Ejemplo n.º 1
void PackWcle::encodeObjectTable()
    unsigned ic,jc;

    oobject_table = New(le_object_table_entry_t, soobject_table = 2);
    memset(oobject_table,0,soobject_table * sizeof(*oobject_table));

    // object #1:
    OOT(0,base_address) = IOT(0,base_address);

    ic = IOT(objects-1,my_base_address)+IOT(objects-1,virtual_size);
    jc = pages*mps+sofixups+1024;
    if (ic < jc)
        ic = jc;

    unsigned csection = (ic + ph.overlap_overhead + mps-1) &~ (mps-1);

    OOT(0,virtual_size) = csection + mps;
    OOT(0,pagemap_index) = 1;
    OOT(0,npages) = opages;

    // object #2: stack
    OOT(1,base_address) = (OOT(0,base_address)
                                      +OOT(0,virtual_size)+mps-1) & ~(mps-1);
    OOT(1,virtual_size) = mps + getDecompressorWrkmemSize();
    OOT(1,pagemap_index) = 1;

    oh.init_cs_object = 1;
    oh.init_eip_offset = neweip;
    oh.init_ss_object = 2;
    oh.init_esp_offset = OOT(1,virtual_size);
    oh.automatic_data_object = 2;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void PackTos::pack(OutputFile *fo)
    unsigned t;
    unsigned nrelocs = 0;
    unsigned relocsize = 0;
    unsigned overlay = 0;

    const unsigned i_text = ih.fh_text;
    const unsigned i_data = ih.fh_data;
    const unsigned i_sym = ih.fh_sym;
    const unsigned i_bss = ih.fh_bss;

    symbols.need_reloc = false;
    // prepare symbols for buildLoader() - worst case
    symbols.loop1.init(65536 + 1);
    symbols.loop2.init((160 - 1) / 4);
    symbols.loop3.init(65536 + 1);
    symbols.up21_d4 = 65536 + 1;
    symbols.up21_a6 = 65536 + 1;
    symbols.up31_base_d4 = 65536 + 1;
    symbols.up31_base_a6 = 65536 + 1;

    // read file
    const unsigned isize = file_size - i_sym;
    fi->seek(FH_SIZE, SEEK_SET);
    // read text + data
    t = i_text + i_data;
    // skip symbols
    if (i_sym && opt->exact)
    // read relocations + overlay
    overlay = file_size - (FH_SIZE + i_text + i_data + i_sym);

#if 0 || (TESTING)
    printf("text: %d, data: %d, sym: %d, bss: %d, flags=0x%x\n",
           i_text, i_data, i_sym, i_bss, (int)ih.fh_flag);
    printf("xx1 reloc: %d, overlay: %d, fixup: %d\n", relocsize, overlay, overlay >= 4 ? (int)get_be32(ibuf+t) : -1);

    // Check relocs (see load_and_reloc() in freemint/sys/memory.c).
    // Must work around TOS bugs and lots of broken programs.
    if (overlay < 4)
        // Bug workaround: Whatever this is, silently keep it in
        // the (unused) relocations for byte-identical unpacking.
        relocsize = overlay;
        overlay = 0;
    else if (get_be32(ibuf+t) == 0)
        // Bug workaround - check the empty fixup before testing fh_reloc.
        relocsize = 4;
        overlay -= 4;
    else if (ih.fh_reloc != 0)
        relocsize = 0;
    else {
        int r = check_relocs(ibuf+t, overlay, t, &nrelocs, &relocsize, &overlay);
        if (r != 0)
            throwCantPack("bad relocation table");
        symbols.need_reloc = true;

#if 0 || (TESTING)
    printf("xx2: %d relocs: %d, overlay: %d, t: %d\n", nrelocs, relocsize, overlay, t);


    // Append original fileheader.
    t += relocsize;
    ih.fh_sym = 0;                      // we stripped all symbols
    memcpy(ibuf+t, &ih, FH_SIZE);
    t += FH_SIZE;
#if 0 || (TESTING)
    printf("xx3 reloc: %d, overlay: %d, t: %d\n", relocsize, overlay, t);
    assert(t <= isize);

    // Now the data in ibuf[0..t] looks like this:
    //   text + data + relocs + original file header
    // After compression this will become the first part of the
    // data segement. The second part will be the decompressor.

