bool MultiAggregate::notificationAggregateLit( Solver& solver, Literal lit, int p ) { assert( p != 0 ); if( solver.getImplicant( lit.getVariable() ) != this ) addInTrail( solver, lit, false, p ); if( solver.getDecisionLevel( lit ) > 0 ) { assert( positionInTrail.find( lit.getId() ) != positionInTrail.end() ); assert( positionInTrail[ lit.getId() ] < trail.size() ); trail[ positionInTrail[ lit.getId() ] ].setPropagated(); } if( p > 0 ) { unsigned int pos = p; trace_msg( multiaggregates, 2, "Updating current sum to " << ( currentSum + getWeight( pos ) ) << " (was " << currentSum << ")"); currentSum += getWeight( pos ); if( currentSum >= getBound( w1 + 1 ) ) { assert( solver.isTrue( getId( w1 ) ) ); unsigned int tmp = w1; while( currentSum >= getBound( tmp + 1 ) ) ++tmp; if( !inferLiteral( solver, getId( tmp ), true, tmp ) ) return true; } checkFalseInference( solver, lit ); } else { unsigned int pos = -p; trace_msg( multiaggregates, 2, "Updating max possible sum to " << ( maxPossibleSum - getWeight( pos ) ) << " (was " << maxPossibleSum << ")"); maxPossibleSum -= getWeight( pos ); if( maxPossibleSum < getBound( w2 - 1 ) ) { assert( solver.isFalse( getId( w2 ) ) ); unsigned int tmp = w2; while( maxPossibleSum < getBound( tmp - 1 ) ) --tmp; if( !inferLiteral( solver, getId( tmp ).getOppositeLiteral(), true, -tmp ) ) return true; } checkTrueInference( solver, lit ); } return true; }
bool OcclusionQueryNode::getPassed( const osg::Camera* camera, float distanceToEyePoint ) { if ( !_enabled ) // Queries are not enabled. The caller should be osgUtil::CullVisitor, // return true to traverse the subgraphs. return true; // In the future, we could hold a reference directly to the QueryDrawable // to avoid the dynamic_cast. QueryGeometry* qg = dynamic_cast< QueryGeometry* >( _queryGeode->getDrawable( 0 ) ); if (qg == NULL) { osg::notify( osg::FATAL ) << "osgOQ: OcclusionQueryNode: No QueryGeometry." << std::endl; // Something's broke. Return true so we at least render correctly. return true; } // If the distance to the bounding sphere shell is positive, retrieve // the results. Others (we're inside the BS shell) we are considered // to have passed and don't need to retrieve the query. const osg::BoundingSphere& bs = getBound(); float distance = distanceToEyePoint - bs._radius; _passed = ( distance <= 0.f ); if (!_passed) { int result = qg->getNumPixels( camera ); _passed = ( (unsigned int)(result) > _visThreshold ); } return _passed; }
void ShaderProgram::bindTextures() const { for(const auto& i : textures_) { //Activate the appropriate texture unit and texture Texture::setActiveUnit(i.first); i.second.second->bind(); if(!ext::separateShaderObjects()) //If we can't do uniforms without binding { //Get the currently-bound program and bind this program auto previous = getBound(); bind(); //Set the uniform glCheck(glUniform1i(i.second.first, i.first)); //Set the previous values back glCheck(glUseProgram(previous)); } else //If we can do uniforms without binding { //Set the uniform with this program glCheck(glProgramUniform1i(program_, i.second.first, i.first)); } } //Reset the active texture unit to 0 Texture::setActiveUnit(0); }
void PlayScene::moveMap(float offsetX, float offsetY) { float posX = mTileMap->getPosition().x + offsetX; float posY = mTileMap->getPosition().y + offsetY; if (posX > 0) posX = 0; if (posX < getBound().x) posX = getBound().x; if (posY > 0) posY = 0; if (posY < getBound().y) { posY = getBound().y; } mTileMap->setPosition(ccp(posX, posY)); }
