) - camPosition, referenceDirection);
		if (angle < backRightAngle)
			return 2;
		else if (angle >= backRightAngle && angle < backLeftAngle)
			return 1;
		else if (angle >= backLeftAngle)
			return 3;
	return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 5
std::vector<double> getPointBetween(const std::vector<double> &p1,
                                    const std::vector<double> &p2,
                                    double dist) {
  std::vector<double> new_point(p1.size());
  double fraction = dist / getLineDistance(p2, p1);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < p1.size(); i++) {
    new_point[i] = p1[i] +
                   fraction * getDirectionMultiplier(p1[i], p2[i]) *
                       getAngleBetween(p1[i], p2[i]);
  return new_point;
Ejemplo n.º 6
SSLGamePlanner::orientToOpponentGoal(uint8_t id)
  geometry_msgs::Point32 goal_pos;
  goal_pos.x = -3.025 + 2* 3.025*OUR_FIELD;
  goal_pos.y = 0;
  goal_pos.z = 0;

  geometry_msgs::Point32 ball_pos;
  ball_pos.x = ball_state.position.x;
  ball_pos.y = ball_state.position.y;
  ball_pos.z = ball_state.position.z;

  return getAngleBetween(ball_pos, goal_pos);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void Ship::approach()
	target_angle = getAngleBetween(getPosition(), target);

	if (getDistanceBetween(getPosition(), target) < getGlobalBounds().width * 2.0f)
Ejemplo n.º 8
void Ship::action(Chunk<Entity> * chunk)
	for (auto& e : chunk->entities)
		if (e->getOwner() != this->getOwner())
			if (shooting)
				shoot(getAngleBetween(getPosition(), e->getPosition()), chunk);
				shooting = true;
	awaiting_action = false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 bool Frustum::clipLine(const FrustumPlane &p, osg::Vec3 &v1, osg::Vec3 v2) {
     osg::Vec3 result;
         osg::Vec3 vLineDir = v2-v1;
         double dist1 = p.plane.distance(v1);
         double dist2 = p.plane.distance(v2);
         if (dist1*dist2 >= 0) 
             return false; // punkte schneiden diese plane nicht
         double numerator = -dist1;
         double denominator = p.plane.getNormal() * vLineDir;
         if (0.0 == denominator) 
             result = v1;
         else {
             double dist = numerator/denominator;
             result = v1 + (vLineDir*dist);
     // so, jetzt gucken, ob das ding im polygon sitzt
        osg::Vec3Array* vertices = p.getVertices();
         double angle = 0.0;
         int vertCount = vertices->size();
         osg::Vec3 a,b;
         for(int i = 0; i< vertCount; i++) {
             a = result - (*vertices)[i];
             b = result - (*vertices)[(i+1) % vertCount];
             angle += getAngleBetween(a,b);
         if (angle >= (2*osg::PI*0.9999)) {
             v1 = result;
             return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 10
void SolarSystem::setObjectsVelocity()
    std::list<std::pair<SolarObject*, SolarObject*> > pairs =
    for(std::list<std::pair<SolarObject*, SolarObject*> >::iterator it = pairs.begin();
        it != pairs.end(); ++it)
        std::pair<SolarObject*, SolarObject*> pair = *it;
        SolarObject* first = pair.first;
        SolarObject* second = pair.second;
        double distance = getDistanceBetween(first, second);
        double force = GravityC * first->mass * second->mass
                / distance / distance / 6046;
        double angle = getAngleBetween(first, second);
        double dv1 = force / first->mass * timeStep;
        double dv2 = force / second->mass * timeStep;
        first->changeVelocity(dv1, angle);
        second->changeVelocity(dv2, angle + PI);
Ejemplo n.º 11
	std::vector<Instance*> Layer::getInstancesInCircleSegment(const ModelCoordinate& center, uint16_t radius, int32_t sangle, int32_t eangle) {
		std::vector<Instance*> instances;
		ExactModelCoordinate exactCenter(center.x, center.y);
		std::vector<Instance*> tmpInstances = getInstancesInCircle(center, radius);
		int32_t s = (sangle + 360) % 360;
		int32_t e = (eangle + 360) % 360;
		bool greater = (s > e) ? true : false;
		for (std::vector<Instance*>::iterator it = tmpInstances.begin(); it != tmpInstances.end(); ++it) {
			int32_t angle = getAngleBetween(exactCenter, intPt2doublePt((*it)->getLocationRef().getLayerCoordinates()));
			if (greater) {
				if (angle >= s || angle <= e) {
			} else {
				if (angle >= s && angle <= e) {
		return instances;
Ejemplo n.º 12
std::vector<std::vector<double> > interpolate(const std::vector<double> &p1,
                                              const std::vector<double> &p2,
                                              double step_size) {
  std::vector<std::vector<double> > interpolation;
  double dist = getLineDistance(p1, p2);
  if (dist > step_size) {
    double fraction = step_size / dist;
    std::vector<double> diffs(p1.size());
    std::vector<double> point(p1.size());
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < p1.size(); i++) {
      diffs[i] = getAngleBetween(p1[i], p2[i]);
    for (unsigned int i = 1; fraction * i < 1.0; i++) {
      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < point.size(); j++) {
        point[j] =
            p1[j] +
            fraction * i * getDirectionMultiplier(p1[j], p2[j]) * diffs[j];
  return interpolation;
std::pair<roadPtr, float> IntersectionGeometry::getBest(float angle, bool searchClockwise) {
	//Find angle with largest -ve change
	std::list<float>::iterator angleItr = angles.begin();
	std::list<roadPtr>::iterator roadItr = connected.begin();