    // alloc buffer (4096 is for decompressor and the various alignments)
    obuf.allocForCompression(t, 4096);

    // prepare packheader
    ph.u_len = t;
    // prepare filter
    Filter ft(ph.level);
    // compress (max_match = 65535)
    upx_compress_config_t cconf; cconf.reset();
    cconf.conf_ucl.max_match = 65535;
    cconf.conf_lzma.max_num_probs = 1846 + (768 << 4); // ushort: ~28 KiB stack
    compressWithFilters(&ft, 512, &cconf);

    // multipass buildLoader()

    // save initial loader
    const unsigned initial_lsize = getLoaderSize();
    unsigned last_lsize = initial_lsize;
    MemBuffer last_loader(last_lsize);
    memcpy(last_loader, getLoader(), last_lsize);

    unsigned o_text, o_data, o_bss;
    unsigned e_len, d_len, d_off;
    for (;;)
        // The decompressed data will now get placed at this offset:
        unsigned offset = (ph.u_len + ph.overlap_overhead) - ph.c_len;

        // get loader
        const unsigned lsize = getLoaderSize();
        e_len = getLoaderSectionStart("CUTPOINT");
        d_len = lsize - e_len;
        assert((e_len & 3) == 0 && (d_len & 1) == 0);

        // compute section sizes
        o_text = e_len;
        o_data = ph.c_len;
        o_bss = i_bss;

        // word align len of compressed data
        while (o_data & 1)
            obuf[o_data++] = 0;

        // append decompressor (part 2 of loader)
        d_off = o_data;
        ////memcpy(obuf + d_off, getLoader() + e_len, d_len); // must be done after relocation
        o_data += d_len;

        // dword align the len of the final data segment
        while (o_data & 3)
            obuf[o_data++] = 0;
        // dword align offset
        while (offset & 3)

        // new bss
        if (i_text + i_data + i_bss > o_text + o_data + o_bss)
            o_bss = (i_text + i_data + i_bss) - (o_text + o_data);

        // dirty bss
        unsigned dirty_bss = (o_data + offset) - (i_text + i_data);
        //printf("real dirty_bss: %d\n", dirty_bss);
        // dword align (or 16 - for speedup when clearing the dirty bss)
        const unsigned dirty_bss_align = opt->small ? 4 : 16;
        while (dirty_bss & (dirty_bss_align - 1))
        // adjust bss, assert room for some stack
        unsigned stack = 512 + getDecompressorWrkmemSize();
        if (dirty_bss + stack > o_bss)
            o_bss = dirty_bss + stack;

        // dword align the len of the final bss segment
        while (o_bss & 3)

        // update symbols for buildLoader()
        if (opt->small)
            symbols.loop1.init(o_data / 4);
            symbols.loop1.init(o_data / 160);
            symbols.loop2.init((o_data % 160) / 4);
        symbols.loop3.init(dirty_bss / dirty_bss_align);

        symbols.up21_d4 = o_data + offset;
        symbols.up31_base_d4 = d_off + offset;
        symbols.up21_a6 = symbols.up21_d4 - (i_text + i_data);
        symbols.up31_base_a6 = symbols.up31_base_d4 - (i_text + i_data);
        assert((int)symbols.up21_a6 > 0);
        assert((int)symbols.up31_base_a6 > 0);

        const unsigned c = linker->getSymbolOffset("code_on_stack");
        unsigned d;
        d = linker->getSymbolOffset("flush_cache_rts") - c;
        symbols.flush_cache_rts_offset = d;
        d = linker->getSymbolOffset("clear_dirty_stack_loop") - c;
        symbols.clear_dirty_stack_len = (d + 3) / 4 + 32 - 1;
        d = linker->getSymbolOffset("code_on_stack_end") - c;
        symbols.copy_to_stack_len = d / 2 - 1;