void OSGViewerWidget::centerSceneIfNecessary(void) { bool locked = mutex_.tryLock(); scene_root_->accept(UpdateVisitor()); if (locked) mutex_.unlock(); osg::BoundingSphere bounding_sphere = getBound(); if ( == osg::Vec3(0, 0, 0)) return; MainWindow::getInstance()->getRegistrator()->init(); osg::Vec3d eye, center, up; getCamera()->getViewMatrixAsLookAt(eye, center, up); double c2 = (; osg::Vec3d view_direction = eye - center; view_direction.normalize(); double a = (*view_direction; double distance = std::sqrt(c2-a*a); if (distance < 16*bounding_sphere.radius()) // Line and sphere intersect return; centerSceneImpl(); return; }
PySparseTensor innerProduct(const nta::UInt32 dim1, const nta::UInt32 dim2, const PySparseTensor& B) const { // Only works on rank 2 tensors right now if((getRank() != 2) || (B.getRank() != 2)) throw std::invalid_argument("innerProduct only works for rank 2 tensors."); PySparseTensor C(PyTensorIndex(getBound(1-dim1),B.getBound(1-dim2))); tensor_.inner_product_nz(dim1, dim2, B.tensor_, C.tensor_, std::multiplies<nta::Real>(), std::plus<nta::Real>()); return C; }
void bimWorld::CameraManipulator::setModelCenterKeepViewPoint(void* ptr) { auto node = static_cast<osg::Node*>(ptr); if (!ptr) { return; } getBIMCameraManip()->setModelCenter(node->getBound().center()); }
//如果是简单的单击处理,只需要在Began中处理就可以了,无需到ccTouchEnded中 bool HelloWorld::ccTouchBegan(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent) { //如果输入盘打开了,并且点中了输入盘的某个数字,则填入选择的数字,并隐藏输入盘 if(g_pad->isVisible() && g_pad->containsTouchLocation(pTouch)) { int number = g_pad->getNumber(pTouch); _inputGrid->setValue(number); g_pad->setVisible(false); if(checkWin()) { //此处关闭单点触摸,只能点击按钮进行下一步 CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getTouchDispatcher()->removeDelegate(this); showWin(); } return true; } //如果是初始的数字,不允许修改 if(!canInput(pTouch)) { g_pad->setVisible(false); return true; } CCPoint pos = pTouch->getLocation(); pos.x = getBound(pos.x,g_pad->rect().getMaxX(),0,_background->getContentSize().width); pos.y = getBound(pos.y,g_pad->rect().getMaxY(),0,_background->getContentSize().height); //CCLOG("final pos x:%0.1f,y:%0.1f",pos.x,pos.y); runFx(pos); g_pad->setPosition(pos); g_pad->setScale(0.1f); g_pad->setVisible(true); SimpleAudioEngine::sharedEngine()->playEffect(CLICK_FILE); CCActionInterval* actionTo = CCScaleTo::create(0.05f, 1.2f); CCActionInterval* actionBack = CCScaleTo::create(0.05f,1.0f); //添加一些动作,可以仅仅是单个动作,也可以是多个动作组合 //g_pad->runAction(actionTo); g_pad->runAction( CCSequence::create(actionTo, actionBack, NULL)); _inputGrid = getGrid(pTouch); return true; }
bool OcclusionQueryNode::getPassed( const Camera* camera, NodeVisitor& nv ) { if ( !_enabled ) // Queries are not enabled. The caller should be osgUtil::CullVisitor, // return true to traverse the subgraphs. return true; { // Two situations where we want to simply do a regular traversal: // 1) it's the first frame for this camera // 2) we haven't rendered for an abnormally long time (probably because we're an out-of-range LOD child) // In these cases, assume we're visible to avoid blinking. OpenThreads::ScopedLock<OpenThreads::Mutex> lock( _frameCountMutex ); const unsigned int& lastQueryFrame( _frameCountMap[ camera ] ); if( ( lastQueryFrame == 0 ) || ( (nv.getTraversalNumber() - lastQueryFrame) > (_queryFrameCount + 1) ) ) return true; } if (_queryGeode->getDrawable( 0 ) == NULL) { OSG_FATAL << "osgOQ: OcclusionQueryNode: No QueryGeometry." << std::endl; // Something's broke. Return true so we at least render correctly. return true; } QueryGeometry* qg = static_cast< QueryGeometry* >( _queryGeode->getDrawable( 0 ) ); // Get the near plane for the upcoming distance calculation. float nearPlane; const osg::Matrix& proj( camera->getProjectionMatrix() ); if( ( proj(3,3) != 1. ) || ( proj(2,3) != 0. ) || ( proj(1,3) != 0. ) || ( proj(0,3) != 0.) ) nearPlane = proj(3,2) / (proj(2,2)-1.); // frustum / perspective else nearPlane = (proj(3,2)+1.) / proj(2,2); // ortho // If the distance from the near plane to the bounding sphere shell is positive, retrieve // the results. Otherwise (near plane inside the BS shell) we are considered // to have passed and don't need to retrieve the query. const osg::BoundingSphere& bs = getBound(); float distanceToEyePoint = nv.getDistanceToEyePoint( bs._center, false ); float distance = distanceToEyePoint - nearPlane - bs._radius; _passed = ( distance <= 0.f ); if (!