Ejemplo n.º 1
// Name:			processGameplayData
// Class:			HealthInventoryItem
// Description:		Called usually from the tiki file after all other
//					server side events are called.
// Parameters:		Event *ev -- not used
// Returns:			None
void HealthInventoryItem::processGameplayData( Event * )
	GameplayManager *gpm = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager();
	if ( !gpm->hasObject(getArchetype()) )

	str objname = getArchetype();
	str useanim, usetype, usethread;
	if ( gpm->hasProperty(objname, "useanim") )
		useanim = gpm->getStringValue(objname, "useanim");
	if ( gpm->hasProperty(objname, "usethread") )
		usethread = gpm->getStringValue(objname, "usethread");
	if ( gpm->hasProperty(objname + ".Pickup", "icon") )
		usetype = gpm->getStringValue(objname + ".Pickup", "icon");

	// If any of these strings were set, add to our UseData object.
	if ( useanim.length() || usethread.length() || usetype.length() )
		if ( !useData )
			useData = new UseData();
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Name:			processGameplayData
// Class:			WeaponDualWield
// Description:		Process gameplay data
// Parameters:		Event *ev -- not used
// Returns:			None
void WeaponDualWield::processGameplayData( Event * )
	ClassDef *cls;

	GameplayManager *gpm = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager();
	if ( !gpm->hasObject(getArchetype()) )

	str leftmodel = gpm->getStringValue(getArchetype(), "leftmodel");
	str rightmodel = gpm->getStringValue(getArchetype(), "rightmodel");

	if ( !_leftweapon )
		cls = getClass( leftmodel );
		if ( !cls )
			SpawnArgs args;
			args.setArg( "model", leftmodel );
			cls = args.getClassDef();
			if ( !cls )
		_leftweapon = ( Weapon * )cls->newInstance();
		_leftweapon->setModel( leftmodel );

	if ( !_rightweapon )
		cls = getClass( rightmodel );
		if ( !cls )
			SpawnArgs args;
			args.setArg( "model", rightmodel );
			cls = args.getClassDef();
			if ( !cls )
		_rightweapon = ( Weapon * )cls->newInstance();
		_rightweapon->setModel( rightmodel );
	// Process gameplay data on myself.
	Weapon::processGameplayData( NULL );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Health::PickupHealth( Event *ev )
	Sentient *sen;
	Entity *other;
	other = ev->GetEntity( 1 );
	if ( !other || !other->isSubclassOf( Sentient ) )
	sen = ( Sentient * )other;
	if ( sen->health >= sen->max_health )
	if ( !ItemPickup( other, false ) )
	GameplayManager *gpm = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager();
	if ( gpm->hasObject(getArchetype()) )
		if ( gpm->hasFormula("HealthPotion") )
			GameplayFormulaData fd(this);
			amount = gpm->calculate("HealthPotion", fd, sen->max_health);
		str snd = gpm->getStringValue(getArchetype() + ".Use", "wav");
		if ( snd.length() )
			int channel = CHAN_BODY;
			float volume = -1.0f;
			float mindist = -1.0f;
			if ( gpm->hasProperty(getArchetype() + ".Use","channel") )
				channel = (int)gpm->getFloatValue(getArchetype() + ".Use", "channel");
			if ( gpm->hasProperty(getArchetype() + ".Use","volume") )
				volume = (int)gpm->getFloatValue(getArchetype() + ".Use", "volume");
			if ( gpm->hasProperty(getArchetype() + ".Use","mindist") )
				mindist = (int)gpm->getFloatValue(getArchetype() + ".Use", "mindist");
			Sound(snd, channel, volume, mindist);
	sen->health += (float)amount;
	if ( sen->health > sen->max_health )
		sen->health = sen->max_health;
	// If we are on fire stop it
	sen->ProcessEvent( EV_Sentient_StopOnFire );
Ejemplo n.º 4