	float best = boost::math::float_constants::two_pi;
	float bestAngle = 0.0f;
	roadPtr bestRoad;

	while (angleItr != angles.end()) {
		if ((angle == *angleItr)) {
			continue; //Iterating over ourself!

		//bool searchClockwise = false;
		//bool isAngleAbove = isAbove(angle);
		//if (scanRight && isAngleAbove) searchClockwise = true;
		//else if (!scanRight && !isAngleAbove) searchClockwise = true;
		float dif = getAngleBetween(angle, *angleItr, searchClockwise);
		//float value = scanLeft ? *angleItr - angle : angle - *angleItr;
		//float dif = fmodf(value, boost::math::float_constants::two_pi);
		//Wrap to +ve value
		if (dif < 0.0f) dif += boost::math::float_constants::two_pi;
		if (dif < best) {
			best = dif;
			bestAngle = *angleItr;
			bestRoad = *roadItr;


	return std::make_pair(bestRoad, bestAngle);
Ejemplo n.º 14
SSLPathPlanner::exePlanForRobot (const int& id)
  geometry_msgs::Point curr_point = getCurrentPosition (id);

  geometry_msgs::Point next_point;
  next_point.x = next_target_poses[id].x;
  next_point.y = next_target_poses[id].y;
  next_point.z = 0.0;

  geometry_msgs::Point target_point;
  target_point.x = pose_control.pose[id].pose.x;
  target_point.y = pose_control.pose[id].pose.y;
  target_point.z = 0.0;

  double curr_theta = team_state_[id].pose.theta;
  //  std::cout<<curr_theta<<std::endl;
  double goal_theta = next_target_poses[id].theta;
  //  std::cout<<goal_theta<<std::endl;

  double angular_diff = getAngularDifference (curr_theta, goal_theta);
  //  std::cout<<"angular_diff: "<<angular_diff/ssl::math::PI*180.0<<std::endl;

  double angular_vel;
  if (fabs (angular_diff) > ssl::math::PI / 2.0)
    angular_vel = -MAX_ANGULAR_VEL * ssl::math::sign (angular_diff);
    angular_vel = -MAX_ANGULAR_VEL * (angular_diff / (ssl::math::PI / 2.0));

  //  angular_vel = ssl::math::sign(angular_diff)*MAX_ANGULAR_VEL*(1-exp(-(fabs(angular_diff))));

  markWaypoint (next_point, 0, id);

  double dist = sqrt (getSquaredDistance (curr_point, next_point));
  double ang = getAngleBetween (curr_point, next_point);

  //  if(dist<VERY_CRITICAL_DIST)
  //  {
  //    geometry_msgs::Vector3 v;
  //    double v_mag = dist/CRITICAL_DISTANCE * CRITICAL_LINEAR_VEL;
  //    v.x = v_mag * cos(goal_theta);
  //    v.y = v_mag * sin(goal_theta);
  //    return v;
  //  }

  double vel_x = 0;
  double vel_y = 0;

  bool transit_pass = true;

  if (next_point.x == target_point.x && next_point.y == target_point.y && next_point.z == target_point.z)
    transit_pass = false;

    vel_x = MAX_LINEAR_VEL * cos (ang);
    vel_y = MAX_LINEAR_VEL * sin (ang);