_passed) { int result = qg->getNumPixels( camera ); _passed = ( (unsigned int)(result) > _visThreshold ); } return _passed; }
void MultiAggregate::checkTrueInference( Solver& solver, Literal lit ) { trace_msg( multiaggregates, 3, "Checking true inference: max possible sum = " << maxPossibleSum ); unsigned int posInTrail = solver.getPositionInTrail( lit.getVariable() ); for( unsigned int i = 1; i < literals.size(); i++ ) { Literal current = getLiteral( i ); trace_msg( multiaggregates, 4, "Considering literal " << current ); if( solver.isTrue( current ) ) continue; if( solver.isUndefined( current ) || solver.getPositionInTrail( current.getVariable() ) > posInTrail ) { if( maxPossibleSum - getWeight( i ) >= getBound( w1 ) ) break; if( !inferLiteral( solver, current, false, i ) ) return; } } }
void ShaderProgram::setUniform(const std::string& name, float first, float second, float third, float fourth) { if(!ext::separateShaderObjects()) //If we can't do uniforms without binding { //Get the currently-bound program and bind this program auto previous = getBound(); bind(); //Set the uniform glCheck(glUniform4f(uniformLocation(name), first, second, third, fourth)); //Set the previous program back glCheck(glUseProgram(previous)); } else //If we can do uniforms without binding { //Set the uniform with this program glCheck(glProgramUniform4f(program_, uniformLocation(name), first, second, third, fourth)); } }
void ShaderProgram::setUniform(const std::string& name, const glm::mat4& matrix) { if(!ext::separateShaderObjects()) //If we can't do uniforms without binding { //Get the currently-bound program and bind this program auto previous = getBound(); bind(); //Set the uniform glCheck(glUniformMatrix4fv(uniformLocation(name), 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(matrix))); //Set the previous program back glCheck(glUseProgram(previous)); } else //If we can do uniforms without binding { //Set the uniform with this program glCheck(glProgramUniformMatrix4fv(program_, uniformLocation(name), 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(matrix))); } }
void PointCloud::updateImpl() { visualizePoints(0, size()); if (show_draggers_) { osg::BoundingSphere boundingSphere = getBound(); osg::Matrix trans = osg::Matrix::translate(; double radius = boundingSphere.radius(); float t_scale = radius/4; float r_scale = radius/8; osg::Matrix flip(osg::Matrix::rotate(osg::Vec3(0, 1, 0), osg::Vec3(0, -1, 0))); translate_dragger_->setMatrix(flip*osg::Matrix::scale(t_scale, t_scale, t_scale)*trans); trackball_dragger_->setMatrix(osg::Matrix::scale(r_scale, r_scale, r_scale)*trans); addChild(translate_dragger_); addChild(trackball_dragger_); } return; }
void OSGViewerWidget::centerSceneImpl(void) { osgGA::CameraManipulator* camera_manipulator = getCameraManipulator(); osg::BoundingSphere bounding_sphere = getBound(); double radius = bounding_sphere.radius(); osg::Vec3d eye_offset(0.0, 0.0, -2*radius); camera_manipulator->setHomePosition( + eye_offset,, osg::Vec3d(0.0f,-1.0f,0.0f)); camera_manipulator->home(0); double offset = radius/1.5; std::vector<osg::Vec3> offsets; offsets.push_back(osg::Vec3(0, 0, -offset)); offsets.push_back(osg::Vec3(0, 0, offset)); offsets.push_back(osg::Vec3(-offset, 0, 0)); offsets.push_back(osg::Vec3(offset, 0, 0)); offsets.push_back(osg::Vec3(0, -offset, 0)); offsets.push_back(osg::Vec3(0, offset, 0)); for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++ i) light_sources_[i]->init( + offsets[i]); return; }