Puts an item back in the world
void Item::PlaceItem( void )
	GameplayManager *gpm = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager();
	if ( gpm->hasProperty(getArchetype(), "noautopickup") )
		setContents( CONTENTS_USABLE );
		setSolidType( SOLID_BBOX );
		setSolidType( SOLID_TRIGGER );
	setMoveType( MOVETYPE_TOSS );
	groundentity = NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void HealthInventoryItem::Use( Event *ev )
	Entity      *other;
	Sentient    *sen;
	//Event			*event;
	str			sound_name;
	other = ev->GetEntity<Entity>( 1 );
	if ( !other || !other->isSubclassOf( Sentient ) )
	sen = ( Sentient * )other;
	GameplayManager *gpm = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager();
	if ( gpm->hasObject(getArchetype()) )
		if ( gpm->hasFormula("HealthPotion") )
			GameplayFormulaData fd(this);
			amount = gpm->calculate("HealthPotion", fd, sen->max_health);
		str snd = gpm->getStringValue(getArchetype() + ".Use", "wav");
		if ( snd.length() )
			int channel = CHAN_BODY;
			float volume = -1.0f;
			float mindist = -1.0f;
			if ( gpm->hasProperty(getArchetype() + ".Use","channel") )
				channel = (int)gpm->getFloatValue(getArchetype() + ".Use", "channel");
			if ( gpm->hasProperty(getArchetype() + ".Use","volume") )
				volume = (int)gpm->getFloatValue(getArchetype() + ".Use", "volume");
			if ( gpm->hasProperty(getArchetype() + ".Use","mindist") )
				mindist = (int)gpm->getFloatValue(getArchetype() + ".Use", "mindist");
			Sound(snd, channel, volume, mindist);
	sen->health += (float)amount;
	if ( sen->health > sen->max_health )
		sen->health = sen->max_health;
	// If we are on fire stop it
	sen->ProcessEvent( EV_Sentient_StopOnFire );
	// Spawn special effect around sentient
	// Uncomment if we need it
	/*sound_name = GetRandomAlias( "snd_use" );
	if ( sound_name )
	other->Sound( sound_name.c_str(), 0 );
	event = new Event( EV_AttachModel );
	event->AddString( "models/fx_tikifx2.tik" );
	event->AddString( "Bip01 Spine" );
	// set scale
	event->AddFloat( 1.0f );
	// set targetname
	event->AddString( "regen" );
	// set detach_at_death
	event->AddInteger( 1 );
	// set remove_time
	event->AddFloat( 2.0f );
	other->ProcessEvent( event );*/
	PostEvent( EV_Remove, 0.0f );
Ejemplo n.º 6
Item * Item::ItemPickup( Entity *other, qboolean add_to_inventory, qboolean checkautopickup )
	Sentient * sent;
	Item * item = NULL;
	str realname;
	// Query the gameplay manager and see if we should not auto-pickup this item
	if ( checkautopickup )
		GameplayManager *gpm = GameplayManager::getTheGameplayManager();
		if ( gpm->hasProperty(getArchetype(), "noautopickup") )
			return NULL;
	if ( !Pickupable( other ) )
		return NULL;
	sent = ( Sentient * )other;
	if ( add_to_inventory )
		item = sent->giveItem( model, getAmount(), true );
		if ( !item )
			return NULL;
		item = this;
	// make sure to copy over the coolness factor :)
	item->coolitem = coolitem;
	item->cool_dialog = cool_dialog;
	item->cool_anim = cool_anim;
	item->coolitemforced = coolitemforced;
	// let our sent know they received it
	// we put this here so we can transfer information from the original item we picked up

	if ( !isSubclassOf( Weapon ) || add_to_inventory )
		sent->ReceivedItem( item );
	realname = GetRandomAlias( "snd_pickup" );
	if ( realname.length() > 1 )
		sent->Sound( realname, CHAN_ITEM );
	if ( !Removable() )
		// leave the item for others to pickup
		return item;
	look_at_me = false;
	CancelEventsOfType( EV_Item_DropToFloor );
	CancelEventsOfType( EV_Item_Respawn );
	CancelEventsOfType( EV_FadeOut );
	setSolidType( SOLID_NOT );
	if ( animate && animate->HasAnim( "pickup" ) )
		animate->RandomAnimate( "pickup", EV_Item_PickupDone );
		if ( !no_remove )
			if ( _missingSkin )
				ChangeSkin( _missingSkin, true );
			if ( !Respawnable() )
				PostEvent( EV_Remove, FRAMETIME );
	if ( Respawnable() )
		PostEvent( EV_Item_Respawn, RespawnTime() );
	// fire off any pickup_thread's
	if ( pickup_thread.length() )
		ExecuteThread( pickup_thread );
	if ( item && multiplayerManager.checkFlag( MP_FLAG_INSTANT_ITEMS ) )
		Event *ev;
		ev = new Event( EV_InventoryItem_Use );
		ev->AddEntity( other );
		item->ProcessEvent( ev );
	return item;