Ejemplo n.º 1
quint32 ViewTable::getId(int row) const
	if( row < 0 )
		return getCurrentId();
	if( row > rowCount() )
		return getCurrentId();
	bool ok;
	quint32 result = text(row, 0).toUInt(&ok);
                return (quint32)0;
	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void shgPhases::addToStatusDisplay(int phaseId, const pdstring &iMsg) {
   // currently, we do _not_ add a \n to the message for you.
   if (!existsCurrent()) {
      cerr << "addToStatusDisplay: no current phase to display msg:" << endl;
      cerr << iMsg << endl;

   if (!existsById(phaseId)) {
      //cerr << "addToStatusDisplay: no phase id " << phaseId << " exists to display msg:" << endl;
      //cerr << "\"" << iMsg << "\"" << endl;

   const bool isCurrShg = (getCurrentId() == phaseId);
   shgStruct &theShgStruct = getByIDLL(phaseId);

   pdstring Msg;
   // auto-prepend "\n" for all but first message
   if (theShgStruct.msgText.length() > 1) Msg = pdstring("\n") + iMsg;
   else Msg=iMsg;

   theShgStruct.msgText += Msg;

   if (isCurrShg) {
      pdstring commandStr = msgTextWindowName + " insert end {" + Msg + "}";
      myTclEval(interp, commandStr);

      commandStr = msgTextWindowName + " yview -pickplace end";
      myTclEval(interp, commandStr);
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool shgPhases::inactivateEntireSearch(int phaseId) {
   // returns true iff a redraw should take place
   shg &theShg = getByID(phaseId);
   const bool isCurrShg = (getCurrentId() == phaseId);
   const bool anyChanges = theShg.inactivateAll(isCurrShg);

   return isCurrShg && anyChanges;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool shgPhases::configNode(int phaseId, unsigned nodeId,
			   bool active, shgRootNode::evaluationState es, bool deferred)
   // returns true iff a redraw should take place
   shg &theShg = getByID(phaseId);
   const bool isCurrShg = (getCurrentId() == phaseId);

   const shg::configNodeResult changes =
      theShg.configNode(nodeId, active, es, deferred, isCurrShg, true);
         // true --> rethink if needed

   return isCurrShg && (changes != shg::noChanges);
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool shgPhases::addEdge(int phaseId, unsigned fromId, unsigned toId,
			shgRootNode::refinement theRefinement,
			const char *label, // used only for shadow nodes, else NULL
			bool rethinkFlag) {
   // The evaluationState param decides whether to explicitly expand
   // the "to" node.  Rethinks the entire layout of the shg
   // Returns true iff a redraw should take place
   shg &theShg = getByID(phaseId);
   const bool isCurrShg = (getCurrentId() == phaseId);
   theShg.addEdge(fromId, toId, theRefinement, label, isCurrShg, rethinkFlag);

   return isCurrShg;
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool shgPhases::addNode(int phaseId, unsigned nodeId,
			bool active,
			shgRootNode::evaluationState es,
            bool deferred,
			const pdstring &label, const pdstring &fullInfo,
			bool rootNodeFlag) {
   // returns true iff a redraw should take place
   shg &theShg = getByID(phaseId);
   const bool isCurrShg = (getCurrentId() == phaseId);

   theShg.addNode(nodeId, active, es, deferred,
                    label, fullInfo, rootNodeFlag, isCurrShg);

   return isCurrShg;
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool shgPhases::resumeCurrSearch() {
   // returns true iff successfully resumed
   if (!existsCurrent())
      return false;

   int phaseId = getCurrentId();
   shgStruct &theStruct = getByIDLL(phaseId); // slow...


   // make the igen call to do the actual resuming:
#ifdef PARADYN

   theStruct.currSearching = true;

   return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
    Plan::progress(const IMC::ManeuverControlState* mcs)
      if (!m_compute_progress)
        return -1.0;

      // Compute only if linear and durations exists
      if (!isLinear() || !m_profiles->size())
        return -1.0;

      // If calibration has not started yet, but will later
      if (m_calib->notStarted())
        return -1.0;

      float total_duration = getTotalDuration();
      float exec_duration = getExecutionDuration();

      // Check if its calibrating
      if (m_calib->inProgress())
        float time_left = m_calib->getRemaining() + exec_duration;
        m_progress = 100.0 * trimValue(1.0 - time_left / total_duration, 0.0, 1.0);
        return m_progress;

      // If it's not executing, do not compute
      if (mcs->state != IMC::ManeuverControlState::MCS_EXECUTING ||
          mcs->eta == 0)
        return m_progress;

      TimeProfile::const_iterator itr;
      itr = m_profiles->find(getCurrentId());

      // If not found
      if (itr == m_profiles->end())
        // If beyond the last maneuver with valid duration
        if (m_beyond_dur)
          m_progress = 100.0;
          return m_progress;
          return -1.0;

      // If durations vector for this maneuver is empty
      if (!itr->second.durations.size())
        return m_progress;

      IMC::Message* man = m_graph.find(getCurrentId())->second.pman->data.get();

      // Get execution progress
      float exec_prog = Progress::compute(man, mcs, itr->second.durations, exec_duration);

      float prog = 100.0 - getExecutionPercentage() * (1.0 - exec_prog / 100.0);

      // If negative, then unable to compute
      // But keep last value of progress if it is not invalid
      if (prog < 0.0)
        if (m_progress < 0.0)
          return -1.0;
          return m_progress;

      // Never output shorter than previous
      m_progress = prog > m_progress ? prog : m_progress;

      return m_progress;
Ejemplo n.º 9
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<Basket> BasketTree::getCurrentBasket() {
    QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<Basket> basket ;
    basket = new Basket(getCurrentId(),database);

    return basket;