Ejemplo n.º 1
var DspInstance::getInfo() const
	if (object != nullptr)
		String info;

		info << "Name: " + moduleName << "\n";

		info << "Parameters: " << String(object->getNumParameters()) << "\n";

		for (int i = 0; i < object->getNumParameters(); i++)
			const String line = String("Parameter #" + String(i) + String(": current value: ") + String(object->getParameter(i)) + String("\n"));

			info << line;

		info << "\n";

		info << "Constants: " << String(object->getNumConstants()) << "\n";

		for (int i = 0; i < object->getNumConstants(); i++)
			info << "Constant #" << String(i) << ": " << getConstantName(i).toString() << +" = " << getConstantValue(i).toString() << "\n";

		return var(info);

	return var("No module loaded");
Ejemplo n.º 2
  // for domain0 - postprocess
void Domain::reorderConstants(MLN* const & mln)
  hash_map<int,int> oldToNewConstIds;

  ConstDualMap* newConstDualMap = new ConstDualMap;
  Array<Array<int>*>* newConstantsByType = new Array<Array<int>*>;
  Array<Array<int>*>* newExternalConstantsByType = new Array<Array<int>*>;

  int prevNewConstId = -1; (void) prevNewConstId;
  bool constChanged = false;
  assert(constantsByType_->size() == externalConstantsByType_->size());
  for (int i = 0; i < constantsByType_->size(); i++)
    newConstantsByType->append(new Array<int>);
    Array<int>* constIds = (*constantsByType_)[i];
    for (int j = 0; j < constIds->size(); j++)
      int constId = (*constIds)[j];
      const char* constName = getConstantName(constId);
      int newConstId = newConstDualMap->insert(constName, i);
      prevNewConstId = newConstId;
      oldToNewConstIds[constId] = newConstId;
      if (constId != newConstId) constChanged = true;
    newExternalConstantsByType->append(new Array<int>);
    Array<int>* extConstIds = (*externalConstantsByType_)[i];
    for (int j = 0; j < extConstIds->size(); j++)
      int constId = (*extConstIds)[j];
      const char* constName = getConstantName(constId);
      int newConstId = newConstDualMap->insert(constName, i);
      prevNewConstId = newConstId;
      oldToNewConstIds[constId] = newConstId;
      if (constId != newConstId) constChanged = true;

  if (!constChanged)
    delete newConstDualMap;
    for (int i = 0; i < newConstantsByType->size(); i++)
      delete (*newConstantsByType)[i];
    delete newConstantsByType;
    for (int i = 0; i < newExternalConstantsByType->size(); i++)
      delete (*newExternalConstantsByType)[i];
    delete newExternalConstantsByType;

  delete constDualMap_;
  for (int i = 0; i < constantsByType_->size(); i++)
    delete (*constantsByType_)[i];
  delete constantsByType_;
  for (int i = 0; i < externalConstantsByType_->size(); i++)
    delete (*externalConstantsByType_)[i];
  delete externalConstantsByType_;

  constDualMap_ = newConstDualMap;
  constantsByType_ = newConstantsByType;
  externalConstantsByType_ = newExternalConstantsByType;

  for (int i = 0; i < constantsByType_->size(); i++)
  for (int i = 0; i < externalConstantsByType_->size(); i++)

    // update
  updatePerOldToNewIds(mln, oldToNewConstIds);

    //clauses and hence their hash values have changed, and they need to be 
    //inserted into the MLN
Ejemplo n.º 3
// for parser
void Domain::reorderConstants(MLN* const & mln,
                           hash_map<int, PredicateHashArray*>& predIdToPredsMap)
  hash_map<int,int> oldToNewConstIds;

  ConstDualMap* newConstDualMap = new ConstDualMap;
  Array<Array<int>*>* newConstantsByType = new Array<Array<int>*>;
  Array<Array<int>*>* newExternalConstantsByType = new Array<Array<int>*>;

  int prevNewConstId = -1; (void) prevNewConstId;
  bool constChanged = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < constantsByType_->size(); i++)
    newConstantsByType->append(new Array<int>);
    Array<int>* constIds = (*constantsByType_)[i];
    for (int j = 0; j < constIds->size(); j++)
      int constId = (*constIds)[j];
      const char* constName = getConstantName(constId);
      int newConstId = newConstDualMap->insert(constName, i);
      prevNewConstId = newConstId;
      oldToNewConstIds[constId] = newConstId;
      if (constId != newConstId) constChanged = true;
  for (int i = 0; i < externalConstantsByType_->size(); i++)
    newExternalConstantsByType->append(new Array<int>);
    Array<int>* constIds = (*externalConstantsByType_)[i];
    for (int j = 0; j < constIds->size(); j++)
      int constId = (*constIds)[j];
      const char* constName = getConstantName(constId);
      int newConstId = newConstDualMap->insert(constName, i);
      prevNewConstId = newConstId;
      oldToNewConstIds[constId] = newConstId;
      if (constId != newConstId) constChanged = true;

  if (!constChanged)
    delete newConstDualMap;
    for (int i = 0; i < newConstantsByType->size(); i++)
      delete (*newConstantsByType)[i];
    delete newConstantsByType;
    for (int i = 0; i < newExternalConstantsByType->size(); i++)
      delete (*newExternalConstantsByType)[i];
    delete newExternalConstantsByType;

  delete constDualMap_;
  for (int i = 0; i < constantsByType_->size(); i++)
    delete (*constantsByType_)[i];
  delete constantsByType_;
  for (int i = 0; i < externalConstantsByType_->size(); i++)
    delete (*externalConstantsByType_)[i];
  delete externalConstantsByType_;

  constDualMap_ = newConstDualMap;
  constantsByType_ = newConstantsByType;
  externalConstantsByType_ = newExternalConstantsByType;

  for (int i = 0; i < constantsByType_->size(); i++)
  for (int i = 0; i < externalConstantsByType_->size(); i++)

    // update
  updatePerOldToNewIds(mln, oldToNewConstIds);

	// predIdToPredMap
  hash_map<int, PredicateHashArray*>::iterator mit = predIdToPredsMap.begin();
  for (; mit != predIdToPredsMap.end(); mit++)
    PredicateHashArray* pha = (*mit).second;
    for (int i = 0; i < pha->size(); i++ )
      changePredTermsToNewIds((*pha)[i], oldToNewConstIds);

    //clauses and hence their hash values have changed, and they need to be 
    //inserted into the MLN