void bimWorld::CameraManipulator::switchMatrixManipulator(ManipulatorType emanip) { auto viewer = m_host->_ViewerData()->ModelViewer(); auto sceneRoot = m_host->_ViewerData()->getSceneRoot(); auto modelRoot = m_host->_ViewerData()->getModelRoot(); if (!viewer || !sceneRoot || !modelRoot) { return; } m_host->_RenderingThreads()->setIsExternalRendering(true); auto manip = viewer->getCameraManipulator(); osg::Vec3d eye, center, up; auto matrix = manip->getMatrix(); manip->getHomePosition(eye, center, up); switch (emanip) { case ManipulatorType::Default: sceneRoot->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_LIGHT0, osg::StateAttribute::ON); sceneRoot->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_LIGHT1, osg::StateAttribute::ON); sceneRoot->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_LIGHT2, osg::StateAttribute::OFF); sceneRoot->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_LIGHT3, osg::StateAttribute::OFF); sceneRoot->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_LIGHT4, osg::StateAttribute::OFF); ((BIMCameraManipulator*)m_d.get())->setPosition(eye, center, up, matrix); //// BIMCameraManipulator* mat = (BIMCameraManipulator*)(m_d.get()); // ((BIMCameraManipulator*)m_d.get())->beginSetCameraMatrix(); // ((BIMCameraM-anipulator*)m_d.get())->setByMatrix(matrix); // ((BIMCameraManipulator*)m_d.get())->endSetCameraMatrix(); viewer->setCameraManipulator(((BIMCameraManipulator*)m_d.get()), false); break; case ManipulatorType::Person: { auto oldManip = static_cast<BIMCameraManipulator*>(manip); if (!oldManip) break; auto rotation = oldManip->getRotation(); auto dist = oldManip->getDistance(); auto personManip = static_cast<PersonManipulator*>(m_p.get()); if (!personManip) break; personManip->setScreenRotation(rotation); personManip->setScreenDistance(dist); personManip->setPosition(eye, center, up, matrix); viewer->setCameraManipulator(personManip, false); break; } case ManipulatorType::FirstPerson: { sceneRoot->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_LIGHT0, osg::StateAttribute::OFF); sceneRoot->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_LIGHT1, osg::StateAttribute::OFF); sceneRoot->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_LIGHT2, osg::StateAttribute::ON); sceneRoot->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_LIGHT3, osg::StateAttribute::ON); sceneRoot->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_LIGHT4, osg::StateAttribute::ON); osgGA::CameraManipulator* first = new BIMFirstPersonManipulator(m_host); viewer->setCameraManipulator(first, true); first->setHomePosition(modelRoot->getBound().center(), osg::Vec3(0, 0, 0), up); viewer->home(); break; } } m_host->_RenderingThreads()->setIsExternalRendering(false); return; // osgGA::KeySwitchMatrixManipulator *switchmanipulator = dynamic_cast<osgGA::KeySwitchMatrixManipulator*>(m_mViewer->getCameraManipulator()); // // //m_ptrKeySwitchMatrixManipulator=new osgGA::KeySwitchMatrixManipulator; // //m_ptrKeySwitchMatrixManipulator->addMatrixManipulator(1,"deflaut",createCameraManipulator()); // //m_ptrKeySwitchMatrixManipulator->addMatrixManipulator(2,"person",createPersonManipulator()); // switchmanipulator->selectMatrixManipulator((int)emanip); // if (emanip == deflaut) // { // BIMCameraManipulator* manipulator = dynamic_cast<BIMCameraManipulator*>(switchmanipulator->getCurrentMatrixManipulator()); // // zoomTo(m_modelRoot); // //if (manipulator) // //{ // // manipulator->setupFrameRateController(m_modelRoot.get()); // // manipulator->setModelRoot(m_modelRoot); // //} // } // else if (emanip == person) // { // PersonManipulator* manipulator = dynamic_cast<PersonManipulator*>(switchmanipulator->getCurrentMatrixManipulator()); // zoomTo(m_modelRoot); // //if (manipulator) // //{ // // manipulator->setupFrameRateController(m_modelRoot.get()); // // manipulator->setModelRoot(m_modelRoot); // //} // } m_host->_RenderingThreads()->updateSeveralTimes(1); }
/* void IGUIElement::load(io::IDeserializer* stream) throw(CIOException) { const c8* BOUND_NAME = "bound"; const c8* SIZE_NAME = "size"; const c8* IS_VISIBLE_NAME = "isVisible"; const c8* STATE_NAME = "state"; const c8* IS_ENABLED_NAME = "isEnabled"; log::LOG_DEBUG("Deserializing element."); setBound(stream->readRectangle(BOUND_NAME)); //setSize(stream->readVector(SIZE_NAME)); setIsVisible(stream->readBoolean(IS_VISIBLE_NAME)); //TODO //setState(stream->readBoolean(IS_ENABLED_NAME)?EES_ENABLED : EES_DISABLED); //log::LOG_DEBUG("Element deserialized."); } */ void IGUIElement::save(io::IAttributeExchangingObject* aeo) throw(CIOException) { aeo->addBoolean(VISIBLE_ATTR, isVisible()); aeo->addRectangle(BOUND_ATTR, getBound()); aeo->addInteger(STATE_ATTR, getState()); }
void VariationalBayes::optimize(bool verbose,OPT_TYPE method,long maxIter,double ftol, double gtol){//{{{ bool usedSteepest; long iteration=0,i,r; double boundOld,bound,squareNorm,squareNormOld=1,valBeta=0,valBetaDiv,natGrad_i,gradGamma_i,phiGradPhiSum_r; double *gradPhi,*natGrad,*gradGamma,*searchDir,*tmpD,*phiOld; gradPhi=natGrad=gradGamma=searchDir=tmpD=phiOld=NULL; MyTimer timer; // allocate stuff {{{ //SimpleSparse *phiGradPhi=new SimpleSparse(beta); gradPhi = new double[T]; // phiOld = new double[T]; will use gradPhi memory for this phiOld = NULL; natGrad = new double[T]; if(method == OPTT_HS) gradGamma = new double[T]; searchDir = new double[T]; //searchDirOld = new double[T]; //phiGradPhi_sum = new double[N]; // }}} #ifdef LOG_CONV ofstream logF(logFileName.c_str()); logF.precision(15); logF<<"# iter bound squareNorm time(m) [M*means M*vars]"<<endl; if(logTimer)logTimer->setQuiet(); #ifdef LONG_LOG vector<double> dirAlpha(M); #endif #endif boundOld=getBound(); timer.start(); while(true){ negGradient(gradPhi); // "yuck" //setVal(phiGradPhi,i,phi->val[i]*gradPhi[i]); //phiGradPhi->sumRows(phiGradPhi_sum); // removed need for phiGradPhi matrix: // removed need for phiGradPhi_sum /*for(r=0;r<N;r++){ phiGradPhi_sum[r] = 0; for(i=phi->rowStart[r];i<phi->rowStart[r+1];i++) phiGradPhi_sum[r] += phi->val[i] * gradPhi[i]; }*/ // set natGrad & gradGamma squareNorm=0; valBeta = 0; valBetaDiv = 0; #pragma omp parallel for private(i,phiGradPhiSum_r,natGrad_i,gradGamma_i) reduction(+:squareNorm,valBeta,valBetaDiv) for(r=0;r<N;r++){ phiGradPhiSum_r = 0; for(i = phi->rowStart[r]; i < phi->rowStart[r+1]; i++) phiGradPhiSum_r += phi->val[i] * gradPhi[i]; for(i = phi->rowStart[r]; i < phi->rowStart[r+1]; i++){ natGrad_i = gradPhi[i] - phiGradPhiSum_r; gradGamma_i = natGrad_i * phi->val[i]; squareNorm += natGrad_i * gradGamma_i; if(method==OPTT_PR){ valBeta += (natGrad_i - natGrad[i])*gradGamma_i; } if(method==OPTT_HS){ valBeta += (natGrad_i-natGrad[i])*gradGamma_i; valBetaDiv += (natGrad_i-natGrad[i])*gradGamma[i]; gradGamma[i] = gradGamma_i; } natGrad[i] = natGrad_i; } } if((method==OPTT_STEEPEST) || (iteration % (N*M)==0)){ valBeta=0; }else if(method==OPTT_PR ){ // already computed: // valBeta=0; // for(i=0;i<T;i++)valBeta+= (natGrad[i]-natGradOld[i])*gradGamma[i]; valBeta /= squareNormOld; }else if(method==OPTT_FR ){ valBeta = squareNorm / squareNormOld; }else if(method==OPTT_HS ){ // already computed: //valBeta=div=0; //for(i=0;i<T;i++){ // valBeta += (natGrad[i]-natGradOld[i])*gradGamma[i]; // div += (natGrad[i]-natGradOld[i])*gradGammaOld[i]; //} if(valBetaDiv!