        // now re-build loader
        unsigned new_lsize = getLoaderSize();
        //printf("buildLoader %d %d\n", new_lsize, initial_lsize);
        assert(new_lsize <= initial_lsize);
        if (new_lsize == last_lsize && memcmp(getLoader(), last_loader, last_lsize) == 0)
        last_lsize = new_lsize;
        memcpy(last_loader, getLoader(), last_lsize);

    // define symbols and reloc


    linker->defineSymbol("loop1_count", symbols.loop1.value);
    linker->defineSymbol("loop2_count", symbols.loop2.value);
    linker->defineSymbol("loop3_count", symbols.loop3.value);

    linker->defineSymbol("orig_p_tlen", i_text);
    linker->defineSymbol("orig_p_dlen", i_data);
    linker->defineSymbol("orig_p_blen", i_bss);

    if (symbols.up21_a6 <= 32767)
        linker->defineSymbol("up21_a6", symbols.up21_a6);
        linker->defineSymbol("up21_d4", symbols.up21_d4);

    if (symbols.up31_a6 <= 32767)
        linker->defineSymbol("up31_a6", symbols.up31_a6);
    else if (symbols.up31_d4 <= 32767)
        linker->defineSymbol("up31_d4", symbols.up31_d4);
    else if (symbols.up31_a6 <= 65534)
        linker->defineSymbol("up31_a6", symbols.up31_a6 - 32767);
        linker->defineSymbol("up31_d4", symbols.up31_d4);
#if 0
    printf("relocsize = %d\n", relocsize);
    printf("upx21(d4) = %d\n", symbols.up21_d4);
    printf("upx21(a6) = %d\n", symbols.up21_a6);
    printf("upx31(d4) = %d\n", symbols.up31_d4);
    printf("upx31(a6) = %d\n", symbols.up31_a6);

    linker->defineSymbol("flush_cache_rts_offset", symbols.flush_cache_rts_offset);
    linker->defineSymbol("copy_to_stack_len", symbols.copy_to_stack_len);
    linker->defineSymbol("clear_dirty_stack_len", symbols.clear_dirty_stack_len);


    // write

    // set new file_hdr
    memcpy(&oh, &ih, FH_SIZE);
    if (opt->atari_tos.split_segments)
        oh.fh_text = o_text;
        oh.fh_data = o_data;
        // put everything into the text segment
        oh.fh_text = o_text + o_data;
        oh.fh_data = 0;
    oh.fh_bss = o_bss;
    oh.fh_sym = 0;
    oh.fh_reserved = 0;
    // only keep the following flags:
    oh.fh_flag = ih.fh_flag & (F_FASTLOAD | F_ALTALLOC | F_SMALLTPA | F_ALLOCZERO | F_KEEP);
    // add an empty relocation fixup to workaround a bug in some TOS versions
    oh.fh_reloc = 0;

#if 0 || (TESTING)
    printf("old text: %6d, data: %6d, bss: %6d, reloc: %d, overlay: %d\n",
           i_text, i_data, i_bss, relocsize, overlay);
    printf("new text: %6d, data: %6d, bss: %6d, flag=0x%x\n",
           o_text, o_data, o_bss, (int)oh.fh_flag);

    // prepare loader
    MemBuffer loader(o_text);
    memcpy(loader, getLoader(), o_text);
    patchPackHeader(loader, o_text);

    // write new file header, loader and compressed file
    fo->write(&oh, FH_SIZE);
    fo->write(loader, o_text);  // entry
    if (opt->debug.dump_stub_loader)
        OutputFile::dump(opt->debug.dump_stub_loader, loader, o_text);
    memcpy(obuf + d_off, getLoader() + e_len, d_len); // copy decompressor
    fo->write(obuf, o_data);    // compressed + decompressor

    // write empty relocation fixup
    fo->write("\x00\x00\x00\x00", 4);

    // verify

    // copy the overlay
    copyOverlay(fo, overlay, &obuf);