    //now consider obstacles around
    if (!transit_pass)
      if (dist < VERY_CRITICAL_DIST)
        vel_x = CRITICAL_LINEAR_VEL * (dist / VERY_CRITICAL_DIST) * cos (ang);
        vel_y = CRITICAL_LINEAR_VEL * (dist / VERY_CRITICAL_DIST) * sin (ang);
        vel_x = MAX_LINEAR_VEL * (1 - exp (-dist * EXPONENT)) * cos (ang);
        vel_y = MAX_LINEAR_VEL * (1 - exp (-dist * EXPONENT)) * sin (ang);
      //TODO optimize this
      vel_x = INT_LINEAR_VEL * (1 - exp (-dist * EXPONENT)) * cos (ang);
      vel_y = INT_LINEAR_VEL * (1 - exp (-dist * EXPONENT)) * sin (ang);

  geometry_msgs::Vector3 v = getCurrentVelocity (id);
  //  double curr_vel = getVelMagnitude(v);
  //  double curr_vel_ang= getVelAngle(v);

  double des_acc_x = (vel_x - v.x) / ssl::config::TIME_STEP_SEC;
  double des_acc_y = (vel_y - v.y) / ssl::config::TIME_STEP_SEC;

  double des_acc = sqrt (des_acc_x * des_acc_x + des_acc_y * des_acc_y);
  double des_acc_ang = atan2 (des_acc_y, des_acc_x);
  if (des_acc > MAX_LINEAR_ACC)
    des_acc = MAX_LINEAR_ACC;

  des_acc_x = MAX_LINEAR_ACC * cos (des_acc_ang);
  des_acc_y = MAX_LINEAR_ACC * sin (des_acc_ang);

  v.x += des_acc_x * ssl::config::TIME_STEP_SEC * ACC_TUNING;
  v.y += des_acc_y * ssl::config::TIME_STEP_SEC * ACC_TUNING;

  double des_vel_ang = getVelAngle (v);
  double des_vel_mag = getVelMagnitude (v);

  if (des_vel_mag > MAX_LINEAR_VEL)
    des_vel_mag = MAX_LINEAR_VEL;

  v.x = des_vel_mag * cos (des_vel_ang);
  v.y = des_vel_mag * sin (des_vel_ang);

  tf::Vector3 tf_v;
  tf::vector3MsgToTF (v, tf_v);
  tf_v = tf_v.rotate (tf::Vector3 (0, 0, 1), -curr_theta);
  tf::vector3TFToMsg (tf_v, v);

  v.z = angular_vel;

  return v;
Ejemplo n.º 15
void LayerCache::updateEntry(LayerCache::Entry& item) {
    if(item.instance_index == -1) {

    RenderItem& render_item = m_instances[item.instance_index];
    Instance* instance = render_item.instance;

    ExactModelCoordinate map_coords = instance->getLocationRef().getMapCoordinates();
    DoublePoint3D screen_position = m_camera->toVirtualScreenCoordinates(map_coords);

    render_item.facing_angle = getAngleBetween(instance->getLocationRef(), instance->getFacingLocation());
    int32_t angle = static_cast<int32_t>(m_camera->getRotation()) +
                    render_item.facing_angle + instance->getRotation();

    ImagePtr image;
    Action* action = instance->getCurrentAction();
    int32_t w = 0;
    int32_t h = 0;

    if(!action) {
        // Try static images then default action.
        int32_t image_id = render_item.getStaticImageIndexByAngle(angle, instance);
        if(image_id == -1) {
            if (!instance->getObject()->isStatic()) {
                action = instance->getObject()->getDefaultAction();
        } else {
            image = ImageManager::instance()->get(image_id);
    item.force_update = (action != 0);

    if(action) {
        AnimationPtr animation = action->getVisual<ActionVisual>()->getAnimationByAngle(
                                     render_item.facing_angle + static_cast<int32_t>(m_camera->getRotation()));
        unsigned animation_time = instance->getActionRuntime() % animation->getDuration();

        image = animation->getFrameByTimestamp(animation_time);

        int32_t action_frame = animation->getActionFrame();
        if (action_frame != -1) {
            if (render_item.image != image) {
                if (action_frame == animation->getFrameIndex(animation_time)) {
                    instance->callOnActionFrame(action, action_frame);

        int32_t facing_angle = render_item.facing_angle;
        if (facing_angle < 0) {
            facing_angle += 360;
        m_needupdate = true;

    if (image) {
        w = image->getWidth();
        h = image->getHeight();

        screen_position.x -= w / 2;
        screen_position.x += image->getXShift();
        screen_position.y -= h / 2;
        screen_position.y += image->getYShift();

    render_item.image = image;
    if (render_item.screenpoint == screen_position) {
    render_item.screenpoint = screen_position;

    render_item.bbox.x = static_cast<int32_t>(screen_position.x);
    render_item.bbox.y = static_cast<int32_t>(screen_position.y);
    render_item.bbox.w = w;
    render_item.bbox.h = h;

    render_item.dimensions = render_item.bbox;

    CacheTree::Node* node = m_tree->find_container(render_item.bbox);
    if (node) {
        if(item.node) {
        item.node = node;
Ejemplo n.º 16
// Returns true if the two vectors are parallel and point in the same direction,
// given a certain error threshold in degrees.
bool Gesture::isSameDirection(Vec3 &firstVector, Vec3 &secondVector, float threshold)
	float angle = getAngleBetween(firstVector, secondVector);
	return (angle < threshold);