=0)valBeta /= valBetaDiv; else valBeta = 0; } if(valBeta>0){ usedSteepest = false; //for(i=0;i<T;i++)searchDir[i]= -natGrad[i] + valBeta*searchDirOld[i]; // removed need for searchDirOld: #pragma omp parallel for for(i=0;i<T;i++) searchDir[i]= -natGrad[i] + valBeta*searchDir[i]; }else{ usedSteepest = true; #pragma omp parallel for for(i=0;i<T;i++) searchDir[i]= -natGrad[i]; } //try conjugate step SWAPD(gradPhi,phiOld); memcpy(phiOld,phi_sm->val,T*sizeof(double)); // memcpy(phiOld,pack(),T*sizeof(double)); unpack(phiOld,searchDir); bound = getBound(); iteration++; // make sure there is an increase in L, else revert to steepest if((bound<boundOld) && (valBeta>0)){ usedSteepest = true; #pragma omp parallel for for(i=0;i<T;i++) searchDir[i]= -natGrad[i]; unpack(phiOld,searchDir); bound = getBound(); // this should not be increased: iteration++; } if(bound<boundOld) { // If bound decreased even after using steepest, step back and quit. unpack(phiOld); } SWAPD(gradPhi,phiOld); if(verbose){ #ifdef SHOW_FIXED messageF("iter(%c): %5.ld bound: %.3lf grad: %.7lf beta: %.7lf fixed: %ld\n",(usedSteepest?'s':'o'),iteration,bound,squareNorm,valBeta,phi->countAboveDelta(0.999)); #else messageF("iter(%c)[]: %5.ld bound: %.3lf grad: %.7lf beta: %.7lf\n",(usedSteepest?'s':'o'),(long)timer.getTime(),iteration,bound,squareNorm,valBeta); #endif }else if(!quiet){ messageF("\riter(%c): %5.ld bound: %.3lf grad: %.7lf beta: %.7lf ",(usedSteepest?'s':'o'),iteration,bound,squareNorm,valBeta); } #ifdef LOG_CONV if((iteration%100==0) || ((iteration<500) && (iteration%50==0)) || ((iteration<150) && (iteration%10==0)) || ((iteration<50) && (iteration%5==0))){ logF<<iteration<<" "<<bound<<" "<<squareNorm; if(logTimer)logF<<" "<<logTimer->current(0,'m'); #ifdef LONG_LOG double alphaSum = 0, alphaVarNorm; // True 'alpha' - Dirichlet parameter is alpha+phiHat. for(i=1;i<M;i++){ dirAlpha[i] = alpha[i] + phiHat[i]; alphaSum += dirAlpha[i]; } for(i=1;i<M;i++)logF<< " " << dirAlpha[i] / alphaSum; alphaVarNorm = alphaSum*alphaSum*(alphaSum+1); for(i=1;i<M;i++)logF<<" "<<dirAlpha[i]*(alphaSum-dirAlpha[i])/alphaVarNorm; #endif logF<<endl; } #endif // convergence check {{{ if(bound<boundOld){ message("\nEnd: bound decrease\n"); break; } if(abs(bound-boundOld)<=ftol){ message("\nEnd: converged (ftol)\n"); break; } if(squareNorm<=gtol){ message("\nEnd: converged (gtol)\n"); break; } if(iteration>=maxIter){ message("\nEnd: maxIter exceeded\n"); break; } // }}} // store essentials {{{ squareNormOld=squareNorm; boundOld=bound; // }}} R_INTERUPT; } if(quiet){ messageF("iter(%c): %5.ld bound: %.3lf grad: %.7lf beta: %.7lf\n",(usedSteepest?'s':'o'),iteration,bound,squareNorm,valBeta); } #ifdef LOG_CONV logF<<iteration<<" "<<bound<<" "<<squareNorm; if(logTimer)logF<<" "<<logTimer->current(0,'m'); #ifdef LONG_LOG double alphaSum = 0, alphaVarNorm; // True 'alpha' - Dirichlet parameter is alpha+phiHat. for(i=1;i<M;i++){ dirAlpha[i] = alpha[i] + phiHat[i]; alphaSum += dirAlpha[i]; } for(i=1;i<M;i++)logF<< " " << dirAlpha[i] / alphaSum; alphaVarNorm = alphaSum*alphaSum*(alphaSum+1); for(i=1;i<M;i++)logF<<" "<<dirAlpha[i]*(alphaSum-dirAlpha[i])/alphaVarNorm; #endif logF<<endl; if(logTimer)logTimer->setVerbose(); logF.close(); #endif // free memory {{{ //delete phiGradPhi; delete[] gradPhi; delete[] natGrad; if(method == OPTT_HS) delete[] gradGamma; delete[] searchDir; //delete[] searchDirOld; //delete[] phiGradPhi_sum; // }}} }//}}}