    // finally check the compression ratio
    if (!checkFinalCompressionRatio(fo))
Ejemplo n.º 3
void PackExe::buildLoader(const Filter *)
    // get flag
    exe_header_t dummy_oh;
    int flag = fillExeHeader(&dummy_oh);

    initLoader(stub_i086_dos16_exe, sizeof(stub_i086_dos16_exe));

    if (M_IS_LZMA(ph.method))
                  opt->small ? "LZMA_DEC10" : "LZMA_DEC20",
                  use_clear_dirty_stack ? "LZMA_DEC31" : "",
                  ph.u_len > 0xffff ? "LZMA_DEC33" : "",

        const unsigned lsize0 = getLoaderSize();

        // Lzma decompression code starts at ss:0x10, and its size is
        // lsize bytes. It also needs getDecompressorWrkmemSize() bytes
        // during uncompression. It also uses some stack, so 0x100
        // more bytes are allocated
        stack_for_lzma = 0x10 + lsize0 + getDecompressorWrkmemSize() + 0x100;
        stack_for_lzma = ALIGN_UP(stack_for_lzma, 16u);

        unsigned clear_dirty_stack_low = 0x10 + lsize0;
        clear_dirty_stack_low = ALIGN_UP(clear_dirty_stack_low, 2u);
        if (use_clear_dirty_stack)
            linker->defineSymbol("clear_dirty_stack_low", clear_dirty_stack_low);

        const unsigned lsize = getLoaderSize();
        assert(lsize0 == lsize);
        MemBuffer loader(lsize);
        memcpy(loader, getLoader(), lsize);

        MemBuffer compressed_lzma;
        unsigned c_len_lzma = MemBuffer::getSizeForCompression(lsize);
        int r = upx_compress(loader, lsize, compressed_lzma, &c_len_lzma,
                             NULL, M_NRV2B_LE16, 9, NULL, NULL);
        assert(r == UPX_E_OK); assert(c_len_lzma < lsize);

        info("lzma+relocator code compressed: %u -> %u", lsize, c_len_lzma);
        // reinit the loader
        initLoader(stub_i086_dos16_exe, sizeof(stub_i086_dos16_exe));
        // prepare loader
        if (device_driver)

        linker->addSection("COMPRESSED_LZMA", compressed_lzma, c_len_lzma, 0);

    else if (device_driver)

              M_IS_LZMA(ph.method) && device_driver ? "LONGSUB" : "SHORTSUB",
              relocsize ? "EXERELPU" : "",
              M_IS_LZMA(ph.method) ? "" : "EXEMAIN4B",
              M_IS_LZMA(ph.method) ? "COMPRESSED_LZMA_START,COMPRESSED_LZMA" : "",
    if (ph.method == M_NRV2B_8)
        addLoader("NRV2B16S",               // decompressor
                  ph.u_len > DI_LIMIT ? "N2B64K01" : "",
                  opt->cpu == opt->CPU_8086 ? "N2BX8601" : "N2B28601",
                  opt->cpu == opt->CPU_8086 ? "N2BX8602" : "N2B28602",
                  ph.c_len > 0xffff ? "N2B64K02" : "",
    else if (ph.method == M_NRV2D_8)
                  ph.u_len > DI_LIMIT ? "N2D64K01" : "",
                  opt->cpu == opt->CPU_8086 ? "N2DX8601" : "N2D28601",
                  opt->cpu == opt->CPU_8086 ? "N2DX8602" : "N2D28602",
                  ph.c_len > 0xffff ? "N2D64K02" : "",
    else if (ph.method == M_NRV2E_8)
                  ph.u_len > DI_LIMIT ? "N2E64K01" : "",
                  opt->cpu == opt->CPU_8086 ? "N2EX8601" : "N2E28601",
                  opt->cpu == opt->CPU_8086 ? "N2EX8602" : "N2E28602",
                  ph.c_len > 0xffff ? "N2E64K02" : "",
    else if M_IS_LZMA(ph.method)
Ejemplo n.º 4
void PackBvmlinuzI386::pack(OutputFile *fo)

    // prepare filter
    Filter ft(ph.level);
    ft.buf_len = (filter_len ? filter_len : (ph.u_len * 3)/5);
    // May 2008: 3/5 is heuristic to cover most .text but avoid non-instructions.
    // Otherwise "call trick" filter cannot find a free marker byte,
    // especially when it searches over tables of data.
    ft.addvalue = 0;  // The destination buffer might be relocated at runtime.

    upx_compress_config_t cconf; cconf.reset();
    // LINUZ001 allows most of low memory as stack for Bvmlinuz
    cconf.conf_lzma.max_num_probs = (0x90000 - 0x10000)>>1; // ushort: 512 KiB stack

    compressWithFilters(&ft, 512, &cconf, getStrategy(ft));

    // align everything to dword boundary - it is easier to handle
    unsigned c_len = ph.c_len;
    memset(obuf + c_len, 0, 4);
    c_len = ALIGN_UP(c_len, 4u);

    const unsigned lsize = getLoaderSize();

    if (M_IS_LZMA(ph.method)) {
        const lzma_compress_result_t *res = &ph.compress_result.result_lzma;
        upx_uint32_t properties = // lc, lp, pb, dummy
            (res->lit_context_bits << 0) |
            (res->lit_pos_bits << 8) |
            (res->pos_bits << 16);
        if (linker->bele->isBE()) // big endian - bswap32
        linker->defineSymbol("lzma_properties", properties);
        // -2 for properties
        linker->defineSymbol("lzma_c_len", ph.c_len - 2);
        linker->defineSymbol("lzma_u_len", ph.u_len);
        unsigned const stack = getDecompressorWrkmemSize();
        linker->defineSymbol("lzma_stack_adjust", 0u - stack);

    const int e_len = getLoaderSectionStart("LZCUTPOI");
    assert(e_len > 0);

    if (0==page_offset) {  // not relocatable kernel
        const unsigned d_len4 = ALIGN_UP(lsize - e_len, 4u);
        const unsigned decompr_pos = ALIGN_UP(ph.u_len + ph.overlap_overhead, 16u);
        const unsigned copy_size = c_len + d_len4;
        const unsigned edi = decompr_pos + d_len4 - 4;          // copy to
        const unsigned esi = ALIGN_UP(c_len + lsize, 4u) - 4;   // copy from

        linker->defineSymbol("decompressor", decompr_pos - bzimage_offset + physical_start);
        linker->defineSymbol("src_for_decompressor", physical_start + decompr_pos - c_len);
        linker->defineSymbol("words_to_copy", copy_size / 4);
        linker->defineSymbol("copy_dest", physical_start + edi);
        linker->defineSymbol("copy_source", bzimage_offset + esi);

    if (0==page_offset) {
        linker->defineSymbol("original_entry", physical_start);
    linker->defineSymbol("stack_offset", stack_offset_during_uncompression);

    MemBuffer loader(lsize);
    memcpy(loader, getLoader(), lsize);
    patchPackHeader(loader, lsize);

    boot_sect_t * const bs = (boot_sect_t *) ((unsigned char *) setup_buf);
    bs->sys_size = (ALIGN_UP(lsize + c_len, 16u) / 16);

    fo->write(setup_buf, setup_buf.getSize());

    unsigned const e_pfx = (0==page_offset) ? 0 : getLoaderSectionStart("LINUZ110");
    if (0!=page_offset) {
        fo->write(loader, e_pfx);
    else {
        fo->write(loader, e_len);
    fo->write(obuf, c_len);
    if (0!=page_offset) {
        fo->write(loader + e_pfx, e_len - e_pfx);
    fo->write(loader + e_len, lsize - e_len);
#if 0
    printf("%-13s: setup        : %8ld bytes\n", getName(), (long) setup_buf.getSize());
    printf("%-13s: entry        : %8ld bytes\n", getName(), (long) e_len);
    printf("%-13s: compressed   : %8ld bytes\n", getName(), (long) c_len);
    printf("%-13s: decompressor : %8ld bytes\n", getName(), (long) (lsize - e_len));

    // verify

    // finally check the compression ratio
    if (!checkFinalCompressionRatio(fo))